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Dedicated Internet Access for your business

Yes DIA (Dedicated Internet Access) connects your business to the Internet using a dedicated
link. The DIA connection guarantees that the bandwidth allocated from your business’s premise
all the way to the Internet is dedicated to you and not shared with other users on the network,
allowing your business to operate at its peak every day.

For your convenience and a hassle-free experience, we can also manage your end-to-end Wi-Fi
solution at your premise.

Why Yes DIA?

 Nationwide Coverage
 Scalable Bandwidth
 Rapid Deployment
 High Bandwidth
 Competitive Pricing
 Consolidated Billing
 Dedicated Bandwidth
 High Availability
 24x7 Support
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YES DIA (Dedicated Internet Access)
1. What is YES DIA? 
YES DIA is a service that provides dedicated Internet access just for you, from your location to the local Internet
Gateway. This ensures that you will always have the subscribed bandwidth for your business's mission critical

2. What is the difference between YES DIA and a normal broadband service? 
With normal broadband services, your Internet connectivity is shared by other customers in the same area. Hence, you
may not receive the actual bandwidth that you subscribed to. With YES DIA, you will always have the bandwidth that
you are subscribed to as it is reserved for your usage, with assured availability of 99.5%.

3. Is there any contention ratio for YES DIA? 

No. Since the Internet connection is dedicated to you, you are guaranteed the bandwidth subscribed as only you alone
will be using the allocated bandwidth.

4. Can YES provide and manage my CPE at my location? 

Yes. For your peace of mind, we can refer you to our trusted partner who can help you manage your CPE.

5. Can I upgrade/downgrade the bandwidth during the commitment period? 

Yes. During the commitment period, you are allowed to upgrade the bandwidth at anytime.
However, you are not allowed to downgrade the bandwidth during the commitment period. You can only do so after
the completion of the commitment period.

6. Will there be any penalty if I choose to terminate the service before the end of the commitment period? 
Yes. There will be a penalty charge if you terminate the service before the end of the commitment period. You will be
penalised with the remaining monthly recurring charges.

7. What are the available payment options for the service? 

Below are the accepted payment methods for the subscribed service. We will keep you updated if there are new
payment options in the future.
a) Cheque
b) Bank Transfer

8. What are the available billing cycles for the service? 

Below are the available billing cycles for the subscribed service:

a. Monthly

b. Quarterly

c. Half yearly

d. Yearly

9. Are there any equipment provided by YES for this service? 

Yes, we will provide the following equipment as part of the YES DIA service. These equipment will be maintained and
owned by YES.
High Frequency Microwave:
1x Antenna, 1x Bracket / Pole, 1x Microwave IDU, 1x UPE, Cabling, 1x Backup Battery, 1x Rectifier
Point-to-Point Microwave:
1x Antenna, 1x Bracket , 1x UPE, Cabling
Fibre Backhaul:
1x Fibre Router, 1x UPE, Fibre to the UPE

10. Who should I contact if there are connectivity issues with my service? 
You may contact your Account Manager during office hours. Alternatively, you can contact our 24x7 Support Desk at
+6018-3330033 to resolve your issue.

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