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Connecting symbolic difficulties with failure in physics

Eugene T. Torigoe and Gary E. Gladding

Citation: Am. J. Phys. 79, 133 (2011); doi: 10.1119/1.3487941

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Connecting symbolic difficulties with failure in physics

Eugene T. Torigoea兲
Department of Physics, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335
Gary E. Gladding
Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801
共Received 3 February 2010; accepted 19 August 2010兲
We find that symbolic physics questions are significantly more difficult than their analogous
numerical versions. Very few of the errors are due to manipulation errors of the symbolic equations.
Instead, most errors are due to confusions of symbolic meaning. We also find that performance on
symbolic questions is more highly correlated with the overall performance than performance on
numeric questions. We devised a coding scheme that distinguishes questions based only on the
mathematical structure of the solutions. The coding scheme can be used to identify both difficult and
discriminating physics questions. The questions identified by this coding scheme require an
algebraic representation and discourage problem solving strategies that do not require an
understanding of symbolic equations. Our results suggest that an inability to interpret physics
equations may be a major contributor to student failure in introductory physics. © 2011 American
Association of Physics Teachers.
关DOI: 10.1119/1.3487941兴

I. INTRODUCTION much of this research is on the facilitation of the transition

between the arithmetic and the algebraic stages of develop-
Our work is motivated by the assumption that poor math- ment. The difficulties that students have making the transi-
ematical preparation is a major reason why many students tion from the arithmetic stage to the algebraic stage fore-
fail introductory physics. Physics instructors often encounter shadow the symbolic difficulties that we have observed in
students with mathematical difficulties, which hinder their college students. Although the arithmetic stage emphasizes
ability to be successful. In our earlier work, we quantified the calculation of numeric results, the algebraic stage empha-
mathematical difficulties in introductory physics by compar- sizes the setup of symbolic equations.
ing the differences in the score on numeric and symbolic When students make the transition from arithmetic to al-
versions of the same question.1,2 We gave a question in gebra, they are often confused by algebraic expressions be-
which the numeric version had an average of 95%, and the cause the two subjects are similar enough that students can
otherwise equivalent symbolic version had an average of recognize the symbols used, but sufficiently different that
45%. Although some errors originated from incorrect alge- students have difficulty understanding the meaning of the
braic manipulations, the great majority of the errors were expressions that use those symbols. Kieran3,4 noted that in
related to the confusion of the meaning of the symbols. arithmetic, mathematical expressions contain procedural in-
We calculated the ratio of the symbolic score to the nu- formation about how to proceed to the solution. For example,
meric score for the two numeric-symbolic pairs of questions 3 + 5 = ?, contains the symbol + to denote that we must use
we studied 共see Fig. 1兲. A comparison of subgroups of the the addition to find the solution, and the equal sign, which is
class based on the overall course performance showed that used to assert the solution to the expression. In contrast, al-
the top 1/4 of students showed little difference in perfor- gebraic expressions express relations and do not necessarily
mance between the versions, but there was a large difference yield information about the process to solve for an unknown
in performance for the bottom 1/4 students. Of the latter in the equation.
group of students who could correctly solve the numeric ver- Expressions in arithmetic are thought of only as a process
sion 共80% of the group兲, the ratio for these questions sug- to a numerical solution. In algebra the expressions must be
gests that only 40% would also be able to solve the symbolic understood both in terms of the process to solve for a par-
version. ticular quantity and as an expression of a relation between
We believe that the mathematical difficulties underlying quantities. For example, from the algebraic perspective, the
the differential performance on numeric and symbolic ques- expression a + b is thought of as a process of combining the
tions reflect students’ algebraic difficulties. As a result, edu- values of a and b and also as an object that represents the
cation research concerning the teaching and learning of alge- sum of a and b.
bra is relevant to the teaching of physics. The emphasis of The transition is especially troublesome for students be-

133 Am. J. Phys. 79 共1兲, January 2011 © 2011 American Association of Physics Teachers 133

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Write an equation using the variables S and P to
represent the following statement: “There are six
times as many students as professors at this univer-
sity.” Use S for the number of students and P for
the number of professors.

