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Arthur E. Barnes
Landmark Graphics Corp., Englewood, Colorado, U.S.A.
Introduction Hundreds of seismic attributes have been invented, computed
Imagine having a “seismic search engine”. Built into your seis- by a wide variety of methods, including complex trace analysis,
mic data viewer, it would rapidly locate features in your seismic interval statistics, correlation measures, Fourier analysis, time-fre-
data, like search engines help you locate information on the world- quency analysis, wavelet transforms, principal components, and
wide web. various empirical methods. Regardless of the method, attributes are
used like filters to reveal trends or patterns, or combined to predict
It could work like this. You are looking at a large 3-D seismic a seismic facies or a property such as porosity. While qualitative
survey for the first time. This survey covers a block adjacent to one interpretation of individual attributes has dominated attribute
on which your company has a well, Richoil #1, that produces from analysis to date, the future belongs to quantitative multi-attribute
turbidites. You ask, Where are the turbidites? In a matter of min- analysis for geologic prediction.
utes, the seismic search engine automatically identifies various tur-
bidites in your data. Encouraged, you then ask, Which of these Seismic attribute analysis is in transition. Though marked, this
resembles the turbidites encountered in Richoil #1? Within seconds transition is but a step in a long evolution (Figure 1).
the turbidities are ranked by similarity to this reference.
Investigating further, you automatically identify faults, channels,
deep marine shales, and more.

This fanciful tale describes future reality; some such tool will
become available within the next decade. Seismic pattern recogni-
tion has been developing quietly but steadily for twenty years, and
the first practical applications are now appearing. But no matter
how new and sophisticated the algorithm, seismic pattern recogni-
tion rests on an old and simple foundation: seismic attributes.

Seismic attributes
Seismic attributes describe seismic data. They quantify specific
data characteristics, and so represent subsets of the total informa-
tion. In effect, attribute computations decompose seismic data into
constituent attributes. This decomposition is informal in that there
are no rules governing how attributes are computed or even what
they can be. Indeed, any quantity calculated from seismic data can
be considered an attribute. Consequently, attributes are of many
types: prestack, inversion, velocity, horizon, multi-component, 4-D,
and, the most common kind and subject of this review, attributes
derived from conventional stacked data (Table 1).

Method Representative Attributes

complex trace amplitude, phase, frequency, polarity, response phase, Figure 1. Timeline outlining the development of seismic attributes from
response fequency, dip, azimuth, spacing, parallelism 1950 to the present. Key attributes are shown italicized, and representative
time-frequency dip, azimuth, average frequency, attenuation, spectral papers are shown in diagonals.
correlation/covariance discontinuity, dip, azimuth, amplitude gradient
From the first practical seismic reflection experiments in 1921
until the early 1960s, seismic reflection data interpretation was
interval average amplitude, average frequency, variance, maxi-
mum, number of peaks, % above threshold, energy half- largely a matter of mapping event times and converting these to
time, arc length, spectral components, waveform depth to determine subsurface geologic structure. Paper records
horizon dip, azimuth, curvature and analog magnetic tape recording lacked sufficient resolution to
go much beyond this. Structural interpretation ruled and strati-
miscellaneous zero-crossing frequency, dominant frequencies, rms graphic interpretation languished.
amplitude, principal compaonents, signal complexity

Table 1. Methods for computing poststack seismic attributes, with repre-

sentative attributes. Many attributes, such as dip and azimuth can be com- Continued on Page 42
puted many ways.

