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Lesson Plan Format 1

Name Kelsie Hutton Content or Math Today’s March 9th, 2020

Subject: Date
Week of April 27th 1st Grade No. of 15 students
Date to be Taught: Grade
The central focus will be that The lesson focus will be 1 of 4
two digits of a two-digit identifying the place value
number represent amounts of of the ones and tens place
tens and ones, that 10 can be in two-digit numbers.
thought of as a bundle of ten
ones, and that the numbers
Central Focus of
from 11 to 19 are composed of
Learning Segment Lesson Lesson ___
or Unit of a ten and one, two, three, four, Focus of ___
Instruction five, six, seven, eight, or nine
ones; and the numbers 10, 20,
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer
to one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, or nine tens
(and 0 ones).

This lesson is 1 of 4, therefore it will introduce most of the knowledge of the specific math standard. The students can add
and subtract within 20, they have worked with addition and subtraction equations, and can count to 120 starting at any
number less than 120. They are also familiar with reading/writing numerals and representing a number of objects with a
Connection to Prior written number. The students have not been introduced to the concept that two-digit numbers represent amounts of tens and
Learning or ones or that in special cases 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones. The students have had experience watching
Previous Lesson informational videos related to the content, completing exit slips, using anchor charts, using manipulatives, working
independently, and in small groups. In addition, the students have had many opportunities to engage in whole-class and
small group conversation using academic vocabulary.

The teacher candidate had a conference with the resource teacher discussing the student’s abilities of previous math skills.
After reviewing anecdotal notes and/or observations conducted by the resource teacher, the teacher candidate was able to
conclude that students were ready to move on to a new math skill. A pre-assessment will be completed prior to this lesson to
Data Used to Inform
collect data on each of the student’s knowledge of two-digit numbers representing amounts of tens and ones and will be the
same assessment used as a summative assessment at the end of the unit to determine student growth.
Lesson Plan Format 1

Formative or
Learning objectives stated How will Feedback be Provided
Content Standard Summative Assessment
behaviorally including criteria to Students
Given ten two-digit numbers 1.NBT.2: Understand that the Formative Assessment: TTW use a checklist to score the
during a Kahoot activity, TSW two digits of a two-digit TSW participate in a students results of the Kahoot
identify the ones and tens place number represent amounts of Kahoot activity as activity. TTW then use the
of two-digit numbers showing tens and ones. Understand the they are presented checklist to provide results on a
Alignment of following as special cases: 10 with ten two-digit
an 80% of accuracy. child-friendly rubric that will be
Learning Objectives, can be thought of as a bundle of numbers and asked to returned to the students in their
Content Standards, ten ones — called a “ten;” the
identify the ones and math folder the next day.
and Related numbers from 11 to 19 are
composed of a ten and one, two, tens. TTW use a check
three, four, five, six, seven, to document what
eight, or nine ones; and the students successfully
numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, met this objective.
70, 80, 90 refer to one, two,
three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones).

Academic Language Academic Learning objective Formative or

How will Feedback be Provided
Objective stated behaviorally including Content Standard Summative Assessment
to the Students
criteria Strategy
By participating in a group 1.NBT.2: Understand that the Formative Assessment: TSW be provided with authentic
activity, TSW correctly apply two digits of a two-digit TSW participate in a verbal feedback and positive
academic language when number represent amounts of group activity that praise throughout the small
working in their small groups tens and ones. Understand the requires them to identify group activity.
following as special cases: 10 the ones and tens place.
to identify the ones and tens
can be thought of as a bundle of TTW walk around
place of two-digit numbers. ten ones — called a “ten;” the during the group activity
numbers from 11 to 19 are and take anecdotal notes
composed of a ten and one, two, that document each of
three, four, five, six, seven, the student’s
eight, or nine ones; and the participation and
numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, understanding of the
70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, academic vocabulary.
three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones).

Description of Previously Taught:

Academic Language
Lesson Plan Format 1

Digit- Number
Compose- putting the digits together

Demands Introduced in this Lesson:

Place Value- the value of a digit depending on its place in a number(ones and tens).

Teacher Resources: Smart Board, Whiteboard, Anchor Chart, Markers, Coloring of Place Value: Ones and Tens Activity Paper,
Spin and Compose Activity, Cut and Paste Activity Paper.

Student Resources: iPads, Coloring of Place Value: Ones and Tens Activity Paper, Spin and Compose Activity, Cut and Paste
Resources and Activity Paper, Glue, Scissors, Whiteboard, Dry Erase Marker, and Crayons.
Materials Required
Visual Timer:

Accommodations for There are no students within the classroom who have an IEP or 504 Plan. Accommodations for struggling learners and all students will
IEP/504 Students be shown throughout the differentiation section.
ISTE Standard: 3a: Students use technology to learn how to plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other
resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
Candidate and/or TSW use the iPads to participate in the Kahoot game.
Student Use of
TTW use the Smart Board to display the Coloring of Place Value: Ones and Tens Activity Paper and the Cut and Paste Activity Paper.
Technology TTW use the Smart Board to display the visual timer.
TTW use the Smart Board to display the lesson objectives.
TTW use the Smart Board to implement the Kahoot formative assessment:
Lesson Hook, TTW introduce this lesson by stating: “Today we are discussing place value of the ones and tens place. Earlier, we discussed common
Motivation, and/or goals in other content areas. For this math lesson, our common goal for all of us is to be able to identify the place value of the ones and
Instant Activity tens place in two-digit numbers. Who is ready to learn? Give me a thumbs up if you are.”
Lesson Plan Format 1

Process/Instructional Strategies/Learning
Content Information Tasks/Planned Supports (including academic Targeted Differentiation Product
language supports)
Vocabulary: 1. First, TTW state: “Boys and girls, please Process: The anchor chart will be
The students will be transition to the large area rug and sit in your implemented as a visual support for
taught the following assigned seats.” Once the students are all in their struggling students and all learners.
vocabulary word. assigned seats the teacher will get out the place
Place Value- the value value anchor chart. TTW begin this lesson by Environment: The students will have the
of a digit depending on option to sit in flexible seating during this time.
introducing the place value of two-digit numbers.
its place in a number.
To do this, TTW write the definition of place value
Content: on the anchor chart and state “place value is the
The students will be value of a digit based on it’s place in a number. Can
taught the place value of you whisper that to your turn and talk partner?”
the ones and tens place. After the students whisper the vocabulary word and
definition to their turn and talk partner, TTW say,
“Now, lets learn the place value of two-digit
numbers.” TTW write a two-digit number on the
anchor chart in a place value boxes of the ones and
tens place. TTW then go over the ones and tens
place of a two-digit number with the students.
2. Once the teacher has explained the place value of
two-digit numbers, TTW write three more examples
using place value boxes and ask the students to
whisper yell if it’s the ones or tens place as the
teacher points to a digit.” TTW then direct the
students to go back to their table groups by singing,
“let’s all go to our…” TSW sing seats as they
Content: 3. Once the students are back in their seats, TTW Process: TTW provide the students with 3. Product: TTW collect the
The students will hand out the coloring of place value: ones and tens modeling of the activity to support struggling coloring of place value: ones and
engage in activities activity paper. This activity will be displayed on the learners and all students. tens activity paper.
requiring them to smart board. TTW begin modeling and explaining
identify the ones and this activity by saying, “You will need your crayons
tens place using for this activity. We will do the first problem
crayons. together.” TTW color in the digit in the ones place Process: Struggling learners will be provided
purple and the digit in the tens place yellow as the with more support and guidance from the
first problem directed. TTW then say, “you will do classroom teacher during independent work
the rest of this activity on your own. I will be time.
walking around to help anyone who needs it. Once
you are done, flip over your paper and I will check
Lesson Plan Format 1