Only 63% of first-year engineering students were able to

correctly answer this question.8 A more recent study involv-
ing introductory physics students found a similar
percentage.9 The most common error was a reversal of the
correct quantitative relation 共6S = P instead of S = 6P兲. Al-
though it might first appear that this error was due to care-
lessness, the authors found that for many students this error
was due to an alternative conception of the meaning of alge-
Fig. 1. Ratio of the symbolic version score to the numeric version score for braic equations.8 During interviews many students who made
different subgroups of the class averaged over two questions analyzed in this reversal error knew which group was larger, but believed
Ref. 1. We interpret this ratio to represent the likelihood that the students that the larger number should be placed next to the letter
who could solve the numeric version correctly would also solve the sym- representing the larger group. In an equation such as 6S = P,
bolic version correctly.
the symbol S is used to signify a single student rather than
the number of students. This use is similar to the use of
labels in a unit conversion such as 100 cm= 1 m, in which
we consider cm to mean a single centimeter rather than the
number of centimeters.
cause procedures that successfully solve questions in arith- In a related study, Soloway et al.10 showed that when the
metic often fail for questions in algebra. Filloy and Rojano5 question was asked in the context of a computer program, the
showed that although solutions of the form Ax + B = C can be likelihood of success was significantly higher 共87% correct兲
solved using arithmetic methods, they cannot be used to than when asked in the context of an algebraic expression.
solve equations of the form Ax + B = Cx + D. The following The authors demonstrated that although many students could
question can be solved with a series of simple calculations, successfully express the relation in the context of a numeric
which makes symbolic representation unnecessary. computation, fewer could correctly produce the relation in
Daniel went to visit his grandmother, who gave the context of an algebraic representation.
These results suggest that there are many students in in-
him $1.50. Then he bought a book costing $3.20. If
troductory physics with major difficulties with algebraic re-
he has $2.30 left, then how much money did he lations. In this paper, we explore the numeric and symbolic
have before visiting his grandmother?6 distinction with a greater number of question pairs than in
our previous work1 and determine the correlations between
If the question is designed to use an equation Ax + B = Cx performance on questions that require symbolic representa-
+ D, then students must first represent the relation math- tion and overall success in introductory physics.
ematically before calculating a number. In the following
question, if the student is unable to reconceptualize the ques-
tion, they must use an algebraic representation.
The Westmont Video shop offers two rental plans. IN MECHANICS
Then first plan costs $22.50 per year plus $2.00 per
video rented. The second plan offers a free mem- In our previous study1 we investigated numeric and sym-
bership for one year but charges $3.25 per video bolic versions of two kinematics questions. These questions
rented. For what number of rental videos per year both had high numeric version scores and involved one-
will these two plans cost exactly the same?6 dimensional kinematics. To understand different question
properties, we expanded our study of numeric and symbolic
Similar results have also been observed by Larkin et al.7 questions to include ten pairs of questions that span many
while studying novice and expert problem solving proce- different introductory mechanics topics and a variety of dif-
dures in physics. They found that two equation and two un- ficulty levels.
known simultaneous-equation questions where both un- The 765 students in the study were enrolled in the
knowns appear in both equations could not be solved by calculus-based introductory mechanics course, Physics 211,
novice students. The common backward working strategy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Spring
employed by novice students was not effective during the 2007. Students in Physics 211 take three midterm exams and
interviews. Similar to algebraic solutions with the form Ax a multiple-choice cumulative final.11 The students completed
+ B = Cx + D, simultaneous-equation questions require stu- one of the two randomly administered versions of the final
dents to setup the algebraic relations before they can calcu- exam. Each version of the final contained the numeric or the
late a number. symbolic version of each of the ten questions.
Clement and colleagues8 found that many introductory To ensure that any differences between the versions were
physics students have difficulty mathematically representing not due to systematic differences between the groups, we
relations between quantities. They studied variations of what compared the average midterm exam score of the students
is known as the “Students and Professors” problem. for each of the final exam versions. The average midterm

134 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, January 2011 E. T. Torigoe and G. E. Gladding 134

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Table I. Average and standard error for numeric and symbolic versions of each question in the study. The p-values were calculated using a two-tailed t-test.
The p-value represents the likelihood that such a difference could be observed under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true.

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10

Numeric 91.5⫾ 1.4 93.3⫾ 1.3 79.6⫾ 2.1 90.5⫾ 1.5 44.9⫾ 2.5 61.2⫾ 2.4 76.0⫾ 2.1 33.2⫾ 2.3 78.6⫾ 2.0 48.8⫾ 2.3
Symbolic 70.4⫾ 2.3 56.8⫾ 2.5 63.4⫾ 2.4 82.3⫾ 1.9 31.9⫾ 2.3 52.9⫾ 2.5 75.6⫾ 2.1 29.8⫾ 2.2 54.5⫾ 2.5 52.8⫾ 2.4
Difference 21.1⫾ 2.7 36.5⫾ 2.8 16.2⫾ 3.1 8.1⫾ 2.4 13.0⫾ 3.4 8.3⫾ 3.4 0.4⫾ 2.9 3.4⫾ 3.1 24.1⫾ 3.2 −3.9⫾ 3.3
p-value ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 0.01⬍ p ⬍ 0.05 0.5⬍ p 0.2⬍ p ⬍ 0.4 ⬍0.001 0.2⬍ p ⬍ 0.4

