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2nd Grade Diversity Lesson Plan

Book Title: I am Rosa Parks

Author: Brad Meltzer

Publication Date: June 17, 2014

Grade Levels: K-3rd Grade

Subject: Social Studies

Culture: African American

Topic: Discrimination, Segregation, Civil Rights

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Social Justice Standards:

 DI.K-2.10 Students will examine diversity in social, cultural, political and historical
contexts rather than in ways that are superficial or oversimplified.
 AC.K-2.17 Students will recognize their own responsibility to stand up to exclusion,
prejudice and injustice.

Nevada Academic Content Standard:

 Social Studies- SS.2.12- Examine major events in U.S. history to understand how
discrimination and oppression of various racial and ethnic groups have contributed
towards movements for social justice.


 The students will be able to identify injustices towards the African American community
through group discussions with 90% accuracy.
 The students will be able to analyze major events that took place during the Civil Rights
Movement in order by creating a coloring book of Rosa Parks with 90% accuracy.


 The book I am Rosa Parks by Brad Meltzer • Scissors

 Construction paper • Stapler
 Civil Rights Worksheets for each student • Glue

 Colored pencils • Markers


1) Introduce: Introduce the book I am Rosa Parks. Ask students if they ever stood up for
something they believed was right. Define the word segregation to the class in simple words.

Segregation- the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or


2) Read: Teacher reads I am Rosa Parks by Brad Meltzer to the whole class.

3) Discuss: Students will discuss each question in small groups of 4 after listening to the book.
1. What were some things or places where segregation took place?
2. Who was Rosa Parks and what did she refuse to do?
3. Describe Rosa Parks in three words.
4. What movement did Rosa Parks start?
5. What were some changes that happened after?
6. Have you ever felt like you were treated unfairly? If so, did you stand up for yourself?

4) Activities:

Think-Pair-Share: The questions above will be discussed by the students in a group of 4.

Each group will need to discuss and answer all six questions. The groups will then
present their response to one of the questions the teacher chooses for them to share
with the rest of the class.

Coloring Book: Students will be given half a construction paper to make a cover for their
coloring book. The teacher will staple 3 sheets of white paper folded in half into the
inside of the construction paper. The students will then use the worksheet to cut out the
events that took place in the book. Then they will glue the events with the subtitles to
each page of their coloring book in order. Once they are done creating their coloring
books, they should use colored pencils and markers to color their pictures and create a
cover for their book.


The students will be assessed on how much they learned from the story by their
participation and effort in the group discussions and the think-pair-share activity. The
teacher will review the students’ coloring books and the order they put each event for
Civil Rights Worksheet

Rosa Parks was asked to move from her seat so a white man could sit.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott began and lasted for 381 days
Civil Rights Worksheet

Rosa Parks gets arrested for refusing to get up from her

seat and standing up for herself.
Civil Rights Worksheet

Finally the rules were changed.

Public buses were no longer allowed to separate people based on the color of their

All African Americans refused to ride public buses in the city.

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