The Nobler Sort of Man Emphasizes The Good Qualities in Others, and Does Not Accentuate The Bad. The Inferior Does

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My Grand father used to tell me

“The nobler sort of man emphasizes the good qualities in others, and does not accentuate the
bad. The inferior does” – meaning we need to consider the good qualities in others and leave the bad
ones for themselves to handle.
In India, when we think about people with bad qualities/values, what we see is all our politicians lined up.
And among them, one stands up and tall. He is the one and only Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav.
Most of India perceives Lalu as a village bumpkin, an ILL-Literate politician, a person who has ruled and
ruined Bihar and a corrupt individual involved in the Fodder scam and a politician facing a lot of corruption
However one of the most prestigious management institutes in India tried to take an unbiased stand and
looked at the Great Turnaround of the Indian Railways, all they could see were the achievements of the
current Railway Minister – Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav.
I remembered my grand father’s words and said to my self that I need to learn from Mr. Lalu Prasad
Yadav, his leadership qualities.
But after a thorough research I was convinced that Lalu is what most of India perceives him as.
Let me tell you what happened to the Indian Railways in the last 3-4 years. To put in short, the
Government recognized the reason for change and drove the process of change in a spirited and
passionate manner with conviction. So, the big question is how did a lethargic government suddenly woke
up and turned the Indian Railways, which was declared to be heading towards bankruptcy , into
today’s   second largest profit making Public Sector Undertaking after ONGC.
The Expert-Group report submitted in July 2001 stated:
“Today Indian Railway is on the verge of a financial crisis... To put it bluntly, the ‘business as
usual low growth’ will rapidly drive IR to fatal bankruptcy, and in sixteen years Government
of India will be saddled with an additional financial liability of over Rs 61,000 crores… On a
pure operating level, IR is in a terminal debt trap.”
The essence of the ‘turnaround’ was in the fact that
(i)                   Total revenues increased by a significant percentage in the last three years, and
(ii)                 The net revenues continued a robust upward trend.
This is not only due to the rising trend of performance, but also due to the significant growth in the past
two years. These two years coincided with Mr. Lalu Prasad being at the helm of affairs of the Indian
Railway, having moved into his position on 23 rd May, 2004. Railway officials later called this as the
‘turnaround’ of Indian Railways.
Initially, when I researched over the internet about the IR (Indian Railway) turnaround, I found a lot of
leadership qualities of Mr. Lalu. But, as I mentioned earlier, as the research went on and on Mr, Lalu for
me became same old Lalu of Bihar.
This is how it goes… from positive to negative…
One could always argue that this performance of the Indian Railways is a function of the general
buoyancy in the Indian economy and also most of the reforms were initiated by the former Railway
Minister Mr. Nitish Kumar. Let me take them one by one.
Even if the economy is good, it needed leadership at all levels to bring Indian Railways to what it is today.
I think the transformation of leadership across all levels was the key to the success of the Railways and
this transformation should have started right at the top in the office of the Railway Minister – Mr. Lalu
Prasad Yadav.
In Indian politics it’s a rarity that the successor carries forward the initiatives of the predecessor. But, Lalu
Prasad Yadav carried on with the foundations laid by Nitish Kumar. Infact, in his first railway budget, Lalu
Prasad Yadav implicitly accepts that the foundation for a turnaround has already been laid by Nitish
Kumar. It goes to the credit of Mr. Yadav that he not only continued those policies (though initiated by a
rival political party member) but importantly ensured that they produced results. This demonstrates that
the organization moved away from past malaise of politicization of decision making processes and
policies, to a more corporate minded commercial focus.
Lalu’s leadership style was different. The way he executed the strategies was different. Initiatives that
directly benefited the passenger segment have been a mainstay of most of the Railway ministers.
Amongst the most significant were the passenger reservation system and Shatabdi class of trains initiated
by Mr. Madhav Rao Scindia.
But, Lalu’s style was different.
Initiatives of market oriented tariffs; asset utilization and competition in container movement are
attributable to Mr. Lalu Prasad.
The operationalisation of the various strategies over the past two years depended significantly on the
leadership style of Mr. Lalu Prasad. It was a common sense based approach, showing an astute
understanding of the market reality, the asset base of the IR and the expertise and capability of
the IR’s management and systems. Consequently, he followed this up with the principles of
leveraging the assets and empowerment and delegation. With whatever has been achieved in the
‘turnaround,’ Mr Lalu Prasad has demonstrated that good economics is good politics“ Mr. Lalu
Prasad is a non-interfering, yet an aware Railway Minister, who sets the goals and expects results.” was
stated by most of the ex-Members and the current Members of the Board. “This has given him a position
of strength to build organizational alignment to see through fundamental initiatives.” It appears that the
current Members of the Board function as a cohesive entity, due to the force of expectation on legitimate
I personally do not agree with the above view point. I have reasons for that. I agree that the enterprise
leadership is often ascribed to managerial leadership, but I also feel that a lot of environmental factors (I
collectively call it “Good Luck”) contributed in a substantial way in the success of the Indian Railway.
Some of the key strategies the Indian Railways adopted were
 Downsizing
The number of employees, which peaked at 1.652 million in 1991, was brought down
progressively to 1.472 million by 2003, and to 1.412 million by 2006. One of the elements of