your work. If I put a star the top of your page, you Content: Early finishers will have the
will get a second coloring of place value: ones and opportunity to have additional practice.
tens activity paper. You will be given 7 minutes to
complete this activity. Go ahead and begin.”
Vocabulary: 4. Once the students have completed their coloring
Compose- putting the of place value: ones and tens activity paper, TSW
digits together. put them into groups of three. The color-coded
groups will be displayed on the smart board as the
teacher states “For this next activity you will be in
groups of three. You will go to the table that has the
same color bin as your group color. Once there wait
for my instructions.” TTW already have colored
bins with materials in the middle of the tables. After
the students transition to their colored-coded
groups, TTW model and explain the spin and
compose activity by saying, “For this activity you
will be composing two digits to create a two-digit
number. Now, we already know what compose
means but can anyone tell me? TTW wait for a
student response and then say, “yes, compose
means putting the digits together. Awesome job.”
TTW then model one example problem and provide
time for any questions.
Content: 5. TTW then say, “You will be taking turns during Process: This will give struggling learners and
The students will this activity. You are in groups of three, so one all students a chance to discuss the math
engage in activities person will be the spinner, one person will be the content, providing further understanding of the
requiring them to writer, and one person will be the observer to make content through interaction.
identify the ones and sure that the person writing wrote the correct digit
Process: The visual timer will be implemented
tens place using a in the ones and tens place. After each problem you to keep struggling learners and all students on
spinner and by will switch jobs. Everybody will get a turn. I will be track.
composing two digits. walking around to help groups. You will be given 8-
10 minutes for this activity. A visual timer will be
on the smart board. Go ahead and begin playing the
spin and compose activity.
Content: 6. After, the 8-10 minutes is up TTW ask the Process: The visual timer will be implemented 6. Product: TTW collect the cut
The students will students to transition to their regular seats. TTW to keep struggling learners and all students on and paste activity paper.
engage in activities then, explain the next activity. TSW be given the track.
requiring them to cut and paste activity paper. TTW display this
identify the ones and activity on the smart board and explain the task by Process: The hands-on activities will be used
as a support for struggling learners and all
tens place by cutting stating: “For this activity you will identify the place
Lesson Plan Format 1

and pasting the value of the underlined number. You will be given a Content: The whiteboard and dry and erase
activity cards. whiteboard and a dry erase marker to draw place markers will be used as a visual support and
value boxes for the ones and tens place to help you, strategy for struggling learners along with all
but you will do this activity on your own. After you students.
have decided if the number is in the ones or tens
Content: Early finishers will have the
place you will cut out the “ones” or “tens” card and opportunity to have additional practice.
glue it in its designated place beside the two-digit
number. If you finish early, I will provide you with Process: Struggling learners will be provided
an additional ones and tens place activity which I with more support and guidance from the
will explain as I hand it to you. You will be given 8- classroom teacher during independent work
10 minutes to complete this activity. I will be time.
walking around to help.”
7. After the students complete this activity, TTW go
over it as a class. TTW pull name sticks out of a jar
and have the selected students come up to the smart
board to drag and drop the “ones” and “tens” card to
the underlined number.
8. Once the cut and paste activity paper is reviewed Process: The whole group review will be used
as a whole class, TTW ask the students to turn in all to clear up any misunderstandings and support
their activities in their bins and one person from the struggling learners and all students with
each group to get the iPads. additional practice.
9. After each group has the iPads and the students 9. Product: TTW collect the
are seated, TTW explain that they are going to end digital results of the Kahoot game.
the lesson with a Kahoot game on their iPads. The
students will answer 10 questions regarding the
ones and tens place. Each question will be displayed
on the smart board.
10. After the Kahoot game is conducted, TTW ask
the students to put away their iPads and come back
to their seats.
For students it is essential to have many opportunities to be engaged in various tasks when learning math content. The tasks should
support their comprehension and provide multiple experiences for them practice before they are expected to master the content. In this
Connection to
lesson, students will be engaged in a variety of tasks including a coloring activity, cutting and pasting activity, a spin and compose
activity, and a Kahoot game that will be implemented as a formative assessment. The purpose of including a variety of hands-on
experiences is to encourage each student’s understanding and provide them with a variety of methods to learn ( Lynch, 2019).
The lesson will end as the teacher provides the students with the positive praise, reviews what the students have learned and will be
learning the next day. This will be done as the teacher says, “you all did an awesome job and we reached our common goal of learning
Lesson Closure
the ones and tens place. I am so proud of you. Today, we learned the place value of the ones and tens place. Tomorrow we will be
learning more about the place value of two-digit numbers. Thank you for working so hard today. ”
Lesson Plan Format 1


Lynch , M. (2019, June 5). 5 Essential Components of an Effective and Engaging Mathematics Learning Experience. Retrieved April 16, 2020, from

Timers, C. (n.d.). Online-Stopwatch. Retrieved February 13, 2020, from

Welcome back to Kahoot! for schools. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2020, from

Van De Walle, J., Karp, K.S., & Bay Williams J.M.(2019, February 24). 3 Super Tips for Teaching Place Value. Retrieved April 16, 2020, from

[A Place Value Song for Kids]. (Mar 20, 2014). [Video File]. Retrieved from
Lesson Plan Format 1

Coloring of Place Value: One and Tens for Early Finishers

Lesson Plan Format 1

Spin and Compose Activity

Color Coded Groups for Group Actvity

Lesson Plan Format 1

Ten Questions on the Kahoot Game.

Lesson Plan Format 1

Cut and Paste Actvity Pre-Assessment

Lesson Plan Format 1

Teacher Checklist

Child-Friendly Rubric
Lesson Plan Format 1

Name Kelsie Hutton Content or Math Today’s March 9th, 2020

Subject: Date
Week of April 27th 1st Grade No. of 15 students
Date to be Taught: Grade
The central focus will be that The lesson focus will be the 2 of 4
two digits of a two-digit use of base ten blocks to
number represent amounts of identify that tens can be
tens and ones, that 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten
ones called a “ten” and
thought of as a bundle of ten
demonstrate knowledge of
ones, and that the numbers
Central Focus of the numbers 11 to 19 are
from 11 to 19 are composed of composed of a ten and one,
Learning Segment Lesson Lesson ___
or Unit of a ten and one, two, three, four, Focus two, three, four, five, six, of ___
Instruction five, six, seven, eight, or nine seven, eight, and nine ones.
ones; and the numbers 10, 20,
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer
to one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, or nine tens
(and 0 ones).