score and standard error for final 1 was 78.9⫾ 0.5 and for 1. Physics difficulty
final 2 was 78.6⫾ 0.5, and we conclude that the two groups
The score for the top 1/4 on the numeric version was used
were equivalent.
as a measure of each question’s physics difficulty. Questions
A sample of some question pairs used in the study is found
5 and 8 were significantly more difficult for the top 1/4 stu-
in Appendix A.12 All but one of the ten paired questions
dents than the other questions, and the difficulty of the phys-
contained analogous choices for each the numeric and sym-
ics content overwhelmingly dominated the mathematical dif-
bolic versions of the question.13 To discourage cheating,
ficulty of the questions. Consequently, we removed them
many of the choices were in a different order in the two
from further analysis in this study. This removal is supported
by the fact that the average scores by the bottom 1/4 for the
numeric versions of these questions was 23%, consistent
with the random guessing rate of 20%.
A. Results
Table I shows the score, the standard error, the difference, 2. Multiple equations
and the p-value of the difference for the numeric and sym- This property distinguishes whether the problem is com-
bolic versions of each question.14 Although there exist large monly solved with one equation or with multiple equations.
differences between numeric and symbolic scores for some The symbolic questions tend to be more difficult because
questions, which is consistent with our earlier findings, other symbol confusion often occurs when equations are com-
questions show very little difference in score between ver- bined. The presence of multiple equations allows for the pos-
sions. In the following, we describe properties of the ques- sibility of confusion of the same type of quantity 共for ex-
tions that influenced the difference in score between ver- ample, confusing two different velocities兲. Questions 1–3, 6,
sions. and 9 require multiple equations for their solution. Questions
An analysis of each of the ten questions, including the 4 and 7 are the only questions in which the solution can be
popularity of the correct choices and incorrect choices, and found with a single equation.
an analysis of students’ written work were conducted to un-
derstand why some questions showed differences between 3. Simultaneous equations
the versions, while others did not. Table II shows the differ-
ence in scores between versions and the associated question The solution is simultaneous if, for example, there are two
properties. Many of the question properties we identified re- equations and two unknowns and both unknowns are present
late to the meaningful use of symbolic equations. The fol- in both equations. In contrast, a sequential set of equations
lowing is a list of question properties with explanations. has an equation containing only a single unknown. Although
numeric values cannot be obtained until the equations are
combined in the first case, a numeric value can be obtained
immediately from one of the sequential equations. Question
Table II. Questions ranked by the difference in the score between numeric 10 is the only question in our sample that requires simulta-
and symbolic versions of each question with the associated question prop- neous equations for the solution. The numeric and symbolic
erties. The abbreviations are MultEq 共multiple equations in the solution兲, versions were equally difficult because students are forced to
MoGE 共manipulation of general equations兲, CompExp 共use of a compound
use the same procedure to solve both the numeric and the
expression兲, SingEq 共single equation in solution兲, SimulEq 共simultaneous
equations兲, ManipErr 共manipulation error兲, Diff 共difficult question兲.
symbolic versions.

Difference Question Question properties 4. General equation manipulation

36.5⫾ 2.8 2 MultEq, MoGE, CompExp This property signifies whether it is possible to obtain one
24.1⫾ 3.2 9 MultEq, MoGE, CompExp of the incorrect choices by combining general equations or
21.1⫾ 2.7 1 MultEq, MoGE by manipulating a single general equation with minimal
16.2⫾ 3.1 3 MultEq, MoGE changes 共for example, replacing x by d兲. This property en-
13.0⫾ 3.4 5 Diff hances the difference in score between the numeric and the
8.3⫾ 3.4 6 MultEq, CompExp symbolic versions because it penalizes students who do not
8.1⫾ 2.4 4 SingEq, ManipErr meaningfully use the equations.
3.4⫾ 3.1 8 Diff Questions 1–3 and 9 contain incorrect choices correspond-
0.4⫾ 2.9 7 SingEq ing to the blind manipulation of the general equations.
−3.9⫾ 3.3 10 SimulEq This error was the most popular incorrect choice for
Questions 1–3.

