Explanation of Status Ailments

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This game involves various states.

States are indicated at the bottom right corner of the game screen.
This document lists and describes most of the states in the game.
*Minor spoilers ahead.

When the Arousal (indicated by the pink, bottle-like gauge on the bottom right
corner) increases too much, Ayura may become Aroused.
The higher her Arousal, the higher the chances of her entering this state.
In this state, Arousal increases automatically, and the scaling factor of
Pleasurable damage increases.
Enemy erotic attacks also become more intense.
Dialogues when taking erotic attacks also change.
After a certain duration, this state is deactivated when Arousal drops.
Also deactivates when Overdrive mode is activated
Activation rate also increases due to Pleasure, aphrodisiacs and states.

Arousal value increases automatically for a while, and the scaling factor of
Pleasurable damage is increased.
After gaining a certain passive skill, the effects and duration will increase even
When in this state, Ayura cannot leave Aroused state.

Perverted Arousal
Ayura enters this state when her Arousal increases beyond 100.
Her resistance against erotic attacks drops significantly.
When in this state, Ayura cannot leave Aroused state.

This state indicates that HP has fallen below a certain level.

Ayura enters this state when her Stun value (the white gauge above the HP gauge)
reaches maximum after constantly taking attacks.
"Ayura will be temporarily immobilized,
and be subjected to erotic attacks from enemies (with some exception)."
When receiving erotic attacks, she may be forced to perform sexual acts for a
duration dependent on her defense.
This duration can be lowered by alternately pressing the left and right keys.

When stripped, Ayura will become Embarrassed.
A seemingly harmless state, but with a certain Passive Skill, combined with an
Exposure tendency, Arousal will automatically increase in this state.

When Pleasure exceeds 99 and Ayura keeps taking Pleasurable damage, she will
The chances of climax increase the more erotic attacks she is subjected to with
Pleasure exceeding 99.
When activated, she will take immense Pleasurable damage, and MP will fall to 0.
During her Climax, various stuns cannot be manually undone.
In addition, movement speed and rate of Climaxing increases during the effect.

This state indicates that Defense has fallen below a certain level.
Triggered at a certain rate when Aroused.
Activation rate increases according to Arousal, Pleasure, States and certain
Passive Skills.
Pleasure and Arousal increases.
Ayura also gets Stunned at the same time.

Triggered when receiving erotic attacks from certain enemies.
Overall resistive stats against erotic attacks gets lowered.
Arousal automatically increases.

Arousal and Pleasure will not fall.
Masturbation chances increases.
Bonus scaling factor is added to Pleasurable damage.
Deactivates upon Climaxing.

When Aroused, she becomes erect.
Masturbation types also change.

Triggered at a certain rate when receiving certain attacks.
In this state, she will be subjected to erotic attacks.
Arousal will also increase.
Triggered even if a certain Passive Skill is in effect.

When in this state, Ayura will start Courting when you press the Special key.
Deactivates with time.

Increased Climax Duration

Duration of Climax doubles.
Does not deactivate with time.

Climax Machine
Chance of climax increases.
Deactivates with time.

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