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Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, and those followed by t adenomas (Continued)
refer to tables. pituitary, 24f
thyroid, 32f
A adrenal glands, 182–183
abdomen adenoma of, 183f
computed tomography (CT), 117f–119f hyperplasia, 183
abdominal neoplasm with incidental pulmonary embolism, 101f masses on, 182–183
astrocytomas, 24f metastases from lung to, 183f
mediastinal thymomas, 84f normal anatomy, 183f
contrast angiography of vessels of, 109 nuclear medicine studies, 183
mediastinal hematoma, computed tomography (CT), 107f retroperitoneal adenopathy and neoplasms, 183–184
normal vascular anatomy, 111f, 113f aging process. See also degenerative changes
pain in, 279–280 degenerative changes in spine and hip joints, 226–227
pediatric, 279–285 mammography results and, 87f
acute gastroenteritis, 279–280 presbyesophagus, 128, 128f
appendicitis, 284–285 AIDS complications
bowel intussusception, 282f chest x-rays, 63f
bowel obstructions, 280–282 Kaposi’s sarcoma, 62
esophageal/tracheoesophageal fistula, 279 nephropathy, 162
Hirschsprung’s disease, 280–281, 282f air
intussusception of bowel, 281–282 in abscesses, 119
masses, 283–284 in intussusception, 282f
Meckel’s diverticulum, 282–283, 283f within liver, 143f
meconium ileus, 281, 281f in necrotizing enterocolitis, 283f
mediastinal neuroblastoma, 284f in peritoneal cavity, 282
necrotizing enterocolitis, 282, 282f–283f pneumatosis (colon), 152
neonatal jaundice, 283 reflux into gastrointestinal (GI) system of, 142–143
pyloric stenosis, 281f in small bowel, 146
rectal bleeding, 285 x-ray density of, 2, 2f
retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, 284f air-space pathology, 59–65, 67
umbilical artery/umbilical vein catheter differentiation, 276f chest x-rays, 59–65
urinary abnormalities, 285 adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 65
Wilms’s tumor, 284f aspiration pneumonia, 63
trauma to, 137 community-acquired pneumonia in adults, 60–62
abdominal aorta, 109–111 fungal lesions, 64
abdominal calcifications infiltrates and pneumonias, 59–60
appendicoliths, 124f lung abscesses, 64
calcified fibroids, 125f pneumonia in immunocompromised patients, 62
in chronic pancreatitis, 124f tuberculosis, 63–64
differential diagnosis, 121t chronic interstitial lung diseases, 65–67
gastrointestinal, 116t airways/airway pathology, 54–59. See also lungs
in lymph nodes, 124f aspiration of foreign bodies, 54–55, 55f
phleboliths, 125f asthma, 56
prostatic, 125f atelectasis, 56–58
splenic vascular, 123f bronchiectasis, 56
of vas deferens, 125f chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 55–56, 55f
abdominal organs, ultrasonography, 117 lung blebs and bullae, 58–59
abdominal pain occlusions, 54–55
acute, 123 alcoholism
differential diagnosis, 123 cirrhosis and liver disease with, 136
gastroenteritis, 123 prolonged vomiting with, 132
imaging choices, 123 subdural hematomas with chronic, 26
masses, 123–125 allergic reactions, contrast material, 3–4
abscesses alveolar infiltrates, 59–60, 60f
hepatic, 140, 141f Alzheimer’s dementia, 26
liver, 120f, 138–139 American Cancer Society, breast cancer screening guidelines, 89t
lung, 64, 65f American Society of Clinical Oncology, lung cancer screening
retropharyngeal, 30 guidelines, 69
acetabulum fractures, 228f aneurysms
achalasia, 130, 132f intracranial, 22–23
acoustic neuroma, 24–25 ruptured, 20
acromioclavicular separation, 209, 209f splenic artery, 123f
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 65, 65f thoracic or abdominal aorta, 106–108
adenocarcinoma, esophageal, 133 angina, stable/unstable, 102–104
adenomas angiography
adrenal, 183f for chest problems, 40t
parathyroid, 31–33, 33f coronary, 104

290    Index

angiography (Continued) artography, 105f

CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA), 101 asbestosis, 82, 83f
CTPA (CT pulmonary angiography), 101 ascending aorta, 38–39
pulmonary, 4f asceptic necrosis, hip, 231f
angioplasty, percutaneous transluminal, 109 ascites, 117, 136, 138f
ankle, 246–249 ASEPTIC (anemia, steroids, ethanol, pancreatitis, trauma, idiopathic,
benign nontraumatic abnormalities of, 249 caisson) disease, 231
effusions of, 248f aseptic necrosis
fixation screws with antibiotic beads, 249f epiphysis, 263
fractures, 248f femoral head, 231f
growth arrest lines, 249, 250f Köhler-Freiberg infarction, 254
instability of, 250f lunate, 222f
Mach effect, 247 metatarsal head, 256f
neuropathic ankle and foot (diabetes), 256f tarsal navicular, 268f
nonossifying fibromas of, 251f wrist, 219f
normal anatomy, 246–247, 246f aspergillosis, 166f
osteochondromas, 245f aspiration pneumonia, 63, 63f
osteomyelitis, 249f asthma, 56, 56f
ankle-brachial index, 114 pediatric, 279
ankylosing spondylitis, 205, 205f astrocytomas, 23, 24f
anteroposterior (AP) views/projections, 2f–4f atelectasis, 50f, 56–58, 275f
chest x-rays, 2 atresias, 280
Waters view, 12f–13f atrial septal defect, 99f
anthrax, 67 avulsion fractures, 220f
aorta, 104–108 axillary oblique views (mammography), 86
anatomy and imaging techniques, 104–105 azygous lobes (lungs), 41
aneurysms of thoracic aorta, 106–108 azygous pseudolobe, 41f
aortic dissection, 108
coarctation of, 105–106 B
tears of, 106 babygrams, 272
aortic aneurysm, 108f, 111f back pain, 260f. See also spine
endograft repair of, 112f bacterial pneumonia, 61–62, 65, 279
and rupture, 112f bamboo spine, 205
aortic aneurysm and rupture, computed tomography (CT), barium enemas, 148
112f cecal volvulus, 154
aortic aneurysms, computed tomography (CT), 107–108 colon cancer, 154
aortic arch, 84f Crohn’s disease, 151
anomalies of, 104 double-contrast, 149f
calcification of, 105f barium swallows, 131f, 133
chest x-rays, 106 dysphagia and odynophagia, 127–128
right-sided, 105f barking cough, 273f
aortic dissection, 108, 109f Barrett’s esophagus, 133
aortic insufficiency, 97f Barton’s fracture, 218f
aortic tear, 107f bat wing infiltrates, 75f
aortic tears, 107f battered children, 263f
aortic valves, prosthetic, 97f benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), 175f
AP. See anteroposterior (AP) views/projections Bennett’s fracture, 221, 223f
AP (anteroposterior) views/projections, 2f Bergman’s sign, 170–171
aphasia, imaging modality for, 21t bile duct, 39f
apical pneumothorax, 76f biliary ductal dilatation, 143f
apophysis, spinal, 196f biliary system. See gallbladder and biliary system
appendicitis, 147f, 284–285 biopsies. See needle biopsies
appendix bioterrorist agents, 67
appendicitis, 147f, 149–150, 150f bladder, 171–174
appendicoliths, 124f anatomy and imaging techniques, 171–172
normal, 150f calcifications of wall, 174f
residual barium in, 149f carcinoma of, 174, 174f
apple-core lesions (colon carcinoma), 154f compression due to pelvic fracture, 172f
ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), 65, 65f cystitis, 174f
arthritis distended, 171f
degenerative, 266f hematuria, 161–162
foot, 254 hyperreflexive, 173
hand, 223–225, 225f–226f incontinence, 173
knee, 237–238, 239f, 241–243 infections of, 173–174
pediatric, 264 KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder) abdominal study, 115, 142–143, 157
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 224 neurologic abnormalities, 173
hand and wrist, 225f rupture of, 172, 172f, 227–228
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), 260 spastic, 173f
knee, 241–242, 242f stones in, 173f
shoulder, 211f, 212 trauma to, 172–173
wrist, 215 tumors of, 174
artifacts in images blebs, 58–59
air versus lucencies (pyelogram), 164f bleeding
chest x-rays gastrointestinal, 154
breast shadows, 36f hemophilia, 262f
nipple shadows, 35f hemoptysis, 67
skin folds, 76, 78f intraparenchymal, 271f
MRIs, 7 rectal (pediatric), 285
pseudoinfiltrates, 273f uterine/vaginal, 178
shadows, 39f blood, x-ray density of, 2
Index    291

blood flow analysis breasts (Continued)

direction and velocity, 6f cancer, 87f–88f
Doppler ultrasound, 6 normal, 87f
blood in urine. See hematuria methods for imaging, 86
blowout (orbital) fractures, 27, 30f MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 89
Bochdalek hernias, 83 needle biopsies, 88f
Boerhaave’s syndrome, 132 normal variations in tissue, 86
bone. See also skeletal system prostheses, 88–89
cortex of, 185 calcifications around, 89f
fractures (See fractures) normal and ruptured, 89f
growth of, 185 recommended imaging for, 86
infarcts, 233 screening guidelines by professional organization, 89t
femur, 234f ultrasound, 89
metastatic lesions, 169f, 201–205 breathing. See airways/airway pathology; lungs; pulmonary — entries;
nonunion after fractures, 244 respiration entries
normal growth of, 262 bronchiectasis, 56, 57f
osteophytes, 43f bronchiolitis, 278–279
primary tumors of, 185 bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), 277–278
structure of, 185 bruits
systemic diseases of, 264 carotid, 108–109
x-ray density of, 2f flank or abdominal, 111–113
bone islands, 250f buckle (torus) fractures, 260, 263f
bone mineral measurements, 205–206 bullae, 58–59, 59f
DEXA, 206t
bone scans, 6f C
nuclear medicine studies, 6f CAD (coronary artery disease), 102–104
bone spurs, 43f calcaneal cysts, 250–251, 252f
bony (skeletal) structures, normal chest, 41–42 calcaneal fractures, foot, 253f
Bosniak criteria (renal cysts), 161 calcaneal view of foot, 249
boutonnière deformity, 224 calcific tendinitis, 211f
bowel calcifications. See also decalcification of carpal
in diaphragmatic ruptures, 83–85 bones
small (See small bowel) abdominal, 120–123
small bowel obstructions, 146f appendicoliths, 124f
bowel intussusception, pediatric, 282f calcified fibroids, 125f
bowel obstructions, pediatric, 280–282 in chronic pancreatitis, 124f
boxer’s fracture, 222f differential diagnosis, 121t
BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy), 175f gastrointestinal, 116t
braid artifacts, 44f in lymph nodes, 124f
brain. See also skull phleboliths, 125f
anatomy, 10, 15f–17f prostatic, 125f
appearance in MRI of, 7f splenic vascular, 123f
astrocytoma, 24f of vas deferens, 125f
computed tomography (CT), 14t abdominal aorta, 110f
dementia/mental changes, 26 aortic arch, 104, 105f
intercerebral hemorrhage, 19f around breast prostheses, 89f
intracerebral aneurysms, 23f bladder wall, 174f
intracranial hemorrhage, computed tomography (CT), 18–19 breast, 88f
metastatic brain disease, 10, 25f malignant calcifications, 87f
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 7f mammography, 87f
multiple sclerosis, 25–26, 25f microcalcifications, 86
neonatal, 271f calcific bridging (ankylosing spondylitis), 205f
normal skull and variants, 10 calcific tendinitis, 211f
Paget’s disease, 14f carotid, 44f
pituitary adenoma, 24f in chronic pancreatitis, 122
psychiatric disorders, 26 coronary artery, 103f
seizures, 26 costochondral, 42f
strokes, 21 eggshell calcifications, 65–66
computed tomography (CT), 21, 22f femoral, 234f
transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), 21 foot (vascular), 256f
tuberous sclerosis, 17f intervertebral disk, 198f
tumors intracranial, 10
differential diagnosis, 23–24 kidneys/renal system
pediatric, 269 nephrocalcinosis, 162f
primary and metastatic, 23–24 renal calculi, 163f
vertigo/dizziness, 24–25 knee
brain single-photon emission computed tomography (CT SPECT), 26 cartilage, 242, 243f
brainstem, cerebrospinal fluid appearance around, 20 in joint space, 240f
Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool, 89 loose body, 238
breasts lymph nodes, 122, 124f
calcifications, microcalcifications, 86 pelvis, 122–123
cancer pleural, 82
lymph node drainage in, 87–88 renal, 162–164, 166f, 170
mastectomy, 35f soft tissue, 42
cancer screening, 88–89 stylohyoid ligament, 189f
asymmetric densities, 87f vas deferens, 125f
cysts, ultrasound, 87f calcified granulomas, 68f–69f
interpretation and workup, 86–88 calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease, 226f
mammography, 86 Campylobacter species, 151–152
calcifications, 87f Canadian C-Spine Rule (CCR), 192–193
292    Index