Recently, the students have been learning new math content. In the previous lesson students were introduced to the place
value of two-digit numbers; the ones and tens place. Students participated in multiple hands-on activities that required them
Connection to Prior to identify the ones and tens place of two-digit numbers. Students have had and will continue having many opportunities to
Learning or build upon their learning of place value, watch informational videos related to the content, complete exit slips, use anchor
Previous Lesson charts, use manipulatives, work independently and in small groups. In addition, the students have had and will continue
having many opportunities to engage in whole-class and small group conversation using academic vocabulary.

Data Used to Inform The teacher candidate used anecdotal notes, student work, and checklist to guide instruction for this lesson. In the previous
Instruction lesson, students were required to learn the ones and tens place in a two-digit number. A formative assessment was
implemented using a Kahoot game, which the students were expected to complete with an 80% of accuracy. The students
were also required to participate in group activities using academic language correctly to demonstrate comprehension of the
content. The teacher candidate used the data collected from the formative assessments implemented to determine if the
students were ready to continue learning the math content. Based on the findings, the students are ready to continue
engaging in activities as they learn more about the place value of two-digit numbers. At the end of this lesson, more student
work will be collected to guide instruction for the next lesson.
Lesson Plan Format 1

Formative or
Learning objectives stated How will Feedback be Provided
Content Standard Summative Assessment
behaviorally including criteria to Students
Given 9 two-digit numbers 1.NBT.2: Understand that Formative Assessment: TTW grade the exit slips and
presented in base ten blocks, TSW the two digits of a two-digit TSW complete an exit return them the next day in the
identify what two-digit number is number represent amounts of slip activity that student’s math folder with
being represented by coloring the tens and ones. Understand requires them to written feedback and
picture to match demonstrating a match nine two-digit
the following as special clarification of anything that was
78% of accuracy.
cases: 10 can be thought of numbers to the correct missed.
Alignment of as a bundle of ten ones — base ten block picture.
Learning Objectives, called a “ten;” the numbers Once completed,
Content Standards, from 11 to 19 are composed TTW collect and
and Related of a ten and one, two, three, grade their work.
four, five, six, seven, eight,
or nine ones; and the
numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one,
two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, or nine tens
(and 0 ones).

Academic Language Academic Learning objective Formative or

How will Feedback be Provided
Objective stated behaviorally including Content Standard Summative Assessment
to the Students
criteria Strategy
By participating in small group 1.NBT.2: Understand that the Formative Assessment: TSW be provided with authentic
work, TSW apply academic two digits of a two-digit number TSW participate in the verbal feedback and positive
language to correctly identify the represent amounts of tens and small group work. TTW praise throughout the class
two-digit number presented on the ones. Understand the following as take anecdotal notes that
special cases: 10 can be thought of
activity card and build it using document which
base ten blocks. as a bundle of ten ones — called a students are
“ten;” the numbers from 11 to 19
participating and
are composed of a ten and one,
two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, or nine ones; and the understating of the
numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, content.
80, 90 refer to one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine
Lesson Plan Format 1

tens (and 0 ones).

Previously Taught and Continuing with this Lesson:

Place Value- the value of a digit depending on its place in a number (ones and tens).
Description of
Academic Language Introducing in this Lesson:
Demands A “ten”- a bundle of ten ones

Teacher Resources: Smart board, Anchor Chart Elmo Projector, Linking Cubes, Base Ten Blocks, and Markers.

Student Resources: Linking Cubes, Base Ten blocks, Crayons, Build It Activity, Count and Clip It Activity, Exit Slip
Resources and
Materials Required YouTube Video:

Accommodations for There are no students within the classroom who have an IEP or 504 Plan. Accommodations for struggling learners and all
IEP/504 Students students will be shown throughout the differentiation section.
ISTE Standard: 3a: Students use technology to learn how to plan and employ effective research strategies to locate
information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
Candidate and/or
Student Use of
Technology TTW use the Smart Board/ELMO to display the Build It Activity and the Clip It Activity.
TTW use the Smart Board to implement an informational YouTube Video and Song for the mini lessons on the content:
TTW introduce this lesson by standing at the front of the room and stating, “Yesterday we learned about the place value of
the ones and tens place.” TTW be holding 11 linking cubes. TTW use the ELMO to demonstrate what is being done with the
cubes. TTW then say can anyone tell me how many cubes are here? TTW wait for a student response, and then say “yes,
Lesson Hook, there are 11 linking cubes. What happens if I put them into a group of 10? TTW pause and then say, “I would only have one
Motivation, and/or left. Today, our common goal is for all us to learn that tens can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones called a “ten”” The
Instant Activity teacher will point to the bundle of ten ones presented using the ELMO. TTW then state, “ our other common goal is to
demonstrate knowledge of the numbers 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and
nine ones.” TTW then point to the one presented using the ELMO. TTW then say, “Who is ready to learn? Give me a
thumbs up if you are.”
Lesson Plan Format 1

Process/Instructional Strategies/Learning
Content Information Tasks/Planned Supports (including academic Targeted Differentiation Product
language supports)
Vocabulary: 1. TTW begin the lesson by asking a member from Process: The vocabulary word will be
The teacher will review each group to go get the math linking cubes. As the displayed on the anchor chart with a visual
the following students are getting the materials, TTW get the picture to match to support struggling
vocabulary word: place value song ready to play. Once the students learners and all students.
Place Value- the value are seated TTW say, “We are gong to listen to a
of a digit depending on place value song. First, can anyone tell me the Process: The short review of the content
its place in a number learned on the previous day will support
definition of place value?” TTW have the anchor
(ones and tens).
chart out for the students to reference. After a struggling learners and all students to build
student responds TTW say, “yes, place value is the off what they already know when learning
value of a digit depending on its place in a the new information presented in this
number. What place values did we learn about lesson.
yesterday? TTW provide wait time for a student
to respond. TTW then say, “yes, we learned
about the ones and tens place.” TTW then point
to both the ones and tens place on the anchor
chart as the students are asked to whisper yell
the place value.
2. TTW then state: “Before using the linking cubes I Process: Visuals will be provided using
want you all to hear the place value song and watch the informational song to support and
the video. It will prepare you for what we are going guide comprehension for struggling
to do. The video goes through the song two times. If learners and all students.
you want to sing along the second time through, you
Vocabulary: 3. After, the place value song is played the teacher Content: Struggling learners and all
The teacher will review will introduce the first linking cubes activity. This learners will be provided with hands-on
the following will be done as the teacher says, “the next activity is materials to support comprehension.
vocabulary word: called build it, we are going to be building the two-
A “ten”- a bundle of digit numbers based on the mat we pull from the Process: Struggling learners and all
ten ones deck. We will be doing this as a group activity, and students will be provided with guidance
Content: I will be walking around checking your mats.” and visual support as the class works
The students will learn TTW then pass out the two-digit number mats. The together.
that numbers 11 to 19 two-digit number mats will also be presented on the
are composed of a ten ELMO. The teacher will model the activity using
and one, two, three,
the numbers 11-19 while explaining that a “ten” is a
four, five, six, seven,
bundle of ten ones and that numbers 11 to 19 are
eight, and nine ones. composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five,
Lesson Plan Format 1

six, seven, eight, and nine ones.

