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To act as a professional inheritor, critic and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching students.  
• Situates the discipline's basic benchmarks and points of understanding (concepts, postulates and methods) in order to 
facilitate significant, in‐depth learning by students.  
• Adopts a critical approach to the subject matter.  
• Establishes links between the secondary culture set out in the program and the secondary culture of the students.  
• Transforms the classroom into a cultural base open to a range of different viewpoints within a common space.  
• Casts a critical look at his or her own origins, cultural practices and social role.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to: 
• understand the subject‐specific and program specific knowledge to be taught, so as to be able to promote the creation of 
meaningful links by the students;  
• exhibit a critical understanding of his or her cultural development and be aware of its potential and limitations;  
• exhibit a critical understanding of the knowledge to be taught, so as to promote the creation of meaningful links by the 
• Establish links with the students' culture in the proposed learning activities.   

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
    terms of my knowledge of the material I felt it was pretty strong coming into the field experience. I had
completed University level courses in history which means I do have a ton of knowledge at my disposal.
I   also had a ton of knowledge at my disposal from previously studying psychology. This knowledge was
   in terms of teaching history but also my ethics classes. However, the challenge is to be able to
   the information that I know and teach that knowledge.
    piece of advice that my CT told me at the beginning of the class was that the role of a history is to
put the information into the larger context of the course. She mentioned that students will be able to read
the textbook but they need the teacher to guide them into making those connections. Therefore,  
whenever I teach a class, I try to make sure to put the information that they are learning into context.  
 Another strategy that I have been working on developing is the ability to use good questions. This is a  
  that I had been having a ton of trouble doing but each time I teach I tried to do a better job at asking  
  guiding questions. A trouble that I had was having very broad questions so as I went through the  
  experience, I have made an effort to ask better guiding questions.  
 Attach additional sheets if necessary. 


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
December 8th 2020 EDEC 351
To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct grammar, in 
various contexts related to teaching.  
• Uses appropriate language when speaking to students, parents and peers.  
• Observes rules of grammar and stylistics when writing texts intended for students, parents or peers.  
• Is able to take up a position, support his or her ideas and argue his or her subject matter in a consistent, 
effective, constructive and respectful way during discussions.  
• Communicates ideas concisely using precise vocabulary and correct syntax.  
• Corrects the mistakes students make when speaking and writing.  
• Constantly strives to improve his or her own oral and written language skills.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to:  
• master the rules of oral and written expression so as to be understood by most of the linguistic community;  
• Express himself or herself with the ease, precision, efficiency and accuracy expected by society of a teaching 

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
During my first experience teaching I had over prepared. I prepared my lesson like a speech where I had
  planned every word that I was going to say before I had even said it. A side effect of this was
    I had stumbled over some of my words that I was planning to say. However, the advice that I got
   my CT was not to rehearse it like a speech but to have a semi structured plan to communicate my
   My verbal communication to my students was much improved.
point where I developed over my stage was giving instructions. I was responsible for explaining
an   ethics assignment to my students. One of the things that I needed to explain to them was that they
needed to do in text citations and a bibliography. I explained it to them and I expected that they  
understood but when I got their papers, they did not do it correctly. I then re explained to them how to do  
  text citations properly.
A  final example was when I was writing assignments and tests, I initially believed that I expressed myself  
  However, when working with students one has to be really clear and precise with the questions  
  I ask for my students. I would ask questions that were to vague however as I went further, I made   
questions that were more precise.  
   Attach additional sheets if necessary. 


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
TEACHING ACT (3, 4, 5, 6) 
To develop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the subject content 
with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study.  

• Bases the selection and content of teaching sequences on data drawn from recent didactical and pedagogical 
• Selects and interprets subject‐specific knowledge in terms of the aims, competencies and subject content 
specified in the program of study.  
• Plans teaching and evaluation sequences taking into account the logic of the content to the taught and the 
development of learning.  
• Takes into account the prerequisites, conceptions, social differences (i.e. gender, ethnic origin, socioeconomic 
and cultural differences), needs and special interests of the students when developing teaching/learning 
• Selects diverse instructional approaches that are suited to the development of the competencies targeted in the 
programs of study.  
• Anticipates obstacles to learning posed by the content to be taught.  
• Plans learning situations that provide opportunities to apply competencies in different contexts.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to:  
• develop appropriate and varied teaching/learning situations involving a reasonable level of complexity that 
enable students to progress in the development of their competencies;  
• Build these activities into a long‐term plan.   

