The Value of Learning A Foreign Language

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The value of learning a foreign language

-Hrisca Sabina Diandra-

Everyone should know a foreign language beside their mother

tongue. In my opinion, a foreign language can help you in life with a
lot of things, because there are lots of languages in this world and
humans should know how to communicate with each other in
different situations and if you know at least one more widely used
language you can discover and manage life better.
First of all, you never know what situation your job puts you in.
Maybe you will have to work with people from other countries and you
have to communicate with them one way or another, but the easiest
way is knowing a common language. The most spoken language in
the world is english and I consider it’s the foreign language you
should learn first. Also, maybe you will have to travel for work or you
will receive a job offer in a foreign country. Either way, you never
know what life prepared you, but you have to be prepared for it.
Secondly, travelling is great, and to visit and see new beautiful
places, you have to communicate with people who can help and guide
you. You also have to understand the warnings, the indications, the
signage and the rules you have to follow there. You can also use
technology, but it’s easier if you don’t have to search for every single
thing while travelling.
Finally, if you know a foreign language you can also help other
people in need. You are looked up by more people, more jobs and you
have more opportunities to come. A foreign language can differentiate
you from others and make you special in your homeland because you
know something extra and you can communicate with more people.
In conclusion I think that knowing a foreign language is very
important and useful because you never know where life takes you
and who you meet. Also, communication is the most important thing
in a human’s life.

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