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1. Sulphur is a:
A. Non-metal
B. Metal
C. Metalloid
D. Liquid at room temperature
2. Sulphur is a member of:
3. Which one of the following is not an ore of sulphur?
A. Heavy spar
B. Iron pyrite
C. Gypsym
D. All of these
4. Which sulphur exists in which allotropic form?
A. Rhombic sulphur
B. Monoclinic sulphur
C. Plastic sulphur
D. Any one of A,B or C
5. What is the difference between RHOMBIC and MONOCLINIC sulphur?
A. Their melting points are different
B. Their densities are different
C. Arrangement of atoms is different
D. In rhombic sulphur, sulphur exists as S8 molecule
6. At room temperature sulphur exists as:
A. S4 molecule
B. S8 molecule
C. S2 molecule
D. S molecule

The following figure shows the structure of which allotropic form of sulphur?

A. Rhombic
B. Monoclinic
C. Plastic
D. A random sulphur molecule
8. What is the ‘transition temperature’?
A. 119OC
B. 96 OC
C. 444 OC
D. 113 OC
9. What is the basic principle for the extraction of sulphur by “Frasch method’?
A. Sulphur being less dense than the soil, is pumped up by air
B. Similar to extraction of coal
C. Sulphur is melted underground then pumped up
D. Sulphur is dug out in the form of blocks
10. Sulphur produces respective sulphides when it reacts with metals. Which one of the following
metals will react spontaneously with sulphur, without heating, if it is in finely divided form?
A. Iron
B. Zinc
C. Copper
D. Sodium
11. What is the chemical formula of ‘sulphur monochloride’?
A. SCl
B. S2Cl
C. S2Cl2
D. SCl2
12. How does sulphur react with water?
A. S + 2H2O  SO2 + 2H2
B. S + 2H2O  2H2S + SO2
C. S + 2H2O  SO3 + 2H2
D. 2S + 2H2O  2H2S + SO3
13. Complete the following reaction: S + H2SO4 
A. H2O + SO2
B. H2 + SO3 + SO2
C. H2O + SO3
D. H2S2O7
14. Which one is NOT a use of sulphur?
A. Manufacture of organic dyes
B. Manufacture of explosives, fireworks etc
C. Fungicides and insecticides
D. Medicines
15. ‘Contact process’ is used to manufacture sulphuric acid commercially. What is the purpose of
purifying SO2 and the drying of gases before adding catalyst?
A. To stop reaction with impurities
B. To stop ‘poisoning’ of catalyst
C. Impure SO2 cannot be oxidized
D. None of these
16. What is the catalyst used in Contact process?
A. Pd
B. SO3
C. V2O5
D. Ni
17. H2SO4 is a:
A. Monobasic acid
B. Dibasic acid
C. Tribasic acid
D. Inert chemical
18. To prepare dilute suphuric acid:
A. Acid is added to water
B. Water is added to acid
C. Either A or B
D. None
19. In the reaction: (COOH)2 conc. H2SO4> CO2 + CO + H2O, Sulphuric acid acts as:
A. Oxidizing agent
B. Dehydrating agent
C. Acid
D. Catalyst

18. Complete the following reaction: H2SO4 + NaOH (excess) 

A. NaHSO4 + H2O

B. Na2SO4 + H2O

C. Na2O + SO2 + H2O

D. No reaction

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