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Continued from Page 41

A few intrepid visionaries recognized that seismic reflection Oil company researchers in the late 1950s and 1960s sought
character contained valuable clues to stratigraphy. Foremost these frequency changes and a corresponding means to display
amongst them was Ben Rummerfield. In 1954 he published his them in color. A.H. Balch was the first to publish results (Balch,
famous paper on mapping “reflection quality” to reveal subtle 1971). He developed color “sonograms” using a simple filter-bank
stratigraphic changes (Rummerfield, 1954). Lindseth (1982, p. 9.2) to quantify the time-variant average frequency of stacked seismic
considers this a forerunner of the bright spot concept, but it is as data. His interest lay in detecting frequency changes rather than in
much a forerunner of seismic attribute analysis in general. interpreting their origin, but to keep oil-finders hopeful he suggest-
Rummerfield was remarkably prescient, for he foresaw that with ed that his technique might detect attenuation due to gas-filled
improvements in seismology one could deduce fluid content, reefs. Balch’s paper is chiefly remembered as the first published in
porosity, and facies changes from reflection character. Other vision- Geophysics to display seismic data in color.
aries, such as Eduardo Merlini, Carl Savit, and Otto Koefoed,
explored the tantalizing possibilities of recording seismic energy Balch’s work was closely followed by Nigel Anstey’s innovative
and true amplitudes. But these exceptions only prove the rule; study of seismic attributes, published in two internal reports for
overall geophysicists paid little attention to seismic amplitude or Seiscom Delta and presented at the 1973 SEG annual meeting
character. (Anstey, 1972, 1973a, 1973b). His chief attribute was an amplitude
measure he called reflection strength, which he developed for bright
This changed dramatically in 1963 with the introduction of dig- spot analysis (Figure 2). He deliberately chose a descriptive yet
ital recording of exploration seismic data in the field (Dobrin, 1976, technically vague name to emphasize meaning over mathematics.
p. 68). Its acceptance was so rapid that by 1968 fully half of all new
seismic recording was digital, and by 1975 nearly all was digital
(Sheriff and Geldart, 1989, p. 21, 26, 170). Digital recording so great-
ly improved the dynamic range of seismic data that it became fea-
sible to routinely investigate amplitude variations. This led straight
to the discovery of the first direct hydrocarbon indicators, bright

Much of the early research on bright spots was published in the

Soviet Union in the late 1960s, but this was little known in the West
and consequently had negligible influence. Instead, the ideas were
developed independently in secrecy amongst oil companies and
seismic contractors exploring in the Gulf of Mexico in the late 1960s
and early 1970s. By 1971 the technique was widespread through-
out the industry and by 1972 it was out in the open (Dobrin 1976, p.
339; Sheriff and Geldart, 1989, p. 21). Even then, little about bright
spots was ever published because the technology remained confi- Figure 2. Isometric display of reflection strength (figure from Anstey,
dential and jealously guarded. 1972). This display compares well with modern displays and was far
superior to its contemporary competition. Unfortunately, a limited pub-
lication muted the influence of Anstey’s work.
The stunning success of bright spot prospecting quickly estab-
lished it as a key tool of exploration geophysics. Its chief contribu-
tion, however, lay in convincing geophysicists to look at variations Reflection strength cast seismic amplitude in a form free of the dis-
in reflection character and stratigraphy as well as reflection times torting influences of reflection polarity and wavelet phase, permit-
and geologic structure. In this way, bright spots laid the cornerstone ting fairer comparisons. Anstey also invented apparent polarity
for attribute analysis. and differential frequency, and showed interval velocity, frequency,
cross-dip2, and stack-coherence attributes. His color technique was
Thus the first seismic attribute was reflection amplitude.1 In costly but greatly improved upon Balch’s. His method for display-
numerous guises, it remains the most important attribute today. ing seismic attributes has been employed ever since: simultaneous-
ly plot the attribute in color and the original seismic data in black
With expectations inflated by the easy success of bright spots, variable area. He considers this his most valuable contribution to
researchers sought other direct hydrocarbon indicators. Their attribute analysis as it allowed the stratigraphic information of the
search led immediately to frequency. They were encouraged by the attribute to be directly related to the structural information of the
idea that anomalous attenuation in a seismic signal that passed seismic data.
through a gas reservoir can be detected as a shift to lower frequen-
cies. This effect is the celebrated “low frequency shadow.” The Anstey’s reports remain surprisingly fresh and insightful.
fondest hope was that shadows could permit attenuation to be Unfortunately they also remain inaccessible, as only a handful of
quantified, from which the rock property Q could be inferred copies were made due to the great expense of the early color plots.
(Dobrin, 1976, p. 289). It was his colleagues, Turhan Taner, Robert Sheriff, and Fulton
Koehler, who, inheriting his work upon his departure from Seiscom
Continued on Page 44
42 CSEG Recorder September, 2001
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Delta 1975, popularized his ideas. In place of his various empirical ing force was to automatically determine seismic facies, there also
methods, they introduced a single mathematical framework for arose the curious idea that attributes might somehow make sense in
attribute computation, complex seismic trace analysis. combination even if they didn’t make any sense individually.