cancer. See also carcinomas; tumors/masses/lesions (nonmalignant) cancer (Continued)

adrenal adenoma, 183f spine, lymphoma, 195f
American Society of Clinical Oncology, lung cancer screening guidelines, stomach
69 leather bottle stomach, 135f
astrocytoma, 24f malignant ulcerations, 135f
bladder, carcinoma, 174, 174f transitional cell carcinoma (ureter), 170–171
breast. See also mammography ureter, transitional cell carcinoma, 170f
Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool, 89 cancer screening, 88–89
carcinomas, 86 asymmetric densities, 87f
malignant calcifications, 87f Candida albicans (Monilia), esophagitis, 130
breast cancer screening guidelines, 89t Candida esophagitis, 132f
cardiomyopathy due to chemotherapy, 94f carcinomas
cervical carcinoma, 182f apple-core lesions (colon carcinoma), 154f
colon, 1, 8f, 153–154, 154f–155f bladder, 174f
colorectal, 153–154 breast, 86
elbow, 212f cervical, 181, 182f
esophageal carcinoma, 131f colon, 155f
Hodgkin’s disease, 73f cystadenocarcinomas, 181
computed tomography (CT), 73f esophageal
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 62 adenocarcinoma, 133
knee, osteogenic sarcoma of, 236f squamous cell, 133
liver esophagus, 131f
detecting metastases, 140f ovarian, 181, 182f
hepatomas (chronic hepatitis), 138 pancreatic, adenocarcinoma, 144
metastatic lesions, 138 renal cell, 74f, 168, 168f–169f
lumbar spine, multiple myeloma, 204f transitional cell
lung, 67–69, 71f bladder, 174
computed tomography (CT), 69f ureter, 170–171
screening for, 69–70 cardiac disease
lymphoma, 25, 195f cardiomegaly, 74f, 90–91, 92f
scanning for, 184 causes, 90
staging of, with PET/CT scan, 184f measurement of, 39f
malignant ulcers, 134 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 92f
mesotheliomas, 82 cardiomyopathy, 94f
metastases congenital, 98–99
adrenal, 183f congestive heart failure, 74f
bone, 169f cyanotic/acyanotic, 98
brain, 23–24, 25f measuring size of heart, 90
to brain, 10, 25f normal anatomy and variants, 37–38
cervical carcinomas, 181 nuclear medicine studies
computed tomography techniques for detecting, 140f cardiac ejection fraction and regional wall motion measurement, 95f
detecting metastases, 140f for chest problems, 40t
differential diagnosis, 101–102 for coronary artery disease and angina, 103
liver, 140f rheumatic, 93–94
lumbar spine, 204f cardiac pacers, 51, 54f
lung, 71–72, 74f cardiac silhouette evaluation, 90–98
from lung to adrenal glands, 183f aortic stenosis and insufficiency, 95
lymphangitic carcinomas, 66 cardiomegaly, 90–91
lytic bone, 235f left atrial enlargement, 93–94
pelvis/hip/lower extremities, 235 left ventricular enlargement, 94–95
prostate, 230f pulmonary artery enlargement, 97–98
pulmonary, 72 cardiothoracic ratio, 90
renal cell carcinoma, 74f, 169f cardiovascular system. See also chest x-rays (radiography)
sarcoid, 66 acute myocardial infarction (MI), 104
sarcomas, 1 aorta, 104–108
spinal, 201–202 anatomy and imaging techniques, 104–105
spine, 201–205 aneurysms of thoracic aorta, 106–108
thoracic spine, 204f aortic dissection, 108
occluded airways due to, 54 coarctation of, 105–106
osteogenic sarcoma, 244 tears of, 106
ovaries, 181 aortic aneurysm, 108f, 111f
carcinomas, 181, 182f endograft repair of, 112f
pancreatic, adenocarcinoma, 144 and rupture, 112f
parathyroid adenomas, 31–33 aortic arch
pediatric, 283–284 calcification of, 105f
mediastinal neuroblastoma, 284f right-sided, 105f
osteogenic sarcoma, 264 aortic dissection, 109f
retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, 284f aortic insufficiency, 97f
skull, 256 aortic tear, 107f
Wilms’s tumor, 284f artography, normal thoracic, 105f
pelvis atrial septal defect, 99f
chondrosarcoma, 230f calcification of abdominal aorta, 110f
malignant lesions of, 229 cardiac silhouette evaluation, 90–98
prostate, 175 aortic stenosis and insufficiency, 95
radioactive implants, 175f cardiomegaly, 90–91
renal cell carcinoma, 168, 168f–169f left atrial enlargement, 93–94
retroperitoneal, 183–184 left ventricular enlargement, 94–95
scrotum/testes, 175–176 pulmonary artery enlargement, 97–98
shoulder, Ewing’s sarcoma, 212 cardiomyopathy, 94f
sinuses, 26 carotid artery stenosis, 110f
Index    293

cardiovascular system (Continued) cervical ribs, congenital abnormalities, 42f

claudication workup, 114 cervical spine, 185–194
coarctation of aorta, 106f anterior avulsion fracture, 191f
congenital cardiac disease, 98–99 Canadian C-Spine Rule (CCR), 192–193
coronary artery calcification, 103f degenerative changes, 193–194, 195f
computed tomography (CT), 103f examination of, 185–188
coronary artery screening and calcium scoring, computed tomography fractures
(CT), 104 clay-shoveler’s fracture, 191–192
coronary artery stents placement, 104f hangman’s fracture, 189
Ebstein’s anomaly, 99f ligamentous injuries with, 189–191
hypertension, 111–113 hangman’s fracture, 191f
inferior vena cava, mesh filter placement, 114f Jefferson’s fractures, 188
ischemic cardiac diseases, 102–104 National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS),
congestive heart failure (CHF), 102 192–193
coronary artery disease and angina, 102–104 normal anatomy, 185–188, 186f–190f
left atrial enlargement, 95f variants of, 189f
mediastinal hematoma, 107f oblique fracture of C6, 193f
mitral and tricuspid insufficiency, 96f occult fracture, 192f
mitral stenosis, 95f posterior spinous process fracture of C6 and C7, 193f
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) pseudofracture of C2, 188f
heart in systole and diastole, 92f subluxation of C6, 193f
thorax nutrition/diet normal vascular anatomy, 91f transverse ligament instability, 191f
myocardial infarction (MI), 105f trauma to, 187t, 188–193, 190f
myocardial perfusion, assessment of, 103f Jefferson’s burst fracture of C1, 190f
noninvasive stress test, indication for, 102t tumors of, 195f
normal anatomy and imaging techniques, 90 wedge fracture of C5, 192f
upper abdomen (ultrasound), 111f CF (cystic fibrosis), 279, 280f
vascular anatomy of abdomen and pelvis, 113f chance fracture, 200f
nuclear medicine studies, cardiac ejection fraction and regional wall Chance fracture, 199
motion measurement, 95f chest. See also cardiovascular system
pericardial effusion, 92f computed tomography (CT)
peripheral vessels, 108–114 bronchiectasis, 57f
abdominal aorta and iliac vessels, 109–111 linear atelectasis, 59f
deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 113–114 female versus male, 34
head and neck, 108–109 normal anatomy
pneumopericardium versus pneumomediastinum, 94f adults versus infants/children, 271
progressive pulmonary arterial hypertension, 98f computed tomography (CT), 45f–48f
prosthetic aortic valve, 97f lungs, 49f
prosthetic mitral and tricuspid valves, 96f normal chest, 34–43
pulmonary embolism, 99–102 bony (skeletal) structures, 41–42
computed tomography (CT), 101f computed tomography (CT) anatomy, 42–43
incidental, 101f diaphragms, 41
with infarction, 100f extrapleural fat, 44f
signs/symptoms, 100t hila and lungs, 39–41
Well’s criteria (pretest probability), 100t soft tissues, 42
recommended imaging studies, 93t and variants, 37–43
renal artery stenosis, 111–113, 114f pediatric, 271–279
septic emboli, 102f asthma, 279
tetralogy of Fallot, 98f bronhiolitis, reactive airway disease, pneumonia,
transposition of great vessels, 99f 278–279
Caroli’s disease, 142 coin in esophagus, 274f
carotid artery stenosis, 110f cystic fibrosis (CF), 279, 280f
carotid bruits, 108–109 foreign bodies (aspirated/ingested), 272–274,
carotid calcifications, 44f 274f
carpal bones hyaline membrane disease, 277f
decalcification of, 218f meconium aspiration, 276
dislocation of, 221f normal anatomy and imaging techniques, 271–272
fractures of, 262 normal thymic shadow, 273f
mineralization of, 217f pneumothorax, 278f
normal development anatomy, 265f progressive right upper lobe atelectasis, 275f
catheters pseudoinfiltrates, 273f
jugular or subclavian, 50 pulmonary interstitial emphysema, 277f
pediatric, 275 respiratory diseases in newborns, 275–278
Swan-Ganz or pulmonary artery, 50 round pneumonia, 279f
ventriculoperitoneal shunt, 275 tubes, lines, catheters in, 274–275
cavitation, 67 x-ray findings of distress in newborns, 276t
in pneumonia, 62 suggested imaging procedures for problems, 40t
cavitation in pneumonia, 62 chest pain, 72–73
CCR (Canadian C-Spine Rule), 192–193 pneumothorax, 77f
cecal volvulus, 154 chest versus rib technique, 37f
cellulitis, 223 chest x-rays (radiography), 2, 34
central line placement, 50 abnormal chest, 43–49
central nervous system (CNS) admission, preoperative, prenatal x-rays, 43–44
cancer of, 205 braid artifacts, 44f
deficits due to head trauma, 18 with cardiac pacers and defibrillators, 54f
intracranial infections affecting, 25 inspiration, 34–35
psychiatric disorders affecting, 26 interpretation of images, 39t, 49t
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 19f, 190f jugular (subclavian) venous lines with, 50
appearance in MRI of, 7f opacities (in newborns), 275–276
cervical (uterine) carcinoma, 182f with pleural tubes, 51
294    Index

chest x-rays (radiography) (Continued) colon (Continued)

