Recommendation Report:: Black Mold Edition

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Black Mold Edition

By: Erika Chavez


In this report we will be investigating many claims from the employees of Prestige
Worldwide speculating health concerns in the presence of black mold. Our primary concern was
to first figure out why this building would have black mold. We wanted to identify where the
black mold originated from, how it affects the employees, and possible solutions for the problem.
We did some research on black mold and we found that there are over 20,000 types of black
mold. So what we needed to know for this report is what type of black mold and that is where
our investigation started. We wanted to find out whether or not the health concerns are related to
the black mold so we also needed to know what exactly health problems black mold can cause in
a person. The main goal of this research report is to recommend the best course of action to do
regarding black mold in the office. As stated before we investigated what type of black mold it is
because from there we can achieve a more thorough investigation. We collected files from every
employee who has reported symptoms so we can see how serious they have been affected from
the black mold. Our recommendation to this company would be to immediately remove the
mold, establish future inspections, and to provide anything necessary for the employees proper
health care to treat their symptoms relating to black mold. In the rest of the report we will
explain our methodology, results, and recommendation.


The first thing we wanted to figure out was what type of black mold we were dealing
with, the more we know - the better we can deal with it. To begin a thorough examination we
needed a few things:

● Background information on mold

● Types of mold
● Symptoms of exposure
● Causes of mold
● Removal procedures
● Caution
Step One: Background information on black mold

We first began by conducting our own research on black mold. We wanted to know what
black mold was so we can have a better understanding on the situation. What we found was that
there are over 20,000 species of black mold. It thrives in damp wet areas with high humidity
levels. It can travel by air through little tiny spores, and these little tiny pores that travel through
the air are what make people sick when they are inhaled. This is a concern for our employees
because they spend 8+ hours a day in this environment.

Step Two: Types of mold

As stated above, there are over 20,000 types of mold including, Strachybotrys,
Chaetomium, Aspergillus, Penicillin, Fusarium, Alternaria, Trichoderma, Acremonium, and
Ulocladium. We looked at different pictures of mold and the one most related to ours in the
office was Strachybotrys. This is a toxigenic type of mold with allergenic features. It’s
appearance is dark green and slimy in texture. This mold also thrives in damp, wet areas.
Different types of mold can cause different symptoms. The toxic part of Strachybotrys is called
Mycotoxicosis, this is the part that causes people to get sick.

Step Three: Symptoms of exposure

Because of the specific type of toxigenic black mold we found in the office -
Strachybotrys we had to figure out what the symptoms were. This was easy to find because in
every source we used they talk about symptoms. Symptoms include: difficulty breathing,
sinusitis, fatigue, depression, dull aches and pains within the sinuses, burning sensations in your
airways, tightening of the chest, persistent cough, nosebleeds, fever and painful headaches.
People with allergies are more sensitive to mold. People who are most are risk are: infants,
children, older adults, people with allergies, asthma, and weakened immune systems.

Part Four: Causes of mold

There can be several factors that can cause mold. Some of the most common are: water
leaks, persistent humidity, build-up of condensation, and poor ventilation. Basically black mold
grows wherever there is a lot of moisture.
Part Five: Removal

When removing mold it can be dangerous because of exposure and it can spread easily.
The best way to get rid of mold is to remove it. And there are people who do this for a living
especially working in a company like this it would be best to leave it to the professionals so we
know the job is thorough and we won’t have to deal with it again.

However, there is ways to treat mold on your own. Follow these steps: Step one:
eliminate moisture. Redirect any water sources near the mold because black mold thrives in
damp areas. Step two: remove interior mold. There are special detergents made for getting rid of
mold, apply to surface and clean completely. Or you can use undiluted white vinegar, diluted
bleach or ammonia. Step three: proper disposal. Clean and throw away everything that came into
contact with the black mold.

Step Six: Caution

When messing with toxic black mold it is best to be very cautious. This should include
wearing proper protectants including gloves, mask, and clothing. Remember black mold can
cause health problems in people and can be spread through little tiny spores in the air. Dead mold
can affect people just as much as mold that is alive, you must properly dispose of anything
containing black mold.


What our investigation led us to is the discovery of Strachybotrys in the workplace. This
was found because of employees reporting strange smells and health problems. The problems
they were reporting include: difficulty breathing, allergies, headaches, nosebleeds and fatigue.
They were concerned about the presence of mold which led us to conduct an investigation. Black
mold affects people negatively and produces a number of symptoms in a person. There are
several ways to get rid of this black mold including complete removal and cleaning. Black mold
thrives in places that are damp. We also found a water leak above the area where the black mold
was found, this is something that will have to be fixed as well.
Discussion of Results

One would recommend to call a professional to have the black mold removed. It is a big
company and the black mold is affecting a lot of the employee’s day-to-day. Calling a
professional now will be the best course of action to ensure good health in the future. Black mold
is caused by wet damp environments and it has grown because of a water leak inside the office.
This water leak will also need to be fixed because that is the cause. We can also clean and
remove the mold ourselves, we’d have to use protective gear and products used for cleaning
black mold. The number one thing we should be doing right now is removing that mold because
the longer it stays the longer it negatively affects people. Black mold was found inside the office
and it needs to be removed before it affects anybody else.


Our first recommendation is to call a professional. That is the best, quickest solution for
this problem and it shouldn’t be too expensive. Our second recommendation would be to grab
the undiluted white vinegar and to clean that stuff yourself. This is an ideal option because it
would save the company money. Our third recommendation is to prevent the occurence of black
mold. It is not hard to prevent black mold all you need to do is have regular inspections and
prevent a build-up of condensation. Humidity levels should be regularly checked and maintained.
This is not the best option because it’s something you have to do before black mold occurs but it
is a reasonable option.

Aer Industries. 2020. ​12 Common Types Of Mold In Homes | Where To Find Mold In Your House​. [online]
Available at: <> [Accessed 29
November 2020].

Ward, John, and Charles Leduc. "What Is Black Mold? | Pictures & Symptoms Of Black Mold". ​Mold
Busters,​ 2020, ​​.

"How To Get Rid Of Black Mold". ​The Home Depot,​ 2020,​.

"Black Mold Exposure: Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention". ​Medicalnewstoday.Com​, 2020,​.

"Black Mold Exposure: What It Is And Isn’T". ​Healthline​, 2020,,-what-exactly-is-black-mold?.

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