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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Subject: Electric &

Research Electronic Eng.

Erbil Polytechnic University Date: 09 Jan. 2017
Erbil Technical Engineering College Time: 90 min
Mechanical & Energy Eng. Techniques Class: 3rd year Students
Department First Seasonal Examination
2016 – 2017

Q1: Answer the following questions? (40 Marks)

A. How may the number of parallel paths in an armature of generator be increased?
B. How should a generator be started?
C. What causes heating the armature of generator?
D. A d.c. motor fails to start when switched on. What could be the possible reasons and

Q2: (30 Marks)

A short-shunt compound generator has armature, shunt field and series field resistances of 0.5 Ω, 100 Ω
and 0.3 Ω respectively. When supplying a load of 8 kW at a terminal voltage of 250 V the input power
supplied by the driving motor is 10.4 kW. Calculate (a) the generated e.m.f., (b) the efficiency, (c) the iron,
friction and windage loss, and (d) the total fixed losses (constant losses).

Q3: (30 Marks)

A dc series motor runs at 750 r.p.m. and takes 30 A at 200 V. If the total losses of the motor are 1.1kW, the
field and armature resistance are 0.15Ω and 0.25Ω respectively, find: (a) the total copper losses, (b) the
efficiency, and (c) the developed torque in the armature.


Assist. Lecturer Head of Department

Zana K. Ozairaghali Dr. Iyd Eqqab Maree

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