technical considerations ulcerative colitis, 150–151, 152f
breast shadows, 36f volvulus, 154
cardiomegaly measurement, 39f colon cancer, 1, 8f
chest versus rib technique, 37f carcinoma of, 154f–155f
effects of patient position, 36f–37f colonic bleeding from diverticulum, 155f
effects of respiration, 36f colonic interposition, 116f
exposure, 34 colonic interposition (Chilaiditi syndrome), 115
feeding tube positions, 38f colonic obstruction versus paralytic ilieus, 149
inspiration and expiration, 36–37 colonoscopy, virtual, using computed tomography, 117
male versus female chest, 34 color Doppler ultrasound, 6f
mastectomy, 35f colorectal cancer, 153
with nasogastric (NG) tubes, 49–50, 50f–51f column of Bertin, 157
nipple shadows, 35f common bile duct, pathology of, 141f
over- and underexposure, 35f common bile duct pathology, 141f
overlying electrocardiogram wires and tubes, 51–52 community-acquired pneumonia in adults, 60–62
posteroanterior versus anteroposterior, 34 compression fractures, thoracic spine, 195
Swan-Ganz or pulmonary artery catheters, 50 computed radiography, 1–2
upright versus supine, 34–36 computed tomography (CT), 14f, 14t. See also specific body area or
CHF (congestive heart failure), 73–75, 102 pathology
and pulmonary edema, 73–75, 74f contrast enhancement, 5f
Chilaiditi syndrome (colonic interposition), 115 contrast material uses in, 5
child abuse, 263f CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA), 101
children. See pediatric issues multidetector spiral CT, 104
Chlamydia trachomatis, 180 normal axial images, 15f–16f
cholangitis, 142 pelvis, 159f
cholecystitis orientation of images, 5f
acute, 141–142, 142f overview, 4–5
chronic, 142 PET/CT hybrid imaging, 8f
cholelithiasis, 142f tissue density and appearance in, 2
cholelithiasis (gallstones), 121f–122f, 142, 142f virtual colonography using, 148–149
cholycystitis, acute, 142f virtual colonoscopy using, 117
chondrocalcinosis, 224–225 congenital abnormalities
knee, 243f cervical ribs, 42f
Christmas tree deformity (bladder), 173, 173f congenital hip dislocation, 266f
chronic interstitial lung diseases, 65–67 kidneys/renal system, 157–160
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 37, 55–56, 55f, 65, congenital and developmental abnormalities, foot, 249–250
280f congenital cardiac disease, 98–99
cardiothoracic ratio, 90 congestive heart failure (CHF), 73–75, 102
chest x-ray findings, 56f and pulmonary edema, 73–75, 74f
cirrhosis, 80–82 contrast agents, with perforated viscus, 133
cirrhosis/alcoholic liver disease, 80–82, 136 contrast enhancement, computed tomography (CT), 5f
claudication workup, 114 intracranial hemorrhage, 18–19
clavicle contrast material, 4f
acromioclavicular separation, 209 allergic reactions, 3–4
fractures of, 207–209 appearance of lesions using different, 4f
clavicular fractures, 207–209 methods of instilling, 3
clay-shoveler’s fracture, 191–192 uses of, 2–3
clots, ureteral, 170 computed tomography (CT), 5
cloverleaf (hourglass) deformity of duodenum, 134–135 for x-rays, 3
cluster headaches, 10 COPD. See chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
coarctation of aorta, 106f coronary artery
cobra head deformity (ureter), 169–170 calcification of, 103f
coccyx fractures, 227–228 stenosis of, 104
colitis stent placement, 104f
infectious, 151–152 coronary artery calcification, 103f
ischemic, 151 computed tomography (CT), 103f
collapsed lungs, atelectasis, 56–58 coronary artery disease (CAD), 102–104
collecting system screening for, computed tomography (CT), 104
dilated, 170f coronary artery screening and calcium scoring, computed tomography (CT),
duplicated, 160f 104
collecting system (renal), 169–170 coronary artery stents placement, 104f
Colles’ fractures coronoid fracture, 214f
ulnar styloid, 216, 218f costochondral calcifications, 42f
wrist, 216 costophrenic angle, 79f–80f
colon, 148–154 coughing, 269–271, 273f
appendicitis, 149–150 (See also appendix) cranial neuropathy, imaging modality for, 21t
bleeding, 154 craniocaudal views (mammography), 86
cancer of, 153–154, 154f–155f cranium/cranial —. See brain; skull
colonic bleeding from diverticulum, 155f Crohn’s disease, 147f, 149, 151
colonic obstruction versus paralytic ilieus, 149 croup, 269–271, 273f
Crohn’s disease, 151 cruciate ligament injuries, 240–241
diverticulosis and diverticulitis, 150, 150f–151f cryptococcal infections, 25
infectious colitis, 151–152 CT. See computed tomography (CT)
ischemic colitis, 151 CT (computed tomography), CTPA (CT pulmonary angiography), 101
meconium ileus, 281f CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA), 101
pneumatosis, 152 CTPA (CT pulmonary angiography), 101
pneumatosis of cecum, 152f cyanosis, 275–276
polyps, 152–153, 153f in newborns, 275–276
sigmoid volvulus, 156f cyanotic heart disease, 98
Index    295

cystadenocarcinomas, 181 dislocations (Continued)

cystadenomas, 181 lunate, 221f
cystic fibrosis (CF), 279, 280f perilunate, 221f
cystitis, 173 shoulder and humerus, 209–210
emphysematous, 174f Hill-Sachs deformity (shoulder), 209–210
cystograms, 157 humeral head, 209f–211f
cystoscopy, 174 proximal interphalangeal joint, 223f
cysts radial head, 215f
Bosniak criteria for renal, 161 temporomandibular joint (TMJ), 30
hepatic, 138–139, 140f distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint, 224
subchondral, 225f diverticulosis and diverticulitis, 150, 150f–151f
unicameral bone, 212f diverticulum, Zenker’s, 128f
dizziness, 24–25
D dizziness/vertigo, 24–25
decalcification of carpal bones, 218f computed tomography (CT), 24–25
deep sulcus sign, 77 Doppler ultrasound, 6
deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 113–114 double-contrast barium enema, 149f
defibrillators, 54f dromedary bump (kidneys), 157
implanted, 51, 54f drug addiction, septic pulmonary embolisms and,
degenerative changes. See also aging process 101–102
arthritic (See arthritis) duodenum
cervical spine, 193–194, 195f pediatric problems of, 280
foot, 254 ulcerations of, 136f
hip, 230–231 DVT (deep vein thrombosis), 113–114
knee, 237–238 dysphagia, 127–128
lumbar spine, 201, 203f dyspnea, 72–73
degenerative disk disease, 203f
shoulder, 211f E
spine, 195f ears
spine and hip joints, 226–227 acoustic neuroma, 24–25
spurs or osteophytes, 43f, 242f hearing loss, 18
lumbar spine, 201 Ebstein’s anomaly/malformation, 98, 99f
thoracic spine, 195, 198f ECG. See electrocardiography (ECG or EKG)
degenerative conditions, foot, 254 echoes. See also ultrasonography
dehydration, 279–280 density of, 5
dementia/mental changes, 26 formation of, 5
Alzheimer’s, 26 renal ultrasound, 164–165
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 26 ectopic kidney, 160f
nuclear medicine studies, 26 ectopic pregnancy, 178–179
dependent pulmonary edema, 75f edema
depressed skull fractures, 19f brain, 21, 23
DEXA measuring method, 206t pulmonary, 73–75
diabetes in renal failure, 75f
complications of effusions
foot, 254 ankle, 248f
neuropathic foot, 256f knee, 240f
emphysematous cystitis in, 174f pericardial, 92f
emphysematous pyelonephritis, 165f pleural, 79–82, 80f–81f
indications of, 123 empyemas, 82
osteomyelitis of foot, 257f loculated, 82f
dialysis, fluid overload before, 76f pleural calcifications and masses, 82
diaphragmatic hernias, 276t, 277f subpulmonic, 80, 82f
diaphragms, 83–85 egg-on-side shape (heart), 98, 99f
bowel in diaphragmatic ruptures, 83–85 eggshell calcifications, 65–66
diaphragmatic hernias, 276t EKG. See electrocardiography (ECG or EKG)
hemidiaphragm, 82f–83f elbow, 212–214
normal anatomy, 41 coronoid fracture, 214f
pediatric, diaphragmatic hernia, 277f malignant lesions of, 212f
polyarcuate, 41f normal anatomy and imaging techniques, 212
ruptures of, 83–85, 85f apophyses, 213f
diaphysis of long bones, 185 olecranon fracture, 214f
dietary fiber, 150 pediatric, 260
diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), 195 hemophilia, 262f
digital radiography, 1–2 Little Leaguer’s elbow, 260, 261f
dilatation normal variations, 261f
esophageal, 130 suprachondylar fractures, 262f
gastric dilatation or outlet obstruction, 136 radial head fracture, 213f
small bowel, 146 trauma to, 212–214
ureteral, 170 x-ray examination for, 208t
DIP (distal interphalangeal) joint, 224 ulna fracture, 215f
discoid atelectasis, 56–57 electrocardiography (ECG or EKG), 102
DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis), 195 for acute MI, 104
disk herniation and protrusion, 203f cardiac ejection fraction and regional wall motion measurement,
diskitis, 259 95f
dislocations. See also fractures; trauma for chest problems, 40t
finger fractures and dislocations, 221–223 chest x-rays with
hip, 231–232, 232f, 262–263 effects of overlying wires and tubes, 51–52
congenital dislocation, 266f over leads, 51f
with fracture fragment, 232f over wires and tubes of, 51–52
Lisfranc fracture/dislocation (foot), 254f electroencephalography (EEG), for seizures, 26
296    Index

emergencies. See also trauma febrile seizures, 26

cervical spine injuries, National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization fecal guaiac occult blood test (gFOBT), 153
Study (NEXUS), 192–193 fecal immunochemical test (FIT or iFOBT), 153
epiglottitis, 269 feet, infections of, 223
lung trauma, 52–54 females
necrotizing enterocolitis, 282 breast imaging (See breasts)
pneumothorax, 52 cervix, 177f
pulmonary embolism, 99f cystitis, 173
subcutaneous emphysema, 30–31 female versus male chest, 34
emphysema free fluid in pelvic cul-de-sac, 177f
pulmonary interstitial, 277f incontinence, 173
subcutaneous, 30–31, 79, 80f infertility, 177–178
emphysematous cystitis, 174f kidney masses, 160f
emphysematous pyelonephritis, 165, 165f menstrual cycle, 177f
empyema, 83f normal, 38f
enchondroma, 226f normal anatomy, 38f, 177f
knee, 234f normal and abnormal hysterosalpingogram, 177f
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), 140–141 ovarian carcinoma, 182f
endoscopy, 148–154 ovarian teratoma, 181f
endotracheal tubes (ETs), 49, 50f, 274–275 pelvic anatomy and imaging techniques, 176–177
chest x-rays with, 49, 50f–51f pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 180
enteric feeding tubes, positioning of, 121f pelvic pain and masses, 180
enthesopathy (whiskering) of ischial tuberosities, 205 pelvic tumors, 180–181
epidural hematoma, 20f polycystic ovaries, 181f
epidural hematomas, 20 pregnant (See pregnancy)
epiglottitis, 30, 31f, 269–271, 272f uterus
epiphyseal fractures, hand, Salter-Harris classification of, 224f calcified fibroids, 123, 125f
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), 140–141 hydrosalpinx, 177f
esophageal dilatation, 130 intrauterine device (IUD), 177f
esophageal diverticula, 128 vaginal bleeding, 178
esophageal mucosa, 127f femoral chondyle, 240f
esophageal/tracheoesophageal fistula, pediatric, 279 femoral head
esophagitis and tears, 132 aseptic necrosis of, 231f
esophagus, 125–133 slipping of epiphysis of, 263–264
achalasia, 132f femur, 233–236
anatomy and imaging techniques, 125 aseptic necrosis of epiphysis, 263
dysphagia and odynophagia, 127–128 bone infarcts of, 234f
Barrett’s esophagus, 133 myositis ossificans, 236, 236f
benign stricture of, 131f normal anatomy, 233
Candida esophagitis, 132f osteogenic sarcoma of, 244
carcinoma of, 131f osteopetrosis (marble bone disease), 229f
esophageal diverticula, 128 tumors of
esophagitis and tears, 132 benign lesions, 233
foreign bodies malignant lesions, 235
coins, 130f periosteal reactions to, 235–236
pediatric, 273–274 fever of unknown origin, 119
steak knife, 131f fiber, dietary, 150
foreign bodies in, 130 fibroids
hiatal hernia and gastrointestinal reflux disease, 128–130 calcified, 123
hiatal hernias, 129f uterine, 180–181
measurement of stricture of, 131f calcified, 125f
normal anatomy, 127f fibroma, nonossifying, 234f
presbyesophagus, 128, 128f fibromas, nonossifying (ankle), 251f
strictures and dilatation, 130 fibrosis, retroperitoneal, 184, 184f
tumors, 133 fibrous cortical defects, hip, 234f
varices, 132, 133f fibrous dysplasia, 233
Ewing’s sarcoma (or tumor), 212, 236, 264 hip, 234f
hip, 230f fibula. See tibia and fibula
pediatric, 236 finger fractures and dislocations, 221–223
shoulder, 212 fistulas, esophageal, 279
expiration chest x-rays, 36–37 FIT (fecal immunochemical test), 153
exposure considerations. See x-rays (radiography) flank pain, 162
extramural lesions, 4f Fleischner Society Recommendations, for newly detected pulmonary
extrapleural fat, 44f nodules, 70t
exudates, 80–82 focal infiltrates, lung, 66
eyes, nystagmus, 24–25 fontanels, 269, 271f
foot, 249–254
F aseptic necrosis
fabella, 238f metatarsal head, 256f
face, 25f, 26. See also brain; neck; skull tarsal navicular, 268f
imaging modalities for, 27t calcaneal cyst, 252f
Le Fort fractures of the face, 27–30 calcaneal cysts, 250–251
mandibular, 30, 30f calcaneal fractures, 253f
nasal bones, 27, 29f calcaneal view of, 249
orbital (blowout) fractures, 27, 30f congenital and developmental abnormalities, 249–250
sinuses/sinusitis, 26 degenerative and arthritic conditions of, 254
zygomatic fractures, 26, 29f diabetes/complications, 254
face and neck problems, imaging modalities for, 27t fractures of, 252
fat tissue, x-ray density of, 2, 2f gout, 254, 256f
fatty infiltration of liver, 137f Lisfranc fracture/dislocation, 254f
Index    297

foot (Continued) fractures (Continued)

