Philosophy of Internationl Experience

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There are a lot of factors that go into choosing a study abroad program and destination.

One major factor that influences me is my goals in life. I love to travel, so I have made it one of
my goals in life to try and experience as many different places and cultures as I can. Learning
about other cultures is important to me because it is something that makes humans different
and unique. Seeing how other people live their life reveals the similarities that connect us as
people, but it also reveals the differences that make us all unique in our own ways. I love
interacting with other cultures because it allows me to understand the world a little better each
time I learn more. Another factor that influences me is my major and minor. After I graduate I
plan to teach English as a second language in Japan. The best way to learn a language is to be
immersed in it. Many small and big factors influence my language learning and international
experience. These factors will help motivate me to do my best when I study and get to study
abroad. They continue to motivate me every day so that I can succeed in my future career.
This study abroad experience will impact a lot of my goals in life. Some of my personal
goals that they will impact are my goal to travel and my goal to live in Japan in the future. As I
said before traveling is one of my biggest goals in life. Traveling helps enrich people’s lives
through learning new cultures and having new experiences. I believe that going outside of my
comfort zone is what pushes me to be a better person, and going to places I have never been
before certainly is outside of my comfort zone, but that is a good thing because that is the way
to live a fulfilling life. I also plan on living in Japan after I graduate, so I hope to get a better feel
for the country and culture. Another set of goals that study abroad will impact is my academic
goals. I am currently learning Japanese, so immersing myself in the language and taking
language classes while in the country will help me further my language learning. I also want to
learn more about Japanese culture through classes and extracurricular activities. One thing that
I want to do most in Japan is to visit lots of shrines and temples. One more set of goals that will
be impacted is my professional goals. I plan to move to Japan and teach English as a second
language after I graduate, so more international experience will help me a lot. One way it will do
that is through learning the language. While knowing Japanese is not a requirement for the
program I plan on teaching through, I want to be able to teach to the best of my ability, and
knowing Japanese will help with that. I want to be able to relate to students in order to help
them, so knowing their native language will allow me to make better connections with students.
One more way that study abroad and international experience will help me with my future career
is by making connections. I hope to make connections with professors and other students in
order to help me in my teaching career, and anything that I choose to do after that. Whatever
job I have I want to be able to put everything I have into it; making connections will help me if I
have questions or need advice, so that way I will be able to follow my goal of doing the best that
I can no matter where I am or what I am doing. I believe that more international experiences will
help me with all of these goals, and even more. I am beyond excited to have the privilege to be
able to travel and study abroad.

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