Content: 4. After modeling the build it activity, TTW then Process: Modeling of the activity will be
The students will learn ask the students to build the numbers by implemented to support struggling learners
how to build two-digit themselves. For example, TTW display a random and all students.
numbers identifying the number pulled from the number mat deck (11-19),
place value while using TSW find that number mat in their deck and then Process: The teacher will provide extra
linking cubes. they will be given time to build the two-digit support and guidance for struggling leaners
number while the teacher walks around helping. while walking around.
Then once all the students have built the number,
TTW model it on the ELMO. This will be done for
numbers 11-19.
5. After the students complete the building of
numbers 11-19 using linking cubes, TTW ask the
students to have one group member put away the
linking cubes for now. As the students are putting
away the linking cubes, TTW pass out the count
and clip activity. Each student will get a deck of 9
activity cards (numbers 11-19) and one clothespin.
Once all the students are back in their seats TTW
explain the activity. This will be done by the teacher
saying “We are going to do this activity as a whole
class. I will display the activity cards on the ELMO,
you will use your clothespin to tell me how many
tens and ones the linking cubes represent. Once you
have picked your answer, you can hold it up in the
air. After everyone has their activity card up in the
air, we will go over the answers together.
Content: 6. After the count and clip activity is complete, Process: This small group work will
The students will TTW collect the materials. TTW then put the provide struggling learners and all students
engage in an activity students into their color-coded groups to complete a chance to discuss the facts, providing
using base ten blocks to the next activity. TTW explain this activity by further understanding of the content
identify the place value
modeling it and stating: “For this activity you will through interaction.
in two-digit numbers.
be in groups of three. You will pull a card from the
deck and see what number it is, you will all build Content: Hands-on materials will be used
the number using base ten blocks. Before pulling to support struggling learners and all
the next card make sure everyone has the correct students.
answer. The answer is on the back of the card.
During this time, I will be walking around to help.
You will be given 10 minutes to work in your
Lesson Plan Format 1

7. After the students complete the base ten blocks

activity, TTW ask the students to clean up their
materials and transition back to their assigned seats
but to leave the base ten blocks bin on their tables.
8. TTW explain that they will be finishing the
lesson with an exit slip. TTW state: “Now that we
have practiced and understand that tens can be
thought of as a bundle of ten ones called a? TTW
wait for a whole class response of “ten”. After the
students provide an answer, TTW say, “and that
numbers 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one,
two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine…?
TTW wait for a whole class response of “ones”.
After the class responds, TTW hand out the exit slip
10. TTW direct the students to get their crayons Content: The manipulatives will be used 10. Product: The students will
and/or colored pencils out of their pencil box to support struggling learners and all complete the exit slip that will be
because they will need them. TTW then explain that students who need them. collected by the teacher.
they will be completing an activity that requires
them to count the number of base ten blocks and
then to color the number to match. They will be
allowed to use the base ten block manipulates
support. The students will be given 10-12 minutes
to complete this activity. Early finishers will be
given a ones and tens puzzle to complete.
Research shows that students who are provided with hands-on experiences have a greater chance of learning the content,
Connection to especially when learning math content. In this lesson, students will be provided with many opportunities to engage in hands-
Research/Theory on experiences and using manipulatives. The purpose of implementing various tasks that provide hands-on experiences is to
support the needs of all students within the classroom. (Shaw, 2002).
The lesson will end as the students turn in their base then block exit slip. Once all exit slips are collected TTW state, “Today
we met our common goal of using base ten blocks to identify that tens can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones called a
Lesson Closure “ten” and to that the numbers 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine ones.
You all worked so hard today to reach our common goal. Tomorrow we will be using more math manipulatives and learning
even more about place value.”
Lesson Plan Format 1


Research on the Benefits of Manipulatives. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2020, from

Shaw, J. M. (2002). Manipulatives Enhance the Learning of Mathematics. Retrieved April 16, 2020, from

Timers, C. (n.d.). Online-Stopwatch. Retrieved February 13, 2020, from

Lesson Plan Format 1

Resources for Lesson:

Build It Activity

Activity Cards
Lesson Plan Format 1

Exit Slip

Puzzle for Early Finishers

Lesson Plan Format 1

Clip it Activity

Color-Coded Grouping
Lesson Plan Format 1

Name Kelsie Hutton Content or Math Today’s March 9th, 2020

Subject: Date
Week of April 27th 1st Grade No. of 15 students
Date to be Taught: Grade
The central focus will be that The lesson focus will be 3 of 4
two digits of a two-digit identifying that numbers
number represent amounts of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,
tens and ones, that 10 can be 80, 90 refer to one, two,
thought of as a bundle of ten three, four, five, six,
ones, and that the numbers seven, eight, or nine tens
Central Focus of
from 11 to 19 are composed of (and 0 ones).
Learning Segment Lesson Lesson ___
or Unit of a ten and one, two, three, four, Focus of ___
Instruction five, six, seven, eight, or nine
ones; and the numbers 10, 20,
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer
to one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, or nine tens
(and 0 ones).

The students have been learning place value of two-digit numbers. The students have recently been introduced to the ones
and tens place and that numbers 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine
Connection to Prior ones. In the previous lesson, students participated in various activities using hands-on materials that required them to
Learning or recognize that the numbers 11 to 19 have a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine ones. Students have
Previous Lesson had and will continue having many opportunities to build upon their learning of place value, complete exit slips, use anchor
charts, use manipulatives, work independently and in small groups. In addition, the students have had and will continue
having many opportunities to engage in whole-class and small group conversation using academic vocabulary.
Data Used to Inform The teacher candidate used anecdotal notes and student work to guide instruction for this lesson. In the previous lesson
Instruction students were required to learn that numbers 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
or nine ones. A formative assessment was implemented using an exit slip that required the students to match nine two-digit
numbers to the correct base ten block picture with an 78% of accuracy. The students were also required to participate in
group activities using academic language correctly to identify the two-digit number presented on the activity card and build
it using base ten blocks. The teacher candidate used the data collected from the formative assessments implemented to
determine if the students were ready to continue learning the math content. Based on the findings, the students are ready to
continue engaging in activities as they learn more about the place value of two-digit numbers. At the end of this lesson,
more student work will be collected to guide instruction for the next lesson.
Lesson Plan Format 1

Formative or
Learning objectives stated How will Feedback be Provided
Content Standard Summative Assessment
behaviorally including criteria to Students
By participating in a bundles of 1.NBT.2: Understand that Formative Assessment: TTW collect the exit slip and
ten dab activity, TSW match the two digits of a two-digit TSW complete a provide written feedback on each
bundles of ten to the two-digit number represent amounts of bundles of ten dab student’s work. TTW clarify any
number by using Do-A-Dot tens and ones. Understand activity as an exit slip mistakes with explanations and
markers to dab the answer the following as special that will require them pictures.
demonstrating an 80% of cases: 10 can be thought of to count the bundles
Alignment of of ten and then match
accuracy. as a bundle of ten ones —
Learning Objectives, the bundles to their
Content Standards, called a “ten;” the numbers
from 11 to 19 are composed two-digit numbers by
and Related
Assessments of a ten and one, two, three, using the Do-A-Dot
four, five, six, seven, eight, markers to dab the
or nine ones; and the answer. Once the
numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, students complete the
60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, exit slip, TTW collect
two, three, four, five, six, it and grade their
seven, eight, or nine tens work.
(and 0 ones).