march fractures, 255f hand
metatarsal fractures, 254f boxer’s fracture, 222f
neuropathic (diabetes), 256f epiphyseal fractures, 224f
normal anatomy, 251f volar plate fracture, 224f
accessory bones, 252f hip, 232
calcaneus, 251f intertrochanteric, 233f
osteomyelitis of, 257f orthopedic fixation devices after, 233f
sewing needle in, 252f prostheses for, 233f
talar neck fractures, 252f humerus
trauma to, 251–254 fractures of, 209
vascular calcifications, 256f lucent fracture of, 213f
x-rays for trauma of, 232t kidneys, 165–166, 167f
forearm, 214–215 knee, patella, 241f
Galeazzi fracture, 215f Lisfranc fracture/dislocation, 252–253
Monteggia fracture/dislocation, 215f lumbar spine, 199–200
nightstick fracture, 214f Chance fracture, 199, 200f
pediatric, 260–262 malleolar fractures, 248
torus (buckle) fractures, 263f march fractures, 253–254
radial head fracture, 213f metacarpal bones, 220–221
reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), 216, 218f navicular, 216
trauma to, 214–215 nonunion of bone after, 244
Galeazzi fractures, 215 odontoid fractures, 190f
Monteggia fractures, 215 olecronon, 261f
nightstick fractures, 214–215 orbital (blowout) fractures, 30f
foreign bodies patella, 241
aspiration of, 54–55, 55f pathologic, 243f
esophageal, 130 pediatric
coins, 130f, 273–274 greenstick fractures, 264f
steak knife, 131f growing skull fracture of childhood, 254–255
foot, 251, 252f odontoid fractures, 188–189
glass in soft tissue, 222f Salter-Harris classification of epiphyseal fractures, 224f, 267
hand, 220 suprachondylar fractures, 260
inhaled particulate matter, 64 toddler’s fractures, 267, 268f
pediatric imaging for, 272–274, 274f pelvis, 172, 228f
sewing needle in foot, 252f bladder compression due to, 172f
vibrator (rectal), 155f with bladder rupture, 172
fractures. See also dislocations; trauma with hematoma, 172f
acetabulum, 228f pseudofractures, ankle, 246f
ankle pubis, 228f
fixation screws with antibiotic beads, 249f radial head, 213–214, 213f
Weber classification of, 248 radius, Salter-Harris fracture of, 264f
avulsion fractures, 220f Rolando’s fracture (thumb), 221, 223f
Bennett’s fracture, 221, 223f sacral fractures, 228f
buckle (torus) fractures, 260 Salter-Harris (See Salter-Harris classification of epiphyseal
carpal bones, 262 fractures)
cervical spine scapular, 208f
anterior avulsion fracture, 191f shoulder and humerus, fractures, 207–209
clay-shoveler’s fracture, 191–192 skull, 18
hangman’s fracture, 189, 191f depressed, 19f
Jefferson’s burst fracture of C!, 190f linear, 18f
Jefferson’s fractures, 188 with pneumocephalus, 20
ligamentous injuries with, 189–191 x-rays, 18, 29f
oblique fracture of C6, 193f thoracic spine, 194–195
occult fracture, 192f anterior subluxation and fracture, 197f
posterior spinous process fracture of C6 and C7, 193f compression fractures, 195
pseudofracture of C2, 188f displaced fracture of, 196f
wedge fracture of C5, 192f fractures, 193
clavicle, 207–209 tibia, 241
clavicular, 208f intramedullary fixation for, 244f
coccyx, 227–228 nonunion of, 245f
Colles’, ulnar styloid, 216 plateau fractures, 242f
dislocations with spiral, 244f
finger fractures and dislocations, 221–223 spiral fractures, 244
hip, 232f toddler’s fracture, 267
elbow trimalleolar fracture, 248f
coronoid fracture, 214f tripod fracture of zygomatic arch, 26, 29f
olecranon fracture, 214f volar plate fractures, 223
ulna fracture, 215f wrist
epiphyseal (See Salter-Harris classification of epiphyseal fractures) Barton’s fracture, 218f
face, 26–30 Colles’ fracture, 218f
Le Fort fractures, 27–30 longitudinal fracture, 217f
orbital (blowout) fractures, 27 scaphoid (navicular) fracture, 219f
zygomatic fractures, 26 Smith’s fracture, 219f
fibula, fractures, 244f triquetral fracture, 220f
foot, 252 zygomatic arch, 29f
forearm fungal infections, 64f
Galeazzi fractures, 215, 215f aspergillosis, 166f
Monteggia fractures, 215, 215f chest x-rays, 64
nightstick fractures, 214–215, 214f ureteral, 170
298    Index

G gFOBT (fecal guaiac occult blood test), 153

Galeazzi fractures (forearm), 215, 215f giant cell tumors, knee, 243, 243f
gallbladder and biliary system, 140–141 giant hypertrophic gastritis (Ménétrier’s disease), 134
anatomy and imaging techniques, 140–141 glenoid, 211f
biliary ductal dilatation, 143f glomerulonephritis, 166f
biliary obstructions, 142–143 Golden S sign of lung cancer, 70–71, 71f
cholecystitis gonorrhea, 180
acute, 141–142, 142f gout, 254, 256f
chronic, 142 Gram stain, for pneumonia, 62
cholelithiasis, 142f Greenfield filters, 114
common bile duct pathology, 141f greenstick fractures, 264f
gallstones, 39f ground glass appearance (pneumonia), 62
jaundice, 142–143 growing skull fracture of childhood, 254–255
normal endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, 141f growth arrest lines, 249, 250f
normal nuclear medicine hepatobiliary study, 142f GU. See genitourinary (GU) system
gallstones (cholelithiasis), 121f–122f, 142, 142f gunshot wounds, 19f
gamekeeper’s thumb, 221
Gardner’s syndrome, 152–153 H
gas patterns Haemophilus influenzae, 269, 278–279
abdominal, 116t hand, 215–225
evaluation of, 116 arthritis, 223–225
in bowel, 229 calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease, 226f
evaluation of, 116t enchondroma, 226f
in neonates, 280–281 epiphyseal fractures, Salter-Harris classification of, 224f
normal bowel, 116f infections of, 223
in parenchyma of right kidney, 165f normal anatomy and imaging techniques, 215–216, 216f, 220
gastric dilatation, 136 pediatric, 260–262
gastric emptying (dumping), 135 multifocal osteomyelitis, 265f
gastric mucosa, 127f normal development anatomy, 265f
gastritis, 133–134, 134f psoriatic arthritis, 226f
gastroenteritis, acute (pediatric), 279–280 rheumatoid arthritis of, 225f
gastrointestinal bleeding, nuclear medicine studies, 154 septic arthritis of, 225f
gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), 128–130, 133–134 short fourth metacarpal, 222f
gastrointestinal (GI) system, 80–82 trauma to, 216–223
appendix (See appendix) boxer’s fracture, 222f
ascites, 138f dislocation of proximal interphalangeal joint, 223f
biliary system (See gallbladder and biliary system) fracture of first metacarpal base, 223f
colon (See colon) glass in soft tissue, 222f
colonic interposition, 116f volar plate fracture, 224f
computed tomography (CT), abdomen and pelvis, 117f–119f x-ray examination for, 208t
cystic fibrosis (CF) symptoms, 279 tumors of, 225
double-contrast barium enema, 149f hangman’s fracture, 189, 191f
duodenum (See stomach and duodenum) hantavirus, 67
esophagus (See esophagus) head
gallbladder (See gallbladder and biliary system) imaging of vessels of, 108–109
gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), 128–130 magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), 8f
hepatic abscesses, 120f pediatric, 269
imaging techniques and anatomy, 115–117 abnormal neonatal (ultrasound), 271f
abdominal calcifications, 120–123 brain tumors, 269
abdominal masses, 123–125 hydrocephalus, 276f
acute abdominal pain, 123 imaging techniques, 269
acute gastroenteritis, 123 normal anatomy and imaging techniques, 270t–271t
with feeding tubes, 119–120 normal neonatal (ultrasound), 271f
intra-abdominal abscesses and fever of unknown origin, 119 seizures, 269
pneumoperitoneum, 117 trauma, 269
recommended imaging studies for various problems, 126t–127t head trauma, 18
inguinal hernia, strangulated, 147f risk factors, 18
liver (See liver/hepatic system) headaches, 10–18, 17t
normal bowel gas pattern, 116f after head trauma, 18
pancreas (See pancreas) imaging indications for, 17t
plain abdominal images, 116t indications for imaging, 10
gas pattern evaluation, 116t with intracranial hemorrhage, 20
pneumoperitoneum, 120f sinus, 18
positioning of enteric feeding tubes, 121f hearing loss, 18
rectum, vibrator in, 155f MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 18
retroperitoneum (See retroperitoneal — entries) heart. See cardiac and cardio— entries; cardiovascular system
small bowel (See small bowel) heart in systole and diastole, 92f
spleen (See spleen) heartburn, 128
stomach (See stomach and duodenum) heavy metal ingestion, 250f
superior mesenteric artery occlusion, 148f helical scanners, 5
Zenker’s diverticulum, 128f Helicobacter pylori, 133–135
genitourinary (GU) system. See also females; males hemangiomas, hepatic, 137, 139f
anatomy and imaging techniques, 157, 158t hematogenous metastases, 74f
bladder (See bladder) hematomas
kidneys (See kidneys/renal system) intraosseous, 211–212
prostate (See prostate) pelvic fracture with, 172f
scrotum (See scrotum/testes) hematuria, 161–162, 172f. See also bladder
testicles (See scrotum/testes) with flank pain, 162
ureter (See ureters) renal tumors and, 167
GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease), 128–130, 133–134 traumatic/atraumatic, 161
Index    299

hemidiaphragm, 82f–83f imaging techniques and anatomy, 115–117

hemophilia, 262f, 267f abdominal calcifications, 120–123
hemoptysis, 52–53, 67 abdominal masses, 123–125
hemorrhage, in cervical spine, 192f acute gastroenteritis, 123
hemorrhages, intracranial, 18–20 with feeding tubes, 119–120
hemorrhagic fevers, 67 intra-abdominal abscesses and fever of unknown origin, 119
hemorrhagic strokes, 21 pneumoperitoneum, 117
hepatic —. See liver/hepatic system recommended imaging studies for various problems, 126t–127t
hepatobiliary system. See gallbladder and biliary system; liver/hepatic immunocompromised patients
system aspergillosis, 166f
hernias pneumonia in, 62
Bochdalek, 83 incontinence, 173
diaphragmatic, 276t, 277f infants. See pediatric issues
hiatal, 128–130 infarctions, lung, 53f
sliding-type, 128, 129f infarcts, myocardial, 105f
hiatal hernias, 128–130, 129f infections
hila bacterial
normal anatomy, 39–41 Candida albicans (Monilia), 130
tumors of, 70–71 in gastritis/gastric ulcer disease, 133–134
Hill-Sachs deformity (shoulder dislocation), 209–210 infectious colitis, 151–152
hip, 229–232. See also pelvis pelvic, 180
acute and degenerative, 230–231 fungal, 64f
asceptic necrosis of, 231f aspergillosis, 166f
dislocations of, 231–232, 232f chest x-rays, 64
with fracture fragment, 232f hand, 223
Ewing’s tumor, 230f intracranial, 25
fibrous cortical defects, 234f lumbar spine, 201
fibrous dysplasia, 234f parasitic, Trypanosoma cruzi, 130
fractures of, 232 periosteal reactions due to, 235
intertrochanteric, 233f renal, 165
orthopedic fixation devices after, 233f septic arthritis
normal apophyses, 231f hand, 225f
osteopetrosis (marble bone disease), 229f shoulder, 212
pediatric, 262–264 shoulder and humerus, 212
congenital dislocation, 266f urinary tract, 173
dislocations, 262–263 inferior vena cava, mesh filter placement, 114f
Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, 263, 266f infertility, 177–178
trauma to, 231–232 infiltrates
x-rays for trauma of, 232t alveolar and interstitial, 59–60
Hirschsprung’s disease, 280–281, 282f pneumonias, 59–60
histiocytosis X, 258f pulmonary embolism and infarction, 100f
histoplasmosis, 63–64 inflammatory bowel disease, 180
splenic, 122f inguinal hernia, strangulated, 147f
HIV. See also AIDS complications injuries. See trauma
intracranial infections with, 25 inspiration chest x-rays, 34–37
HMD (hyaline membrane disease), 276t, 277, 277f intensive care units, chest x-rays in, 49
Hodgkin’s disease, 73f intercerebral hemorrhage, 19f
computed tomography (CT), 73f interstitial pulmonary infiltrates, 59–60, 60f
honeycomb appearance (bronchiectasis), 56, 66 intertrochanteric fractures, hip, 233f
horseshoe kidney, 160, 161f interval disuse osteopenia, 217f
Hounsfield density of water, 5, 138–139, 161 intra-abdominal abscesses, 119
hourglass (cloverleaf) deformity of duodenum, 134–135 intracerebral aneurysms, 23f
housemaid’s (nun’s) knee, 240f MRI for, 23f
humeral head, 206–207 intracranial aneurysms, 22–23
humerus. See shoulder and humerus intracranial calcifications, 10
hyaline membrane disease (HMD), 276t, 277, 277f intracranial hemorrhage, computed tomography (CT), 18–19
hybrid imaging, 7 intracranial infections, 25
hydroceles, 175–176, 176f intraluminal lesions, 4f
hydrocephalus, 21, 271f, 276f intramural lesions, 4f
computed tomography (CT) for, 21 intraparenchymal bleeding, 19, 271f
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 21 intrauterine devices (IUDs), 176–177
hydronephrosis, 164f, 168, 169f intravenous pyelogram (IVP), 122–123
hydropneumothorax, 76 intussusception, pediatric, 282f
hydrosalpinx, 177, 177f intussusception of bowel, pediatric, 281–282
hypercalcemic states, 162 ischemia, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), 108–109
hyperostosis frontalis interna, 14f ischemic cardiac diseases, 102–104
hyperplasia, adrenal, 183 congestive heart failure (CHF), 102
hypertension, 72 coronary artery disease and angina, 102–104
with coarctation of aorta, 106f ischemic enteritis, 146–147
pulmonary, 97–98 ischemic stroke, 21
renal artery stenosis and, 111–113 MRI for, 22f
hypertrophic pulmonary osteoartheropathy, 235 IUDs (intrauterine devices), 176–177
hypoplastic frontal sinuses, 28f IVP (intravenous pyelogram), 122–123
hysterosalpingogram, 177f
I jaundice, 142–143, 283
ileitis, 150–151 Jefferson’s fractures, 188
iliac vessels, imaging of, 109–111 joints. See specific joint, e.g., elbow
ilieus, obstructions versus, 146, 149 JRA (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis), 260
image interpretation, overview, 1 jug-handle view, for zygomatic arch fractures, 26
300    Index

