Williams Lake Temporary Homeless Shelter Report

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DATE OF REPORT: December 3, 2020

DATE & TYPE OF MEETING: December 8, 2020 Committee of Whole Council Meeting
AUTHOR: Gary Muraca, CAO; Erick Peterson, Director of Protective
Services; Hasib Nadvi, Director of Development Services;
Brendan Foote, Senior Bylaw Officer
FILE: 5040-02


That Council decline to support the Emergency Housing Response Action Plan in its current form and
that staff be directed to continue to work with the group in developing longer-term solutions.


Members from various Human Services providers attending the Situation Table identified a need to fill a
gap in services for people who have complex co-occurring disorders such as people living homeless on
the street. These members are proposing a temporary shelter consisting of tents, with access to power,
port-a-potties, fire pits, garbage bins and collection, and potentially snow removal.

Background / Discussion

At the November 24th Committee of the Whole Council meeting, Council received a presentation from
Judy Ventry (on behalf of several community groups) advocating for action to be taken to provide
temporary shelters (tents) for homeless people in Williams Lake. At this meeting Council directed staff
to work with these groups to examine options and report back to Council. Attached to this report is a
proposed action plan developed by the proponents.

Members from various Human Service providers are requesting the City’s endorsement and support of
setting up a temporary shelter to house these vulnerable people. They are requesting the City provide
garbage bins and pick-up on this site as well as port-a-potties, fire pits and potentially snowplough
access to the site.

The members are also requesting the City’s endorsement of 1 of the following 5 sites as the proposed
temporary shelter location:
• Glendale School
• Vacant Lot at 3rd Avenue and Maple Street
• The Stampede Grounds
• RC Cotton Site – Hwy 20
• The end of Donald Road (Upper Boitanio Park)
Temporary Homeless Shelter Page 2

As noted in the attached report, homelessness is a significant and complex issue in Williams Lake, and
across the province. The members are basing their action plan on a model that was introduced in
Smithers in April of 2020. A letter from the Smithers Community Services Association outlining the
logistics of the camp is also attached to this report. At Council’s request, City staff have spoken with a
representative from Smithers and this is a summary of the conversation:

The camp originally opened to house 8 of the town’s most vulnerable and was open until only a few
weeks ago. There are no plans to have the shelter open over this winter as almost all the clients have
found more suitable accommodations. The shelter was outside of the outskirts of town. The town of
Smithers found accommodations for 7 of the 8 clients with one client refusing to leave. The one client
that refused services and wanted to stay at the camp recently had a fire in his tent destroying it. The
town of Smithers and local stakeholders are now working with that individual to find more appropriate

Pros: The first 1-2 months appeared to run smoothly with support services and programs being offered.
Clients of the camp were happy to be warm, safe and secure. More permanent housing was able to be
arranged for 7 of the 8 clients.

Cons: Interpersonal issues arose that made the camp difficult for all those that were living there. Guests
visiting the camp created some interpersonal issues as well.

The goal of the action plan is to provide temporary shelter while the weather is cold (potentially until
the end of March). In conversations with the proponents, there is also a longer-term solution that the
proponents are beginning to investigate. However, until a long-term solution is more concrete, there is
a risk that any temporary solution may continue longer than expected.

Following the presentation, the group was asked a series of questions to gain more information on this

Q: What is the Committee’s long-term plan to address a more permanent solution to homelessness in
Williams Lake?

A: Talks are being had between BC Housing and CMHA. BC Housing has the funding potentially along
with funds from FNHA and or City of WL to purchase Stampeder which would be run similar to that of
Season's House Homeless shelter in Quesnel. Funding is through BC Housing, there is also a funding
possibility through CMHC which requires the City of WL attention and needs to be submitted before Dec.
31, 2020 and would provide more than enough to the City to purchase and renovate the Stampeder and
is called "Rapid Housing Initiative".

Staff Comments: While significant efforts have been made to provide long term solutions, given that the
purchase is not finalized, and no formal commitment from the Province to fund/operate the long-term
solution, there is a risk that the project will not materialize.
Temporary Homeless Shelter Page 3

Q: What is the plan for the camp at the end of March if there is no long-term solution in place?