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
I  have
  worked on developing this skill during the entire course of the field experience. I had worked on creating lesson plans. In the
   of the field experience I asked my CT how she developed lesson plans. Her approach was to look at the unit as a whole and plan
out  the unit first and not just the lesson. This was a new experience because in FE2 all I really did was develop a lesson and an activity.
    I was developing whole units. History wise this was not too difficult because it is pretty clear what needs to be taught. One of the tasks
    my CT gave me was to develop an ethics unit. This was challenging because it was so much different that teaching history. In history
  is a set curriculum and the way that it tends to be taught is with the combination of some sort of lecture and the use of activities.
However, with ethics this is much more difficult because there is a particular concept but there are so many ways that one can approach it.
This  was difficult for me since I was overwhelmed with options but my CT gave me advice to improve it.
 I also had to run a variety of situations. I did lecture formats with the use of guiding questions, I also ran group activities and discussions, I
  class discussions in my ethics class. These were many learning situations that I used in order to try and reach the goals that I had for  
the class. I also used a mix of individual work as well as group work.  
      Attach additional sheets if necessary. 


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
TEACHING ACT (3, 4, 5, 6) 
To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and to the subject 
content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study.  
• Creates conditions in which students can engage in meaningful problem situations, tasks or projects, based on 
their cognitive, emotional and social characteristics.  
• Provides students with the resources they need to take part in the learning situations.  
• Guides students in selecting, interpreting and understanding the information provided in the various resources 
and in understanding the elements of a problem situation or the requirements of a task or project.  
• Supports student learning by asking questions and providing frequent and relevant feedback to promote the 
integration and transfer of learning.  
• Encourages teamwork.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to:  
• guide students, through appropriate interventions, in carrying out learning tasks;  lead the students to work 
together in cooperation;  
• Detect teaching/learning problems that arise and use the appropriate resources to remedy them.   

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
As    mentioned in competency three grid I developed several kinds of learning situations. I had used lecture formats, group
    and class discussions as tools.
    terms of running group activities I improved in my ability to make sure that all students are on tasks. In many situations’
students want to simply chat with their friends and slack off on the work. So, a skill I developed here was to make sure that
everyone was on task. The challenge of running this sort of activity was to keep students on task. This has a lot to do with the
  being able to be aware of what’s going on with all the groups even when you are dealing with one of them.
   I would have to be moving around the class to make sure that students would be staying on task. Another skill
which involved in group guiding group discussions as well as class discussions. I would have to pick up on what my students
would be having trouble with and to give them guidance. If I saw that a groups discussion was wavering I would have to  
improvise in order to have their discussion pick back up  
  area that I got the chance to improve on was the running a full class discussions. One of the challenges that arose in  
this situation is when students get really into the topic of discussion. In this situation several students would start talking at the  
same time and get into animated discussions where they were talking over one another. This would make it difficult to follow  
  conversation. Therefore, the strategy that I used is to get the students to redirect their attention towards me and then I  
explain that if they are all speaking at the same time it is impossible to follow the conversation. I then told one student to talk  
  then the next student to rebuttal.
TEACHING ACT (3, 4, 5, 6) 
    Attach additional sheets if necessary.


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
TEACHING ACT (3, 4, 5, 6)  
• Gathers information as students are engaged in a learning situation in order to identify their strengths and 
weaknesses and to review and adapt his or her teaching accordingly to help them progress.  
• Takes stock of the learning acquired by students in order to assess their mastery of the related competencies.  
• Designs or uses tools to evaluate student progress and mastery of competencies.  
• Communicates expected outcomes to students and parents and provides feedback on student progress and 
mastery of competencies using clear, simple language.  
• Works with the teaching team to determine the desired stages and rate of progression within the cycle 
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to:  
• detect the strengths and weaknesses of the students in a learning situation;  
• identify some of the adjustments required in his or her teaching on his or her own;  
• in cooperation with colleagues, design evaluation materials, interpret the work of students in terms of their 
mastery of the competencies, and develop tools for communicating with parents;  
• Inform the students of the results of a diagnostic evaluation process and inform parents and members of the 
teaching team of the corrective intervention strategy elements envisaged.   