jugular (subclavian) venous lines, chest x-rays with, 50 knee (Continued)

juvenile polyposis, 152–153 total knee replacement, 243f
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), 260 trauma to, 238–241
tumors of, 243–244
K x-rays for trauma of, 232t
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 62 Köhler-Freiberg infarction, 254
Kerley B lines, 74f Köhler’s disease, 267
kidneys/renal system KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder) abdominal study, 115, 142–143, 157, 281f
aspergillosis, 166f pediatric, 281f
bladder (See bladder)
calcifications L
nephrocalcinosis, 162f lacerations, hepatic, 139f
renal calculi, 163f laminectomy, 200f
computed tomography (CT), 157 lateral views/projections, 2, 2f–4f
congenital abnormalities, 157–160 Le Fort fractures of the face, 27–30
dilated collecting system causes, 170f leather bottle stomach (linitus plastica), 135f
disruption of renal pedicle, 167f left atrial enlargement, 93–94, 95f
duplicated collecting system (left kidney), 160f left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), 91
ectopic kidney, 160f left ventricular enlargement, 94–95
emphysematous pyelonephritis, 165f Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, 263, 266f
glomerulonephritis, 166f lesions. See tumors/masses/lesions (nonmalignant)
hematuria, 161–162 LIFE mnemonic (interstitial infiltrates), 66
horseshoe kidney, 160, 161f ligamentous injuries, 189–191
hydronephrosis, 169f posterior cruciate ligament tears, 240f
KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder) abdominal study, 115, 142–143, 157 ligaments, ankle, 250f
medical renal disease, 164f linear atelectasis, 56–57, 58f–59f
multicystic dysplastic kidneys, 285 linear skull fractures, 18f
normal computed tomography (CT), 159f linitus plastica (leather bottle stomach), 135f
normal ultrasound, 159f Lisfranc fracture/dislocation, 252–253, 254f
obstructions of renal collecting system, 168–169 Little Leaguer’s elbow, 260, 261f
polycystic disease of liver and kidneys (adult), 162f liver/hepatic system, 136–140
pyelonephritis and renal infections, 165 abscesses, 120f, 138–140, 141f
renal anglomyolipoma, 168f air within liver, 143f
renal artery stenosis, 111–113, 114f, 168 cancer/tumors of, 138–139
renal calculi, 163f computed tomography techniques for detecting metastases, 140f
renal cell carcinoma, 74f, 168, 168f–169f cysts, 138–139, 140f
renal cysts, 160–161 hepatomas (chronic hepatitis), 138
renal failure, 75f, 164–165 metastatic lesions, 138
renal function, affect of contrast materials on, 3 cirrhosis/alcoholic liver disease, 80–82, 136
renal stones, 162–164 fatty infiltration of liver, 137f
renal tuberculosis, 165 hemangiomas, 139f
retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, 284f hepatitis, 139
trauma, 165–166 hepatomas (chronic hepatitis), 140f
renal laceration, 167f hepatobiliary study, normal nuclear medicine, 142f
tumors, 167–168 hepatomas (chronic hepatitis), 138
ultrasound, 157 hepatomegaly, 139
ureter (See ureters) neonatal jaundice, 283
voiding urethrogram (normal), 160f polycystic disease of liver and kidneys, 161
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, 166f adult, 162f
Kienböck’s malacia, 217–220 pediatric, 285
Klebsiella, 62 trauma, 137
knee lacerations, 139f
arthritis of, 241–243 lobar pneumonia, 62
calcifications, cartilage, 242 longitudinal images, ultrasound, 6f
chondrocalcinosis of, 243f loose body calcifications, 238
degenerative osteoarthritis, 239f lover’s fracture (foot), 253f
effusions of, 240f low back pain, 201
enchondroma of, 234f lower extremities
fabella, 238f pediatric, 264–267
giant cell tumor of, 243f osteogenesis imperfecta, 266f
lytic bone metastasis, 235f Salter-Harris fractures, 267
normal anatomy, 236–237, 237f slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 266f
MRI of, 239f toddler’s fractures, 267, 268f
pediatric, 238f x-rays for trauma of, 232t
osteochondritis desiccans, 240f lucent fracture of humerus, 213f
osteogenic sarcoma of, 236f lumbar spine, 169f, 197–206
osteomyelitis of, 235f ankylosing spondylitis, 205f
pain and degenerative changes, 237–238 chance fracture, 200f
patella degenerative changes, 201, 203f
bipartite, 242f degenerative disk disease, 203f
fracture of, 241f disk herniation and protrusion, 203f
pediatric focal metastases of, 204f
central osteosarcoma, 267f fractures of, 199–200
hemophilia, 267f Chance fracture, 199
Osgood-Schlatter disease, 268f infections of, 201
posterior cruciate ligament tears, 240f lesions of, 205
rheumatoid arthritis of, 242f low back pain, 201
synovial osteochondromatosis, 240f multiple myeloma, 204f
tear in horn of medial meniscus, 241f normal anatomy, 199f
tibial plateau fractures, 242f variants of, 200f
Index    301

lumbar spine (Continued) magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)

normal anatomy and imaging techniques, 197–198 abdominal and pelvic vessels, 113f
osteomyelitis of, 204f head, 8f
osteoporosis and bone mineral measurements, 205–206 intracranial aneurysms, 22–23
pediatric, diskitis, 259 renal artery stenosis, 111–113, 114f
postsurgical changes, 198 T1 and T2 techniques, 7
postsurgical laminectomy, 200f magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 7, 14f. See also under specific body area or
spondylolysis, 202f pathology
vertebroplasty, 200f males
lunate, 220f–221f incontinence, 173
aseptic necrosis of, 222f male versus female chest, 34
dislocation of, 221f prostate, 175–176
lunate trauma, 217–220 anatomy and imaging techniques, 175
lungs, 67–69. See also airways/airway pathology; benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), 175f
respiratory entries calcifications of, 125f
abscesses, 64, 65f cancer of, 175f, 230f
adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 65f enlarged, 173f, 175
alveolar and interstitial pulmonary infiltrates, 60f scrotum/testes
asbestosis, 83f common lesions of, 175–176
asthma, 56f hydroceles, 176f
atelectasis, 50f normal testicle and seminoma, 176f
basilar infiltrates, 57f pain and masses, 175–176
bioterrorist agents, 67 testicular enlargement, 84f
blebs and bullae, 58–59 varicoceles, 176f
bullae, 59f malleolar fractures, 248
calcified granulomas, 68f–69f Mallory-Weiss syndrome, 132
cancer, 71f mammography, 86, 87f. See also breasts
Hilar enlargement, 72 breast cancer screening guidelines, 89t
metastatic, 72 calcifications, malignant, 87f
pathology of, 70–71 cancer, 88f
screening for, 69–70 normal, 87f
collapsed, atelectasis, 56–58 views obtained in, 86
computed tomography (CT) mandible, 12f–13f
cancer, 69f imaging modalities, 30, 30f
needle biopsies of masses, 70f marble bone disease (osteopetrosis), 229f
Pancoast tumors, 72f march fractures, 253–254, 255f
pneumothorax, 77f–78f masses. See tumors/masses/lesions (nonmalignant)
fungal infection, 64f mastectomy, 35f
Golden S sign of lung cancer, 71f maxilla, 12f–13f
hematogenous metastases, 74f McMurray’s sign, 237
hyperinflation, 37, 55–56, 55f–56f, 272, 274f Meckel’s diverticulum, 283f
Kerley B lines, 74f meconium aspiration, 276, 276t
lung cancer meconium ileus, 281, 281f
and nodules, 67–71 mediastinal hematoma, 107f
pathology of, 70 mediastinal lesions, 83
primary, 70 classification of, 83
lung collapses, 76 (See also pneumothorax) masses, 83
normal anatomy, 39–41 pericardial fat pad, 85f
pneumomediastinum, 79f sarcoid, 85f
pneumonia (See pneumonia) seminoma, 84f
pneumothorax, 76f–79f teratomas, 84f
progressive right upper lobe atelectasis, 275f thymomas, 84f
pulmonary artery catheters, chest x-rays with, 50 mediastinal neuroblastoma, 284f
pulmonary edema, 73–75, 75f medullary sponge kidneys, 162f
pulmonary hemorrhage, 60f megacolon, 149
pulmonary interstitium, lymphangitic metastases of, 74f toxic, 152
sarcoidosis, 67f Ménétrier’s disease (giant hypertrophic gastritis), 134
screening for, 69–70 meningiomas, 23f
silicosis, 66f computed tomography (CT), 23f
solitary pulmonary nodules, 67–69 meningitis, 25
trauma to lungs, 52–54 meniscus tears, 237, 240–241, 241f
tuberculosis, 64f menstrual cycle, 177f
x-ray findings of distress in newborns, 276t mental status changes, 26
LVEF (left ventricular ejection fraction), 91 imaging modality for, 21t
lymph node drainage, in breast cancer, 87–88 meshlike (reticular) appearance (bronchiectasis), 66
lymph nodes, calcification in, 122, 124f mesotheliomas, 82
lymphadenopathy, 67f metacarpal bones, 222f. See also hand
with sarcoid, 85f fractures of, 220–221
lymphangitic metastases, 74f metaphysis of long bones, 185
carcinoma and sarcoid, 66 metastases. See under cancer
lymphangitic spread of tumor, 60, 72 metastatic brain disease, 25f
lymphoma, 25, 195f metatarsal bones, fractures of, 252–253. See also foot
scanning for, 184 metatarsal fractures, 254f
staging of, with PET/CT scan, 184f MI (myocardial infarction), acute, 104
lytic bone metastasis, 235f microcalcifications, in breast tissue, 86
lytic lesions, 201–202 midclavicular fracture, 208f
migraine headaches, 10
M miliary tuberculosis, 64
Mach effect, 246f, 247 mitral and tricuspid insufficiency, 96f
magnetic field of machine, 8f mitral insufficiency, 94, 96f
302    Index

