Drug SE Tables

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Drug Side-effect

Amoxicillin Rash with infectious mononucleosis

Co-amoxiclav Cholestasis
Flucloxacillin Cholestasis (usually develops several weeks after use)
Erythromycin Gastrointestinal upset
Prolongs QT interval
Ciprofloxacin Lowers seizure threshold
Metronidazole Reaction following alcohol ingestion
Doxycycline Photosensitivity
Trimethoprim Rashes, including photosensitivity
Suppression of haematopoiesis

Drug Side-effect
ACE inhibitors Cough Hyperkalaemia
Bendroflumethiazide Gout Hypokalaemia Hyponatraemia Impaired OGT
Doxazosin Postural hypotension
Drug Most common side effects
Rifampicin Orange bodily fluids, rash, hepatotoxicity, drug
Isoniazid Peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, hepatotoxicity
Pyrazinamide Arthralgia, gout, hepatotoxicity, nausea
Ethambutol Optic neuritis, rash
Drug Side-effect
Calcium channel blockers Headache Flushing Ankle oedema sleep disturbances
Verapamil also commonly causes constipation
Beta-blockers Bronchospasm Fatigue Cold peripheries disturbances
Nitrates Headache Postural hypotension Tachycardia
Nicorandil Headache Flushing Anal ulceration

Drugs Mechanism of action Adverse effects

Statins HMG CoA reductase inhibitors Myositis, deranged LFTs
Ezetimibe Decreases cholesterol absorption in Headache
the small intestine
Nicotinic acid Decreases hepatic VLDL secretion Flushing, myositis
Fibrates Agonist of PPAR-alpha therefore Myositis, pruritus, cholestasis
increases lipoprotein lipase
Cholestyramine Decreases bile acid reabsorption in GI side-effects
the small intestine, upregulating the
amount of cholesterol that is
converted to bile acid

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