Complex seismic trace analysis debuted at the 1976 SEG annual These efforts failed to provide the geologic insights that seismic
meeting and was subsequently published in the two seminal papers interpreters so keenly sought, nor could they prevent the inevitable
that launched seismic attributes into prominence, Taner and Sheriff disillusionment bred of expectations set too high. Doubts grew and
(1977), and Taner et al. (1979). The timing was especially propitious. enthusiasm waned; by the mid-1980s, seismic attributes had lost
Against the background of the gathering boom in exploration driv- their gloss of scientific respectability. Excerpts from the literature
en by the energy crisis of the 1970s, complex seismic trace analysis
appeared alongside seismic stratigraphy, one of the great advances
in reflection seismology. The first practical color plotters followed
soon after, and suddenly color attribute plots became affordable.
This combination of money, science, and color proved irresistible:
complex trace attributes were enthusiastically received and quickly
became established as aids to seismic interpretation.

Taner and Sheriff introduced five attributes: instantaneous ampli-

tude, instantaneous phase, instantaneous polarity, instantaneous fre-
quency, and weighted average frequency. Instantaneous amplitude
is patterned after Anstey’s reflection strength and so adopted its
name. Instantaneous polarity likewise followed Anstey’s design. For
these two attributes, mathematics follows meaning. Figure 3. Basic flow chart of seismic pattern recognition (multi-attribute
analysis). A set of attributes are fed into a black-box algorithm, which could
In contrast, instantaneous phase and frequency were new attrib- contain a neural network. The black-box classifies the input data at each
utes that fell out of the mathematics of the complex trace. Their data point. If additional information is given, the classification is super-
geologic meanings had to be inferred empirically. These two attrib- vised; otherwise it is unsupervised. The output is typically a prediction of
seismic facies or a physical property such as porosity.
utes have proven very useful, but they established the unhappy
precedent of subordinating meaning to mathematics.
record this fall from grace. Roy Lindseth (1982, p. 9.15) observed, “...
It was no accident that complex seismic trace analysis first except for amplitude, they have never become very popular, nor are
appeared with seismic stratigraphy. Peter Vail and his colleagues at they used extensively in interpretation. The reason for this seems
Exxon, who developed seismic stratigraphy, learned of the new to lie in the fact that most of them cannot be tied directly to geolo-
attributes and were enthralled by the possibilities they offered. gy ...” Regarding complex trace attributes, Hatton et al. (1986, p.
They expected that additional attributes would soon quantify their 25) opined, “... this concept is a little difficult to grasp intuitively ...
seismic facies parameters. And so it was that these two methods While these functions do provide alternative and sometimes valu-
were published together in the famous AAPG Memoir 26 in 1977. able clues in the interpretation of seismic data, cf. Taner et al. (1979),
Seismic stratigraphy greatly boosted seismic attributes, providing it is probably fair to say that their usage has not been as widespread
them a scientific framework for combining attributes to predict as it might have been due to their somewhat esoteric nature.”
geology, as well as endowing them with a gloss of scientific Yilmaz (1987, p. 484) cautiously wrote, “The instantaneous fre-
respectability. quency may have a high degree of variation, which may be related
to stratigraphy. However, it also may be difficult to interpret all this
New attributes proliferated in the 1980s: zero-crossing frequen- variation.” Robertson and Fisher (1988) added, “The mix of mean-
cy, perigram, cosine of the phase, dominant frequencies, average ingful and meaningless values is probably the major factor that has
amplitude, homogeneity - and many others. Most of the new frustrated interpreters looking for physical significance in the actu-
attributes lacked clear geologic significance. This was not neces- al numbers on attribute sections.”
sarily a problem. To the extent that attributes reveal meaningful
patterns in the seismic data, they have value. But determining If the experts didn’t know what to make of seismic attributes, is
whether patterns are truly meaningful is often problematic. it any wonder that the rest of us were confused?

This prompted efforts to make more sense of seismic attributes. Even as attributes fell into neglect, work continued on new tech-
Several studies related complex trace seismic attributes to Fourier niques that would restore them to favor. Chief amongst these was
spectral averages, which yielded clues to wavelet properties and 3-D discontinuity.
led to “response attributes” (e.g., Robertson and Nogami, 1984;
Bodine, 1986). Work also began on seismic pattern recognition, or A number of two-dimensional continuity and dip attributes
“multi-attribute analysis” (e.g., de Figueiredo 1982; Sonneland, appeared in the 1980s (e.g., Conticini, 1984; Scheuer and
1983; Conticini 1984; Justice et al. 1985; see Figure 3). While the driv- Oldenburg, 1988; Vossler, 1989). These met with an indifferent
Continued on Page 45
44 CSEG Recorder September, 2001
Continued from Page 44