retrenchment strategy is to trim off excess staff. The approach that the IR adopted was not to fill
in vacancies created due to retirement or other reasons.
 Outsourcing
Besides the catering and parcel service activity, the IR also outsourced advertising activity. In the
other business areas of parcel, catering and advertising, the strategy of outsourcing through
public private partnership and wholesaling rather than retailing was adopted
 Product Innovation
The IR introduced double stack container trains on some diesel routes. These containers
increased the carrying capacity of each train to 2,500 tonnes against 1,500 tonnes, and also
reduced line capacity constraint by nearly half and ‘led to saving of about seven percent on
capital cost and 25 percent in operating expense’
Further, it introduced new design of wagons with higher pay load (carrying capacity) but lower
tare weight (weight of the empty wagon) that improved safety
features. The effect of these measures can be seen in higher freight revenue.
 Rise in demand 
The rise in freight revenue - the main plank of the IR turnaround. IR raised the freight on iron ore
by 17%.
All the strategies were ascribed to the leadership qualities of Mr. Yadav. But I have a counter view on all
these. Let me take them one-by-one and at the end add a couple more which I think were purely
environmental (Good Luck)
 Downsizing
Yes, there was a downsize in the number of employees in the IR. The approach that the IR
adopted was not to fill in vacancies created due to retirement or other reasons.This approach
commenced substantially during the term of Mr Nitish Kumar as the Railway Minister and has
been continued by Mr Yadav but at a slower pace.  You can get the evidence for this on the
 Outsourcing
It is said that the retrenchment strategy for outsourcing helped the IR to contain costs which
ultimately helped its turnaround.
Retrenchment is a corporate-level strategy that seeks to reduce the size or diversity of an
organization's operations. Retrenchment is also a reduction of expenditures in order to become
financially stable.
Retrenchment is a pullback or a withdrawal from offering some current products or serving some
But, there is no evidence, however, to suggest that sub-strategies like sale of assets, withdrawing
from markets where the firm is performing poorly, and reducing scale of operations were used by
the IR under the overall retrenchment strategy. In summary, this strategy was used only in a
limited form and was most effective during the period of Mr Nitish Kumar as IR minister.
 Product Innovation
The IR introduced double stack container trains on some diesel routes. These containers
increased the carrying capacity of each train to 2,500 tonnes against 1,500 tonnes, and also
reduced line capacity constraint by nearly half and ‘led to saving of about seven percent on
capital cost and 25 percent in operating expense’
The increase in axle loading has created increased instances of stress on the rail track. Media
reports state that The East Coast Railway reported a 42 per cent increase in rail fractures,
increased instances of wheel slipping and stalling, increase in ‘sick detachment’ (wagons needing
repairs), and failure of important equipment in electric locos. The South Eastern Railway reported
increased en route detachment due to wagon body bulging, stalling and wheel burns, and
vulnerability of a large number of bridges. Southern Railway reported increase in spring failures
and brake beam defects, and in overall sick marking. South Central Railway pointed out stalling
of wagons carrying load above their capacity, and also increased rail and weld fractures. These
were the very concerns experts had voiced when the railways decided to increase the axle load
without any trials and without the requisite approval of the chief commissioner railway safety.
 Rise in demand          
The rise in freight revenue - the main plank of the IR turnaround – was facilitated by the increased
domestic demand for coal (for electricity generation), for cement (for construction) and pig iron
(for steel plants) due to economic growth. There was also an increase in the iron ore for exports
(mainly to the Chinese market). In 2006, Chinabought more than 74 million tonnes, accounting for
about 84 percent of India’s total iron ore exports. The IR used the favorable international demand
reflected in substantial increase in iron ore price by raising the freight on iron ore.
Having discussed all these points, there is a serious concern about how the turnaround will be sustained.
The technical factors like increase in stress on the rail track, increase in the axle loading, welding fracture
etc would lead to serious damages in the future and IR might have to spend a lot in repair and
upgradation of the rails. This will have adverse affect on the railway surplus in the years to come.
The US sub-prime crisis will adversely impact US economic growth and hence on the demand for
imports. This may reduce the growth of Indian exports both directly and Indirectly. In addition the Indian
Rupees is tending to appreciate against the US dollar and this may also have similar impact on Indian
exports. Further, the suspension of iron ore exports would lead to decline in railway revenue as it is one of
the major.
Though the impact of these factors is not quantifiable at this stage, nevertheless it is reasonable
to conclude that the net operating surplus is likely to decline.
Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav is in the fag end of his current tenure. The current government may or may not be
elected back to power again. Mr. Yadav may or may not be the railway minister again. Even if the UPA
government comes back to power, he might choose a different port folio. It will be up to the next Railway
minister to handle the situation of decline in the operating surplus. Now I understand why Mr. Lalu Prasad
Yadav, chose the Railway ministry. He might have been advised by his ‘political advisers’ that the Indian
Railway was on the verge of a turn around. It was his mere luck that it all happened during his tenure. I
see no reason why he was called in to throw a guest lecture at a prestigious management school in  India.
He might have thrown in some fodder instead of a lecture. May be that is the reason nothing about that
so called “lecture” is published for the public.