Academic Language Academic Learning objective Formative or

How will Feedback be Provided
Objective stated behaviorally including Content Standard Summative Assessment
to the Students
criteria Strategy
By participating in a small 1.NBT.2: Understand that Formative Assessment: TSW be provided with authentic
group activity, TSW correctly the two digits of a two-digit TSW participate in the verbal feedback and positive
use academic language to number represent amounts of small group work. praise throughout the class
identify the two-digit numbers tens and ones. Understand TTW take anecdotal discussion.
they need to build using linking the following as special notes that document
cubes. cases: 10 can be thought of which students are
as a bundle of ten ones — participating and
called a “ten;” the numbers demonstrating
from 11 to 19 are composed understating of the
of a ten and one, two, three, content.
four, five, six, seven, eight,
or nine ones; and the
Lesson Plan Format 1

numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,

60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one,
two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, or nine tens
(and 0 ones).

Previously Taught and Continuing with this Lesson:

Description of Place Value- the value of a digit depending on its place in a number (ones and tens).
Academic Language A “ten”- a bundle of then ones.

Teacher Resources: ELMO, Smart Board, Markers, Linking Cubes, Anchor Chart, and Ones and Tens Boxes/Mats.

Student Resources: Bundles of Ten Dab Activity( Exit Slip), Linking Cubes, Do-A-Dot Markers, Ones and Tens
Resources and Boxes/Mat, Count and Clip Activity, and Pencils.
Materials Required
Visual Timer:

Accommodations for There are no students within the classroom who have an IEP or 504 Plan. Accommodations for struggling learners and all
IEP/504 Students students will be shown throughout the differentiation section.
ISTE Standard: 3a: Students use technology to learn how to plan and employ effective research strategies to locate
Candidate and/or information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
Student Use of
Technology TTW use the Smart Board to display the color-coding grouping.
TTW use the Smart Board to display the visual timer.
TTW introduce the lesson by standing at the front of the room and presenting a bundle of ten using the ELMO. TTW say
“boys and girls let’s count how many popsicle sticks are here.1…2…3…4…and so on.” Once the students count ten, TTW
Lesson Hook,
then ask, “so how many tens do we have?” TTW then wait for a student response, and say, “we have one ten and zero ones.”
Motivation, and/or
Instant Activity TTW then say, “Our common goal for todays lesson is identifying that numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones). Who is ready to reach our common goal together?
Give me a thumbs up if you are.”
Lesson Plan Format 1

Process/Instructional Strategies/Learning
Content Information Tasks/Planned Supports (including academic Targeted Differentiation Product
language supports)
Content: 1. TTW then begin the whole group activity by Process: Modeling of the activity will
The students will be reviewing the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, be implemented to support struggling
learning that 70, 80, 90 and explain that the numbers refer to learners and all students.
numbers 10, 20, 30, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, nine tens (and 0 ones). During this lesson, TTW
90 refer to one, two, use the ELMO to present a ones and tens mat
three, four, five, six, and linking cubes. TTW build each number and Content: The ones and tens boxes will
seven, eight, or nine then write the two-digit number in the ones and be used as a visual support for
tens (and 0 ones). tens place. The students will be provided with struggling learners and all students.
ones and tens boxes on their activity paper and
asked to draw the linking cubes in the boxes
and then to write the correct digits. For Content: The linking cubes will be
example, the teacher will display a number (10, used as a support for struggling
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90) on the ELMO students and all learners.
using the ones and tens number mat and linking
cubes. TSW be asked to draw the linking cubes
in their ones and tens boxes on their activity
paper and identify the two-digit number that
the cubes represent by writing the correct digit
in the ones and tens place. TTW provide time
for the students to complete this task then
review it as a whole class. This whole process
will be completed for each of the following
numbers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.
2. After the whole group activity, TTW ask the 2. Product: The teacher will
students to put their papers in the middle of collect the student’s ones and
their tables so they can be collected. As the tens activity paper.
teacher collects the student’s ones and tens
activity paper, TTW pass out the count and clip
activity. Each student will get a deck of 9
activity cards (numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,
70, 80, and 90) and one clothespin.
3. Once all the students have the materials, Process: The whole class review will
TTW explain the activity. This will be done by be implemented as a support for
Lesson Plan Format 1

the teacher saying “We are going to do this struggling learners and all students to
activity as a whole class. I will display the clarify any misunderstandings.
activity cards on the ELMO, and you will use
your clothespin to tell me the number that the Content: Hands-on activities will be
bundles of ten represent. Once you have picked used to support struggling learners and
your answer, you can hold it up in the air. After all students who need them.
everyone has their activity card up in the air, we
will go over the answers together.”
Content: 4. After the count and clip it activity is Process: The teacher will provide extra
The students will complete, TTW pass out ones and tens place support and guidance for struggling
engage in an value mats and ask one student from each group leaners while walking around.
activity using base to go get linking cubes. Once all the students
ten blocks to are seated, TTW will explain the next activity
identify that the by stating: “For this activity I will write a Content: The manipulatives will be
numbers 10, 20, 30, number on the smart board (numbers 10, 20, used to support struggling learners and
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90). You will build the all students who need them.
and 90 refer to one, two-digit number that I wrote on the smart
two, three, four, board with your linking cubes. As you are
five, six, seven, building the number, I will be walking around
eight, or nine tens to help. After everyone has the number built,
(and 0 ones). we will have a whole group share of how many
tens and ones are in the two-digit number.” For
example, TTW write the number 20 one the
smart board, TSW build the number and then
share that it has two tens and zero ones.
5. After the students identify how many ones Process: The teacher will provide extra
and tens are in numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, support and guidance for struggling
70, 80, and 90 TTW collect their ones and tens leaners while walking around.
place value mat and hand out their next activity.
TTW explain that they will be put into their
color-coded groups. The color-coded grouping Process: The visual timer will be
will be displayed on the smart board. After the implemented to keep struggling
students transition to their groups, TTW hand learners and all students on track.
out the activity cards with the numbers 10, 20,
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90. TTW state: “For
this activity you will take turns pulling an
activity card. The two-digit number that is on
Lesson Plan Format 1

the activity card is the number you will build

with the linking cubes that were left on the
tables from the last activity. Everyone in your
group will take turns pulling a card but all of
you should be building the two-digit numbers
with the linking cubes. You will be given 8-10
minutes for this activity. I will be walking
around helping and the visual timer will be
displayed on the smart board.”
6. After the students complete the group
activity, TTW ask the students to transition
back to their regular seats. As the students are
transitioning, one group member will turn in
the activity cards to the teacher, but they will be
asked to leave the linking cubes on their tables.