reception. But when in the mid-1990s they were three-dimensional- (a)

ized and continuity was recast as discontinuity, they took the explo-
ration world by storm (e.g., Bahorich and Farmer, 1995). The
excitement was reminiscent of that of bright spots, for, like ampli-
tude, discontinuity had clear meaning and enabled interpreters to
see something they couldn’t easily see before. This success
breathed new life into attribute analysis. Other multi-dimensional
attributes soon followed, such as parallelism and divergence (e.g.,
Oliveros and Radovich, 1997; Randen et al., 1998; Randen et al.,
2000; Marfurt and Kirlin, 2000; Figures 4 and 5).

The late 1980s and early 1990s also saw the introduction of hori-
zon attributes (Dalley et al., 1989), interval attributes (Sonneland et
al., 1989; Bahorich and Bridges, 1992), and attributes extracted
along a horizon from a volume (Figure 6). Presented as maps and
offering superior resolution and computational efficiency, these
were quickly and widely adopted and have become the most


Figure 5. Reflection divergence, a seismic stratigraphic attribute. It is

quantified as the degree to which successive reflections diverge looking
Figure 4. Reflection parallelism, a seismic stratigraphic attribute. It is
downdip. Yellow indicates divergent reflections and blue indicates conver-
quantified as the local degree of variation of reflection dip from the average.
gent. (a) Vertical view; (b) 3-D opacity view. The analysis window cap-
Parallel reflections indicate a lower-energy depositional environment, sug-
tured only small-scale divergence, such as that in the channel fill, thereby
gestive of shales; nonparallel reflections indicate a higher-energy deposi-
revealing the extent of the channel.
tional environment, suggestive of sands.

Throughout this time, attributes continued to multiply in chaot-

important format for presenting attributes. Interval attributes are ic profusion. Brave workers endeavored to bring order to the chaos
usually computed as a statistic in an interval about an interpreted by classifying attributes according to function (e.g., Brown, 1996;
horizon. Seismic waveform mapping is a notable exception, as it Chen and Sidney, 1997). But could it be that these noble efforts are
based on unsupervised classification. This popular new attribute most valuable precisely because many attributes are not? The geo-
tracks facies changes (Addy, 1997; Figure 6d). logic meanings of some attributes are so obscure we can only guess
at them.3 Other attributes duplicate each other; amplitude attrib-
Multi-attribute analysis progressed slowly but surely through utes are especially redundant (Figure 7). We do not need all the
the late 1980s and 1990s. Attribute cross-plotting was added to seismic attributes.
visually relate two or three attributes (e.g., White, 1991). Clustering
algorithms were employed to classify sets of attributes as maps or Do we need any?
volumes. Since the mid-1990s, neural networks have largely sup-
planted clustering (e.g., Russell et al., 1997; Addy, 1997; De Groot
and Bril, 1999; Walls et al., 1999). The newer supervised classifica-
Continued on Page 46
tion algorithms automatically integrate seismic and nonseismic
information in their solutions, increasing their prediction power.
September, 2001 CSEG Recorder 45
Continued from Page 45

Parts of this are already available (e.g., De Groot and Bril, 1999).
To progress further, we need better attributes to describe reflection
patterns with stratigraphic significance, we need better attributes
for describing boundaries (faults, sequences, etc.), we need to inte-
grate these with well logs, production reports, and other informa-
tion, and we need to build databases of observed seismic patterns
for use with advanced pattern recognition algorithms.