After the parliamentary election there was big fight between Lalu yadav and Paswan for the post of railway Minister
but the former succeeded in getting the minsitry. Paswan was fuming and helped in defeating Lalu and his party in
the next assembly election in Bihar. The people of India were very worried that Indian Railway which is the biggest
public sector industry in India will be run by a corrupt leader like Lalu yadav. But somehow Lalu in just a year or so
has turned the face of Indian Railways the same industry which was making loss every year is now making profit.
Many experts still cannot believe and are really struggling to find out how he could do this which noone else has
done in the past. His contribution has been acknowledged by institutions like IIM and have requested Lalu to give a
lecture on this subject. To add to his fans now the Lal
Bahadur Shastri Academy for Administration in
Mussoorie has invited Lalu Yadav to give a lecture on the same subject to IAS and IPS
probationers. His critics are really finding it hard to catch a flaw in his policies and in secret
even admire his decisions. What is the Lalu mantra that has made spectacular financial
success of the Indian Railways during last financial year which has prompted the railways to
set a target Rs 20,000 crore as profit for the year 2007-08. This has also resulted in Lalu
being acknowledged as the new ‘Management Guru’ with some leading management
institutes requesting him to deliver lectures to their faculty and students alike. But the sad
news is that while his graph as a successful railway minister was going up, his political
fortunes in his home state had taken a dip. I really do not know what could be the reason is
Nitish better than Lalu but if that is the case when he was the Railway minster why he could
not any passenger friendly schemes like Lalu and still manage to make profit for the
industry. Hats off to Lalu and his Lalu Mantra’s. We want you to share your secret with
other public sectors as well.