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
    experience was when I was creating a geography test. In this situation I thought it would be easy to with written questions however I
   realize how specific I would have to be. This was a similar situation when I made an assignment for ethics. I made an assignment
  was very closed ended but this would make the chance for creativity to difficult. As a result I made the questions more opened ended.
A  second experience was formative evaluation that I didn’t realize I made. I was presenting an interactive lecture where I introduced the
    of intolerance and a small interactive part of the lecture, I had planned was for students to bring up concepts related to intolerance. I
expected this to be a test of knowledge which it was but it also became a test of interest. Having the students name these instances of
intolerance sparked discussions around many of them. Specifically, this was around the idea of sexism and transphobia. This situation
allowed me to evaluate what they initially known and allowed me to create learning opportunities. In the future I would have this much more
focused and I could possibly use this information to build on what students already know.
Another area that I grew in terms of evaluations was when I was correcting ethics assignments. These assignments were on the topic of  
intolerance and an event related to intolerance. I asked for 3 components, the root causes of the intolerance, the event that signified the  
intolerance and lessons that could be learned to prevent an event like that from happening in the future. I noticed that the students were
good at describing the event however were not as good at identifying the history of the intolerance or the at how to prevent it. This tells me  
  if I teach this topic in the future these aspects need to be given better attention.
      Attach additional sheets if necessary. 


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
TEACHING ACT (3, 4, 5, 6)  
To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a way as to promote students' learning and social 
• Develops and implements an efficient system for running regular classroom activities.  
• Communicates clear requirements regarding appropriate school and social behaviour and makes sure that 
students meet those requirements.  
• Involves students on an individual or a group basis in setting standards for the smooth running of the class.  
• Develops strategies for preventing inappropriate behaviour and dealing effectively with it when it occurs.  
• Maintains a classroom climate that is conducive to learning.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to:  
• introduce and maintain routines that ensure the smooth running of regular classroom activities;  
• identify and correct organizational problems that hinder the smooth running of the class;  
• anticipate some of the organizational problems that hinder the smooth running of the class and plan measures to 
prevent them;  
• Establish and apply methods that can be used to solve problems with students who exhibit inappropriate 

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
I  have
  developed several strategies and skills in terms of managing a classroom. The first was the development of the ability
to    take attendance quickly. At first it took a minute or two to do it but as the stage went forward, I got much quicker at doing it.
In  some classes I am able to scan within a few seconds and see who is there and not there. I also developed a few strategies
when students are talking. My general call to attention involves telling them all eyes on me while raising my right hand in the
    This usually gets most of the student’s attention. If a student is still not paying attention to me then I would name that
students by name and they would respond. When students interrupt, I got the line of no one talking while I’m talking.
   ability I have developed is to get students to model my behavior. This specifically work when I get students to do
individual work. I start doing my own work quietly and then all of a sudden, the students start doing their own work quietly. It
is  amazing how effectively this strategy works. They seem to see what I am doing as a teacher and they copy that behavior.  
Another classroom management strategy is the use of good transitions. With certain classes classroom management issues   
  when I didn’t have good transitions. However, when the transitions were smooth then any disruptions or classroom  
management issues become much less problematic.  
      Attach additional sheets if necessary.


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
To adapt his or her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with learning disabilities, social 
maladjustments or handicaps.  
• Facilitates the educational and social integration of students with learning disabilities, social maladjustments or 
• Consults resource people and parents to obtain background information on students with difficulties (needs, 
progress, etc.).  
• Proposes learning tasks, challenges and roles within the class that help students to progress.  
• Participates in developing and implementing individualized education plans.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to :  
• Cooperate in the development and implementation of individualized education plans designed for students 
under his or her responsibility.   

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
Early in the semester I visited resource office and got the information on students who have IEPs. Many
 of  the students in my CTs grade 8 class have an IEP. In addition, at the beginning of the field
experience when I had only a 25% load is that I would help students that were struggling. I would be
    students that had trouble with the classwork. This would involve me explaining questions to
   that had trouble understanding a question.
I  also
  work very closely with the integration aids to work to help students with IEPs as much as I
  can within the class.
The main thing that would help me in terms of this was developing relationships with students that have  
IEPs. With one student in particular I would always be very nice to her and within the last couple of  
weeks when she was having trouble, she would ask me. She even went from being very shy to actually  
  to answer questions during the class.  
I  also worked on this skill by differentiating my instruction. I included a variety of strategies to help  
students learn. I had a mixture of individual work, group work, lecture and class discussions. This  
allowed for students that would have different learning styles to all benefit in some way. In addition, I  
would make sure to give help to students with difficulty during individual work.  
   Attach additional sheets if necessary. 


