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Artifact #2

Multicultural Lesson Activity

Sarah Marie Brackett Esguerra

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 280: Valuing Cultural Diversity

Professor Connie Christensen

December 6, 2020

Multicultural Lesson Activity

1. Lesson Objectives: 
 Subject observable objective: 
I. Visual Arts:Cr1.2.1 - Conceiving and developing artistic ideas and work
related to the story and personal portrait.
II. Visual Arts:Cr2.2.1 Experiment with various materials and tools to explore
personal interests in a work of art or design.
 Students will be able to create their own portraits in relation with the book and the
use of art materials.
 Students will be able to discover different art materials and use them in creating
their portraits.

 Multicultural goal: (Chapter 1 Study guide): Understand, get to know, and accept the
differences of each classmate in the beginning of the school year through a fun art

2. All Lesson Materials:

Book: The Colors Of Us by Karen Katz
Art Materials: Buckets with these materials-Easel paper, paint, colored markers, crayons,
found materials (boxes, leaves, branches, etc.), glue, magazines, pencils, tape, glue and

3. Instruction- learning Process:

 Do First: (5 minutes.) – I will greet everyone good morning and introduce myself as it is
our first day in class. “Good morning second graders! My name is Teacher Sarah and I
will be your teacher for this school year. I know we are all new in this class so I want to
get to know each and everyone of you, and I am sure your classmates would want the
same. So to do so, we will have an art activity today! But before that I will read you all a
story first. The story is entitled The Colors Of Us and was written by Karen Katz. Are
you all ready to listen?”
 Mini-lesson: (15 minutes) – I will bring out the book The Colors Of Us by Karen Katz
and read it to class. After reading the story, I will ask some follow-up questions and even
ask the students to share some of their own stories. “Did you all love the story? I love this
story because it talks about how we are all different and at the same time we all can be
friends! Do you have neighbors and friends who look different like Lena had in the
story?” Maybe I can call someone to answer this question. “Just like the story, we are all
different inside this classroom as well. And for us to get to know each other and to be
friends, we will paint like what Lena did! We will create our own portraits. Do you know
what a portrait is? A portrait is a picture of you, it is a representation of you! And in

today’s activity you will create your own image. This is a great way for you to express
yourself and at the same time I, together with your classmates, will get to know you even
 Guided Practice: (10 minutes) – Each student will have a bucket of art materials
accessible in their own areas. “But before we begin with the activity, let us list down all
the details we wish to put in our portrait. Details like…” (I will be writing on the board
my own examples) “…the shape of your face, eyes, and ears, the color of your skin, eyes
and hair, if you have a dimple, the shape of your lips to show if you are happy, sad or
angry, and other more details you wish to represent you. Listing down and planning these
will help you work on your portrait in a more organized way later. In your area, you will
find a bucket of art materials. These are what you will use to create your own portrait.
After 20 minutes or so, we will all have a chance to share our own portraits in front of the
class. Okay so now I will give you a few minutes to plan out your portraits and list down
what details you will include in them.” During this time, I will be going around and
assisting them to see if they need help in familiarizing with the materials and what they
will include in the portrait.
 Independent Practice: (20 min.) – “Okay, are we all done planning? We may now begin
creating our portraits!” During this portion of the class, I will be monitoring their activity
by going around and helping them with the materials. I will also be asking questions
about their work to get to know them even more. If they all end early we can then
continue to the show and share portion of the class. But if now, we can continue this
activity up to the next day to have more time for the students to create their inputs. Show
and Share portion: “Now that we are all done with our portrait, we will now be sharing it
to the whole class. This is the best way for me and your classmates to know who you are.
So you can start with your name and talk about what you made in your portrait.” During
this time, I will also be asking questions about their ethnicities, their families, what is
their favorite part of their face, etc.
 Exit Slip: (5 minutes) – After everyone gets to Show and Share, we will now be ending
this activity. “Thank you everyone for sharing about your works! I loved how I was able
to get to know you all better and see all your wonderful artworks. I will be collecting all
your work and will be displaying these all wonderful portraits inside our classroom. So
you will all see your works and get to know each other even more this school year. I can’t
wait to be all your friends!”

4. All Resources:
Nevada Department of Education. (2012). Nevada Visual Arts Standards.

5. Reflection:

 Evaluate your multicultural lesson activity. – I believe this is a great way for students to
access themselves, share their culture, and at the same time through the show and share
portion get to know their other classmates as well. I’m not that sure if my plans are
doable for second graders though or should it be for an older grade level. I also believe
this is a way for students to know through a fun art activity the different ethnicities
around the world.
 What specific subject concepts, skills were taught.? – The skills focused on visual arts
and got the standards from the Nevada Department of Education’s website. It helps
students conceptualize their message or ideas and bring it out by creating an artwork. It is
also connecting it to a story that makes it even more understandable and relatable. Aside
from this, they get to know more about different art materials and mediums they can use
when creating art.
 What specific multicultural knowledge, skills were achieved? It tackles a multicultural
goal which is understanding, learning and accepting differences of one another. This
activity can jumpstart appreciating all our ethnicities and cultures through hearing about
it in the Show and Share portion and seeing the artworks each student creates on their
own. No judgement is taught inside as we do not judge their works as well as themselves.
 List the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan – I think the strength of this lesson
plan is that it is a self-assessing activity where the student gets to evaluate what he/she
thinks about themselves. It is a stressless activity because they can do whatever they want
in creating their portraits. It is a great way to create a “no-judgment” environment during
the show and share portion and get to know different ethnicities and cultures as well. The
weakness of the lesson plan is that it could not be effective to some students who are shy
to share in front of class. Some of the students may not focus well in the activity and play
with the materials instead of creating their portraits. The time frames for each part of the
lesson can change depending on the speed and absorption of the students.

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