mitral stenosis, 94, 95f nodules

mitral valves, prosthetic, 96f lung, 67–71
Monilia (Candida albicans), esophagitis, 130 pulmonary, 67–69
Monteggia fracture/dislocation, 215f thyroid, 32f
Monteggia fractures (forearm), 215 noninvasive stress test, indication for, 102t
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 7, 14f. See also under specific body area or nonossifying fibroma, 233, 249
pathology nonossifying fibromas, 234f
mucosal folds, 134f ankle, 251f
MUGA (multiple gated acquisition) scanning, 91 nonunion of bone after fractures, 244
multicystic dysplastic kidneys, 285 normal anatomy and imaging techniques
multiple gated acquisition (MUGA) scanning, 91 upper abdomen (ultrasound), 111f
multiple myeloma, 14f vascular anatomy of abdomen and pelvis, 113f
lumbar spine, 204f normal epiglottis, 31f
multiple sclerosis, 25–26, 25f normal nuclear medicine hepatobiliary study, 142f
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 25–26 normal T1 brain, 17f
musculoskeletal imaging, pediatric, 254–267. See also pediatric issues; normal thoracic vascular anatomy, 91f
skeletal system Norwalk virus, 279–280
humerus, 259–260 nuclear medicine. See also specific body area or pathology
lower extremities, 264–267 MUGA (multiple gated acquisition) scanning, 91
pelvis and hips, 262–264 multiple gated acquisition (MUGA) scanning, 91
skull, 254–256 overview, 6–7
spine, 259 positron emission tomography (PET), PET/CT hybrid imaging, 8f
Mycoplasma, 62 renograms, 169
myocardial infarction (MI), 105f nun’s (housemaid’s) knee, 240f
acute, 104 nystagmus, 24–25
myocardial perfusion, assessment of, 103f
myositis ossificans, 236, 236f O
object location, in x-rays, 2f–3f
N oblique (OBL) views (x-rays), 3f
nasal bones, 27, 29f obstructions. See also chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
nasogastric (NG) tubes, chest x-rays with, 49–50, 50f–51f (COPD)
National Cancer Institute, breast cancer screening guidelines, airway, 279
89t aspirated foreign bodies, 55f
National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS), biliary duct, 142
192–193 bowel, 280–282
navicular, 220f–221f bronchial lesions, 54f, 56
aseptic necrosis of tarsal, 268f bronchus, 273
fractures of, 216 common bile duct, 142
navicular (scaphoid) fracture, 219f of renal collecting system, 168–169
neck. See also face renal insufficiency or failure due to, 164–165
epiglottitis, 30, 31f small bowel, 146f
imaging modalities for, 27t ureteral stones, 163–164
imaging of vessels of, 108–109 occlusions
parathyroid, 31–33 lung, 54–55
adenomas of, 33f superior mesenteric artery, 148f
pediatric, 269–271 occult fractures, 192f
croup/epiglottis, 269–271, 272f–273f occupational medicine, 44
pseudoretropharyngeal abscess, 272f odontoid fractures, 188–189, 190f
retropharyngeal abscess, 30 odynophagia, 127–128
retropharyngeal abscesses, 31f olecranon fractures, 214f
subcutaneous emphysema, 30–31 olecronon fractures, 261f
thyroid, 31 orbit, orbital rim, 12f–13f
adenoma, 32f orbital (blowout) fractures, 27, 30f
nodules, 32f organ shapes and sizes, 116t
normal (CT), 32f orientation of images, 5f
necrosis. See aseptic necrosis computed tomography (CT), 5f
necrotizing enterocolitis, 282, 282f–283f Osgood-Schlatter disease, 268f
needle biopsies osteitis condensans pubis, 227f
breast, 88f osteoarthritis
needle localization procedure, 86–87 knee, 239f
stereotactic, 86 wrist, 215
lung masses, 70f osteoblasts, 264
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 180 osteochondritis desiccans, 240f
neonatal pneumonia, 276t osteochondroma, 244–245
nephrocalcinosis, 162f osteochondromas, ankle, 245f
neuroblastoma, 256 osteogenesis imperfecta, 266f
retroperitoneal, 284f osteogenic sarcoma, 264
neuroblastomas, 283–284 femur, 244
neuroimaging studies, 26 of knee, 236f
neurologic defects, imaging modalities for new, 21t osteoid osteoma, 244, 245f
neurologic deficits osteoid osteomas, 244
imaging modalities for new, 21t osteomyelitis, 223, 254
seizures with, 26 ankle, 249f
neuropathies, cranial, imaging modality for, 21t foot, 257f
NEXUS (National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study), knee, 235f
192–193 lumbar spine, 204f
NG (nasogastric) tubes, chest x-rays with, 49–50, 50f–51f multifocal, 265f
nightstick fracture (forearm), 214f osteonecrosis, 266f
nightstick fractures, 214–215 osteopenia, 217f
nipple shadows, in chest x-rays, 35f osteopetrosis (marble bone disease), 229f
Index    303

osteophytes, 43f, 201 pediatric issues (Continued)

knee, 242f chest, 271–279
osteoporosis asthma, 279
bone mineral measurements, 205–206 bronhiolitis, reactive airway disease, pneumonia, 278–279
spinal, 205–206 coin in esophagus, 274f
thoracic spine, 198f cystic fibrosis (CF), 279, 280f
osteosarcoma, knee, 267f hyaline membrane disease, 277f
ovaries normal anatomy and imaging techniques, 271–272
carcinoma of, 182f normal thymic shadow, 273f
lesions of, 180 pneumothorax, 278f
polycystic, 181f progressive right upper lobe atelectasis, 275f
teratoma of, 181f pseudoinfiltrates, 273f
pulmonary interstitial emphysema, 277f
P respiratory diseases in newborns, 275–278
PA (posteroanterior) views/projections, 2, 3f round pneumonia, 279f
Paget’s disease, 10, 14f, 229, 229f tubes, lines, catheters in, 274–275
Pancoast tumors, 70–71, 72f x-ray findings of distress in newborns, 276t
pancreas, 142–143 child abuse (forearm fractures), 263f
normal, 144f cyanotic infants, 98
normal endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, 141f degenerative changes in spine and hip joints, 226–227
pancreatitis, 80–82, 144f–145f diaphragmatic hernia, 277f
calcifications in chronic, 122, 124f duodenum, 280
pancreatitis and complications, 143–144 elbow, 260
tumors of, 144 hemophilia, 262f
pancreatitis lack of fusion areas, 212
calcifications in chronic, 124f Little Leaguer’s elbow, 260, 261f
complications of, 145f normal variations, 261f
panorex views, mandible, 30 suprachondylar fractures, 262f
Papanicolaou (PAP) smear, 181 Ewing’s sarcoma (or tumor), 236
paralysis, motor, 21t febrile seizures, 26
paralytic ileus, 149 forearm, 260–262
parasitic infections, Trypanosoma cruzi, 130 torus (buckle) fractures, 263f
paraspinus, swelling of, 194–195 foreign bodies
parathyroid, 31–33 chest, 272–274, 274f
adenomas, nuclear medicine studies, 33f esophagus, 273–274
parathyroid adenomas fusion of distal femoral and proximal tibial epiphyses, 237
computed tomography (CT), 31–33 hand
ultrasound, 31–33 multifocal osteomyelitis, 265f
parenchymal shearing injuries, 18 normal development anatomy, 265f
pars interarticularis, 199–200, 202f head, 269
patella, 237f abnormal neonatal (ultrasound), 271f
bipartite, 242f brain tumors, 269
evaluation of, 236 hydrocephalus, 276f
fractures of, 241, 241f imaging techniques, 269
pathologic fractures, 243f neck, 269–271
patient examination, before imaging procedures, 1 normal neonatal (ultrasound), 271f
patient position, chest x-rays seizures, 269
effects of, 36f–37f trauma, 269
upright versus supine, 34–36 humerus, 259–260
PCP (Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia), 62 greenstick fractures, 264f
pectus excavatum, 43f suprachondylar fractures, 260
pediatric issues juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), 260
abdomen, 279–285 knee
acute gastroenteritis, 279–280 central osteosarcoma, 267f
appendicitis, 284–285 hemophilia, 267f
bowel intussusception, 282f Osgood-Schlatter disease, 268f
bowel obstructions, 280–282 KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder) abdominal study, 281f
esophageal/tracheoesophageal fistula, 279 lower extremities, 264–267
Hirschsprung’s disease, 280–281, 282f osteogenesis imperfecta, 266f
intussusception of bowel, 281–282 slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 266f
masses, 283–284 lumbar spine, diskitis, 259
Meckel’s diverticulum, 282–283, 283f musculoskeletal, 254–267
meconium ileus, 281, 281f neck
necrotizing enterocolitis, 282, 282f–283f croup/epiglottis, 269–271, 272f–273f
neonatal jaundice, 283 pseudoretropharyngeal abscess, 272f
pyloric stenosis, 281f normal anatomy and imaging techniques
rectal bleeding, 285 ankle, 247f
umbilical artery/umbilical vein catheter differentiation, 276f foot, 252f
urinary abnormalities, 285 hip apophyses, 231f
abdominal tumors, 283–284 knee, 238f
acute glomerulonephritis, 166f skull of newborn, 257f–258f
ankle, 247 tests of choice, 270t–271t
arthritis, 264 normal spinal apophysis, 196f
cancer, 283–284 odontoid fractures, 188–189
mediastinal neuroblastoma, 284f osteogenic sarcoma, 244
osteogenic sarcoma, 264 pelvis and hips, 262–264
retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, 284f congenital dislocation, 266f
skull, 256 dislocations, 262–263
Wilms’s tumor, 284f Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, 263, 266f
catheters, 275 teenage male, 226f
304    Index

pediatric issues (Continued) PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), 180

periosteal reactions, 236 pituitary adenoma, 24f
pneumonia, 276t plague, 67
polycystic disease of liver and kidneys, 285 plain abdominal images, 116t
premature closure of sagittal suture, 258f gas pattern evaluation, 116t
problems of, 271–272 plain x-rays. See x-rays (radiography)
pyloric stenosis, 281f plateau fractures of tibia, 242f
rectal bleeding, 285 platelike atelectasis, 56–57
respiratory disorders pleural effusions, 80f–81f
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), 277–278 computed tomography (CT), 81f
coughing, 269–271 empyemas, 82
cyanosis, 275–276 loculated, 82f
epiglottitis, 269 pleural calcifications and masses, 82
meconium aspiration, 276 pleural lesions, 83f
pneumonia, 277 pleural pathology, 75–82
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 269–271 pleural effusions, 79–82
TORCH complex, 278 pneumomediastinum, 78–79
transition tachypnea of the newborn (TTN), 276 pneumothorax, 75–78
sagittal suture, 254–255 subcutaneous emphysema, 79
Salter-Harris classification of epiphyseal fractures, 224f, 267 pleural tubes, chest x-rays with, 51
shoulder, normal, 206f–207f pneumatosis, 152
skull/brain, 254–256 of cecum, 152f
anatomy, 254–255 of small bowel, 148f
cephalohematoma, 258f pneumocephalus, 20
growing skull fracture of childhood, 254–255 computed tomography (CT), 20
histiocytosis X, 258f Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), 62
normal sinuses, 259f pneumomediastinum, 78–79, 79f
skull fractures, 258f differential diagnosis, pneumopericardium, 79
spine, 259 pneumonia
diskitis, 260f aspiration, 63, 63f
normal variations, 259f bacterial, 61–62, 65, 279
toddler’s fractures, 267, 268f cavitation in, 62
trauma (See dislocations; fractures; trauma) community-acquired pneumonia in adults, 60–62
ultrasound, abnormal neonatal, 271f differential diagnosis, 60
volvulus, 280 Gram stain for, 62
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 180 ground glass appearance in x-rays, 62
pelvis, 115 in immunocompromised patients, 62
benign lesions of, 229 infiltrates and pneumonias, 59–60
sclerotic, 227f pediatric, 276t, 277–279, 279f
calcifications, 122–123 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), 62
chondrosarcoma of, 230f right left lobe, 61–62
computed tomography (CT), 117f–119f right lower lobe, 62f
differential diagnosis of masses of, 171–172 right middle lobe, 61, 61f
females (See females) right upper lobe, 61f
fractures, 228f severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 62
with bladder rupture, 172 pneumopericardium, 277f
with hematoma, 172f differential diagnosis, pneumomediastinum, 79
free fluid in pelvic cul-de-sac, 177f pneumomediastinum versus, 94f
males (See males) pneumoperitoneum, 120f
malignant lesions of, 229 pneumothorax, 75–78, 76f–78f, 278f
normal anatomy and imaging techniques, 225–227 chest x-rays
adult female, 226f deep sulcus sign of, 79f
normal apophyses, 227f in emergency rooms, 52
teenage male, 226f skin fold simulating, 78f
vascular anatomy, 113f hydropneumothorax, 78f
Paget’s disease, 229, 229f in newborns, 276t
pediatric, 262–264 small anterior, 78f
pelvic vessels, 109 polyarcuate diaphragm, 41f
trauma to, 227–228 polycystic disease of liver and kidneys, 161
percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, 109 adult, 162f
perforations pediatric, 285
esophageal, 132 polyps, colon, 152–153, 153f
of viscus, 133 position of patient
pericardial effusion, 92f affects on interpretation of images, x-rays, 2
pericardial fat pad, 85f effects on image interpretation, 3
pericarditis, 90 positioning of enteric feeding tubes, 121f
perilunate dislocations, 221f positron emission tomography (PET), 26, 154
periosteal reactions, due to infections, 235 PET/CT hybrid imaging, 8f
peripheral vessels, 108–114 posterior cruciate ligament tears, 240f
abdominal aorta and iliac vessels, 109–111 posterior spinous process fracture of C6 and C7, 193f
deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 113–114 posteroanterior (PA) views/projections, 2, 3f
head and neck, 108–109 postsurgical abnormalities, 49t
renal artery stenosis and hypertension, 111–113 PPD (purified protein derivative) skin test, 63
PEs (pulmonary embolisms), septic, 101–102 pregnancy. See also females
PET (positron emission tomography), 154 biaparietal diameter measurement, 180f
PET/CT scan, colon carcinoma, 155f childbirth trauma to pelvis, 227f
petrous bone, 12f–13f early intrauterine, 178–179
Peutz-Heghers syndrome, 152–153 ectopic, 176, 177f, 178–179, 179f
pharynx, 269–271, 273f fetal measurement versus gestational age, 179t
phleboliths, 125f, 162 indications for ultrasound during, 178t
Index    305