A: The same thing would happen as is what happens at all the current shelters when banned clients are
allowed to stay due to inclement weather, they are told they need to leave and they will continue to live
under bridges, behind buildings, or wherever they can find, but will no longer be at high risk of death due
to extreme cold. The removal of the tent will be done by the same committee who sets them up. No
extensions will be requested at March 31, 2021, but the City also needs to be part of the long-term
solution to find a more appropriate long-term shelter.

Staff Comments: Based on the experience in other communities with camps, staff are uncertain of the
mechanisms in place to ensure the closure of the camp. Other jurisdictions have been required to seek
approval of the courts to have camps removed (regardless of if they were initially approved or not).
There are also potential financial concerns associated with the closure of the camp, especially if it is on
municipal property.

Q: What is the plan if people refuse to leave the camp in March, even if something else is available?

A: If there are available hotel rooms, they would most likely be moved to temporary housing in a hotel.

Staff Comments: Staff are confident that the group will make all efforts to connect individuals with
hotel housing and will have some success. However, as mentioned during the delegation of November
24th, there are concerns that some individuals would not be able to take advantage of temporary hotel
housing due to complex, co-occurring disorders.

Q: Will the Province continue to counsel the individuals and make attempts to get them into more
permanent housing through the winter?

A: The Province is not counselling, but the many organizations will continue wraparound services such as
harm reduction, addiction support, and hopefully access to treatment facilities to which most or all are
requesting and unable to access due to COVID-19, etc.

Staff Comments: Staff is satisfied with this response and the ability of the community groups to provide
wraparound services.

Q: How will we restrict this site so individuals from other communities do not take advantage of this

A: A representative from the Salvation Army has agreed to act as facilitator in determining eligibility and
will need the approval of herself and 2 others to determine whether the citizen is a local (more than 6
months living in WL) and there is already a program that escorts people arriving from other locations out
of the City by way of a bus ticket back home. This will continue to be the policy.

Staff Comments: Staff are confident that the continued efforts of the Salvation Army to facilitate the
policy of “locals only” can be effective. However, staff are concerned about the ability and legality of
any non-profit group being able to enforce the removal of a person from the camp.
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Q: Who will manage the site?

A: An outreach worker with the Canadian Mental Health Association will act as the Project Manager, to
ensure steady rollout of the camp.

Staff Comments: Staff have confidence in the representatives’ ability to manage the site. There are
some concerns that the proposed site will not be a formal supervised facility and would not be
monitored at all hours.

Q: What sort of site safety or monitoring will be conducted on the site?

A: Daily site visits from the various organizations such as Harm Reduction, or IH MH & SU Outreach ICM
team, IH Street Nurses, CMHA Homeless outreach and Salvation Army.

Staff Comments: Staff are confident in the wraparound services that can be provided at the proposed
site (likely in a more efficient manner), but are concerned about the lack of 24 hour security/supervision.

Q: Have there been any proposed sites located outside of City limits?

A: I feel that putting them outside of the City is only going to cause them to end up sleeping in the City
streets again, because they need to carry their groceries etc. and access the free meals at the Salvation
Army and Cariboo Friendship Society.

Staff Comments: Staff concur that sites on the outskirts of the City are not convenient and accessible for
clients using services in the City core. However, there may be options to mitigate the access issues with
the establishment of a “handi-dart” like bus service. There would likely be an additional cost associated
with any transportation connection services to a more distanced site.

City staff also asked the group to provide an analysis of the proposed sites for the camp and detail the
pros and cons of each site:

Locations Pros/ Cons Pros Cons

RC Cotton Site - out of sight from highway - Close to Suncor/ business

- not near residential - wind chill may be more than in
neighbourhoods other location
- accessible road for RCMP/ - possible difficulty moving
Ambulance (road plowed by people along
support of City) & Salvation
Army Food truck
- walkable distance for

Staff Comments - Site is removed from any residential area, while still being
close enough for clients to access services.
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- A significant investment has been made by the City at this

site for the development of a recreation space/trails. It is a
popular recreation area and well used by the public.
- Private property.