7. Once the students are seated TTW hand out Process: The visual timer will be 7. Product: The students will
the bundles of ten dab activity. TTW hand out implemented to keep struggling complete the bundles of ten dab
the activity paper and Do-A-Dot markers. learners and all students on track. exit slip that will be collected
While handing out the activity, TTW explain by the teacher.
the expectations to the students. This will be
done as the teacher states: “We are going to Content: The hands-on activities will
complete an exit slip. The exit slip will require be used to support struggling learners
you to count bundles of ten and use the Do-A- and all students who need them.
Dot markers to dab your answer. Once you
have completed the activity, turn over your Content: Early finishers will get
paper and I will come around to collect your additional practice.
work. As you finish, I will hand you another
activity to work on until everyone has
completed the bundles of ten dab activity. I will
explain the additional activity to you as I hand
it to you. You will have 7-9 minutes to
complete the exit slip. A visual timer will be on
the smart board and I will be walking around
helping anyone who needs it.”
8. After the students complete the exit slip,
TTW ask the students to transition to the carpet
Lesson Plan Format 1

area as they have a short classroom discussion Process: The short review of the
Vocabulary: to clarify any misconceptions of the content content learned on the will be used to
The teacher will review that the students have been learning. TTW support and clear up any
the following state: “let’s all go to the carpet and talk about misconceptions for all students.
vocabulary words and
the fun math content that we have been learning
A “ten”- a bundle of the past couple of days. Please sit in your read Process: The anchor chart will be
then ones aloud seats.” TTW use the anchor chart that implemented for visual support for
was created during the first lesson of this unit to struggling learners and all students.
Place Value- the review what they have learning about place
value of a digit value. TTW ask the students to identify the
depending on its place ones and tens place in a two-digit number as the Content: The manipulatives will be
in a number (ones and teacher points to the ones and tens place. TTW used to support struggling learners and
tens). also ask the students to identify that tens can be all students who need them.
thought of as a bundle of ten ones called a
Content: “ten”, that of the numbers 11 to 19 are
The students will
composed of a ten and one, two, three, four,
review the place value five, six, seven, eight, and nine ones and that
of the ones and tens numbers and that the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40,
place and that 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four,
numbers 11 to 19 are five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones).
composed of a ten TTW make sure to clarify any misconceptions
and one, two, three, about the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,
four, five, six, seven, 80, and 90 having zero ones by reviewing this
eight, and nine ones. one more time for the students. This will be
They will also review done as the teacher writes two-digit numbers on
that that numbers 10,
the anchor chart, uses linking cubes, and asks
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,
80, 90 refer to one,
for a response from volunteers.
two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, or
nine tens (and 0
Unifix cubes also known as ‘linking cubes’ are a math manipulative that can be used to teach almost all math concept areas.
Connection to They can be used to enable the students to create a model and provides them with the hands-on and/or visual support. In this
Research/Theory lesson, linking cubes will be used for all activities, which will provide the students with a concrete way to bring meaning to
the math content being taught. (Frost, 2017).
Lesson Closure The lesson will come to an end as the teacher finishes the short review of math content. TTW state: “Boys and girls, I am so
Lesson Plan Format 1

proud of you. You all have been working so hard to reach our common goals. Today, we learned that numbers 10, 20, 30,
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones). Tomorrow you all
will be able to participate in fun place value activities during math centers. Thank you for working so hard today.”


Frost, S. (2017, September 26). Importance of Hands-on Manipulatives in Math. Retrieved April 18, 2020, from

Timers, C. (n.d.). Online-Stopwatch. Retrieved February 13, 2020, from

UCDS. (n.d.). Manipulatives. Retrieved April 18, 2020, from

Lesson Plan Format 1

Bundles of Ten Dab Activity

Early Finisher Activity

Color-Coded Grouping
Lesson Plan Format 1
Count and Clip
Ones and Tens Place Value Mat/Activity Paper
Lesson Plan Format 1

Name Kelsie Hutton Content or Math and Science Today’s March 9th, 2020
Subject: Date
Week of April 27th 1st Grade No. of 15 students
Date to be Taught: Grade
Math: The central focus will be Math: The lesson focus will Math and Science Center
that two digits of a two-digit be to demonstrate complete 4 of 4
number represent amounts of tens knowledge of the ones and
and ones, that 10 can be thought of tens place using place value,
as a bundle of ten ones, and that that numbers 11 to 19 are
the numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one,
composed of a ten and one, two, two, three, four, five, six,
three, four, five, six, seven, eight, seven, eight, or nine ones;
or nine ones; and the numbers 10, and that the numbers 10, 20,
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
to one, two, three, four, five, six, refer to one, two, three, four,
seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 five, six, seven, eight, or nine
ones). tens (and 0 ones).

Science: The central focus will be Science: The lesson focus

living things and how they can will be explaining what a
Central Focus of
only survive in environments that plant needs to survive in its
Learning Segment Lesson Lesson ___
meet their needs. environment.
or Unit of Focus of ___

Connection to Prior Math: This lesson will be implemented as a review lesson for the students as they will be enabled to show their understanding of the
Lesson Plan Format 1

math content they have been learning and introduced to in previous lessons. In lesson one of this unit, students were introduced to the
place value of two-digit numbers; the ones and tens place. Students participated in multiple hands-on activities that required
them to identify the ones and tens place of two-digit numbers. In lesson two of this unit, students participated in various
activities using hands-on materials that required them to recognize that the numbers 11 to 19 have a ten and one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine ones. In the previous lesson, the students participated in numerous activities using
linking cubes to identify that numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
or nine tens (and 0 ones).

Learning or Science: This lesson will be implemented as a review lesson for the students because they have already been introduced to
Previous Lesson living things, the needs of living things, and how living things can only survive in environments that meet their needs. In
lesson one of this unit, students were introduced to living things and the needs of living things. Students participated in
various activities that required them to identify living things and understand that they do have needs. In lesson two of this
unit, students learned about the needs of plants and made predictions about plants that have grown in the sun and plants that
have been in the dark; plants that are watered and ones that are not; seeds in soil and seeds that are not by identifying which
one will survive. In the previous lesson, students created journal entries predicting the survival of a plant that gets both sun
and water, a plant that gets water but no sun, and a plant that gets sun but not water.