135 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, January 2011 E. T. Torigoe and G. E. Gladding 135

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any distinction between the numeric and symbolic versions.
For the top 1/4 only, one question had a ratio lower than
A two-tailed t-test was performed to compare the score for
the bottom 1/4 on the numeric and symbolic versions of each
question. Questions 4, 7, 8, and 10 were the only questions
for which p ⬎ 0.05, and thus the hypothesis that the perfor-
mance by the bottom 1/4 on the numeric and symbolic ver-
sions of these questions were equivalent remains tenable.15
The high ratio for questions 8 and 10 is due to an equally
poor performance on both versions of those questions. Ques-
Fig. 2. Ratio of the symbolic version score to the numeric version score for tion 4 and 7 were the only questions that could be solved
different subgroups of the class for all ten questions. with single equations, and the error for question 4 was re-
lated to a manipulation error. The lack of a correlation indi-
cates that those types of question properties do not correlate
5. Use of a compound expression well with the overall success in the course. The low ratios for
the bottom 1/4 for the remaining questions, which contain
This property signifies that to reach the correct symbolic properties that stress meaningful representation, suggests that
solution students must replace a variable in a general equa- the bottom 1/4’s algebraic difficulties may be related to their
tion with a compound expression 共for example, replacing the poor performance in physics.
variable v by a more specific compound expression v / 2兲.
Questions 2, 6, and 9 require that students specify a vari-
able as a compound expression. For question 2, the second
most popular incorrect choice corresponded to using v in-
stead of v / 2 or t instead of t / 2. For question 6, the most Many of the question properties described in Sec. II A
popular incorrect choice corresponded to a failure to specify were discovered after the research was performed and were
the variable m as 2M. Question 9 required that students not independently validated. In this study, we attempt to vali-
specify both the variable m as 3m and the variable v as v / 3. date those question properties by analyzing an entire semes-
ter of exam questions. Specifically, we are interested in de-
termining if question properties that stress meaningful
6. Manipulation error algebraic representation can be used to identify discriminat-
This property signifies that a common error on this ques- ing exam questions.
tion is related to an incorrect manipulation of a symbolic We examined the set of exam questions administered in
equation. The mean score for the symbolic version of ques- Spring 2006 in Physics 211 and categorized them by the
tion 4 was 8.2% higher than the numeric version because of mathematical properties of their solutions. The exam ques-
this effect. An analysis of student work found that the differ- tions were made by faculty members with no knowledge of
ence in score was in large part due to students who setup the the question properties we intended to study. There were 169
energy conservation equation correctly, but who choose an unique16 multiple-choice questions administered 共three mid-
option corresponding to an incorrect manipulation of that terms and two versions of the final exam兲 and 870 students
equation. who completed the course without any missing exam grades.
We analyzed the mathematical structure of the solutions to
all of the questions in our sample and coded for the follow-
B. Connection to failure in physics ing types of questions: 共1兲 Multiple-equation symbolic ques-
tions; 共2兲 simultaneous-equation numeric questions; and 共3兲
To study the relation between the specific questions and single-equation numeric questions where the target unknown
the overall course performance, we divided the class into appears on opposite sides of the equal sign.
three subgroups based on the total course points. The groups This last property is equivalent to the form Ax + B = Cx
are the bottom 1/4, the middle half, and the top 1/4. For each + D, which is a structure that requires students to use alge-
group and for each question in the study, we calculated the braic methods. An example of a question with a solution of
ratio of the average score on the symbolic version to the this form can be found in Appendix B. We referred to ques-
average score on the numeric version 共see Fig. 2兲. This ratio tions with any of these three properties as equation priority
represents the fraction of the students who solved the nu- questions. As the name suggests, the solutions to these ques-
meric version correctly and who would also be able to solve tions emphasize the meaningful representation of symbolic
the symbolic version. Even though no student was given equations. The three question properties require students to
both versions of a single question, this interpretation is jus- formally represent the equations and prevent simple one
tified because of the equivalence of the midterm exam aver- equation at a time numeric sequential solutions. Specifically
ages of the students given each version of the final exam 共see omitted were single-equation and sequential-equation nu-
Sec. II兲. meric questions, both of which were shown in Sec. II B to be
In Sec. I we showed that an analysis of data from our poorly correlated with the overall performance in the course.
previous study1 revealed that the lowest ratio of symbolic to Two additional properties identified in Sec. II A were not
the numeric scores was observed for the bottom 1/4 of the included in this coding scheme: General equation manipula-
class. Our present results are consistent with that result. For tion and the use of compound expressions. Even though we
almost all questions, the smallest ratio was observed for the have some evidence that these properties tend to make sym-
bottom 1/4 of the class. In contrast, the top 1/4 rarely showed bolic problems more difficult, such a distinction is not im-

136 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, January 2011 E. T. Torigoe and G. E. Gladding 136

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Table III. Comparison of equation priority and other questions. The error on
the mean difference was calculated using the distribution of question score
differences between groups 共Ref. 18兲.

