Experiment No.1 Objective

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Experiment No.

To study the Working of Hydraulic Bench.

Hydraulic Bench:
Hydraulic bench is a very useful apparatus in hydraulics and fluid mechanics it is involved in
majority of experiments to be conducted e.g. to find the value of co efficient of velocity ‘Cv’,
coefficient of discharge ‘Cd’ and contraction ‘C’ to study the characteristics of flow over
notches, to find met centric height, in finding head losses through pipes, verification of
Bernoulli’s theorem etc.
The Bench has a closed water circulating system to facilitate mobility. Water is stored in an
enclosed tank at the bottom of the bench then pumped up to the experimental setup situated on
top of the bench from which water flows into the upper tank. The upper tank has a drain
controlled by a plug to collect and gauge the water in the upper tank after which water is drained
to the bottom tank. The volume of water collected in the upper tank (in liters) can be measured
using the graduated scale fixed at the side of the Hydraulics Bench. The switch of the water
pump and the control valve that regulates the amount of water that flows to the experimental
setup are at the front side of the Hydraulic Bench. Hydraulic bench is a very useful apparatus in
hydraulics and fluid mechanics. It is involved in majority of experiments to be conducted.
Discharge/flow rate of water can be measured experimentally. Provides continues flow of water.
Various apparatus can be placed over it.

Parts of Hydraulic
1) Centrifugal Pump:
It draws water from sump tank and supplies it for performing experiments.
2) Sump Tank:
It stores water for Hydraulic bench. It is located in the bottom portion of Hydraulic bench. Water
from here is transported to other parts by using a pump. It has a capacity of 160 liters.
3) Vertical Pipe:
It supplies water to the upper part of hydraulic bench from sump tank through a pump.
4) Control Valve:
It is used to regulate the flow in the pipe i.e. to increase or decrease the inflow of water in the
hydraulic bench.
5) Connector:
With the help of this we can attach accessories with the hydraulic bench. Special purpose
terminations may be connected to the pump supply by unscrewing connecter, no hand tools are
required for doing so. It is located in the channel.
6) Channel:
It is used in number of experiments. It provides passage for water for different experiments.
7) Drain Valve:
It is used for emptying sump tank.
8) Side Channels:
They are the upper sides of the channel. They are used to attach accessories on test.
9) Volumetric Tank:
It stores water coming from channel. This tank is stepped to accommodate low or high flow
rates. It has a capacity of 60 lits.
10) Stilling Baffle:
It decreases the turbulence of water coming from channel. It is located in the volumetric tank.
11) Scale and Tapping:
A sight tube and scale is connected to a tapping in the base of the volumetric tank and gives an
instantaneous indication of water level.

12) Dump Valve:

It is used for emptying volumetric tank. It is located in the bottom of the volumetric tank.
13) Actuator:
Dump valve is operated by a remote actuator, lifting actuator opens the dump valve, when it is
given a turn of 90’ it will turn the dump valve in the open position.
14) Overflow:
It is an opening in the upper portion of the volumetric tank. It sends the water level above 46 lits
to the sump tank.
15) Measuring cylinder:
A measuring cylinder is provided for measuring of very small flow rate. The cylinder is stored in
the compartment housing the pump.
16) Starter:
It on / off the hydraulic bench.

Operating Procedures:
General Start-up Procedures:
1. Ensure that the Hydraulic Bench is placed on a level ground and lock the wheels.
2. Fill water into the sump tank of the Hydraulic Bench until approximately 90% full.
3. Connect the water supply from Hydraulic Bench to any Fluid Mechanics. Equipment
Series using appropriate connector and hose. Then, fasten the hose with hose clip.
4. Connect a drain hose to the testing equipment and direct into the volumetric tank.
5. Connect the Hydraulic Bench to the nearest single phase power supply and switch on the
main power supply.
6. Fully close the flow control valve then switch on the main switch to run the centrifugal
7. Gradually open the flow control valve and allow the piping to fill with water until all air
has been expelled from the system.
General Shut-down Procedures:
1. Switch off the main switch to stop the pump.
2. Then fully close the flow control valve.
3. Switch off the main power supply.
4. Retain the water for next use.

General Functions:
The Hydraulic Bench serves as a reservoir of water with a pump to supply the testing equipment
with a controlled water flow rate. It also provides a method of determining the volumetric flow
rate of water in experiments.

Determining Volumetric Flow rate using Hydraulic Bench:

The service module incorporates a moulded volumetric measuring tank which is stepped to
accommodate low or high flow rates.
A remote sight gauge, consisting of a sight tube and scale, is connected to a tapping in the base
of the tank and gives an instantaneous indication of water level. The scale is divided into two
zones corresponding to the volume above and below the step in the tank. A dump valve is in the
base of the volumetric tank. In operation, the volumetric tank is emptied by allowing the
entrained water to return to the sump. When test conditions have stabilized, retain the water in
the tank.
Timings are taken as the water level rises in the tank. Low flow rates are monitored on the lower
portion of the scale corresponding to the small volume beneath the step. Larger flow rates are
monitored on the upper scale corresponding to the main tank.
When extremely small volumetric flow rates are to be measured, the measuring cylinder should
be used rather than the volumetric tank. When using the measuring cylinder, diversion of the
flow to and from the cylinder should be synchronized as closely as possible with the starting and
stopping of a watch.

Maintenance and Safety Precautions:

1. It is important to drain all water from the tank when not in use.
2. Do not place any heavy object on the hydraulic bench.
3. Clean and wipe the bench with damp cloth after each laboratory session.
4. Always wear protective clothing, shoes, helmet and goggles throughout the laboratory
5. Always run the experiment after fully understand the unit and procedures.


Q = V/T = 5/29.21 = .1711/1000 = .0001711 m3/s

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