Ormrod, J. E. (2017) - Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (9th Ed.)

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Chapter 8

I think the author wants me to remember that in chapter eight we learned about theories and
contexts and how they relate to learning and cultural communities. We read about principles
and assumptions and the different types there are in education. I really liked the passage about
creating the community of learning, where students work with their teacher to gain more
knowledge.I found the passage about communities of practice as an aspect of culture very
interesting, how groups with shared interest come together for a common goal.

Communities of practice as an aspect of culture I found this passage very interesting, It

showed how people in different professions and walks of life sometimes come together and
work together to reach a common goal pg.259. This is known as communities of practice.
Society and Technology as Context , this passage is important because it explains how a
society has a certain amount of influence on its members and people involved. Ranging from
the educational service people receive to the media intel we acquire. It talks about distributed
knowledge, meaning different people have expertise in different subjects so a society must rely
on all its members to be successful. Technology in Learning and Instruction since we are
now doing more online learning than ever before, I thought this was a very appropriate passage.
It states that learning online is referred to as e learning. Also it goes into detail about textbooks
being online and several different resources that are now deemed online. Academic Content
Domains as Context This was an important part of the chapter, it talked about how learning
has evolved over time, and how schools have broken up different learning sections such as
reading, math, writing etc. It also tells about four general domains : literacy, mathematics,
science, and social studies and how several general principles of learning apply to all

When learning takes place in an electronic environment, it’s sometimes called e-learning. In my
own words e-learning is learning online or electronically. Pg.263 service learning—that is, they
involve projects that directly or indirectly enhance the quality of life in the outside community . In
my own words service learning is when a project or situation directly or indirectly helps the
community it is near.Society: a very large, enduring social group that has fairly explicit social
and economic structures, as well as collective institutions and activities. Pg.260 In my own
words a society is like my county the United States, we are a society with social economic
structures and collective institutions.

Text to self- Yes right now I am teaching in the classroom and online, It is quite a different
experience.Students use all types of resources except now they are virtual resources and can
be accessed from anywhere in the world. We have students that are out of the city and some
the state but are able to still go to school and do their work due to e learning. Text to world -
This chapter made me really think about the world, our country in general and how we are a
society. I took a step back to think about how our community works and how we all have
different professions but still come together for the benefit of our society. Is there such a thing
as a perfect society?
Ormrod, J. E. (2017). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (9th ed.).

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