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
To integrate information and communications technologies (ict) in the preparation and delivery of 
teaching/learning activities and for instructional management and professional development purposes.  
• Exercises critical judgment regarding the real benefits and limitations of ICT as teaching and learning resources, and 
regarding the social issues they raise.  
• Assesses the instructional potential of computer applications and networking technology in relation to the development of 
the competencies targeted in the programs of study.  
• Communicates using various multimedia resources.  
• Uses ICT effectively to search for, interpret and communicate information and to solve problems.  
• Uses ICT effectively to build networks that facilitate information sharing and professional development with respect to his 
or her own field of teaching or teaching practice.  
• Helps students to familiarize themselves with ICT, to use ICT to carry out learning activities, to assess their own use of ICT, 
and to exercise critical judgment regarding the information they find on the Internet.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to :  
• demonstrate critical judgment regarding the real benefits and limitations of ICT as teaching and learning resources;  
• demonstrate a general understanding of the possibilities offered by ICT (and the Internet in particular) for teaching and 
learning, and know how to integrate ICT in a functional manner into teaching/learning activities, when appropriate;  
• use ICT effectively in different aspects of his or her intellectual and professional life: communication, research, information 
processing, evaluation, interaction with colleagues or experts, etc.;  
• Effectively transmit the ability to use ICT to his or her students in order to support the collective construction of learning in a 
well‐structured, critical manner.   

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
    use of ICT technology during my field experience was limited This partially had to do with the approach that grade tens
    to be in school one on two days which gave them less time to do a very dense course. Therefore a lot of my teaching was
  based and I would have to speed through material. A lot of the use of technology was the use of a learning
management system called Managebac. This system was used to notify students of their homework and to share documents
    students. I also developed the ability to use a smart board. To present my slides I used google slides. All the students in
    class had chromebooks. I used these chromebooks to enable them to do group work . I would have them upload my
assignment on to a google doc and then I would have them work on it. This would allow them to work together but in a
  distanced manner. One app I considered using was mentimeter. It’s an app that allows me to make words clouds.
This was something that I considered using during a brainstorming session however I realized with some of my classes being  
  than 10 students the word cloud would be very thin. In addition, any individual work that students did I gave them the
option of doing it on their Chromebook which many students find more efficient. In the future I could see myself using a few  
more educational options. One that I would see myself using would be peer deck since it makes slides that are more
interactive. I would also use add ons that could make more visual representations such as concept maps.  
      Attach additional sheets if necessary. 

ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
To cooperate with school staff, parents, partners in the community and students in pursuing the 
educational objectives of the school.  
• Collaborates with other members of the school staff in defining orientations, and developing and implementing 
projects related to educational services in areas falling under the responsibility of the school.  
• Informs parents and encourages them to become actively involved.  
• Coordinates his or her actions with those of the school's various partners.  
• Supports students involved in the administrative structures of the school or in school activities or projects.  
 By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to :  
• situate his or her role in relation to that played by other internal or external resource persons;  
• adjust his or her actions to the educational objectives of the school and contribute to the attainment of these 
objectives by becoming personally involved in school projects;  
• Start building a trusting relationship with parents.   

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
There was not a lot of opportunities to get involved in the school community with the situation with
Covid. However, I tried to do small things to stay involved. During the lunch periods students would be
sent outside during lunch time so they are not spending more time in close proximity then they had to.
   of the things that I made sure that that during lunch breaks I would go outside for a walk and when I
   my students, I would say hi and strike up a conversation with them if they were interested.
      Attach additional sheets if necessary. 


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
To cooperate with members of the teaching team in carrying out tasks involving the development and 
evaluation of the competencies targeted in the programs of study, taking into account the students 
• Recognizes instances where cooperation with other members of the teaching team is required in order to design 
or adapt teaching/learning situations, to evaluate student learning or to promote the mastery of competencies 
by the end of the cycle.  
• Develops and organizes a project appropriate to the objectives to be attained by the teaching team.  
• Cooperates in an active, ongoing manner with the teaching teams working with the same students.  
• Helps build consensus, when required, among members of the teaching team.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to :  
• contribute to the work of the teaching team in an effective manner;  
• Provide constructive criticism and make innovative suggestions with respect to the team's work.   

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
    lot of the cooperation that takes place involved my CT. When I was below 50% load, I would help her
    when students engaged in individual activities. If there were more than one student with a question, I
   help go help out with the student she is not able to attend to. In terms of planning my lessons I
    also ask my CT what areas that I should focus on and we would discuss what pace the course
   proceed at. This would ensure that all our classes were on the same page. In addition, I would
    her ideas in terms of assignment and unit ideas. We would have a conversation about different
  to put in place regarding lesson and unit planning. Another area was my participation in the staff
meeting. In this situation I was part of the discussions of what should be done in terms of practice  
exams. At this point the teachers did not know if there would be final exams or not. As a result,  
discussions went on about how what should be done with the practice exams. Here I got to observe how  
  teaching staff was able to solve different problems. I would also work with the integration aids in my  
  They would discuss which students would need to be given support.  
      Attach additional sheets if necessary.


