Section 2: Error Codes Rev.3 July 2008

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Section 2: Error codes rev.3 July 2008


1. Error codes 1

1. Error codes
When one of the following codes is present, the watch-dog activates automatically, a power
drooping occurs and the control panel visualizes the number identifying the kind of alarm: it will be
therefore necessary to reset the equipment.
001 Tilting Potentiometer
002 Operation unit protection
003 Motor+dynamo/DAC inverted
004 Motor reversibility
011 Elevation Potentiometer
012 Operation gear protection
013 Motor+dynamo/DAC inverted
014 Motor reversibility
015 Missing synchronism with the tilting
021 Stand Potentiometer
022’ Operation gear protection
023 Stand in Mobile Area
024 Stand in angle
025 Stand in tomography
026 Stand in Mobile Area+ contemporary angle
027 Motor reversibility
028 Angle > 440
031 SFD Potentiometer
032 Operation gear protection
033 SFD in Mobile Area
034 SFD in angle
035 SFD in tomography
036 SFD in Mobile Area+contemporary angle
037 Motor reversibility
041 FD Zero input alarm
042 Fault operation
051 Parallel collimator Potentiometer
052 Motor
061 Orthogonal collimator Potentiometer
062 Motor
071 Iris collimator Potentiometer
072 Motor
081 Parallel diaphragm Zero input alarm
082 Fault operation

Section 2: Error codes rev.3 July 2008 page

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OPERA T Adjustment Manual


1 If the tabletop longitudinal displacement is available, the alarm code 022 may intervene also in case of damage on the tabletop’s

091 Crossed-diaphragm Zero input alarm

092 Fault operation
101 Parallel jaws Potentiometer
111 Perpendicular jaws Potentiometer
121 Longitudinal cassette Zero input alarm
122 Fault operation
131 Transversal cassette Zero input alarm
132 Fault operation
133 Central input alarm
141 1.1. Zero input alarm
142 Fault operation
143 Low Li input alarm
151 Grid Zero input alarm
152 Fault operation
161 Longitudinal tabletop Potentiometer
163 Motor+dynamo/DAC inverted
164 Motor reversibility
171 Filters Collimator Potentiometer
172 Motor

096 CPU battery in discharge

097 Movement control at the equipment start up
098 Broken fiber optic / wrong transmission
099 Stand-by
189÷196 System error
197 Assi board error
198 Transmissiion error on RS232 during installation
199 Transmission error type on R5232
200 PROM not present / broken
201 Virgin E
202 Alarm error not managed

Forfurther explanations on the error codes and the relevantfault
research, please make reference to the “Opera T Fault research” —

Manual (in course of preparation)


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