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10/30/2020 Plum

Plum Pro le
Top Talents
Work Style
Work Preferences



Top Talents
Here are your top 3 talents.

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The ability to make high-quality decisions based on limited information.

You are...
• Exceptional at anticipating problems and choosing forward-thinking solutions.
• Capable of being thorough, deliberate, and identifying potential problems with a solution.
• Good at dealing positively with criticism and feedback, and taking responsibility for decisions.
• Able to critically evaluate information, generate solutions, and use facts, logic, and experience to support
• Very good at expressing opinions and beliefs and taking control of a situation.

The ability to generate novel solutions and creative ideas to solve problems.

You are...
• Excellent at understanding complicated problems, generating solutions, and evaluating options.
• Able to work with abstract ideas and develop unconventional solutions.
• Very capable of being receptive and exible to di erent ideas, perspectives, and changing demands.

The ability to convince others of a direction, activity or idea, and in uence decision-making.

You are...
• Good at understanding peoples' motivations and feelings, and knowing how to motivate others to
• Strong at swaying the thinking and behavior of individuals who initially disagree.
• Capable of being tactful and working to nd a mutually agreeable solution.

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10/30/2020 Plum

Plum Pro le
Top Talents
Work Style
Work Preferences



Work Style
Work your way to reach your career goals.

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You are...
• Excellent at analyzing and answering very complex problems.
• Likely to be receptive, adaptive, exible, unconventional, and re ective.
• Likely to be introverted and reserved.
• Likely to be in uential, dominant, persuasive, authoritative, and self-con dent.

Professionally you are...

• Exceptionally well suited to positions that require analyzing complex information to choose the best solution.
• Well suited to positions with clear and attainable goals.
• Exceptionally well suited to work that is not particularly stressful or rushed.
• Well suited to organizations and positions that are growing and changing quickly.
• Well suited to organizations and positions that appreciate good listeners that don't waste time on simple chit-chat.
• Well suited to positions that bene t from a preference and ability to take the lead on tasks and projects.

At work you...
• Are exceptionally capable of learning and using reason to overcome di cult obstacles.
• Prefer achieving clear, attainable goals.
• Greatly appreciate foreseeable and predictable challenges.
• Prefer a variety of new and di erent experiences.
• Appreciate working in small teams or alone.
• Like opportunities to express your opinions, give instructions, and welcome attention.

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10/30/2020 Plum

Plum Pro le
Top Talents
Work Style
Work Preferences



Work Preferences
Don't just love what you do - love how you do it.

Work Preferences are set to PUBLIC Edit

You would be happiest in positions where you will...

• Routinely encounter and solve exceptionally complicated problems.
• Be provided with clear and achievable goals.
• Be able to avoid stressful or time-sensitive work demands.
• Be able to modify tasks and projects regularly - common in fast growing, changing, or new businesses.
• Have less frequent social interactions with di erent people, colleagues, prospects, or clients - seek small teams or opportunities to
work alone.
• Sometimes lead on tasks and projects.

Questions you should ask about your current or new role

Will the role involve too much or too little excitement?

You don't enjoy surprises and may even become agitated by them. You are likely to prefer roles where expectations and plans are steady.

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