Equation priority questions Other questions

Number 40 129
Bot. 1/4 score 33.9% ⫾ 2.5% 56.9% ⫾ 1.8%
Top 3/4 score 62.0% ⫾ 2.9% 77.5% ⫾ 1.5%
Mean difference 28.1% ⫾ 1.7% 20.6% ⫾ 0.9%
Pearson r 0.38 0.29

portant for this analysis. In this coding we were not inter-

ested in distinguishing one type of symbolic question from
another, but questions whose mathematical structure require Fig. 3. Histogram of values for the Pearson correlation coefficient r for
the formal setup of equations from those that do not. equation priority questions and the other questions.

A. Results discriminating. To address this concern, we performed an

After analyzing the solutions to all of the exam questions, analysis using three methods for controlling for the effect of
40 out of 169 共24%兲 were coded as equation priority ques- the question difficulty on the discrimination.
tions. One author and another experienced physics instructor First we combined the results for the class to determine
agreed on 92% of the question categorizations. Disagree- the relation between difficulty and discrimination for the en-
ments were due to differences in judgment of what consti- tire class. The size of the bins for the question score was
tuted a single-equation solution. The two raters agreed on the 15%, except the highest bin that spanned the range from 90%
coding of all of the questions after a discussion of what the to 100%. The size of the bins was chosen so that there were
average student would consider to be a single equation. Al- an adequate number of questions from each category. We
though most of the solutions of the other, non-equation pri- calculated the fraction of questions that were highly dis-
ority questions required equations, they did not satisfy our criminating 共r ⬎ 0.4兲 in each bin for both types of questions.
coding scheme. Figure 4 shows that the fraction in each bin of highly dis-
To study the ability of these questions to differentiate stu- criminating equation priority questions is equal to or greater
dents who failed or were on the verge of failing from the rest than that of the other questions. A chi-squared test of asso-
of the class, we compared the performance of the bottom 1/4 ciation was performed in each bin and it was found that the
and the rest of the class for both equation priority and the fraction of questions that were highly discriminating was sig-
other questions. Table III shows that for both the bottom 1/4 nificantly higher for equation priority questions in three bins:
and the rest of the class, the equation priority questions are 30%–45%, 60%–75%, and 75%–90% 共p ⬍ 0.05兲.
significantly more difficult than other questions. This finding The discrimination is also reflected in the fact that the
is consistent with our results in Sec. II A in which we found mean difference between the bottom 1/4 and the rest of the
that questions with these mathematical properties were more class was greater for equation priority questions than for the
difficult. Also consistent with our earlier findings is that sym- other questions. It is possible that this effect was due to the
bolic difficulties are the most pronounced for the bottom 1/4 fact that the equation priority questions were also more dif-
of students; we find that the difference in score between the ficult, on average, than the other questions. To control the
bottom 1/4 and the rest of the class is larger for equation
priority questions than the other questions. The mean differ-
ence for equation priority questions was 28.1% ⫾ 1.7% com-
pared to 20.6% ⫾ 0.9% for other questions.
A common measure of discrimination is the Pearson coef-
ficient r.17 In this context r is a measure of the relation be-
tween the performance on individual questions and the over-
all performance in the course. We find an average value of
r = 0.38 for equation priority coded questions and r = 0.29 for
the other questions. Figure 3 shows a histogram of the values
for r for both sets of questions. Although 50% of equation
priority questions were highly correlated with course score
共r ⬎ 0.4兲, only 17.8% of the other questions were.

B. Analysis of systematic errors: The relation between

difficulty and discrimination
The higher discrimination of equation priority questions Fig. 4. Equation priority and other questions were binned by their difficulty
might be due to a positive correlation between difficulty and for the entire class. A histogram was created by calculating the fraction of
discrimination, that is, difficult questions tend to be more highly discriminating questions 共r ⬎ 0.4兲 in each bin.