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
To engage in professional development individually and with others.  
• Takes stock of his or her competencies and takes steps to develop them using available resources.  
• Discusses the relevance of his or her pedagogical choices with his or her colleagues.  
• Reflects on his or her practice (reflective analysis) and makes the appropriate adjustments.  
• Spearheads projects to solve teaching problems.  
• Involves peers in research related to the mastery of the competencies targeted in the programs of study and to 
the educational objectives of the school.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to :  
• identify, understand and use available resources (research reports and professional literature, pedagogical 
networks, professional associations, data banks) related to teaching;  
• identify his or her strengths and limitations, along with his or her personal objectives and the means of achieving 
• engage in rigorous reflexive analysis on specific aspects of his or her teaching;  
• Undertake research projects related to specific aspects of his or her teaching.   

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
When I first began teaching the classes and my CT observed me, she would give me feedback after
  class. She would give me feedback on how I covered the material and on what skills I would need
    improve on the next time I did a lesson. I would use this feedback each time I did a lesson. When I
   teaching at the 75% load and my CT would leave the class and I had to manage the class on my
   I would then go then talk to my CT about how the class went. During these conversations I would
   advice on how to better manage those classes. I would then implement her advice and for the most
part I would have a ton of success. I also did sent weekly reflections with my supervisor. I would send
him a reflection each week about some of the challenges that I faced and how I interpreted those  
situations. He would then give me his feedback regarding those situations. I also discussed  
 pedagogical choices with my colleagues. I talked to one of my fellow student teachers about how she  
  making exams. I also talked to some of my fellow student teachers about how they  
  to student misbehaviors in their classes and when students would act inappropriate.  
I  would also have conversations with other student teachers regarding the issues that they face in their  
classrooms. We would talk about classroom management as well as the kinds of activities and  
assessments that we would do in our classrooms.  
      Attach additional sheets if necessary. 


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 
To demonstrate ethical and responsible professional behaviour in the performance of his or her duties.  
• Understands the values underlying his or her teaching.  
• Manages his or her class in a democratic way.  
• Provides students with appropriate attention and support.  
• Justifies his or her decisions concerning the learning and education of students to the parties concerned.  
• Respects the confidential nature of certain aspects of his or her work.  
• Avoids any form of discrimination toward students, parents or colleagues.  
• Situates the moral conflicts arising in class with reference to the major schools of thought.  
• Demonstrates sound judgment in using the legal and regulatory framework governing the teaching profession.  
By the end of his or her initial training, the student teacher should be able to :  
• demonstrate sufficient responsibility in dealings with students that one can recommend with no reservations 
that a class be entrusted to his or her care;  
• Answer to others for his or her actions by providing well‐founded reasons.  

How have I developed this competency during this course or professional seminar/field experience?  
In  terms of developing this competency once I started taking over the classroom and my CT would leave
    alone with the class, I would have to make decisions about how to run the class. After teaching I
would have a discussion with me about what happened and how I would run the classroom. I also
   how I would deal with issues that would arise. The values that I have in terms of teaching is
   my students would treat each other with respect. I made sure to treat my students with kindness and
   I also demanded that my students would treat their fellow students with respect. This was done
by  affirming classroom rules whenever it was deemed necessary. Whenever a student a student would
need help then I would do everything I could to help them.  
One area where I have been reflecting is on what sort of teacher I wanted to be. It came when I was  
 teaching the grade 8 students. I noticed that with the grade 8s I was more laid back and was better at  
  humor with my students whereas with my grade 10 class I had become very down to bussiness.  
  is something that was important to reflect on because I feel that I want to be a teacher that is better   
able to use humor in the classroom and whose class students enjoy attending.  
     Attach additional sheets if necessary.


ADVANCED                THOROUGH                 ACCEPTABLE                       PARTIAL                             MINIMAL 

*Use the features of the competency (listed above) and the professional competency rubric. 
Name _____________________________________________________     ID ________________________   
Christopher Langlois 260588203

Date: ______________________________   Course Name & Number (e.g. EDEC 253) _________________      PS/FE level (circle one)   1     2     3     4 

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