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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Shape It Up

Students will be able to identify 2-D shapes
Students will be able to illustrate 2-D shapes
State Standards: K.G.2 Identify and describe a given shape and shapes of objects in everyday
situations to include two-dimensional shapes (i.e., triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and circle).

Context: This is the students’ first lesson in this unit. I am teaching this lesson because I feel like
this is a very hands-on and progressive way to add on to the students’ previous knowledge of
shapes. They will learn why shapes are called what they are by counting vertices, and they will
make these shapes on their own with some virtual geoboards. This will prepare them for the next
unit which is 3-D shapes. In order to fully understand 3-D shapes the students need to
understand 2-D shapes in more depth.
Students will be placed into 3 groups based on the exit slip intro to the next lesson which would
be the matching shapes and names activity from the previous class. Those who showed a clearer
understanding of the shapes will be placed in a group with students who did not seem to show as
much understanding, they will be as close to half and half as possible in each group. This will
hopefully solidify the higher scoring group’s understanding and bring the lower scoring students
to a higher level because they will be introduced to new ways of thinking about the topic. Data
will be collected for the next class based on an exit slip quiz on drawing different 2-D shapes, to
show what they learned and get them ready for the 3-D shapes lesson next class.
Part of Lesson Materials Needed
Intro -The Greedy Triangle book
-Shapes Vocabulary PPT
Teacher Directed -PPT reviewing 2-D shapes
-Craft paper
-cutout shapes
-googly eyes
Collaborative -Shapes in Real life video
-Flashcards with everyday objects that are 2-D
Independent Digital -iPad
-Geoboard app
Closure -Pencil
-Exit Slip

Introduction (10):
The book The Greedy Triangle will be read aloud to the class. It is about a triangle that gets to
magically change its shape and become a shape with more angles. I’ll ask questions to go along
with the book as I read it to them. There will be a short PowerPoint and discussion regarding the
vocabulary associated (vertices, angles, sides, etc.). I will then go through the objectives, each
activity that is planned, groups, and what is expected of them.

Teacher Directed (10):

We will review a variety of 2-D shapes on the smartboard. I will ask if/ where they have seen
these shapes in their everyday lives and after that ask if there are any questions. Then students
will have a variety of paper cutout shapes to choose from. With the shapes that they gather, they
will make a shape creature. I will show them an example so they have a clear understanding. As
they are making their shape creature I will walk around and speak to each individual student
asking them questions such as “What shapes have you used here?” or “how many angles does
this shape have?”
Collaborative (10):
Students will watch a video on their iPads ( )
in order to get a better idea of how shapes are present every day in life. This will get them ready
for the rest of the activity. They will work in pairs to sort out a variety of everyday objects into
groups based on the shapes that they are. This will get them to connect what they are learning
into the real world and see how valuable it is to learn about shapes because they make up just
about everything.
Independent Digital (10):
Students will be using the Geoboard app on their iPads alongside a worksheet telling
them to make certain shapes, tell the number of vertices that the shape has, and draw a picture of
the shape on the paper after they create it on the geoboard. The app, instead of using physical
geoboards eliminates having to make sure that students aren’t playing around with the rubber
bands and flinging them at each other.

Closure (10): Students will put all materials away, hand their worksheets in to me, and
return to their desks. I will ask them what their favorite thing that they learned in the lesson was.
After asking that I will ask if anyone has any questions about what they’ve learned. After that
they will have pair and share time where they talk to the person next to them and discuss
something new that they learned today. Each partner will have 1 minute to share and I will tell
them when to switch. Once the second partner’s time is up I will tell them to take out a pencil.
Then I will pass out the exit slip, which will have 4 shapes named, and they will draw a picture of
each one.

Multimedia 1:
I chose to use this “Shapes in the Real World” YouTube video because it gives examples
of shapes you see with every day objects, which supports the first objective of identifying
2-D shapes. It also gets some ideas in their head about the possibilities of what is out
there that is a shape they can recognize, which is important for the next part of the
collaborative station. The video is narrated by a child’s voice, which can help them feel
like it is relatable and engaging. The pictures used are bright, cartoon style examples of
the objects it discusses. All the students have to do to access it is click on a link and press
play on the video. This video has the ability to use the assistive technology of closed
captioning for the hearing impaired, and those with slower auditory processing.
Multimedia 2:
I chose to use the Geoboard app because it is an easily accessible, free app, that eliminates clutter
and distractions that could come with physical geoboard use. It supports the objective that
students will be able to illustrate 2-D shapes, because with the virtual rubber bands they are
creating shapes, and identifying parts of the shapes on the geoboard. It promotes student learning
because it allows them to try shapes out on their own in different colors and sizes and allows
them to take control of their learning. I know that this app is high quality because of its reviews
on the app store and on App Ed Review. I also downloaded the app to try it and it was very
simple to use, just like a real life geoboard. The design is very simple, because it is meant to
mimic a physical geoboard, which is simple to figure out and use, there’s no extra steps or
gadgets included that would make it confusing. This multimedia choice differentiates instruction
for all learners by allowing students to work individually at their own pace on creating the shapes
that they learned about in the lesson, they get to use different colors and sizes to individualize it
and make it their own, even though its classwork.

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