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Writing an article in a newspaper, magazine, a website or journal.

Who is the reader? An audience that is not necessarily an expert on the subject.

Title or headline: it must be interesting and informative, so that the reader gets interested.
There may be a sub-title/sub-headline or start with a rhetorical question.

Clearly organized in paragraphs: introduction, main body and conclusion.

First paragraph must introduce the subject discussed in the article.

It usually includes the writer's opinion and often have a persuasive element.

Last paragraph must be a brief summary with the main point of view that the writer wants
to express.


Descriptive language can be used. Examples and anecdotes can be added.

Rethorical questions can be used. The language should be varied and “colourful” to keep
the reader interested.

Register: As we do not know who the reader will be, the register can be formal or
informal. But whatever you chose, be consistent all through the article. Don’t change


Task ISE1 (100-130 words): Write an article for an entertainment magazine about the
cinema. Say if you like going to the cinema, which types of films are better to watch at the
cinema than at home and if you think cinemas are going to be more popular in the future.

Task ISE2 (150-180 words): Write an article for a social magazine about the personal
values of young people. Explain which personal values you think young people consider to
be most important, reporting the views of some young people you know and saying if you
think these personal values will remain the same in adult life.

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