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Pedagogical Retooling in Mathematics, Languages,

and Science for Grades 7–10 Teachers

Session 13
(Adopted from Power Shape: Understanding Exponents and Polynomials,
a Trainer’s Training Resource Package by Marjorie Salcedo-Javier)

Learning Action Cell Session Guide

Mathematics 7–10

Prepared by:


Education Program Specialist II/Division Math Coordinator
Schools Division Office - Lucena City

At the end of the session, teachers should be able to:

1. explore the concept of positive exponents;

2. use different models to explore polynomials;
a. concrete models (algebra unit tiles) at concept stage
b. diagrams to represent exponents and polynomials (connecting stage)
c. record experiences / steps while exploring exponents and
polynomials (symbolic stage)
3. develop vocabulary, related to polynomials, using cooperative learning
activities; and
4. use cooperative learning strategies to increase student involvement,
achievement and accountability

Key Understandings

1. The nth power of x is written xn. The number n is the called the
exponent. The expression xn means x · x · x …. · x

2. Polynomials are algebraic expressions that include real numbers and

variables. Polynomials are formed by adding, subtracting or multiplying
numbers and variables. They have real life applications as they arise
naturally in certain situations such as in counting money, making
formulas in distances travelled and areas of the shapes.

3. Polynomials contain more than one term. Polynomials are the sums of

A monomial has one term: 5y or -8x2 or 3.

A binomial has two terms: -3x2+2, or 9y - 2y2
A trinomial has 3 terms: -3x2, 2 3x, or 9y - 2y2, y

The degree of the term is the exponent of the variable: 3x2 has a
degree of 2.

4. K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum sets the standards per grade level

where learner should be able to understand and appreciate key
concepts and skills involving patterns and algebra.

a. Grade 7- algebraic expressions and properties of real numbers as

applied in linear equations and inequalities in one variable
b. Grade 8 - factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions,
linear equations and inequalities in two variables, systems of linear
equations and inequalities in two variables
c. Grade 9 - quadratic equations and inequalities, quadratic functions,
rational algebraic equations, variations, and radicals
d. Grade 10- sequences, series, polynomials, polynomial equations,


and polynomial functions

5. The importance of using algebra tiles is to give students a visual, hands-

on way of exploring patterns at the introductory stage for a new concept.
This hands-on approach, using a narrative style for explaining situations,
allows students to state the rules of algebra from their own experience
as they communicate with each other.

6. Spencer Kagan’s model of cooperative learning is a structural approach

designed to help teachers achieve different objectives. These structures
will help students master content and develop higher level thinking skills.
Each structure incorporates four key principles:
a. Positive Independence. A gain for one is a gain for another. Students
need each other to complete the given task.
b. Individual Accountability. Individual public performance is required of
all students. There is no hiding in the shadows. Structure insure that
every is required to do something.
c. Equal Participation. Structures insure that no one dominates the
group, and that no one is able to sit back and let others carry the
d. Simultaneous Interaction. Activities attempt to get as many students
overtly active at once. The activities aim to get at least 25% of the
students in class doing mathematics at any given time.

Materials Time Allotment

1.5 hours
• 1 cm grid paper
• Coloring material
• Algebra tiles Alignment to the PPST
• building mat Strand 3.1


Bride, Becky, Cooperative Learning and Algebra 1. Secondary Activityies Grades

7-12. Kagan Publishing, San Clemente, California, 2007.

Henry, Bruce, Barbara Clarke, Gillian Milne. SMILE A Book of Mathematical

Learning Experiences. INVESTIGATIONS. Center for Studies in the
Curriculum, Victoria

Thompson, Frances M. Hands-On Algebra! Ready-to-Use Games and Activities

for Grades 7-12. Center for Applied Research in Education, New York.



Introduce the session by saying: “Good morning/afternoon everyone. I am
____________ of ______________. Welcome to an exciting LAC session 14. Our
topic for today is “Understanding Exponents and Polynomials”. Before we start, let
us take note of the following session objectives.” (present using the slides)

In order to achieve our objectives, let us start with this activity.

Activity (45 minutes)

1. Say: With all your practices in teaching the concept of exponents, let us try
activity 1.

Activity 1. Power Shape (See enclosed activity for the instruction) (15 minutes)

2. While discussing the activity, the facilitator may ask:

- What have you noticed about the sequence of shapes?
- Describe how each shape is changed to make the next shape to the right.
- How should the next shape in the sequence be formed?
- What is its size?
- How were these exponential expressions obtained?