Figure 6. Attribute maps computed for the same horizon. (a) RMS ampli-
tude computed in a 40 ms window about the horizon; (b) instantaneous Figure 7. Cross-plots of common amplitude attributes. The simple linear
dip extracted along the horizon; (c) dip computed in the direction of the and parabolic relationships illustrate that these attributes all contain the
arrow and extracted along the horizon, so that the seismic data looks like same information.
terrain illuminated by light from the top; (d) map of waveform produced
by fuzzy clustering with 10 classes, computed in a 40 ms window about Automated seismic data characterization - based on seismic
the horizon. Attribute maps conveniently present a wide variety of infor- attributes - will rewrite the rules of seismic data interpretation.
mation. Geophysical prophets foresaw the wondrous possibilities. In 1983
Future Lars Sonneland could write (Sonneland, 1983), “Finally, automated
interpretation techniques might release the interpreter from tedious
You may not need seismic attributes today, but you will need
parts of the interpretation and thereby contribute to faster turn-
them in the future.
around.” Going back even farther to 1973, Nigel Anstey boldly
wrote (Anstey, 1973a), “We are saying, then, that we are entering a
The future will see more multidimensional attributes with geo- new age of seismic prospecting - one that yields a new insight into
logic significance and a greater reliance on multi-attribute analysis. the geology, one that makes the seismic method far more quantita-
These trends are leading to automatic pattern recognition tech- tive, and one which requires a whole new arsenal of seismic inter-
niques for seismic facies analysis, able to rapidly characterize large pretation skills”.
volumes of data, or retrieve subtle details hidden in the data. In
short, the future will see seismic search engines.
You will have seismic attributes in your facies - and you will
like it.
So how would our seismic search engine work? The idea is sim-
plicity itself (the devil is truly in the details). A template stores the
characteristics that describe the reference turbidite of Richoil #1 as Acknowledgements
imaged in our seismic data. These characteristics are defined by I thank Nigel Anstey for graciously presenting me photocopies
specific attribute values. These attributes are hidden behind the of his impossible-to-find classic studies, Seiscom ‘72 & Seiscom ‘73,
characteristics: our template describes our reference turbidite as and for his insightful recollections of the early history of seismic
moderately nonparallel and quantifies it as 63%, but we don’t care attributes. I thank Grant Geophysical for permission to reproduce
how parallelism is computed as long as it is satisfactory. The tem-
plate is stored in a template database. Collectively, the templates
describe many geologic features, including a number of turbidites. 1 Reflection time was really the first seismic attribute.
The search engine retrieves our turbidite template from the data- 2 This is arguably the first 3-D attribute.
base and scans the data for patterns that resemble it. 3 If you can’t tell what an attribute means from its name, then you prob-
ably don’t need it.
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the reflection strength figure from Anstey’s 1972 report. I also Robertson, J.D., and Fisher, D.A., 1988, Complex seismic trace attributes: The
thank Landmark Graphics Corporation for permission to present Leading Edge, 7, no. 6, 22-26.
the other displays of seismic attributes. Rummerfield, B.F., 1954, Reflection quality a fourth dimension: Geophysics, 19,
Scheuer, T.E., and Oldenburg, D.W., 1988, Local phase velocity from complex
References seismic data: Geophysics, 53, 1503-1511.
Addy, S.K., 1997, Attribute analysis in Edwards limestone in Lavaca county,
Sheriff, R.E., and Geldart, L.P., 1989. Exploration seismology volume 1: History,
Texas: 67th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded
theory, and data acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
Abstracts, 737-740.
Sonneland, L., 1983, Computer aided interpretation of seismic data: 53rd Ann.
Anstey, N., 1972, Seiscom ‘72. (Seiscom Limited internal report)
Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 546-549.
Anstey, N., 1973a, Seiscom ‘73. (Seiscom Limited internal report)
Sonneland, L. Barkved, O., Olsen, M., and Snyder, G., 1989, Application of
Anstey, N.A., 1973b, The significance of color displays in the direct detection of seismic wavefield attributes in reservoir characterization: 59th Ann. Internat.
hydrocarbons: 43rd Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophysics. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 813-817.
Bahorich, M.S., and Bridges, S.R., 1992, Seismic sequence attribute map Taner, M.T., Koehler, F., and Sheriff, R.E., 1979, Complex seismic trace analysis:
(SSAM): 62nd Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Geophysics, 44, 1041-1063.
Abstract, 227-230.
Taner, M.T., and Sheriff, R.E., 1977, Application of amplitude, frequency, and
Bahorich, M., and Farmer, S., 1995, 3-D seismic discontinuity for faults and other attributes to stratigraphic and hydrocarbon exploration, in Payton, C.E.,
