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Cinderella Goes to Market Citizenship, Gender and Women’s Movements in East Central Europe ——_+—_ BARBARA EINHORN 2 New for Old? Ideology, the Family and the Nation "A Quesionmie for Wome OR = thy ely at we ‘eng ou They eatin ay ior Seep ‘wh ihe chen (em owen Wat ey ey io away women nwt thane ss ‘We know ow to wok ot wht yc om what. Theo ot ‘mpc We decide hat we mn ttn pen on teling ‘real te on new howg eats sad sped soe hs “Ey seeing. Nota an gprs set thse et ther We spend tine wi em” whe dag ceding eae ‘Who rey tno ow much te nly if shad a i sea ‘te he narrate Bara Wit Li dy One! ‘The state sociats reamed he nuclear famly at “oii while continuing to regard ita the baie cello anit and fang to Interogue the gendered dhison of labour within Now amore ‘rainal fami mode is being emsoned by East Cental Broan ‘Societies in transon, 8 heft! pan im he search for sent aod ‘ew ales. Tis son ast the fal the salle nti the wider ‘thn caumunty voli is cenaland salty rleinth proessof 2” sting new mores, Te anys hs sen cuca "he cli ational density ands determination. “The tle of women-as-mothers& cet the ideology of both ‘nodes, St oii ‘emancipated’ nomen ot regal czas but {voce ther, The deal wesleglatvelyeomined awe ‘enforce dan practice. The terol ale scribed to women inthe ‘lmnant course war contracted asc dy tbearand rear the ‘Soci szens of theft: Now, the fre ofthe mother has celpsed any expanded noton of aerate fale ole modes suchas ‘foman-a-cinzen. The unitary rol of materood is being eleaed > {nea inthe curentanelomntion.Caech weer Ee Hausrons ‘peak of the “cul of motherood” the gloria ofthe adn [eal rl of wie mother and proud homemake? ‘Women's repedactve and ermine” naarng rls are sen ruil w the sural nota parca soil stm ~ as hey were Unde sate socal But ofthe national ot ethnic community. All soci ile ae laid st he dor of sate socialism which angel ‘ndermined the fly and women's re within it lathe former Soe, Union fr example fins Os Lipa speaks of spatial ‘rade’ and of powerful propaganda send women hone... From Censertve writes, the Church andthe mea comes the familar harge hat the high vor rat, joel delingueny and aloha ‘an be dee stributed to women's sbene tm the fly? Now, al his isto be rete by simple semance si. Women are ove Tables or dhe nan’, fo teach them the national ngage and to Inealeate deo ove fer enc or nana eiage nthe fist mode, women were eored to subordinate their spinon and scat theo’ promise ofthe fall development of ‘sada potential tote needuof the der sce, by consis ‘heeded communi sce ofthe Faure Ine second, women's Selé-sserice Is loiied in the name of nvidvalautonoey Gl) a ‘he marketplace and he reconsroction ofan imputed past ese of ‘amma. The ia appears toe tht in some mhlogied pa, eronal and socal reins were part of morgan and harmonious somewhat uneasy with eppeai to 2 bygone sense of ent and ‘mutually based o he ‘natural bonds of my and corm. “The model of mavketzatn espoused i the former state act societies hypothesis inal enveprencur operating from within 4 family-based ‘community, eather tan equal cient invested. wih ‘ight chim rom siete provision f some collective gods. The ‘odin thedrecton of olsen many Wester market economics Sch asthe German (wich calls fel ‘cial market economy’ “tae Markgnlichy) apes ob, fr he moment casing fom the equation Revlon tthe al-perative soit sate has produced ‘olen swing of he pendulum fo an eee frm of ants ‘Therejectonof society inivorofwainonal'communty’ baka back to the intent century, ecuing Geman sociologist Ferdinand “Toone ideal ypeswhich dangushberventhe npn Gan (Communiy) based on he household,» wt of proicton and ‘consumption characterized by uti athe flient of ace snd the modem Gesdicla occ) marked by raooaty and based on change nthe marketplace replated by ll conract athe han by ‘mye, ower rations whch help o define women a second-class zea in "he pu domain. ‘Wile in state socal sockets twat womens dual role which helped to perpetuate gender-based neuailes inthe fad, emit snes in Wester democracies have ened the fay a Ley Source of women’s scallion and sbordingon. St soca Sought to overcame the contradiction by socinng sme parts of owesclabour and chidare By canta, Wester fomininroght 0 free women fon te bond he peat, nately ough ther ester partcpaon and vsbliy in the pubic sphere, but albo though ssbjecing to serainy and