3. Ask: After doing the activity, what should be emphasized when introducing the
concept of exponent?

Note: The facilitator will process the responses of the participants leading to the
realization of the importance of concretizing the idea of exponent before using the

4. Say: With regard to polynomials, how do you introduce its concept for the first
time in your class? Who among you are familiar with algebra tiles? How do you
use or when do you use algebra tiles?

5. The facilitator will then introduce algebra tiles and its value (using slide deck).

6. Say: Divide your group into two teams. Each team will compete in modeling the
polynomials ask by the Lead Facilitator. Take note that each member of the
team should take turn in modeling the polynomials. Facilitator will be the one to
check the team’s answer and declare the team who will get the point.

Activity 2: Build Me (15 minutes)

Note: The facilitator should present the given verbally and use the slides to show
the answer.
a. Positive 2
b. x + 4


c. x - 4
d. x2
e. 3x2 + 2x
f. -5x + 3
g. 2x2 + 2x - 3
h. -3x2 - 5x + 2

Note: Let the participants realize the importance of developing Math concept from
concrete representation or the use of concrete models.

7. Discuss with the participants the following learnings from the activity:

a. Using algebra tiles, the learners were able to represent the polynomials using
concrete models.
b. The activity allows the learner to differentiate the types of polynomials:
monomial, binomial, trinomial.
c. This activity also shows how the students learn at the concept level and how
teachers should teach in the concept level where he/she only gives verbal
instruction instead of writing symbols.

Note: The facilitator will give work sheet 1 (Modelling Polynomials) to each of the
participants. In this part of the session, you are in the connecting level – from
concrete, you’re giving the experience of showing the concrete models through
picture, then starting to connect it to its equivalent symbols.

8. Let each group do activity Number 3

Activity 3: Picturing Polynomials (15 minutes)

a. Using the algebra tiles and the working mat given to your group, you will
compete in modelling addition and subtraction of polynomials.
b. I will give the polynomials and your group will manipulate the algebra tiles to
arrive with the answer.
c. Once your group already formed the answer, all your members will stand up and
d. The first group to stand up with the correct answer will receive the points.

9. Say: Aside from the answer (sum or difference), you also have to show the
given and the process of how you arrive with the answer.

The facilitator will show the polynomials using slides.

1. (4x) + (x)
2. (5x + 1) + (2x + 3)
3. (7x – 1) + (-3x2 + x)
4. (4x2 – 3x + 1) + (x – 3)
5. (-x2 + 3x + 7) + (2x2 – 4x – 5)
6. (x – 2) – (3x – 5)
7. 3x – (-x2 – 5)


8. (2x2 – 2x + 4) – (x – 3)
9. (-3x2 + 2x – 5) – (-2x2 + 3x + 1)

Note: Remind the participants on the idea of zero pairs.

Note: The facilitator will give work sheet 2 (Adding Polynomials to each of the

Note: The facilitator should emphasize that the activity is in connecting level,
where teachers begin by writing the symbols on the board and students read and
interpret the written symbols.

Activity 4: Sage-N-Scribe (10 minutes)

(The facilitator will distribute the activity sheet to the participants.)

Note: The facilitator should stress that in this part, the students are already in the
symbolic level. But still, students are free to use the Algebra tiles.

Analysis (10 minutes)

Have the participants reflect on the following questions:

1. How did you feel after performing the activities?

2. What helped you perform the activities?
3. What are the hindrances you have encountered in doing those activities?
4. How important is visualizing the concrete idea of an exponent or polynomials
before connecting it to symbols?
5. What have you realized after performing the activities?

Abstraction (15 minutes)

The exponent of a number (base) says how many times to use the number
(base) in a multiplication.

Exponents are also called Powers or Indices.

Exponents make it easier to write and use many multiplications. You can
multiply any number by itself as many times as you want using exponents.

A polynomial is a mathematical expression consisting of variables, coefficients,

and the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer

Polynomials are an important part of the "language" of mathematics and algebra.

They are used in nearly every field of mathematics to express numbers as a result
of mathematical operations. Polynomials are also "building blocks" in other types
of mathematical expressions, such as rational expressions.