stratigraphic features: The coherence cube: 65th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Ed., Seismic stratigraphy - Applications to hydrocarbon exploration:
Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 93-96. Am. Assn. Petr. Geol. Memoir 26, 301-327.
Balch, A.H., 1971, Color sonograms — a new dimension in seismic data interpre- Vossler, D.A., 1989, Automatic delineation of lateral facies changes in clastic envi-
tation: Geophysics, 36, 1074-1098. ronments: 59th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded
Abstracts, 803-804.
Bodine, J.H., 1986, Waveform analysis with seismic attributes: Oil and Gas J., 84,
no. 23, 59-63. Walls, J.D., Taner, M.T., Guidish, T., Taylor, G., Dumas, D., and Derzhi, N.,
1999: North Sea reservoir characterization using rock physics, seismic attrib-
Brown, A.R., 1996, Seismic attributes and their classification: The Leading Edge, utes, and neural networks; a case history: 69th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl.
15, 1090. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 1572-1575.
Chen, Q., and Sidney, S., 1997, Seismic attribute technology for reservoir fore- White, R.E., 1991, Properties of instantaneous seismic attributes: The Leading
casting and monitoring: The Leading Edge, 16, no. 5, 445, 447-448, 450. Edge, 10, no. 7, 26-32.
Conticini, F., 1984, Seismic facies quantitative analysis: New tool in stratigraphic Yilmaz, Ö., 1987, Seismic data processing: Soc. Expl. Geophys. R
interpretation: 54th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded
Abstracts, 680-682.
Dalley, R.M., Gevers, E.C.A., Stampfli, G.M., Davies, D.J., Gastaldi, C.N.,
Ruijtenberg, P.A., and Vermeer, G.J.O., 1989, Dip and azimuth displays for ARTHUR E. BARNES
3D seismic interpretation: First Break, 7, 86-95.
Art Barnes earned a B.Sc. in physics
De Groot, P.F.M., 1999, Volume transformation by way of neural network map- in 1974 from Denison University in
ping: 61st Mtg., Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Extended Abstracts, 3-37. Ohio, an M.Sc. in geophysics in 1980
de Figueiredo, R. J. P., 1982, Pattern recognition approach to exploration, in from the University of Arizona in
deFigueiredo, R. J. P., Ed., Concepts and techniques in oil and gas explo- Tucson, Arizona, and a Ph.D. in geo-
ration: Soc. Expl. Geophys., 267-286. physics in 1990 from Cornell University
Dobrin, M.B., 1976, Introduction to geophysical prospecting, 3rd Ed.: McGraw- in Ithaca, New York. Belatedly realizing
Hill, Inc. his mistake in 1995, he took a course in
C++ object oriented programming at
Hatton, L., Worthington, M.H., and Makin, J., 1986, Seismic data processing:
Ohio University to become employable.
Theory and practice: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Justice, J.H., Hawkins, D.J., Wong, G., 1985, Multidimensional attribute analy- Art entered the oil industry in the halcyon days of 1980 when
sis and pattern recognitions for seismic interpretation: Pattern Recognition, one could get a job by spelling geophysix. He worked on a marine
18, 391-407. seismic crew and in seismic data processing. In 1986, encouraged
by market fundamentals to seek new opportunities, he re-entered
Lindseth, R.O., 1982, Digital processing of geophysical data: A review: Soc. Expl.
academics. He worked in the COCORP deep seismic exploration
project at Cornell, becoming an expert in seismic noise.
Marfurt, K.J., and Kirlin, R.L., 2000, 3-D broad-band estimates of reflector dip Speculating that the paucity of reflections was the fault of the sed-
and amplitude: Geophysics, 65, 304-320. imentary cover, he joined Lithoprobe at Ecole Polytechnique de
Oliveros, R.B., and Radovich, B.J., 1997, Image-processing display techniques Montréal to work on data from the Canadian shield. During this
applied to seismic instantaneous attributes on the Gorgon gas field, North West time, he pursued research in attribute analysis and seismic signal
Shelf, Australia: 67th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded processing, publishing his results in leading journals and mislead-
Abstracts, 2064-2067. ing journals.
Randen, T., Monsen, E., Signer, C., Abrahamsen, A., Hansen, J.O., Sæter, T., In 1995, Art returned to the oil industry as a software engineer.
Schlaf, J., and Sonneland, L., 2000, Three-dimensional texture attributes for He joined Landmark Graphics in Denver in 1997. He maintains a
seismic data analysis: 70th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys.,
product for interpretive seismic data processing to which he is
Expanded Abstracts, 668-671.
adding new attribute functionality. Don’t blame him for limita-
Randen, T., Reymond, B., Sjulstad, H.I., and Sonneland, L., 1998, New Seismic tions in other software products. He is a member of the SEG,
attributes for automated stratigraphic facies boundary detection: 68th Ann. EAGE, and - last but not least - the CSEG.
Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 628-631.
Robertson, J.D., and Nogami, H.H., 1984, Complex seismic trace analysis of thin
beds: Geophysics, 49, 344-352.
September, 2001 CSEG Recorder 47

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