Indian Railways (IR) is the world's largest employer, providing 1.6 million jobs, one of the largest and
busiest railnetworks in the world, carrying 18 million passengers daily. Yet it has, so far, stayed ahead of global
recession. Thanks to Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav for a job well done. He has surprised many by emerging as one of the
top performing ministers in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s cabinet. He is being credited for the impossible—the
turnaround of the monolithic Indian railways.
When he took over as Railway Minister in 2004, the 156-year old Indian Railways was dismissed as a hopeless, loss-
making organization, with too little revenue, too many problems and too many employees. IR was spending 91% of
its income just on salaries and maintaining an aging organization. In 2001 the Rakesh Mohan Committee headed by
former Reserve Bank of India deputy governor Rakesh Mohan, termed India Railways a "white elephant', with a debt
of Rs 61,000 crore ($12.3 billion) and even predicted fatal bankruptcy by 2015.
Now many are surprised by the successive landmarks set by the Indian Railways.  In last four years, IR has turned in
a cumulative cash surplus before dividend of Rs 68,778 crore ($13.9 billion). Out of this Rs 15,898 crore has been
paid as dividend, Rs 39,215 crore has been invested in rail infrastructure and Rs 13,665 crore has been added to
fund balances to reach Rs 20,483 cr.  One of Rakesh Mohan Committee members, IIM’s Professor G. Raghuram,
now has all praises for Lalu. IIM Ahmadabad, recognized Lalu’s turnaround of Indian railways, and made it a case
study for its students.

What did the minister do to turnaround Indian railways? 

In a nutshell,

 Refused to hike fares. Shored up earnings by carrying more passengers and freight.
 Increased the load carried by a goods wagon from 81 tonnes to 90 tonnes. This gave an additional earning
of Rs 7,200 crore.
 Upgraded tickets if seats were going vacant in the upper class. So, waitlisted passengers could be allotted
 Maintained passenger profile so that bogies could be taken off or added to trains according to seasonal
Lalu’s Success Secrets
The explanation for his success lies in his down-to-earth attitude and rustic wisdom. Lalu puts it in his inimitable style:
"My mother always told me not to handle a buffalo by its tail, but always take it by its horns. And I have used
that lesson in everything in my life, including the railway ministry."
Lalu says “I approached the ministry like a common man with no technical expertise. I was clear about one thing—I
would not increase passenger or freight fares. It did not require rocket science to understand that the railways could
increase its earnings by carrying more passengers and freight. The solution lay in increasing volumes and not the
cost," he says.
We can learn the following management tips from Lalu’s success.

Lalu’s Management Tips

Choose the right people!
Lalu quickly realized that he needs pointsman (A man who operates railway switches) in the ministry and choose a
Bihar-cadre IAS officer, Sudhir Kumar, as his officer on special duty (OSD) and gave him a free hand to execute his
ideas.  A Delhi School of Economics alumnus, Kumar also holds a degree in business management. He has given a
professional and workable shape to Lalu’s earthy ideas. But he credits all of it to his boss’s genius. He says Lalu, not
only thinks out of the box but also takes bold decisions.

Don’t Micro Manage, Delegate your work, take calculated risks!

According to his officers, "Lalu has not taken any step that was not known in the railways. Other ministers dithered
over various policy changes which could have brought additional revenue. Quite unlike them, Lalu went ahead and
took those risks, but in an extremely calculated manner. He also placed complete trust in his officers, and did not at
all hesitate in delegating responsibility and powers".

If you do not milk the cow fully, it falls sick!

One of Lalu’s most controversial decisions was to increase the load carried by a goods wagon from 81 metric tonnes
(MT) to 90 MT. His logic: "If you do not milk the cow fully, it falls sick." He reasoned that wagons were being
overloaded anyway—and hence subjected to risk of accidents—and the money being pocketed by corrupt officials.
So why not load it officially? This one decision earned the railways an additional Rs 7,200 crore.

Think out of the box

Lalu’s decision to upgrade passenger tickets subject to availability of seats in the upper class was opposed by the
board’s finance commissioner. The minister and the OSD both explained to the finance commissioner that “An empty
wasn’t earning any money. If lower class tickets were upgraded, then more waitlisted passengers could be
accommodated, earning additional revenue”. This system was successfully implemented after trying it out on the
Delhi-Mumbai Rajdhani”.