137 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, January 2011 E. T. Torigoe and G. E. Gladding 137

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Table IV. Comparison between the bottom 1/4 and the rest of the class on Some research suggests that the structure of equations can
groupings of questions based on fixing the score for the top 3/4 of the class. assist the acquisition of physical concepts. Schwartz et al.19
Other difficult non-equation priority questions were found by omitting easy
found that equations help children develop an understanding
questions until the other question score was the same as the equation priority
question score for the top 3/4 of the class. Other matched questions were
of balance problems. They hypothesize that the structure of
created by matching each equation priority question to other non-equation the equations supports the precision of conceptual ideas, al-
priority questions by difficulty for the top 3/4 of the class. leviates working memory load, and allows for the organiza-
tion of multiple parameters. Sloutsky et al.20 found that
Equation priority Other difficult Other matched learning and transfer can be facilitated when knowledge is
expressed in an abstract generic form. In introductory phys-
Number 40 57 40 ics the ability to meaningfully construct and interpret sym-
Bot. 1/4 score 33.9% ⫾ 2.5% 40.7% ⫾ 1.9% 41.7% ⫾ 2.9% bolic equations may be beneficial to learning in all aspects of
Top 3/4 score 62.0% ⫾ 2.9% 61.9% ⫾ 1.8% 62.3% ⫾ 2.8% the course. Conversely, students who are unable to under-
Mean difference 28.1% ⫾ 1.7% 21.2% ⫾ 1.3% 20.6% ⫾ 1.6% stand symbolic equations may learn less than those that do.
Pearson r 0.38 0.29 0.29 The question properties we have identified penalize stu-
dents who attempt to solve problems without understanding
the meaning of the symbolic equations they use. Tuminaro21
observed an activity that he called “recursive plug-and-chug”
effect of question difficulty, we used two methods of omit- while studying students working on homework questions in
ting the other questions so that the difficulty for the top 3/4 groups. In this activity students try to match variables to a
of the class on other questions was the same. This procedure list of equations. If they find an equation where the target
allowed us to compare the performance of the bottom 1/4 on quantity is the only unknown, they solve for the target quan-
two sets of questions that were equally difficult for the top tity; if it is not, they replay the game until an appropriate
3/4. The first method equalized the difficulty of both ques- equation is found. Although this procedure might result in
tions for the top 3/4 of the class by omitting the easiest other the correct answer for some questions, it does not require an
non-equation priority questions. The second method understanding of the underlying physics, and it is not very
achieved the same result by matching the difficulty of each effective for simultaneous-equation and symbolic questions.
equation priority question to another non-equation priority Symbolic questions inhibit strategies like recursive plug-
question for the top 3/4 of the class. Table IV shows that a and-chug by allowing for a greater amount of confusion of
gap in the mean difference remains almost unchanged after meaning. Questions that contain incorrect options corre-
these two corrections for question difficulty. sponding to the manipulation of general equations and the
The discriminatory ability between equation priority and failure to specify variables as compound expressions penal-
other questions is unchanged even when different methods ize students who use strategies that do not understand the
are employed to correct for question difficulty. Hence, the meaning of the symbols and symbolic expressions.
discriminatory ability of equation priority questions is not an These confusions of meaning might be alleviated by the
effect of the difficulty of the questions. use of subscripts on symbols, but few students use them.
Although seemingly trivial, subscripts allow experts to dis-
IV. DISCUSSION tinguish variables from specific quantities belonging to spe-
cific objects or individuals. A common error on symbolic
Our studies show the importance of mathematical struc- questions was the confusion of two quantities of the same
tures in the difficulty and discrimination of questions in in- type. For example, combining two equations by inappropri-
troductory physics. Questions whose structure force alge- ately equating object A’s velocity with object B’s velocity. If
braic representation tend to be more difficult and more students were in the practice of immediately writing sub-
discriminating than questions that can be solved by a series scripts after choosing a general equation, they would be
of calculations. Even though these properties are not neces- forced to consider the meaning of the symbols that they were
sarily related to the physics content of the questions, perfor- using.
mance on questions with these properties is correlated with Conceptual exams like the force concept inventory 共FCI兲
the overall performance in the course. have demonstrated that the ability to solve quantitative prob-
This relation may exist for a variety of reasons. One rea- lems does not always indicate conceptual understanding.
son might be the teaching methods employed in introductory Mazur22 demonstrated that high average scores for complex
physics. Because symbolic algebra is vital to the understand- quantitative questions can often be associated with low av-
ing of the expert physicists who teach introductory physics, erage scores on analogous conceptual questions with the
it is often a prominent component of instruction. At the Uni- same population of students. We suggest that the question
versity of Illinois symbolic derivations are often used to in- properties we have identified can bridge the gap between
troduce new concepts, and symbolic example questions are quantitative and conceptual questions. The question proper-
often shown to demonstrate general problem solving proce- ties we have described can be used by instructors to produce
dures. However, students with algebraic difficulties may be quantitative questions that emphasize meaningful symbolic
easily confused by such methods. representation.
The correlations might also reflect that the ability of stu- The use of these question properties may have the effect of
dents to solve questions symbolically may increase the effec- reorganizing the reward structure in our physics courses. Stu-
tiveness of practice problems by allowing for a more general dents who were rewarded on exams and homework assign-
understanding of the solution. The ability to see the symbolic ments for using strategies that did not require an understand-
structure of a problem might improve the probability that ing of the equations they used would not be rewarded with
students with this ability will be able to solve similarly struc- the types of questions we have described.
tured questions on later exams. Improving students’ ability to symbolically represent rela-

138 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, January 2011 E. T. Torigoe and G. E. Gladding 138

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Fig. 5. Diagram for question 2.

tions may be an important factor in lowering student failure

in and retention through the introductory physics sequence.

