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The following text is AGENCY LMU’s transcription of the former ASLMU Senator for Diversity and Inclusion

Stephanie Martinez’ letter of resignation from the Senate, as read aloud by Speaker of the Senate Kyle
Saavedra on Dec. 6, 2020 during a weekly Senate meeting. All ASLMU Senate meetings are open to the
public for any undergraduate student to attend.

List of acronyms: ASLMU, Associated Students of Loyola Marymount University


It is with great pleasure and elation that I officially resign my position as a senator. I have obtained a
prestigious position for a nationwide organization that seeks to promote Hispanic interests within the
Republican Party and I’ll be working with notable people. Additionally, I’d rather much devote my time and
energy into an organization with tolerant, like-minded people who know the importance of being a Hispanic
rather than working with individuals who try to strip me from my identity and minimize my feelings as a
Latina. I hope my efforts in overturning the impeachment results has taught the student government that
you can’t penalize a person for their political views and free speech. I must say though, I give credit to
Camille for listening to the students at LMU in regards to my seat. A for effort, your attempt to remove me
was unsuccessful.

Nonetheless, this student government has shown no respect to conservative students at LMU. However,
what this student government has shown, and is a complete embodiment of, is the prejudice,
discrimination, and disgusting behavior that liberal students engage in when it comes to encountering a
conservative student. Hundreds of students have reached out to me to thank me for shining a light into the
discrimination that conservative students face on campus. Some are often scared in sharing their opinions
because of instances like this one so now, it is up to you guys to clean up the mess and regain the trust
from conservative students who are supposedly represented by the student government.

What’s more, the relation with biased bloggers, Agency, who disclosed my political beliefs with intention to
try and cancel me, the snickering when expressing the difficulties conservative students face on campus,
the inability in working and reaching out to me, and more, is evident that the student government has no
intention in safeguarding the well-being of conservative students on campus. If it’s like that, then I don’t
want to take part in an organization that places a priority on issues they deem pivotal while dismissing and
ostracizing a specific group of students and their interests.

Additionally, to label and continue fueling the disgusting names imposed on me is truly unprofessional of
the student government. I would have appreciated it if I was met with discussion instead of people forming
their own opinions of me. If you wish to engage in dialogue, you know where to reach me, since the
majority of the student government enjoys lurking on my social media pages.

Lastly, I also hope the letter did a good job in highlighting the flaws and discrimination practiced by this
student government. Face the truth in a professional working environment, you will encounter people with
dissimilar views and opinions as you and you can’t act like a child and decide to ostracize them solely
because you feel uncomfortable. That’s not how life works. Learn how to grow up and engage in dialogue
with those who are different.

I’m not leaving defeated. I’m leaving accomplished. I accomplished exposing the discrimination the student
government and the student body has towards conservatives. I wish this student government the best of
luck. Keep America great, que viva President Trump.

Stephanie Martinez,
A daughter of immigrants


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