Kadomtsev Petviashvili - On The Stability of Solitary Waves - KP - 1970

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6 D ECEMBE R , 1 970



B. B. Kadomtsev• and V. l. Petviashvili
Translated from Doklady Akademi! Nauk SSSR, Vol. 1 92 , No. 4 ,
pp. 753-756 , June , 1970
Or iginal a rticle submitted Febr uary 9, 1970

A wide r ange of one-dimensi.onal, no nlinear 1m =3(chV2) -ª. (4)

waves in weakly dispers ing m edia (e.g. , waves in
shallow water, ionoacoustic and magnetoacous- A solit ary wa ve is a oce-di.mensional nonlin-
tic waves i.n plasmas, etc.), a s . is known from [l -
ear wa ve which b y v irtue o f the one-di.mensional i-
3l. are described by the Korteweg and de Vr ies ty is fully s t a ble . However , a question ar ises
equatio n wheth e r this . s tability is preserved for a soli tary
wave with a we ak beoding distortíon whose amplí -
éiu i at + u au. J ax + f>3u 1éir' = O. (1) tude a and phase ~ are slowly varyio.g functions.
of the coordinate y, measured transversely w ith
This equation d escribes the development of a wa ve
res pect to the s o litary wave •s p ropagat ion direc-
in a syst em of coor dlnates that moves with the
tion. The possibilíty of developi.o.g a self-focussing
propagation velocity e of a long- wavelength pe r-
type of instability in periodíc nonlinear waves in-
turbation (fo r c larity w e shall call this veloc i.ty the
di cates the necessity of studying the analogous ef-
velocity of sound). F o r wa ves in shallow water,
fect for tbe c ase of a solit ary wave.
or in pla s ma, u can l"epresent a pe rturbation of
For c ases that are not strictly e ne-dimension-

· -·•,,, •. :·
...: .
veiocity o r p r es s ure (for a simple wave they are
uniquely interdepe nde nt) .
Equation (1) c an b e equally we ll applled to m e-
dia with ne gative o r pos itive dis per sion. ln the
al, Eq. (1) no longer applies ; however, if the y-
coordinate d epende nce is weak, Eq. (1) can be
corrected by adding a small quantity o<p / &y:
forrner case the phase velocity of the longitudinal éiu ¡ ot + au i ax + iJlu ! ari = oq¡ ! fh¡.
1.1 (5)
waves <lim ini shes with the wave numbe r whereas
in the latter case the s ituation is reversed. The The form o f the p e rturbation is easily e stab-
di ffere nce is t hat in t he firs t case the coo rdinate lished by cons idering the limiting c ase of a two -
x is measured io t he di r ectlon of wave propaga- d imensional wave of small ampl itude u = exp (-iwt +
t ion and in the latter c:is e it is measured in the ikr) and sm all wavelength (s ic) in the x direction,
revers e d irection [2!. kx « 1. In this c ase, th e se cond and thir-d terms in
The Ko rteweg and de \"ries equation is well Eq. (5) can be neglected. For such a wave, moving
i\nown [l-4]. Jn particular, i t has been shown that along t he x axis of the coordinates chosen wíth the
::-: thc dc ve !opm ent of a ny initial pertur bation u(x, O} v elocicy c, the oscillatíon irequc?ncy for neptl ve
an important role is played by spcci:il s oluti0ns to dispersion is
Eq . (1) óf the s olitary -wave type :

u= "'° (.r, t) = ai(p(:: - .ro)) , (2) and for a wave with positive dispe r sion , in which
wliere a is th c w:we 3mplitude , and x = at is the cas e the wave move s in the :leg:it ive dtrection along
w:; ._.c ph:ls~. The iunct ion i (0 , s:nisfying the the x axis ,
equations k:
(J) = - kc -k.,c:::::- ~ ¡..:. .
- :r
- ( + ii' -r /"'=O, -! 7 '¡:f + í" = O (3)
Hence one c:in see that
tliat fo llvw fro rn Eq. (ll (whe re the p rime indícates
Ciffc r cnti:l ti on with respect to ~ ) , equals • couespon<lin~ Mer::be1 ...\c a.i.:r::y .::f Sc1ences of th~ ;.:ssR.

(6) part of the perturbation u1 "" cons t · f' that constl-

tutes a solution of the homogeneous equat ion (8)
whc r e the s igns - and + correspond to the nega- be zero, which in this c ase implies a correctly
ti ve and pos i ti ve di spers ion, respecti vel y. cho sen phase "<!· Hence, to second o rde r in e, we
We shall furthe r limit ourselves to the linear have
approximation (8Jeo /ay) « l (the oscillation ampli- oro l. fJt = a. (9)
tud e of the phase Xo can nevertheless be much
larger than the width of the solitary wave - a- 1/2). [n the next approximation with respect to t,
Even with the línear approximation. the sys tem o f ¡t wíll be ade quate to conside r in <Pi only terms of
equations (5) and (6) is rather complicated so we the first order of magnt.ide witb respect to <Pt so
s hall concentrate on tbe limLting case o f very large that wi.thin a linear approximation we have
wavelengths along y when (8xo/cy) « (a /c) t/ 2 < l.
In this cas e. <P is small and Eqs. (5) and (6) may be
solved by the Krylov-Bogolyubov method, i.e., by
Consequently the second-order correction u 2 is
introducing slowly varying para.meters. Tberefore
we shall introduce in Eq. (5) the variable ~ = b~1 f il':zo f (lO)
.fa(X - Xo) instead Of X and rewrite the equation
, , iJ {
'"il .,- a 1, 8( \ - u, + u, + ll"u: \
a~ · J =
011 .J. ta.
- -¡¡ : .._ T i!:¡• •

