Unit 5 - Disc 4 - Ada Section 504 508 Ol Instr

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Unit 5: Disc #4 -ADA, Section 504/508 & OL Instr

The first and most important question is to determine what a disability is, “A
disability is any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it
more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities
(activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation
restrictions).” (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2020) Knowing
this definition will help an educator determine what students may need
accommodations. This is an important task as an educator being that all
students may not have every symptom and may be overlooked. By being
overlooked it is denying these students the help they are allowed as a
disabled student. 
The second topic of this discussion is how can disabilities and online learning
function simultaneously while still allowing accommodations given to the
student by the school. As we have had to transition to online learning the
challenges of this topic have become much more obvious to teachers in grade
levels below college. This is extremely important as it is a law that no
disability no matter what kind can prevent any student from “fair and equal
access to an education” (Rich, 2018) For example if you have a visually
impaired student you must provide just as much information for them to use
as you would any other student, although it may not be easy you must be fair.
This student has no control over the fact they cannot see the things you post
but you have the control to make sure all articles are compatible with any
applications the student uses to have access to all materials. The teacher may
even have to have supplemental information to make sure the visually
impaired student has the same amount of information as the other students. 
Depending on the disability the University will help determine what
accommodations the student can receive. For example, many students qualify
for extended time on assignments as well as quizzes and exams. Other things
students can be given are things like computer systems that convert text into
speech if they have something like dyslexia or even a visual impairment, or
special ordered textbooks with larger print. Something else that is offered to
those with disabilities is modifications. 
           “The term "modification" may be used to describe a change in the
curriculum. Modifications are made for students with disabilities who are
unable to comprehend all of the content an instructor is teaching. For
example, assignments might be reduced in number and modified significantly
for an elementary school student with cognitive impairments that limit
his/her ability to understand the content in a general education class in which
they are included.” (Washington.edu, 2019)
This I can relate to very well as I have a sister who is severely ADD so my
parents as well as the teachers decided to modify her work in the classroom.
By doing this they checked her work and if she was doing well in a subject
she did about half as many problems as the other students. The reasoning my
parents gave is “why make her struggle through 20 questions if she got the
first 10 right”. This did not make the classes any easier instead it helped her
to build confidence and by the time she was in the eighth grade she was
doing the same work as her peers. 

Works Cited
Rich, B. (2018, October 29). Laws Impacting Students with Disabilities .
Retrieved from The Best
Schools: https://thebestschools.org/resources/students-disabilities-laws/
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2020, September
16). Disability and Health Overview . Retrieved from Centers for Disease
Control and
Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/disability.html#
Washington.edu. (2019, April 30). What is the difference between
accommodation and modification for a student with a disability?  Retrieved
from Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and
Technology: https://www.washington.edu/doit/what-difference-between-

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