pregnancy (Continued) radioactivity

infertility, 177–178 for nuclear medicine, 6f
measurement versus gestational age, 178t seed capsules (prostate cancer), 175f
normal ultrasound, 179f thyroid scans, 33f
prenatal examinations, 43–44 radiography. See x-rays (radiography)
radiation during, 179–180 radius
three-dimensional fetal ultrasound, 179, 180f Colles’ fracture, 216, 218f
traumatic disruption of renal pedicle in, 167f Galeazzi fracture, 215f
preoperative studies, 43–44 nightstick fracture, 214f
presbyesophagus, 128, 128f radial head dislocation, 215f
primary and metastatic brain tumors, 23–24 radial head fracture, 213f
primary tuberculosis, 63–64 Salter-Harris fracture of, 264f
progressive pulmonary arterial hypertension, 98f reactive airway disease, 278–279
prostate, 175–176. See also males rectal bleeding, pediatric, 285
anatomy and imaging techniques, 175 rectum, vibrator in, 155f
benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), 175f reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), 216, 218f
calcifications of, 125f regular x-rays. See x-rays (radiography)
cancer of renal —. See kidneys/renal system
metastatic, 230f renograms, 169
radioactive implants, 175f respiration, effects on chest x-rays of, 36f
enlarged, 173f, 175 respiratory diseases in newborns, 275–278
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, 175 respiratory disorders
prostheses in immunocompromised patients, 62
aortic valves, 97f pediatric
breast ( See under breasts) bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), 277–278
for hip fractures, 233f coughing, 269–271
mitral and tricuspid valves, 94, 96f cyanosis, 275–276
prosthetic aortic valve, 97f epiglottitis, 269
prosthetic mitral and tricuspid valves, 96f meconium aspiration, 276
PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test, 175 pneumonia, 277
pseudofractures respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 269–271
ankle, 246f TORCH complex, 278
cervical spine (C2), 188f transition tachypnea of the newborn (TTN), 276
pseudogout, 224–225 pneumonia (See pneumonia)
pseudohypoparathyroidism, 222f right left lobe, 61–62
pseudoinfiltrates, 273f right lower lobe pneumonia, 62f
pseudoretropharyngeal abscess, 272f right middle lobe, 61
psoriatic arthritis, 226f right middle lobe pneumonia, 61f
psychiatric disorders, 26 right upper lobe pneumonia, 61f
pubis, fracture of, 228f round, 279, 279f
pulmonary abnormalities. See lungs; respiratory entries severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 62
pulmonary arteries respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 269–271, 278–279
enlargement of, 97–98 respiratory system. See airways/airway pathology; lungs; pulmonary
progressive pulmonary arterial hypertension, 98f entries
pulmonary artery catheters, 50 reticular (meshlike) appearance (bronchiectasis), 66
pulmonary edema, 75f retroperitoneal adenopathy and neoplasms, 183–184
pulmonary embolisms (PEs), 101–102 retroperitoneal fibrosis, 184f
pulmonary embolisms (PEs), septic retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, 284f
computed tomography (CT), 101f retropharyngeal abscess, 30
incidental, 101f retropharyngeal abscesses, 31f
with infarction, 100f rheumatic heart disease, 93–94
signs/symptoms, 100t rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 224. See also arthritis
Well’s criteria (pretest probability), 100t hand and wrist, 225f
pulmonary hemorrhage, 60f juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), 260
pulmonary interstitial emphysema, 277f knee, 241–242, 242f
pulmonary nodules rhomboid fossa, 42, 43f
differential diagnosis, 68t rib technique, chest x-ray versus, 37
Fleischner Society Recommendations for newly detected, 70t Rolando’s fracture (thumb), 223f
purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test, 63 Rolando’s fractures (thumb), 221
pyelograms, 163 rotator cuff tears, 210–211
aspergillosis, 166f Rotavirus, 279–280
bladder carcinoma, 174f round pneumonia, 279, 279f
ureteral calculi, 164f RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy), 216, 218f
ureteroceles, 170f RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), 269–271, 278–279
pyelonephritis, 165 rule of twos, 282–283
pylonephritis and renal infections, 165
pyloric stenosis, 281f S
S curve, 52f
Q saber sheath trachea, 55–56
Q fever, 67 sacral fractures, 228f
sacroiliac joins, 197
R sagittal suture, 254–255, 258f
RA. See rheumatoid arthritis (RA) sail sign (shoulder trauma), 212–213
radial head Salmonella species, 151–152
dislocations, 215f Salter-Harris classification of epiphyseal fractures, 264f. See also
fractures, 213f fractures
radial head fractures, 213–214 ankle, 268f
radiation fingers, 223
dose to patients, 6–7 forearm, 260–262
mammography, risks of, 88 hand, 224f
306    Index

Salter-Harris classification of epiphyseal fractures (Continued) silicone breast prostheses

lower extremities (pediatric), 267 calcifications around, 89f
pediatric, 224f normal and ruptured, 89f
radius, 264f silicosis, 65–66, 66f
sarcoid, 85f sinus disease, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 28t
computed tomography (CT), 85f sinuses, 12f–13f, 27f
lymphangitic metastases, 66 computed tomography (CT), 28t
sarcoidosis, 66, 67f hypoplastic frontal, 28f
sarcomas, metastasis sites, 1 indications for CT or MRI for diseases of, 28t
SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), 62 sinus headaches, 18
scaphoid (navicular) fracture, 219f sinusitis, 26
scapholunate disassociation, 220f Waters view, 26
Schatzki’s ring, 128, 129f x-rays, 27f
scleroderma, 130 sinusitis, 28f, 256
sclerosis, cotton-wool appearance in, 10 x-rays, Waters view, 28t
sclerotic lesion, 201–202 situs inversus, 39f
Scotty dog outline (lumbar spine), 198 skeletal (bony) structures, normal chest, 41–42
screening, breast. See breasts skeletal system, 18
scrotum/testes. See also males ankle (See ankle)
common lesions of, 175–176 for chest x-rays, 41
hydroceles, 176f DEXA measuring method, 206t
normal testicle and seminoma, 176f elbow (See elbow)
pain and masses, 175–176 examination of, 185–187
varicoceles, 176f femur (See femur)
seizures, 26 fibula (See tibia and fibula)
childhood, 269 foot (See foot)
computed tomography (CT), 26 forearm (See forearm)
febrile, 26 hand (See hand)
pediatric, 269 hip (See hip)
seminoma, 84f, 176f humerus (See shoulder and humerus)
sensory abnormalities, imaging modality for, 21t knee (See knee)
septic arthritis pediatric imaging, 254–267
hand, 225f pelvis (See pelvis)
shoulder, 212 recommended imaging studies for, 186t
septic emboli, 101–102, 102f shoulder (See shoulder and humerus)
sesamoid bone, 238f skull (See skull)
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 62 spine (See cervical spine; lumbar spine; spine; thoracic
sewing needle in foot, 252f spine)
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 180 tibia (See tibia and fibula)
shaggy-looking heart, 82 upper extremity imaging, for trauma, 208t
shepherd’s crook deformity, 233 wrist (See wrist)
Shigella species, 151–152 skull. See also brain; face
shortness of breath, 100f computed tomography (CT), 14f–16f, 14t
shoulder and humerus, 206–212, 211f epidural hematoma, 20f
acromioclavicular separation, 209f fractures, 18, 29f
calcific tendinitis, 211f depressed, 19f
clavicular fractures, 207–209 linear, 18f
degenerative arthritis of, 211f with pneumocephalus, 20
humerus x-rays, 18, 29f
fractures of, 209 fractures of, 258f
humeral head dislocation, 209f–211f gunshot wounds, 19f
Little Leaguer’s elbow, 261f head trauma, 18
lucent fracture of, 213f headaches, 10–18
pediatric, 259–260 hearing loss, 18
unicameral bone cyst, 212f hydrocephalus, 21
infections of, 212 computed tomography (CT) for, 21
midclavicular fracture, 208f hyperostosis frontalis interna, 14f
normal anatomy imaging modalities, 11t, 21t
adult, 206f intracerebral hemorrhage, computed tomography (CT),
axillary view, 207f 19f
child, 206f intracranial aneurysms, 22–23
coronal view, 208f computed tomography (CT), 22
normal apophysis (teenager), 207f intracranial calcifications, 10
scapula and humeral head, 207f intracranial hemorrhage, 18–20
normal anatomy and imaging, 206–207 intracranial infection, 25
pain, 72f intracranial infections, computed tomography (CT),
pediatric 25
greenstick fractures, 264f meningiomas, 23f
suprachondylar fractures, 260 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 7f, 14f
scapular fracture, 208f normal T1 brain, 17f
trauma to, 207–210 multiple myeloma, 14f
acromioclavicular separation, 209 normal, 10, 12f–13f
dislocations, 209–210 newborn, 257f
fractures, 207–209 variants, 10
shoulder pain and degenerative changes, 210–211 pediatric, 254–256
x-ray examination for, 208t anatomy, 254–255
tumors of, 211–212 cephalohematoma, 258f
sickle cell disease, 222f, 234f growing skull fracture of childhood, 254–255
sigmoid volvulus, 156f histiocytosis X, 258f
silhouette sign, 44–49, 83 normal sinuses, 259f
Index    307