. .L. iJ'u\ v a - (0%G

.- u+- -J = -f-iJ;,
· o~ -01 - a.
" d ( "'
We shall now multiply Eq. (10) by f and ín-
a~ ~ª ' ª~'
tegrate it with respect to ~. It can be shcrwn by ua-
ing Eq. (3) that the integral of the second term
on the left-hand side of Eq. (10), integrated by parta,
becomes zero and cons idering the arder of magni•
where the right-hand side can be consídered small. tude OÍ 8~ f 8t ,_ E 3. it follOWS that up to third-or-
In the zeroth approximation the right-hand side is der terms we llave
made equal to zero and it follows that u = ~ =
aj(~). In the s ubsequent approximation we put u= ~ _ ±'.?taiJ•:zo
a1 - 3 ar . (11}
u0 + u 1 , linear ize the left-hand side of Eq. (7), and
substitute u 0 in the right-hand side:
where the factor 2/3 is dueto averaging with re-
a,.n Q;
a 1I - ,
U 1 .. _
I u 1 ~. º"""
Ü~·: j = a•;'.f' (i>i
7Jl - ) lfo
a - ¡¡ Z -
. ocp
by , {S) spect to ~ (NB < zf > = 3/ 4 <.f 2 >). F r om Eq. {11)
one can s ee that the amplitude oscillations are in
where fact s~bstant ial ly s maller tha.n the phase oscilla-
tions x0 •
r = df í d;. == i + 'iz~r. The fun ction u 2 can be found approximately if
and l/l is to be· found from Eq. (6) by substituting u= uz = A{l-z) is assumed and if A is a funct lon weak-
u 0 in íts right~hand side . ly dependent on ~, i.e., its higher-order derivativei
We shall c onsider the quantities a/ éH and with res pect to ~ are neglected, With such approxi•
a/ ay to be small and of thc o rder e. As we shall mations and with the use of Eq. {11), Eq . (10} be-
see l:lter, the oscillations of the ph.'.lse x 0(y) are comes
much larger than the os c illations of the amplitude
a, so that the va riablt: part of the amplitude ;; ( \-·).JA .:.. a''•~= -~~(/ -· :O/') (l:?)
- 01 · a~ ~ 01 · , ·•
s hould be con s idered small and of the ord er E:(;,.
To m:linta in accur acy up to the order e , one should
Apart from the solitary wave thi s rcl ation de-
retain th e first term only on the right-h and s 1d c of
scribe s also a w:ive prop:ig:iting opposite to ·.;:
Eq. (8) . Fu rt hermo re, as can be proved by means
o f Eq. (3); the solution u, = (uio f ot~ a} :, where a..i ¡ ai + a•..a..i / a~ = o. (13)
: = / + 'h'U', can be found from Eq. (8 ). An addl-
tion to thc basic solution lli) is pr oportional to z.1nd, as so that A = f(t - ~ a- 31 2 ) , where F is an arbitrary
can be seen, corresponds to small variations oi the func tion. [n the case of 3 soli t:i. ry wnve. one mlY
so!itlrywaveampl itudea. Wecanrequire, without ignore in Eq . (l~l thc deri v:i.tive of A witb respect
:rny loss of gener::ility, that the addition be zero. T his to time, and if in the s tream advancing aga inst the
meaos in fact that the amplitude h:is been chosen solitary wave the pcrturbation is 3bsent, then A is
C•Hrectly. Sim ilarly, one cou lJ r cquirc that the fou nu from Eq , (12) by int~gra ting it with rcspcct


eo ~, wíth the boundary condition A ::: O at ~ = .... Assuming tlut there is no perturbation in the
in particular to the left away frorn the sol itary
strcam advancing toward the solitary wave we have
wave we have
rp.:: O at ~ ::: + oo, and ~ can be easily found from Eq.
A (L) = F (t):::;:: - t º" e·.
-¡-'ji-- • (15). Multíplicatwn of Eq. (10) by j and intcgr:'l-
tion with respect to ~, with the small terms au~ /Ot
Accordir.gl·:, from an oscillating solit!l.ry wave and arpd&f present, serve to demonstrate that the
there propagat~s bach'Ward a long-wave perturba- small additional terms - c,Z rcsult in d:unping the
tion of the trave!ling type whose amplitude is pro- solitary wave oscillations.
ponionai to aa Í at. We ha ve thus demonstrated that with negati ve
We find from Eqs. (9) and (10) a relation for dispersion (e.g., waves in shallow water), "bend-
phase oscillations of the solitary wave Jeo: ing" of a solitary wave lead.s to elastic oscilla-
tions with a weak damping. With positive disper-
(14) sioo, the solitary wave is unstable with regard to
two-dímensional perturbations of the bending type
where the amplitude a, according to our approxí- and as such is not líkely to last a long time.
m:ition, can be taken as constant. If the nonlinear term in Eq. {10) is negative,
Equation (14) indicates that in a medium with then the situation is tbe reverse: the soHtary
a positive dispersion (minus sign) the solitary wave wave with positive dispersion is stable and the
is unstable wíth regard to a bending and its small solitary wave with negative dispersion is unstable.
perturbations are growing with time. The growth
increment of such perturbations is proportional to
the square root of the :unplitude, i.e., it is rather LITERATURE CITED
large •
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y i(. -


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