The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their
helpful comments. The authors would also like to thank the
members of the physics education research group at the Uni-
versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This material is Fig. 7. Diagram for question 10.
based upon work supported by NSF DUE 0088734 and NSF
DUE 0341261.


SPRING 2007 FINAL EXAM STUDY 共a兲 ␦x = 0.18 m 关4%, 8%, 4%, 1%兴
共b*兲 ␦x = 0.32 m 关79%, 63%, 78%, 94%兴
The following are a sample of the questions in the Physics
共c兲 ␦x = 0.45 m 关6%, 11%, 5%, 2%兴
211 Spring 2007 final exam study. The symbolic questions
共d兲 ␦x = 0.55 m 关11%, 14%, 13%, 4%兴
used the same wording but replaced the numbers with sym-
bols. An asterisk has been placed next to the correct option 共e兲 ␦x = 0.95 m 关1%, 4%, 0%, 0%兴
for each question. Each option is accompanied in brackets by Question 9 (symbolic). A block of mass M slides on a
the percentages of all students, the bottom 1/4, the middle frictionless surface with a velocity V. It strikes a second
half, and the top 1/4 that choose that option. The sum of the block of mass 2M that is at rest and is attached to a long,
percentages do not always add up to 100% due to rounding relaxed ideal 共massless兲 spring of spring constant k. Assume
errors and students who left the question blank. that the blocks stick together after colliding and the collision
Question 2 (numeric). A car can go from 0 to 60 m/s in 8 takes place very quickly. Provided that the spring is stiff
s. At what distance d from the start 共at rest兲 is the car trav- enough to stop the blocks before striking the wall, determine
eling 30 m/s? 关Assume a constant acceleration 共see Fig. 5兲.兴 ␦x, the maximum amount the spring is compressed from its
relaxed length 共see Fig. 6兲.
共a兲 30 m 关1%, 4%, 0%, 1%兴
共b*兲 60 m 关93%, 80%, 96%, 99%兴 共a兲 ␦x = 共3MV2 / k兲1/2 关14%, 33%, 12%, 0%兴
共c兲 120 m 关3%, 10%, 2%, 0%兴 共b兲 ␦x = 共MV2 / k兲1/2 关13%, 17%, 16%, 2%兴
共d兲 240 m 关2%, 4%, 2%, 0%兴 共c兲 ␦x = 共2MV2 / 共3k兲兲1/2 关5%, 9%, 6%, 0%兴
共e兲 480 m 关0%, 1%, 0%, 0%兴 共d*兲 ␦x = 共MV2 / 共3k兲兲1/2 关55%, 29%, 50%, 90%兴
Question 2 (symbolic). A car can go from 0 to v1 in t1
共e兲 ␦x = 共MV2 / 共9k兲兲1/2 关13%, 12%, 15%, 8%兴
seconds. At what distance d from the start 共at rest兲 is the car
traveling 共v1 / 2兲? 关Assume a constant acceleration 共see Fig. Question 10 (numeric). A uniform disk of mass M = 8 kg
5兲.兴 and radius R = 0.5 m has a string wound around its rim. The
disk is free to spin about a pin through the center of the disk.
共a兲 d = v1t1 关1%, 1%, 1%, 1%兴 A mass M = 8 kg 共same mass as the disk兲 is connected to the
共b兲 d = v1t1 / 2 关20%, 37%, 16%, 11%兴 string and is dropped from rest. What is the acceleration a of
共c兲 d = v1t1 / 4 关22%, 28%, 27%, 8%兴 the block? 共See Fig. 7.兲
共d*兲 d = v1t1 / 8 关57%, 35%, 56%, 81%兴
共e兲 d = v1t1 / 16 关0%, 0%, 0%, 0%兴 共a兲 a = 2.45 m / s2 关5%, 8%, 6%, 1%兴
Question 9 (numeric). A block of mass M = 1.5 kg slides 共b兲 a = 3.27 m / s2 关8%, 16%, 7%, 3%兴
on a frictionless surface with a velocity V = 4 m / s. It strikes 共c兲 a = 4.91 m / s2 关30%, 37%, 36%, 11%兴
a second block of mass 2M = 3.0 kg that is at rest and is 共d*兲 a = 6.54 m / s2 关49%, 28%, 43%, 82%兴
attached to a long, relaxed ideal 共massless兲 spring of spring 共e兲 a = 7.36 m / s2 关7%, 11%, 7%, 4%兴
constant k = 80 N / m. Assume that the blocks stick together Question 10 (symbolic). A uniform disk of mass M and
after colliding and the collision takes place very quickly. radius R has a string wound around its rim. The disk is free
Provided that the spring is stiff enough to stop the blocks to spin about a pin through the center of the disk. A mass M
before striking the wall, determine ␦x, the maximum amount 共same mass as the disk兲 is connected to the string and is
the spring is compressed from its relaxed length 共see Fig. 6兲. dropped from rest. What is the acceleration a of the block?
共See Fig. 7.兲
共a兲 a = 共3 / 4兲 ⴱ g 关8%, 10%, 10%, 2%兴
共b*兲 a = 共2 / 3兲 ⴱ g 关53%, 26%, 50%, 84%兴
共c兲 a = 共1 / 2兲 ⴱ g 关32%, 45%, 35%, 15%兴
共d兲 a = 共1 / 3兲 ⴱ g 关3%, 5%, 3%, 0%兴
Fig. 6. Diagram for question 9. 共e兲 a = 共1 / 4兲 ⴱ g 关4%, 11%, 3%, 0%兴

