Optimization Project Reflection

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Mykell Arviso-Yazza

Math 1010

Elizabeth Jones

Optimization Project Reflection

For this project, I had to create a graph using a system of inequalities. I had to make sure

that it was scaled approximately to size. I had to solve for vertices, the correct systems of

equations, and solve for the intersections on the graph.

I do think that this is something that can be applied to the real world because it helps

show how well TV commercials or radio advertisements can do. it can show how many hours a

person could work, how much funding would be needed for certain jobs and could give an idea

of how much they can do something before it is out of budget. There is a job that a person can

have working as a liner programmer, which can help businesses optimize​.

Other jobs that need linear programming are people in the transportation field,

farmers, and engineers. For farmers, it could show how much of a crop they can grow and get an

idea of how much their revenue can grow that year. (1)

I believe that if I was a business owner that this math application would be crucial to run

my business, especially if we were wanting to run ads or see how much our revenue could grow

over the years. Without this application it would be hard for a manager to know exactly what

s/he should do with the company so that way they know that their plan or ideas could work in the

long run.

Overall, this assignment did show me that math can be applied to the real world. I do

think that math is not something that I will be using in my everyday life, especially in the field of
work that I am wanting to go into. I do know that math can be used in other people's daily lives, I

just do not think that it will play a big part in mine.


1.) Dotson, J. D. (2018, 05 21). ​Five Areas of Application for Linear Programming

Techniques​. Sciencing. Retrieved 12 07, 2020, from


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