skull (Continued) stents

premature closure of sagittal suture, 258f aortic and iliac, computed tomography (CT), 112f
sagittal suture, 254–255 coronary artery, 104f
trauma, 255–256 temporary ureteral, 171f
pneumocephalus, 20 stomach
sinuses, 27f gastric ulcers, 135f
hypoplastic frontal, 28f gastritis, 134f
Waters view, 26 KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder) abdominal study, 281f
sinusitis, 28f leather bottle stomach, 135f
strokes, acute and chronic, 22f normal upper GI contrast examination, 134f
subarachnoid hemorrhages, 21f stomach and duodenum, 133–136
subdural hematomas, 20f anatomy and imaging techniques, 133
x-rays, 12f–13f duodenal ulcers, 134–135
skull fractures gastric dilatation or outlet obstruction, 136
x-rays, 18 gastric emptying, 135
x-rays (radiography), 29f gastric ulcers, 135f
slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 266f gastritis/gastric ulcer disease, 133–134, 134f
small bowel, 145–148 leather bottle stomach, 135f
benign diseases of, 146–148 normal gas pattern, 116f
Crohn’s disease, 147f normal upper GI contrast examination, 134f
obstruction versus ileus, 146 ulcerations of duodenum, 136f
obstructions of, 146f straddle injury to urethra, 172f
pneumatosis of, 148f Streptococcus, 62
tumors of, 148 stress fractures, 255f
smallpox, 67 stress tests
Smith’s fracture, 216, 219f for coronary artery disease and angina, 102–103
soft tissue myocardial perfusion assessment, 103f
calcifications, 42 strictures. See also stenosis
chest, 42 benign stricture of esophagus, 131f
mediastinal teratomas, 84f esophageal, 130
thymomas, 84f ureters, 173–174
epiglottis/croup, 269–271 stridor, 279
face and neck, 30–33, 269 (See also face; neck) string of pearls appearance (small bowel), 128
appearance in MRI of, 7f strokes, 21
x-ray density of, 2, 2f acute and chronic, 22f
glass in, 222f computed tomography (CT), 21, 22f
knee injuries of, 240–241 ischemic, 22f
normal chest, 42 subarachnoid hemorrhages, 10, 20, 21f
pericardial fat pad, 85f subchondral cysts, 225f
swelling of paraspinus, 194–195 knee, 242f
solid organ evaluation, 115 subclavian catheters, 51f–52f
SPECT study, 91 subclavian (jugular) venous lines, chest x-rays with, 50
sphenoid, 12f–13f subcutaneous emphysema, 30–31, 79, 80f
spina bifida occulta, 200f subdural hematomas, 19–20, 20f, 26
spinal apophysis, 196f subluxations
spinal cord atlantoaxial, 189
injuries to, 173f cervical spine, 193f
normal (MRI), 190f examination for, 187
spine tibia, 248f
ankylosing spondylitis, 205 subpulmonic effusions, 80, 82f
appearance in chest x-rays, 62f sunburst periosteal reactions, 236
cervical (See cervical spine) superior mesenteric artery occlusion, 148f
indications for MRI of, 194t supine radiographs, 2
lumbar (See lumbar spine) suprachondylar fractures, 260, 262f
pediatric, 259 suspected intracranial hemorrhage, 18–20
diskitis, 260f suspected intracranial infection, 25
normal variations, 259f swallowing problems, 127–128. See also esophagus
thoracic (See thoracic spine) dysphagia, 127–128
spiral fractures, 244 with esophageal motility problems, 128
tibia, 244 odynophagia (pain with swallowing), 127–128
spiral scanners, 5 swan neck deformity, 224
spleen Swan-Ganz or pulmonary artery catheters, 53f
laceration of, 145f chest x-rays with, 50, 52f–53f
splenic histoplasmosis, 122f infarction caused by, 53f
splenic vascular calcifications, 123f symphisis pubis, 227–228
splenomegaly, 144 synovial chondromatosis, 238
trauma to, 145 synovial osteochondromatosis, knee, 240f
spondylolisthesis, 199–200
spondylolysis, 199–200, 202f T
spurring deformity of glenoid, 211f T tube placement, 142
staghorn calculi, 162, 163f tachypnea, 276t
Staphylococcus aureus, 279 talar neck fractures, 252f
stenosis tarsal navicular, 268f
aortic stenosis and insufficiency, 95 TB. See tuberculosis
carotid artery, 110f tears, esophageal, 132
coronary artery, 104 technical considerations, 34–37
mitral, 94, 95f chest x-rays
pyloric (pediatric), 281f breast shadows, 36f
renal artery, 111–113, 114f, 168 cardiomegaly measurement, 39f
ureters, 173–174 chest versus rib technique, 37f
308    Index

technical considerations (Continued) trauma, 52–54, 165–166. See also emergencies

effects of patient position, 36f–37f ankle, 232t, 247–248
effects of respiration, 36f asceptic necrosis due to, 231f
exposure, 34 ASEPTIC (anemia, steroids, ethanol, pancreatitis, trauma, idiopathic,
female normal anatomy, 38f caisson) disease, 231
inspiration and expiration, 36–37 bladder, 172–173, 172f
male versus female chest, 34 cervical spine, 187t, 188–193, 190f
mastectomy, 35f Jefferson’s burst fracture of C!, 190f
with nasogastric (NG) tubes, 49–50, 50f–51f chest x-rays findings, 49t, 52–54
nipple shadows, 35f childbirth trauma to pelvis, 227f
over- and underexposure, 35f dislocations (See dislocations)
overlying electrocardiogram (ECG) wires and tubes, 51–52 elbow, 212–214
posteroanterior versus anteroposterior, 34 x-ray examination for, 208t
Swan-Ganz or pulmonary artery catheters, 50 esophageal tears, 132
upright versus supine, 34–36 foot, 232t, 251–254
female normal anatomy, 38f forearm, 214–215
teeth, 188f Galeazzi fractures, 215
TEF (tracheoesophageal fistula), 279 Monteggia fractures, 215
temporomandibular joint (TMJ), dislocation of, 30 nightstick fractures, 214–215
tendinitis, shoulder, 211f foreign bodies (See foreign bodies)
tension headaches, 10 fractures (See fractures)
tension pneumothorax, 77f hand, 216–223
teratomas, 84f boxer’s fracture, 222f
testicles. See males; scrotum/testes dislocation of proximal interphalangeal joint, 223f
tetralogy of Fallot, 98f fracture of first metacarpal base, 223f
Texaco star pattern, 20 glass in soft tissue, 222f
thoracic aortic aneurysms, computed tomography (CT), 107–108 volar plate fracture, 224f
thoracic spine, 194–195 x-ray examination for, 208t
anatomy, 194 head, 18
anterior subluxation and fracture, 197f central nervous system deficits due to, 18
compression fractures, 195 pediatric, 269
degenerative changes, 195, 198f risk factors, 18
displaced fracture of, 196f hematuria with, 161
fractures, 193 hip, 231–232, 232t
normal anatomy, 196f kidneys/renal system, 165–166
trauma to, 194–195 avulsion of renal pedicle in childbirth, 165–166
thorax nutrition/diet normal vascular anatomy, 91f kidney laceration and fracture, 165–166, 167f
thumb fractures, 221 traumatic disruption of renal pedicle in pregnancy, 167f
thumbprinting appearance (ischemic colitis), 151 knee, 232t, 238–241
thymic shadow, 273f liver, 137
thymomas, 84f lacerations, 139f
thyroid, 31 lunate, 217–220
computed tomography (CT), 31 lung, 52–54
normal (CT), 32f pediatric, 255–256
ultrasound, 31 forearm, wrist, hand, 260–262
TIAs (transient ischemic attacks), 21, 108–109 pelvis, 172, 227–228
tibia and fibula, 244–246 shoulder and humerus, 207–210
fractures, 241, 244f acromioclavicular separation, 209
intramedullary fixation for, 244f dislocations, 209–210
nonunion of, 245f fractures, 207–209
plateau, 242f shoulder pain and degenerative changes, 210–211
spiral, 244, 244f x-ray examination for, 208t
tibia, 263f spinal, 188–193
tibial plateau, 242f spinal cord injuries, 173f
toddler’s fracture, 267 spleen, 145
normal anatomy, 244, 247f straddle injury to urethra, 172f
osteoid osteomas, 244, 245f thoracic spine, 194–195
subluxation of, 248f tibia and fibula, 244
trauma to, 244 wrist, 216–220
tumors of, 244–246 x-ray examination for, 208t
TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) procedure, 109–111 tricuspid insufficiency, 96f
tissue density, in computed tomography (CT), 2 tricuspid valves, prosthetic, 96f
toddler’s fracture, 267, 268f trimalleolar fracture, 248f
tomosynthesis, 86 tripod fracture of zygomatic arch, 26, 29f
TORCH complex, 278 triquetral fracture, 220f
torus (buckle) fractures, 260, 263f Trypanosoma cruzi, 130
Towne projection, 12f–13f TTN (transition tachypnea of the newborn), 276
toxoplasmosis, 25 tuberculosis, 63–64, 64f
trachea, saber sheath, 55–56 chest x-rays, 63–64
tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), 279 effects on bladder of, 173–174
tram tracking, 57f purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test, 63
tram-tracking appearance of lungs, 56 renal, 165
transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), 21, 108–109 tuberous sclerosis, 17f
transition tachypnea of the newborn (TTN), 276 tularemia, 67
transitional cell carcinoma tumors/masses/lesions (nonmalignant), 167–168. See also cancer
bladder, 174 adrenal, 182–183
ureter, 170–171 adrenal adenoma, 183f
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) procedure, 109–111 bronchus obstruction by, 54f
transposition of great vessels, 99f esophageal, 133
transudates, 80–82 hepatic, 137–138
transverse ligament instability, 191f intrahepatic, 142
Index    309

tumors/masses/lesions (nonmalignant) (Continued) vascular calcifications, foot, 256f

knee, giant cell, 243, 243f VATER syndrome, 279
liver, 138–139 vein imaging, 113–114
long bones, osteochondroma, 244–245 ventricles, dilatation of, 21
malignant (See cancer) ventriculoperitoneal shunt, 276f
mediastinal, 83 versus rib technique, 37
pediatric, abdominal, 283–284 vertebroplasty, 199, 200f
renal, 167–168 vertigo, 24–25
angiomyolipoma, 167 imaging modality for, 21t
retroperitoneal, 183–184 vertigo/dizziness, 24–25
small bowel, 148 viral infections, hemorrhagic fevers, 67
spinal, 195f vision loss, imaging modality for, 21t
Turcot’s syndrome, 152–153 voiding urethrogram (normal), 160f
Turner’s syndrome, 222f volar plate fractures, 223
U cecal, 156f
ulcerative colitis, 149–152, 152f pediatric, 280
ulcers sigmoid, 154
duodenal, 134–135 vomiting, effects of prolonged, 132
esophageal, 132f
gastric, 133–134, 135f W
ulna WAG CLEM (Whipple’s disease, amyloid, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis,
Monteggia fracture/dislocation, 215f lymphoma, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, and Mycobacterium avium),
nightstick fracture, 214f 146–147
ulnar styloid, Colles’ fracture, 216, 218f water, Hounsfield density of water, 5
ultrasonography. See also specific body area or pathology water bag appearance (heart), 90
benefits of, 6 Weber classification of ankle fractures, 248
color Doppler, 6f wedge fracture (cervical spine), 192f
echoes wedge-compression fractures (thoracic spine), 198f
density of, 5 Well’s criteria (pretest probability), pulmonary embolism, 100t
formation of, 5 wheezing, 279
renal ultrasound, 164–165 whiskering (enthesopathy) of ischial tuberosities, 205
overview, 5–6 Wilms’ tumor, 283–284, 284f
umbilical artery/umbilical vein catheter differentiation, 276f wrist, 215–220
unicameral bone cyst, 212f Barton’s fracture, 218f
upper extremities, x-rays, for trauma, 208t Colles’ fracture, 216, 218f
upright radiographs, 2 interval disuse osteopenia, 217f
ureteroceles, 162f, 169–170, 170f longitudinal fracture, 217f
ureterovesicular reflux, 285 lunate, 220f
ureters, 169–171 aseptic necrosis of, 222f
calculi of, 164f lunate dislocation, 221f
congenital abnormalities, 157–158 navicular, 220f–221f
deviations of, 171 normal anatomy and imaging techniques, 215–216, 216f
KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder) abdominal study, 115, 142–143, 157 pain, 216
notching of, 171f pain in, 216
retroperitoneal fibrosis affecting, 184f pediatric, 260–262
strictures/stenosis of, 173–174 torus (buckle) fractures, 263f
temporary stents, 171f perilunate dislocation, 221f
transitional cell carcinoma, 170f reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), 216, 218f
ureteroceles, 162f rheumatoid arthritis of, 225f
voiding urethrogram (normal), 160f scaphoid (navicular) fracture, 219f
urethra scapholunate disassociation, 220f
injury to, 172f Smith’s fracture, 216, 219f
tears to, 172–173 trauma to, 216–220
urethrogram, 172f x-ray examination for, 208t
urethrograms, 160f triquetral fracture, 220f
urinary abnormalities, 285 tumors of, 225
urinary tract. See genitourinary (GU) system X
urine xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, 165, 166f
density of, 171–172 x-rays (radiography). See also specific area of body or pathology, e.g., chest or
extravasation of, 163–164 fractures
incontinence, 173 anterior-posterior and posterior-anterior views, 3f
urograms, 175f contrast material uses in, 3
U.S. National Cancer Institute, Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool, 89 findings of distress in newborns, 276t
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), 89t, 175 four basic densities, 2, 2f
USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force), 89t, 175 frontal views, 2
uterus lateral (LAT) and oblique (OBL) views, 3f
benign tumors of, 180–181 newer systems for, 1–2
calcified fibroids, 123, 125f object location in, 2f–3f
cervix, 177f overview, 1–4
carcinoma of, 182f posteroanterior (PA) views/projections, 2
evaluation of, 177 sinuses, 27f
fibroids, 181f terminology, 2
hydrosalpinx, 177f vegetable matter and plastic, 272
vacuum disk phenomenon, 201 Z line (esophagus), 125
varices, 133f Zenker’s diverticulum, 128, 128f
esophageal, 132, 133f Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 134
varicoceles, 175–176 zygomatic arches, 29f
vas deferens, calcification of, 125f zygomatic fractures, 26, 29f

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