Reflection (5 minutes)

Complete the statement.

To better teach exponent and polynomials, I should________________________

Application (15 minutes)

Prepare a LAC Session plan showing the activities that you want your teachers to
do in order to apply the learnings you have gained in this session.

Areas of Objectives Strategies/Activi Time Frame Persons

Concern ties Involved


Say: “Before we end our LAC session today, let me share with you a quote from
William Paul Thurston.”

Mathematics is not about numbers,

equations, computations or algorithms;
it is about understanding





Objective: to develop the concept of positive exponents

Materials: 1 centimeter grid paper

colored pencils
regular pencils

1. Give each student 1 centimeter grid paper, colored pencils and a regular pencil.

2. Ask students to color 2 adjacent squares to form a 1 x 2 rectangle on the 1-cm grid
paper. Use 1 color for the 2 squares. Its area is 2, which is to be recorded in the
interior of the shape.

3. A second shape should be colored by first coloring another 1 x 2 rectangle, with a

different color, on the 1-cm grid paper, then mentally “sliding” it to upwards and color it
to double its size and form a new 2 x 2 rectangle. The new 2 x 2 shape should be
labeled with its area of 4

4. A third shape should be colored by coloring another 2 x 2 shape, then “sliding” it to the
right and color to double its size and form a new 2 x 4 shape; this shape should also be
labeled ( 8 sq. cm)

5. Continuing this process, color the fourth shape by coloring another 2 x 4 shape, then
“sliding” it up to double its size and form a new 4 x 4 shape; this shape should also be
labeled ( 16 sq. cm).

6. Repeat with the 4 x 4 shape, color it and “slide” to the right and color to double its size
and form a new 4 x 8 shape.


All 5 colored shapes should be arranged in the order and orientation as shown.
Each shape should have the same baseline. Notice that the height of each non-square
rectangle is always the shorter side; the longer side lies on the baseline. Hence, a “2 x 4
shape” implies a shape of height of 2 and length 4. This differentiation is important to our
pattern development for exponents. Have students also record under each shape its
product of factors of 2 as indicated below, in order to reflect the doubling that has occurred
while extending the sequence of shapes. Remind the students that the first factor on the left
in a product is always the multiplier, which tells how many or how much of a set to make.
The single factor or factor group on the right indicates the set (multiplicand).

1 x 2= 2 2x2 2 x (2 x 2) 2 x (2 x 2 x 2) 2 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2)
2 22 23 24 25

7. Have students record the product of 2’s for each as a power of 2. For example, the 1 x 2
shape, write 21, the 2 x 2 shape, write 22 and the 2 x 4 shape, write 23.

8. Ask students what they notice about the sequence of shapes. Typically, they will notice
that the shapes alternate between non-squares rectangles and square rectangles.
Have them observe how each shape is changed to make the next shape to the right.
Encourage the following language to describe the building pattern reflected in the
sequence of shapes:

“ The 1 x 2 doubles upward to make the 2 x2;

the 2 x 2 doubles to its right to make the 2 x 4;
the 2 x 4 doubles upward to make 4 x 4 and
the 4 x 4 doubles to its right to make the 4 x 8”.

Ask students to predict how the next shape in the sequence should be formed and
what its size, product and power of 2 will be?


Worksheet 1


Worksheet 2



Structure: Sage-N-Scribe

Add the following polynomials. Answers need to be in

standard form.

1. (4x2 ‒ 3x + 1) + (9x ‒ 3)

2. (6x ‒ 2x4 + 3x2) + (5x4 ‒ x3 + 7x ‒ x2)

3. (1.2h + 3.5h2) + (4.5h2 ‒ 6h + 3)

4. (4x ‒ 3x4 ‒ 2x3 + 3) + (8 ‒ x4 + 2x3 + x2)

Structure: Sage-N-Scribe

Subtract the following polynomials. Answers need to be

in standard form.

1. (4x2 ‒ 3x + 1) ‒ (9x ‒ 3)

2. (6x ‒ 2x4 + 3x2) ‒ (5x4 ‒ x3 + 7x ‒ x2)

3. (1.2h + 3.5h2) ‒ (4.5h2 ‒ 6h + 3)

4. (4x ‒ 3x4 ‒ 2x3 + 3) ‒ (8 ‒ x4 + 2x3 + x2)


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