Data Used to Inform Math: The teacher candidate used student work, rubrics, checklists, and anecdotal notes to guide instruction for this center
Instruction lesson. In previous lessons, formative assessments were implemented such as a Kahoot game, which the students were
expected to complete with an 80% of accuracy. In lesson two, the students completed an exit slip that required the students
to match nine two-digit numbers to the correct base ten block picture with an 78% of accuracy. In the previous lesson,
students were required to match bundles of ten to the two-digit number by using Do-A-Dot markers to dab the answer
demonstrating an 80% of accuracy. In addition, they were required to participate in group work as they correctly used
academic vocabulary. The teacher candidate used the data collected from the formative assessments implemented to
determine if the students were ready to demonstrate their understanding of the math content. Based on the findings, the
students are ready to demonstrate their understanding of that they have been learning. A summative assessment will be
conducted to determine student understanding and growth.

Science: The teacher candidate used checklists, students work, and anecdotal notes to guide instruction for this center
lesson. In previous lessons, formative assessments were implemented that required the students to identify living things by
coloring only the pictures of living things with an 80% of accuracy, to make predictions about plants that have grown in the
sun and plants that have been in the dark; plants that are watered and ones that are not; seeds in soil and seeds that are not by
identifying which one will survive with an 67% of accuracy, and to predict which plant will produce the most growth with
an 100% of accuracy. In addition, they were required to participate in group work as they correctly used academic
vocabulary. The teacher candidate used the data collected from the formative assessments implemented to determine if the
students were ready to demonstrate their understanding of the science content. Based on the findings, the students are ready
Lesson Plan Format 1

to demonstrate their understanding of that they have been learning. A summative assessment will be conducted to determine
student understanding and growth.

Learning objectives stated Formative or Summative How will Feedback be Provided

Content Standard
behaviorally including criteria Assessment Strategy to Students
Math: Given 9 place value 1.NBT.2: Understand that the Summative Assessment: TTW collect the summative
questions, TSW identify the ones two digits of a two-digit TSW complete an exit slip assessment (exit slip) and provide
and tens place in two-digit number represent amounts of that requires them to specific feedback on the finished
numbers, that the numbers from tens and ones. Understand the identify knowledge of the work that will be returned to the
11 to 19 are composed of a ten and following as special cases: 10 math content that they students the next day. TTW use a
one, two, three, four, five, six, can be thought of as a bundle have been learning. rubric to document the students
seven, eight, or nine ones; and the of ten ones — called a “ten;” understanding of the content and
numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, the numbers from 11 to 19 the growth that they have made.
80, 90 refer to one, two, three, are composed of a ten and
four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine one, two, three, four, five,
Alignment of tens (and 0 ones) by completing six, seven, eight, or nine
Learning Objectives, the exit slip with an 80% of ones; and the numbers 10, 20,
Content Standards, accuracy. 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
and Related refer to one, two, three, four,
Assessments five, six, seven, eight, or nine
tens (and 0 ones).

Science: Given 5 questions 1.LS.2: Living things Summative Assessment: TTW collect the summative
regarding the needs of a plant, survive only in TSW complete an exit slip assessment (exit slip) and use a
TSW identify what a plant needs environments that meet that requires them to rubric to document student growth
to survive by cutting and pasting their needs. decide if a plant can live in and understanding of the content.
the “thumbs up” or “thumbs an environment that has or TTW return the exit slip with
down” in the correct boxes does not have the plants specific feedback and clarifications
demonstrating an 80% of certain needs. of anything that was missed.

Academic Language Academic Learning objective Content Standard

Formative or Summative How will Feedback be Provided
Objective stated behaviorally including
Assessment Strategy to the Students
Math: By participating in center 1.NBT.2: Understand that the Formative Assessment: TSW be provided with authentic
activities, TSW correctly use two digits of a two-digit TSW participate in the verbal feedback, guidance, and
academic language to demonstrate number represent amounts of center activities. TTW take positive praise throughout the class
knowledge of the place value in tens and ones. Understand the anecdotal notes that discussion.
two-digit numbers. following as special cases: 10 document which students
Lesson Plan Format 1

can be thought of as a bundle are correctly using the

of ten ones — called a “ten;” academic language and
the numbers from 11 to 19 demonstrating
are composed of a ten and understating of the
one, two, three, four, five, content.
six, seven, eight, or nine
ones; and the numbers 10, 20,
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
refer to one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, or nine
tens (and 0 ones).

Science: By participating in center 1.LS.2: Living things Formative Assessment: TSW be provided with authentic
activities, TSW correctly use survive only in TSW participate in the verbal feedback, guidance, and
academic language to identify environments that meet center activities. TTW take positive praise throughout the class
what a plant needs to survive in its their needs. anecdotal notes that discussion.
environment. document which students
are correctly using the
academic language and
understating of the

Previously Taught and Continuing with this Lesson:
Place Value- the value of a digit depending on its place in a number(ones and tens).
A “ten”- a bundle of then ones.

Previously Taught and Continuing with this Lesson:

Description of Science:
Academic Language Living Things- can grow, move, or reproduce.
Demands Need- something that keeps a living thing alive, safe, and healthy.
Survive- to live.
Plant Needs- air, water, soil, and sunlight.
Seed- how a plant begins.
Lesson Plan Format 1

Teacher Resources: Smart Board, Activity Bins(with materials), and Anchor Chart.

Student Resources: Styrofoam Cup, Soil, Anchor Chart, Construction Paper, Buttons, Glue, Markers, Crayons, Stickers,
Pyramid Diorama, Sunflower Seeds, How My Plant Will Survive Activity Paper, Place Value Bingo, Number Puzzle, and
Resources and Pencils.
Materials Required
YouTube Video:
Visual Timer:

Accommodations for There are no students within the classroom who have an IEP or 504 Plan. Accommodations for struggling learners and all
IEP/504 Students students will be shown throughout the differentiation section.
ISTE Standard: 3a: Students use technology to learn how to plan and employ effective research strategies to locate
information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
Candidate and/or
Student Use of
Technology TTW use the Smart Board to display the visual timer.
TTW use the Smart Board to display the color-coded groups for the centers.

TTW introduce this lesson by stating: “This week we have been talking about the place value of two-digit numbers and
reaching our common goal at the end of every math lesson. In science, we have been learning about how living things
Lesson Hook,
survive only in environments that meet their needs. In addition, we took a virtual field trip and got to talk to a botanist that
Motivation, and/or
Instant Activity explained how they helped the plants survive by working together to reach their common goal just like we have for each
lesson. Today, we are going to continue learning as we participate in center activities. Who wants to find out what we are
doing for centers? Silently yell “yes” if you are ready to learn and then we will transition to the carpet to discuss each center.
Lesson Plan Format 1

Process/Instructional Strategies/Learning
Content Information Tasks/Planned Supports (including academic Targeted Differentiation Product
language supports)
Content: 1. Once the students are seated at the carpet area, Process: The review of the content will be
Students will need TTW model and explain each center, while also implemented to support understanding for
to understand what implementing a short review of the content. This struggling leaners and all students.
living things are, the will be done as the teacher introduces each bin that
will be at each center.
needs of a plant,
and that a living TTW state: “For the first science center you will be Process: Modeling of the activity will
thing cannot survive creating your own plant environment and labeling be implemented to support struggling
in an environment what your plant will need to survive. Let’s review learners and all students.
that does not meet the needs of a plant.” TTW ask the students to read
its needs. the needs of a plant from the anchor chart that was
created during lesson one of this unit.