Stampede Grounds Parking lot - parking lot is easily accessible - security will need to be hired
(not in the actual grounds) to RCMP/ Ambulance/ Salvation to protect the stampede
Army Food Truck. stadium building, etc.
- easier to dismantle location
and privately owned to move
individuals along successfully.
Staff Comments - Site is removed from any residential area, while still being
close enough for clients to access services.
- Close proximity to other (temporary) shelter services (i.e.
the recently approved emergency shelter space at the
- Municipal property, but notification/consultation would be
required with multiple lease holders at the site.

Glendale School - large field to camp - security will need to be hired

- outskirts of town to protect the school.
- easily accessible to RCMP/ - near Glendale neighbourhood,
Ambulance/ Salvation Army not supportive to people
Food Truck. struggling with substance use.
- far from services
- close to mill/businesses
Staff Comments - Would likely require transportation options.
- In close proximity to, but not abutting, residential
- Approval of School District would be required.

End of Donald Road (upper - easily accessible to RCMP/ - Close to residential

Boitanio Park) Ambulance/ Salvation Army neighbourhood on Carson/
Food Truck. Boitanio Apartments.
- meets people where they are
- tents already in this
area/expected here and not
visible from highway
- central location near services

Staff Comments - Highly visible location in the centre of the City.

- Close to residential neighbourhood.
- Seasonal fire concerns in the area.
- Municipal property

3rd & Maple - easily accessible to RCMP/ - close to neighbourhood and

Ambulance/ Salvation Army family/social housing.
Food Truck.
Temporary Homeless Shelter Page 6

-close to Glendale, not

supportive to people struggling
with substance use.
Staff Comments - Abutting residential neighbourhood
- Would likely require transportation options
- Municipal property

Recognizing that homelessness is an issue in our community, City staff acknowledge the need for a
project that provides housing in principle, but with the caveat that a long-term, guaranteed plan be in
place prior to implementation. Concerns remain, even with the attached action plan from the providers,
regarding endorsing a temporary solution without a long-term plan in place.

Staff are still concerned with the reality that some of the individuals addressed by the Action Plan can
not be housed at any time or place. From discussions with the providers, they are not permitted in any
of the current shelter facilities for a variety of reasons, including drug use, aggressiveness, etc.

The Action Plan provided is well thought out and staff recognize the significant efforts of the group in
putting it together. Staff remain concerned that the plan’s implementation is ambitious and will likely
be hard to enforce. Experiences in other jurisdictions are a good indication of what could be an
expected outcome here.

Based on the proposal received and further staff analysis, staff cannot recommend the proposal in its
current form, without a concrete, longer term solution in place. It is recommended that City staff
continue to work with this group toward long-term solutions to address homelessness in the
community. City staff also recommend lobbying higher levels of government to commit to providing
longer-term, more permanent solutions to homelessness and housing shortages in the City of Williams
Lake and area.

Financial Considerations (Cost and Resource Allocation)

☒ Yes – Costs for garbage bins and pick-up, port-a-potties and potentially snow clearing.
☐ N/A
Legislative Considerations (Applicable Policies and/or Bylaws)

☒ Yes – There is a significant body of case law on the homelessness issue in BC. Further
information in this regard may be provided, subject to Council’s further direction to staff.
☐ N/A
Temporary Homeless Shelter Page 7

This project aligns with the following Strategic Priority Areas:

☐ Resilient and Diversified Economy

☒ Strong Community Relationships
☐ Financial Stability and Sound Asset Management
☒ Positive Community Image
☐ Healthy and Inclusive Workplace
☐ Other
Other Implications (Environmental/Social/Economic)

☐ Yes (explain)
☒ N/A – See discussion section above.
This report has been prepared in consultation with:

Corporate Officer

Approved for Agenda by:

CAO, Gary Muraca

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Muraca Erick Peterson Hasib Nadvi Brendan Foote

CAO Director of Prot. Services Director of Planning and Dev. Sn. Bylaw Officer

Attachment A – Emergency Housing Response Action Plan, including RCMP letter, and Smithers
Community Services Association letter
Attachment B – Letter to Council from the several community groups
Attachment C – Letter of support from the Boys and Girls Club of Williams Lake

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