139 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, January 2011 E. T. Torigoe and G. E. Gladding 139

Downloaded 03 Jun 2013 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
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in large introductory physics courses,” Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 2
共2兲, 020102 共2006兲.
Fig. 8. An example of a question requiring a single numeric equation where See supplementary material at for all
the target unknown appears on opposite sides of the equal sign. ten numeric and symbolic pairs of questions used in this study.
Question 4 was created by modifying an existing symbolic question.
When numbers were introduced to create the numeric version, one of the
APPENDIX B: SAMPLE EQUATION PRIORITY symbolic options corresponded to an imaginary quantity. To ensure the
similarity of all of the options, only the magnitude of this quantity was
QUESTION displayed in the numeric version. Two of the other five options for this
We give an example of a question that requires a single question do not agree between the versions, but each of these options was
chosen by 2% or less of the students.
numeric equation, where the unknown target appears on op- 14
The p-value represents the likelihood that such a difference can be ob-
posite sides of the equal sign. 共Physics 211 Spring 2006 served under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true 共see Ref. 15兲.
exam 2, question 10.兲 15
G. V. Glass and K. D. Hopkins, Statistical Methods in Education and
Three boxes are arranged as shown. The middle box has a Psychology, 2nd ed. 共Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984兲, pp.
mass of 2 kg and accelerates to the right at 5 m / s2 on a 229–235.
horizontal frictionless table. The boxes to the left and right Some questions were common between the two versions of the final
hang freely, suspended by strings over massless, frictionless exam.
The discrimination of multiple-choice questions is most commonly mea-
pulleys. The tension in the left string is T1 = 10 N. What is sured using the point biserial coefficient of correlation because the result
the mass of the box M 1 on the left? 共See Fig. 8.兲 of a multiple-choice question is most commonly dichotomous. The
multiple-choice questions in this study were analyzed using the Pearson
共a兲 M 1 = 0.675 kg
correlation coefficient r, because students were given partial credit for
共b兲 M 1 = 1.91 kg multiple selections. As a result a student could receive a score of 0, 0.33,
共c兲 M 1 = 2.13 kg 0.5, or 1 on each question.
共d兲 M 1 = 3.75 kg 18
The error of the mean difference shown in Table III is less than what one
共e兲 M 1 = 4.16 kg would calculate if the errors for the top and bottom groups were com-
bined in quadrature. To calculate the error shown, we took advantage of
the fact that the difference in score between the top and bottom groups
Electronic mail: could be determined for each question. The error in the mean difference
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C. Kieran, “The learning and teaching of school algebra,” in Handbook of 508–513 共2005兲.
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共Macmillan, New York, 1992兲, pp. 390–419. problem solving: Epistemic games,” Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 3
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metic to algebra,” For the Learning of Mathematics 9 共2兲, 19–25 共1989兲. 22
E. Mazur, Peer Instruction: A User’s Manual 共Prentice-Hall, Upper
The examples shown are from Ref. 4. Saddle River, NJ, 1997兲, pp. 5–7.

140 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, January 2011 E. T. Torigoe and G. E. Gladding 140

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