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scientists are unable to justify the presence of their

biological laboratory installed in our Amazon in 37 years
The challenges of biological warfare are pressing us to get to the bottom of these
A Bulgarian journalist was the first to denounce the existence of some 25
laboratories in the world that apparently work on biological weapons. In January
2018 the well-known journalist Dilyana Gaitandzhieva wrote an extensive
article, "The Secret of the Pentagon", describing in detail the development of
US biological weapons in the laboratory that operate under the guise of medical
centers in 25 countries: in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, South
America, as well as in Georgia and Ukraine.
Peru has not been spared, it seems, from this threat to the national defense of our
country, but what is most serious is that these laboratories denounced by the
journalist also have headquarters in the Peruvian jungle and the city of Lima, and
are believed to work in parallel with the laboratories mentioned by the Bulgarian
Congressman Richard Arce made a list of questions to the Ministry of Defense
during his 2018-2019 term, as a member of the Defense and Internal Order
Committee, through Official Letter No.0504/2018/2019-ADP-R/CR of 3 May 2019. It
was a questionnaire of 10 questions about NAMRU 6, made to the Minister of
Defense at the time, General Jose Huerta Torres, which were answered halfway...
eight months later. Among the most important questions were: What is the cost to
the State of being part of NAMRU 6?
What safety measures are taken to neutralize the biological risks that may
endanger human health in our territory (biological contamination, escape of
microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, toxins, experiments with human lives, creation
or development of new pathogenic agents, how is compliance with Peruvian
legislation on health and biological safety guaranteed in the development of this
Most of the questions were answered with evasions and incomplete information.
We prefer to make them public because of the danger announced by the Bulgarian
journalist, regarding the real background of the existence of these laboratories in
our country and also in other Latin American countries. Here some information
slipped by the Navy of Peru regarding the topic.
One of the most recent news about the activities of this NAMRU 6 Unit in our
Amazon, specifically in the Putumayo River, dates from April 23rd of this year,
published in the Digital Military Dialogue Bulletin, giving an account of the
"A member of the General Staff of the United States Naval Medical Research Unit
No. 6 embarked with the Peruvian Navy on the BAP Río Putumayo II (PIAS 3104) in
Iquitos, on a mission from November 19 to December 19 (2019) along the
Putumayo River, which marks the border between Peru and Colombia. U.S. Navy
Lieutenant Commander Stephen Lizewski, a microbiologist and assistant chief of
the Department of Parasitology, joined this mission at the invitation of the
Peruvian Navy. The mission aims to strengthen U.S.-Peruvian relations, as well as
gain direct knowledge in a critical area of NAMRU-6's mission. Why is an activity
that carried out between November and December last year has just been
Denise Alford's article further reports that:
"NAMRU-6 has a multi-year agreement with the Peruvian Navy dating back to
1983. Organized by the Peruvian Navy and based at its flagship hospital in Lima,
the Naval Clinic in Iquitos and Puerto Maldonado, NAMRU-6 conducts research and
controls a wide range of infectious diseases of military or public health
importance in the region. These diseases include malaria, dengue fever, yellow
fever, viral encephalitis, parasitosis, and intestinal diseases such as dysentery and
typhoid, as well as monitoring antimicrobial resistance”.
The alarming CEPRID report also points out that:
"The United States is making serious attempts to impose on Latin American and
Caribbean countries 'cooperation' in the area of biosafety, which means a free
hand for the development of experiments that will increase the possibilities of
destroying humanity, through the use of the terrifying chemical and
bacteriological weapons monopolized by the United States. The empire, since
several years ago, and above the Convention for the Prohibition of Chemical and
Bacteriological Weapons, established in Peru, in Lima and Iquitos, modern
laboratories in which they carry out secret research with the aim of enriching
biological studies for military purposes".
On the other hand, Ricardo Soberon, former president of DEVIDA, stated that these
laboratories have been carrying out experiments since 1983 and strengthened
Congressman Arce's thesis. He said that Americans under the facade of tropical
medicine with biosecurity system 3 is the safest thing they know about them.
The Bulgarian journalist also insists that the US is opening medical centers in
several countries and reports that they want to improve medical care there,
and in fact they are working on nine types of biological weapons, they say they
are conducting experiments to create biological weapons abroad, and unlike
other types of mass destructive weapons, it has the property of self-
destruction, and even a small leak of any virus can lead to uncontrollable mass
epidemics. In countries where leadership is committed to the US, it is possible
to test it unofficially on local populations without their consent.
The invention includes a drone that can release infected mosquitoes, something
that research by journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva has tried to prove, as there are
documents showing Pentagon projects involving insects as possible disease vectors
in Georgia. In 2014, the Lugar Center was equipped with an insect facility and
launched its project on sand flies in Georgia and other areas of the Caucasus. As if
this were not enough, and coincidentally (?), a few days ago Georgia Tech created
a tiny two-millimeter robot that moves by taking advantage of the vibration of
piezoelectric actuators, ultrasound sources or even small speakers. These "insects
of the future" could be used to transmit the diseases created in the laboratories.
In a tweet published on March 11, 2020, the leader of the Shiite Sadrist Movement
in Iraq Muqtada Al-Sadr attacked the president of the United States, Donald
Trump, accusing him of being responsible for the spread of the coronavirus,
particularly in countries hostile to the United States. Because of this, Trump
answered "we are doing a great job against the coronavirus and the situation would
have been worse if it weren't for our intervention in it". This has created a
significant doubt in the population of the world, especially in Peruvians who think
that the “herding behavior” coronavirus in this city would have a scientific answer.
So, for many it is likely that the United States is already developing a deadly virus,
capable of attacking specific segments of the population, that is, genetic material
from specific peoples. If the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated anything, it is
that factual population control is a real issue involving geopolitical variables. With
the creation of a virus, it is possible to devastate a country's economy and wipe
out millions of people.
In the next few days, we will knock on doors, in search of those who have
investigated the matter, and also ask the competent and committed authorities for
an explanation.
With the request of its diffusion.
+51 981300352

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