The Bermuda Triangle Mistery

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Bermuda triangle is an unusual triangular area on the Atlantic Ocean where numerous cases

come forward every year concerning the disappearance. In some instances remains of the
ships could be found. However, the crew is never to be seen. And such occurrences have been
going on for a decade. More than 1000 planes and ships have been lost in the sea over the
past few centuries.

Where is it?
Bermuda triangle aka the Devil’s triangle or the hoodoo sea is situated in the western part
of the North Atlantic Ocean. Numerous ships & aircraft are said to have been
disappeared from the site under difficult situations.
Throughout the years, several other approaches have been proffered to justify the mystery of
the triangle. Some writers have stretched upon Berlitz’s notions about Atlantis, signifying that
Atlantis might lie underneath the bottom of the Bermuda Sea and putting its crystal energies
into use to sink planes and ships. Other theories comprise time travel and alien bases
Some are of the opinion that the elucidation lies in some kind of exceptionally rare and
unknown-yet natural- hydrological or geological description.
Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is one of the great unsolved mysteries of the world, a section of ocean
in the western North Atlantic where ships and aircrafts have disappeared under deeply
suspicious circumstances. Included in this list is the infamous “Flight 19”, a group of 5 bombers
who went on a routine training exercise in 1945 and never returned, as well as the search and
rescue plane that went looking for them the same day. There is also the case of the
USSCyclops, a US Navy boat that disappeared in 1918 with all 309 crew on board as well as the
Connemara IV, a pleasure yacht, found adrift in 1955 with all the crew missing.
The Loch Ness Monster
This is another world wide famous unsolved mystery of the world. On December 6, 1933, the
Daily Express published a photo of a “monster” that was apparently lurking in Scotland’s Loch
Ness. Since that time there have been police investigations, scientific studies, calls of a hoax
and countless reported sightings of a “creature” swimming within the dark waters of the Loch.
Described as having a long serpentine neck, “Nessie” (as she is affectionately known by locals)
is theorized to be the last in a long line of surviving plesiosaurs, but no solid evidence to verify
this has ever been uncovered.

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