Do what makes sense

Another decision which met some resistance from the board members was the doing away with the detailed
examination of a train at its final destination even after a short run. It was decided that a passenger train would only
be examined after every 3,500 km, and a freight train after every 4,500 km. A railway officialexplains "Laluji saw no
logic in the earlier practice. A train from Jammu to Kanyakumari was examined after 3,000 km, on completion of its
journey and another train from Jammu to Amritsar, for example, had to be examined after 250 km. Each train
examination takes 16 hours. Lalu’s idea was to save time and have the wagons free to run for a longer time”.
Information is wealth if used properly
Lalu and his officers have introduced simple but effective techniques. For example, they introduced the passenger
profiling system, enabling the railways to increase or decrease the number of coaches in a train according to
demand. So a service to Jaipur may need fewer coaches during summers when traffic is low. However, these
coaches can be added to a Dehradun-bound train where there is a rush in these months. Says Lalu: "This was a
simple decision to take but nobody was really doing it since it required some changes in the railways computerized
reservation system. All the data was available, it only had to be generated and used properly."
Lalu’s ambition
Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav many times expressed a strong ambition to become the country's Prime Minister.  In his
recent interview to NDTV, when asked by newsmen whether he will again become the Railway Minister after the
forthcoming elections, Yadav said, "what will happen, where will I go, what God has destined and what is written on
the forehead, anything can happen. “ 
"But, one day I will become the Prime Minister of the country. I have no 'maara-maari' present or future."  
Lets us hope Lalu will become Prime Minister of India in the near future and turns around every sector to make India
a super power.

Lalu was elected to the 14th Lok Sabha from Chhapra and Madhepura seats of Bihar. 
He was made the railway minister in the UPA Government. Later, he gave up the Madhepura seat. Soon after becoming the
railway minister, Lalu banned plastic cups used for serving tea at railway stations and announced that they will be replaced
by kulhads (earthen cups). He said that this will generate more rural employment. Later, he also said that he had plans to
introduce buttermilk and khadi for the railway passengers. The logic given was once again that of more rural employment.
In June 2004, Laloo announced that he would travel by railway to get a first-hand experience of the problems faced by the
Indian public; he once inspected the Patna railway station at midnight, although there were no reports of him travelling by
trains. On August 10, 2004 Lalu undertook a surprise check at Rail Bhavan in New Delhi. He deducted the salaries of about
500 latecomer employees and sent them back. On August 16, 2004, Lalu carried out a surprise check on a goods train
coming from Mumbai at Danapur station. He found that weights of consignments were under-assessed, leading to loss of
revenue for Railways. He claimed that railway officials, transporters and consignees were part of a racket.A few top BJP
leaders, associated with a company called Samrudha Overseas Pvt Ltd, were allegedly involved in the racket. 
During Lalu's tenure as the railway minister, many rail mishaps and crimes took place(but a lesser amount than during any
other ministers tenure). To check the crimes, he planned to introduce joint patrolling by the Railway Protection Force (RPF)
and the Government Railway Police (GRP).
On July 7, 2004, Lalu presented his first railway budget, which was boycotted by NDA. Lalu didn't increase fares.He offered
free second class travel for central governmental job-seeking travelers.He announced launch of 55 new trains, only 23 of
which have been shared jointly by Bihar and Tamil Nadu. Uttar Pradesh was proposed to be given 20 additional trains, 10 of
the existing trains will be extended and frequences of four will be increased during 2006-07.In the case of Maharashtra 15
new trains, 11 extended trains and increase in frequencies of four trains was announced.For Tamil Nadu,10 new trains,
seven extension of trains and increase in frequency of two trains.For Andhra Pradesh 13 new trains, extension to 11 trains
and frequencies of one train would be increased.His trains including four Garib Raths connecting U P and Bihar with the
South (chennai), Mumbai, Delhi and Amritsar is being seen as an attempt to reach out to the migrant workers from these
areas.Lalu introduced three Garib Nawaz trains from three destinations of the state - Kishenganj, Yeshwantpur and Ranchi
(now in Jharkhand) to Ajmer for pilgrimage at the Mazar of Khwaja Garib Nawaz.He introduced Garib Rath from the labour
intensive areas of Bihar (Patna) and eastern part of the India to Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai and Amritsar for poor sections of
the people, who in large numbers travel to these areas in search of livelihood Lalu also announced two new train for Rae
Bareli, home constituency of UPA Chairperson and party chief Sonia Gandhi. He said that he would revoke the contract of A
H Wheeler & Co, which runs newspaper stands on most Indian railway stations, because they were enjoying monopoly ever
since English (British) left India and would invite open tender. 
In July 2004, Lalu lobbied the Finance Minister P. Chidambaram to declare a Rs. 3225 crore aid package for Bihar.
On July 13, 2004, Lalu announced an inquiry into the Godhra incident, in which several Vishva Hindu Parishad members
were allegedly burnt alive by Muslims in a compartment of the Sabarmati Express.
On July 24, 2004, Lalu remarked casually that flood provided Bihar's poor people enough fish to eat.
On August 5, 2004 he claimed that L.K.Advani,Leader of the Opposition was an accused in a conspiracy to kill Mohammed
Ali Jinnah and described him as an 'international absconder'.
On september 14, 2004 Lalu asked L.K.Advani to come clean on ‘his involvement' in the alleged conspiracy to assassinate
the founder of Pakistan, Mohammed Ali Jinnah.He made public some proofs too.
On September 28, 2004,Lalu alleged Venkaiah Naidu,the then Union Rural Minister, of having sold off 55,000 tonne of
wheat in the name of drought relief distribution in AP. "A CBI probe will be initiated to find the truth" he said.
In August, 2005, just before the assembly polls in Bihar, Laloo promised model railway stations, gauge conversion works
and employment in Railways. Laloos's list of railway stations to be developed as "model stations" included 7 stations from
Bihar and only 2 from the rest of India. The seven stations in Bihar included Madhepura, Darbhanga, Patna, Kishenganj,
Motihari, Araria and another station.