tempting ater the gendered power ‘ltone within the porate sphere a In both pes af soi, the concept of czenship has expanded 0 includ th ight tesco demand tesa the prov a cern ler of scl equ and welfare. This broader ow of cizenahip ‘gh has direct implcasons forthe qualty of Me of fae, 2nd the rights and does of women within them, In soils Sates, ‘uch rights were wien om above 5 opposed 10 beng won, and ‘ete employment ned rater than bare! on he faa I the ‘Scal demote wll model espoared by, ny the Ssandinaien cunts thre was a snarls volvement of women in the worforee and generous welive bevel aked wth this argon. Some feninst anaes ed ths situaion a peraps not {Siertingor empowering fr women asia at ft appear Tey ea ‘hat for women embodies simpy ashi from ecenamte dependence ‘man ind man odepenaence onthe sine in cter word om rite to publ paach.” Given the sarees ffl aor force arian and socal Welle provsin a buh sot, i ‘heron cold be conse to bold te lo forthe st oxi orees, Wevem capital har opened dierent model of ele sate, each with dierent impeston for momen. Cres ‘Canna pins nt tht ia the cuenta pei, Eat Cental "European societies may fou the Conservae-Corporast mol of Socal aly ~ 4 mel epitomized by Germany topeher wb the “Anglos Anercan’Toeral mal but as opposed te Scandinian socal democratic nellare bated model, She refers tothe way Stephan {Cbd and llons Osner have adapted Stephan Leed's and (Gist Eping-Andersen's 1990 models oda out he ender sce ‘he Conserve Corporat mode predated on ae cizep Incondsons ofall male employnent ad high nus product. is nana benefits ate highly related to work performance and cpatnal tt” Lelie and Oster sen tat ha hey al the "Beare tod aoured by Geran and Auton th onc hn “emp captalist economic Jeopment and proc, onthe the thf seen a "ne-voice oe bear Yee ‘Cena epee fom hs mode tha women wh are ot wives cf eonomialy secure men ae parca at singe or eps ‘rome nth nterpted wrk cles women mare omnia stab Work ae estemel wlberable to poverty (the finuaton of ery) a women are assumed tobe dependent apo stands anda eared for by them. Within he fai there an aston of ay, and ew series to scale care and sare womens cting a ‘burden with he ste: Women's mplayment is assed tobe low and heres no assumption that hi sald be changed The way this model operates inte German ne, scoring o Pre Chamberlayne, ts that "the subsidiary pani, nari! inthe ‘Gennan Coston, pass responsi foray parclr faction ‘in sociey on the lowest organ capable of bearing it In wel, respons fls ton he amor East Germ wien wel {8 women in other Est Central Earopan cout, th’ meant ‘stonmous. change, “for wheres socal pacy in. West Germany priveges ousewif rls the East Grima stem promoted female ployment ate of percent.” ‘Cannan points ou ht this Bismarcian mode, pehape de tothe sol oh church, dent and personal meaning ae eu oe in ‘hepa the fy rather than nthe pb spre sin the era rsd democrat modes "The whdranal of the sate fom wellre [rovsion wid esponsbiy devlved ono fair cl imps felance om te unvemunerated, (sate) uesuppeted and isle [Uhour of women ta flthe ep “The Hangar ool Maria Adank pins othe caren inks tbesneen economic inrumentaliy, tat witha Com pub ro= ‘ln, the new Chestanhaed enact Wesogy, and tain Famty models here om power treat call alte muted be te ficay reopusecepaion “The weiner, So ‘Sevres (epbtol ved como pele may Se ‘esha evied Cran merino conplwomch ket it ‘alo soe Tee wl a ae sr bea wih pce the “Siero served eat ye she mine ‘cid etn he upd werk of omen: Wi hs ce he ‘Saye ofan“ eons, nomen wil bee eer bat inthetropetonaenhchtbegneenandtbe esta cay Soyer {In practice this means ha women cue the providers swell athe ensamer of wets Ieals imple a retumfrm public to pate larly. Tiss aor seme West European count win the ECs forthe emerging mare economies of Eas Cental Eure, The ‘Moon of he Canseraive-Corpoatist mode wih devolution af ‘are fom the publ sector othe pate sere, andthe economic Sependence of women within at Sphere, togetcr ply hs reverse ‘ht fom that observed in soil demain sete carne Worse’ dependent posion will Become eacerbte i ute a 3 “6 est both of past polices linking socal welfre enement to ‘liga employment, nd uel high vl of eae unemay- rent. The Hungarian socio Jil Srallargucs the cas for mele ‘heen oe uhitced frm bur fre parison and based {tteadon some more andamenalaon oil or

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