Students will TTW then show an example of the created plant

participate in environment and model how the materials can be
activities that used (construction paper, buttons, glue, markers,
crayons, and stickers). TTW say “what you use to
require them to
create your plant and environment is your choice,
demonstrate their but you must label what a plant needs on the front
knowledge of living flap of your plant environment. TTW already have
things and what a the pyramid diorama prepared for the students.
plant needs to
survive. TTW explain and model the second science
center by saying, “for the second science center
you will be planting your own seed and
meeting all of the needs of a plant, so it can
survive. We will be putting our plants in our
classroom to create our own classroom garden,
just like the community gardens we learned
about in ELA and Social Studies. We will be
observing the growth in our plants in the future
and work together to meet the plant’s needs. At
the center you will plant your seed just like this
(the teacher will fill a styrofoam cup with soil,
put the seed in it, water it, and then place in in
the sun on the classroom windowsill. TTW say
Lesson Plan Format 1

“You will want to write your name on the front Content: Struggling learners will be Product: The students will
of the cup, before putting anything in it. After enabled to use picture supports. complete the how my plant will
you put your plant on the windowsill, you will survive activity paper, which
complete this paper.” TTW show the students will be glued in their science
the how my plant will survive activity paper. notebooks.
TTW explain that they will describe on this
paper how their plant will survive and how it’s
needs will be met. TTW say “for example, you
could say I am going to keep my plant in the
sunlight and water it every day, so it survives.
You can also use pictures as a support.”

2. TTW then ask the students if they understand the

directions of each of the science centers and provide
time to clarify any confusion.
Content: 3. TTW then explain the math centers. Content: Hands-on activities will be
Students will need to TTW get the materials out of the math bins and say used to support struggling learners and
understand the ones “for your first math center you will be playing place all students who need them.
and tens place using value bingo. First can anyone tell me what place
place value, that value is? “Once a student responds TTW review the
numbers 11 to 19 are ones and tens place using the anchor chart that was
composed of a ten created during lesson one of this unit. TTW then
and one, two, three, say, “This will require you to pull a card from the
four, five, six, seven, stack, which will have an image of base ten blocks
eight, or nine ones; on them. You will have to figure out the two-digit
and that the numbers number that the base ten blocks are representing and
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, then determine how many tens and ones are in that
70, 80, 90 refer to two-digit number. You will play this game with
one, two, three, four, your group members and each person can take a
five, six, seven, eight, turn pulling a card. When someone gets bingo, raise
or nine tens (and 0 your hands and I will come and check your cards. If
ones). you get a bingo, you will receive a piece of candy.”

TTW then explain the second math center. This will

Students will engage be done by the teacher saying “For your second Product: The students will create
in activities that math center you will be completing a number a number puzzle.
demonstrate their puzzle. You will select a zip lock bag from the bin
knowledge of the and put your puzzle together. Each puzzle will have
ones and tens place three parts: one two-digit number, one image of
Lesson Plan Format 1

using place value, that base ten blocks, and one description of the ones and
numbers 11 to 19 are tens place. After you put your puzzle together you
composed of a ten will glue it to the blank paper that is in the bin and
and one, two, three, write your name at the top.”
four, five, six, seven,
eight, or nine ones;
and that the numbers
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,
70, 80, 90 refer to
one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight,
or nine tens (and 0

4. TTW then ask the students if they understand the

directions of each of the math centers and provide
time to clarify any confusion.
5. After explaining the center activities, TTW then Process: The visual timer will be
put the students into groups and explain “for todays implemented to keep struggling
activities you will be placed in three groups of four learners and all students on track.
and one group of three. The green group will start
and science center 1, the blue group will start at
science center 2, the yellow group will start at math
center 1 and the red group will start at math lesson
2. I will be walking around to check in on you at
your centers. You will have 10 minutes at each
center, and then you will switch. I will tell you
where to go. A visual timer will be displayed on the
smart board.” There will be number labels on each
bin at the center of the activity tables. All materials
will be included in those bins.
6. TTW monitor all the groups of students as they Process: The teacher will provide extra
complete the centers. TTW provide specific, support and guidance for struggling
positive feedback to encourage and/or redirect leaners while walking around.
students as necessary.

7. After the students are given 10 minutes to

complete the activity, TTW have the students clean
up their materials and then have the children switch
Lesson Plan Format 1

centers. This will be completed four times giving

each group a chance to participate in each center.

8. Once all the students participate in all four 8. Product: The students will
centers, they will clean up the materials and complete an exit slip that will be
transition back to their regular seats. TTW explain collected as a summative
that the lesson will end with an exit slip. The exit assessment by the teacher.
slip will be explained by the teacher saying, “we are
going to end this lesson with an exit slip. This exit
slip has two parts. The first part will be math
content and the second part will be science. You
will be given 12 minutes to complete this exit slip,
once it’s completed turn it over and I will collect it.
If you finish early, I will give you another activity,
which I will explain as I hand it to you.”
Centers increase learning opportunities for all students by providing students with hands-on learning experiences where they
can apply what they have been learning. In this lesson, centers will be utilized to provide students with two different science
activities, that enable the students to apply what they have been learning and demonstrate understanding of the content by
completing the tasks at each center successfully (Hilberg , R., Chang , J., & Epaloose, 2003).
Connection to
Math games can be used as a motivational method that encourages the students to practice the content they have been
learning while also having fun. In this lesson, math games will be implemented to encourage engagement with the math
activities, while still requiring the students to demonstrate knowledge of the math content that has been taught. (Rutherford,
The lesson will come to an end once everyone turns in their exit slips. TTW say: “I am so proud of you. We all participated in our math
Lesson Closure and science centers, so well and reached our common goals. Tomorrow, I will provide you with feedback on your exit slips. Thank you
for all your hard work. You should all be proud of yourselves as you worked together to reach your common goals.”


Hilberg , R., Chang , J., & Epaloose, G. (2003). Designing Effective Activity Centers for Diverse Learners. A Guide for teachers at all grade levels
and for all subject areas, 1–84. Retrieved from
Lesson Plan Format 1

Implementing Successful Science Stations for ALL Learners. (2017, April 2). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from

Rutherford, K. (2015, April 27). Why Play Math Games? Retrieved April 20, 2020, from

Timers, C. (n.d.). Online-Stopwatch. Retrieved February 13, 2020, from

Lesson Plan Format 1

Lesson Resources: Science

Model of the created Plant Environment

How my plant will survive activity paper

Lesson Plan Format 1

Grading Rubric for Teacher Documents

Lesson Plan Format 1

Lesson Resources: Math

Number Puzzle

Place Value Bingo

Lesson Plan Format 1

Exit Slip (Summative Assessment)

Grading Rubric for Teacher Documents

Lesson Plan Format 1

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