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Seed investors are considering $750,000 investment in the form of a convertible note, which will
convert ay the lower of
a. 80% of the price per share in the next equity financing, or
b. A pre-money valuation of $5 million.
The next equity financing is defined as a round of financing where at least $4 million is raised,
including the conversion of $750,000 convertible note.

Consider two situations

1. One where the Series A investors take 40% for a $4 million investment at $10 million post
money valuation, and
2. Second, where the Series A investors take 20% for a $4 million investment at $20 million
post-money valuation.
Assume, there are 1 million shares for founder and management. Calculate whether 80% of the
price per share implied by the $10 million ($20 million in second case) post-money valuation is
more or less than $5 million cap in the first situation and second situation.

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