Lalu also "found" 80,000 old C and D grade vacancies in the Railways. The vacancies had existed for over half a decade
and Nitish Kumar (his bete noire and his predecessor in the Railway Ministry) had also referred them to lure voters during
earlier parliamentary elections. However, Nitish Kumar didn't last as Railway Minister for long, as National Democratic
Alliance failed to return to power. Apart from this, Lalu cut the general and second class fare by one rupee, and announced
the implementation of internet based ticketing and reservations. He also annouced plans for open ticketing and a new
scheme on upgradation of lower class passengers to a higher class automatically.
Lalu Prasad Yadav is now credited with engineering the financial turnaround of Indian Railways, which was on the verge of
bankruptcy. Under him, the Railways booked an unprecedented surplus of 110 billion rupees (2.47 billion dollars)
An impressed Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad is studying the Indian Railways turnaround story to make it a
case study for its students. As part of his drive to modernise the railways Lalu Prasad Yadav has decided to send nearly 100
top officials abroad for training in latest techniques and sharpen their managerial skills in Management Schools of USA and

Lalu Prasad Yadav was born in Phulwaria in Gopalganj district of Bihar on June 11, 1947, to Kundan Rai and
Marachhiya Devi, a poor peasant family.
Yadav married Rabri Devi on June 1, 1973.
Yadav remained in power in Bihar for more than one and a half decades during Mandal era.
Yadav was elected to the 14th Lok Sabha from Chhapra and Madhepura seats of Bihar.
When Yadav took over, the Indian Railways was a loss-making organization.
Yadav is now credited with engineering the financial turnaround of Indian Railways, that was on the verge of
bankruptcy before his appointment to the office.
Yadav has been recognised as a brand on his own amongst a few industries in rural Bihar.
Yadav has a sizable fan following in Bollywood, which includes actors Sunil Shetty and Raza Murad and
directors Mahesh Manjrekar and Mahesh Bhatt to name a few.
A Bollywood movie titled Padamshree Laloo Prasad Yadav was released in 2004.
His brand of politics has caused a great deal of resentment among other caste groups such as Bhumihar
Brahmins, Rajputs, other Brahmin sub-castes and Kayasthas (who Yadav has collectively dubbed Bhurabal
meaning brown hair.
While Yadav has been criticised for aggravating caste divisions through his policies, his admirers claim that
he helps disadvantaged groups out of a belief in secularism and social justice.
I will make Bihar's roads as smooth as Hema Malini's cheeks.
Yadav has been charged with corruption cases , the most infamous being the "Fodder scam.
Yadav was one of the main accused in multi-million rupee scam.
Yadav was first sent to "Judicial remand" (Bihar Military Police guest house, Patna) on July 30, 1997 for 134
Due to proceedings in the fodder scam, Yadav was remanded for a day in Beur jail on November 28, 2000.
On November 26, 2001, Yadav was again remanded, in a case related to the Fodder scam.
In August 2008, CNN-IBN alleged that Yadav had misused his position as the Union Railway Minister to help
his relatives acquire land.
Yadav has supported Students Islamic Movement of India SIMI, as claimed by many, to appease the Muslim
vote bank.
True facts of the incident that led to communal violence in Gujarat have not come into open and the high
power inquiry commission would try to unearth them," Yadav said addressing a public meeting after flagging
off first passenger train on newly converted Bandikui-Bharatpur broad gauge line in Bandikui.
Railway minister Laloo Prasad Yadav was never a man for parliamentary niceties.
Mr Yadav had left the job to his deputy, R Velu, even as he sat on the front row, surveying the House
were being under-weighed leading to involvement of railway officials, transporters and consignees in the
Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav has said that he will be among the first to support a new law against
tainted ministers.
Lalu Prasad Yadav is one of the Union Ministers facing criminal charges.
Railway Minister Lalu (Laloo) Prasad Yadav has struck back at NDA's attack's on him by launching a
departmental enquiry into the Godhra carnage, in which several VHP activists were burnt alive in the S-6
compartment of the Sabarmati Express.
spontaneously even during the mock rehearsals.
Yadav is not the only politician to have descended on the large screen.
IN LESS than a decade-and-a-half, Mr Laloo Prasad Yadav has risen from being a virtual non-entity even in
his native Bihar to one of the best-known political leaders in India.
Despite his carefully cultivated image of being a rustic buffoon, Mr Laloo Yadav has certainly been one of the
most media-savvy politicians in India.
For example, on the day the RJD was formed in July 1997, Mr Laloo Yadav had appeared on a TV news
programme, where the anchor patronisingly remarked that his party could at best hope to be described as a
regional party.
In his characteristic style, Mr Laloo Yadav had used humour to drive home the message that his party would
be the one to matter in Bihar, not the parent Janata Dal.
Mr Laloo Yadav has also shown a better appreciation of the compulsions of coalition politics.
Mr Laloo Yadav has also been quite brazen about the manner in which he has patronised criminals and
In his otherwise successful political career, Mr Laloo Yadav has had to face at least one embarrassing defeat.
Mr Laloo Yadav boasted that he would prove that Sharad Yadav was a mere paper tiger, a person without a
mass base.
This time round, Mr Laloo Yadav has decided to play it safe.
Laloo Prasad Yadav is a name that needs no introduction.
Yadav is Johny’s sidekick while Prasad is his defending lawyer.
Padmashree Laloo Prasad Yadav is a Bollywood Film featuring Sunil Shetty released in 2005.
Laloo Prasad Yadav is now credited with engineering the financial turnaround of Indian Railways, which was
on the verge of bankruptcy before his appointment to the office.
com | Laloo Prasad Yadav has an average customer review rating of 2.
Laloo Prasad Yadav has 1 positive reviews and 0 negative reviews.
Yadav is a Union Railway Minister in this Government.
Railways Minister Laloo Prasad Yadav is a key ally of India's governing coalition led by the Congress party.
Mr Yadav is a formidable force in India's most lawless state, Bihar, which his Rashtriya Janata Dal governed
for 13 years until electoral defeat in 2005.
And recently, Mr Yadav has found his way into the textbooks - a prestigious Indian management institute
introduced a case study on his work in the ministry for its business students.
One of India's most colourful politicians, Mr Yadav is known for his quirky style and mass appeal.
Born in a poor farming family in Bihar, Mr Yadav has travelled a long way from his humble origins.
As a politician, Mr Yadav was groomed by socialist leader Jai Prakash Narayan, who led a student movement
in the early 1970s.
Laloo Prasad Yadav is a formidable force in India's most lawless state, Bihar, which his Rashtriya Janata Dal
has governed for the past 13 years using caste and religion disputes.
Laloo Prasad Yadav is the next guest on Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2007 (1st September Episode.
Padmashree Laloo Prasad Yadav is produced under the banner of Rhea Arts in association with Satyajeet
Laloo Prasad Yadav is the honorable railway minister in the present Congress led UPA government.
wrapper{background:#f6f6f6 url(/images/DCbg3col2.
Indian Railways Minister Laloo Prasad who doubles up as a management guru has been invited to address
the country's top hoteliers at a hospitality summit in New Delhi.

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