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NASA Facts

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91109

Europa Orbiter
Europa Orbiter is a mission designed to study tem in 2010 and enter orbit around Europa in 2011.
Jupiter’s fourth largest moon, Europa, which has
attracted immense interest because of indications Science Instruments
from the Galileo mission that a liquid ocean may lie Specific Europa Orbiter science investigations
underneath its icy crust. It is hypothesized that if the will be selected by NASA from competitive proposals
ocean is indeed liq- solicited during
uid, its volume will 1999. The primary
exceed the com- scientific objectives
bined volume of all of the mission are
Earth’s ocens. If an to:
ocean exists on
! Determine
Europa, some sci-
the presence or
entists speculate
absence of a subsur-
that conditions
face ocean;
thought to favor the
formation of life, ! Characterize
however primitive, the three-dimen-
may have existed at sional distribution
some point in of any subsurface
Europa’s history. liquid water and its
Europa Orbiter overlying ice layers;
would seek to con- ! Understand
firm the existence the formation of
of a subsurface surface features,
ocean, study its including sites of
characteristics, and recent or current
search for promis- activity, and identi-
ing candidate sites fy candidate landing
for future lander sites for future lander missions.
Among experiments that have been suggested
The Europa Orbiter spacecraft would require new to address these objectives are:
technologies, especially the so-called X2000 modular,
radiation-hardened spacecraft electronics that can be ! Measurements of Europa’s tides: If
configured for various missions. Europa Orbiter is Europa’s icy crust conceals a global subsurface ocean,
planned for launch in 2008, to arrive at Jupiter’s sys- Jupiter’s huge gravity will raise large tides up to
about 30 meters (about 100 feet), which will rise and in orbit around Jupiter. This initial orbit would last
fall every Europa day (about 3.5 Earth days). Precise approximately 200 days. Just before it enters orbit
measurements of the moon’s gravity field and shape, around Jupiter, Europa Orbiter would pass by
using a laser altimeter and precise tracking of the Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, the gravity of which
orbiter from Earth, could detect these tides. would help slow the spacecraft down.
! Mapping the surface: High-resolution The spacecraft would then tour Jupiter’s system,
imaging of the surface from orbit can map most of executing about a dozen gravity-assist flybys of three
Europa’s surface, showing features smaller than a moons of Jupiter — Ganymede, Europa and Callisto.
football field. This experiment would search for the The tour is designed to shrink the spacecraft’s orbit
youngest areas on the surface, define the satellite’s around Jupiter to approximate that of Europa around
geologic history and start looking for possible landing Jupiter, reducing the amount of rocket propellant
sites for future missions. Even higher resolution pic- required to finally enter orbit around Europa itself.
tures of small areas could be made. This tour trajectory would begin in a fashion similar
to that of the Galileo spacecraft, which has orbited
! Ice-penetrating radar: Radar waves can
Jupiter and its moons since December 1995, gathering
penetrate through ice and in fact are used in Earth’s
a wealth of science data.
Arctic and Antarctic regions to study the polar ice
sheets. An orbiting radar sounder may be able to The spacecraft’s orbit would gradually shrink,
“see” through the ice in places and determine the leading to its final destination by mixing close flybys
thickness of the ice layers. of Europa with specially timed thruster firings to help
reduce the final approach velocity to the moon. In
! Other suggestions that may be explored
late 2011, Europa Orbiter would arrive in orbit around
include mapping the composition of salts on Europa’s
the icy moon and begin its 30-day primary mission.
surface and studying its electromagnetic properties.
Electrical currents could be set up in a salty Europa It is expected that this mission would consist of
ocean due to Jupiter’s changing magnetic field. more than 300 orbits of Europa, with the objective of
mapping the icy moon’s entire surface. The orbiter
Europa Orbiter is seen as a precursor mission for
would measure Europa’s gravity field to look for the
future “hydrobot” missions, which could use remote-
signature of tides induced by Jupiter.
controlled submarines to melt through the ice and
explore Europa’s ocean, should one be found. Other At the end of the mission, the spacecraft’s orbit
concepts include making on-site measurements of ice would be boosted high enough that the intense radia-
near the surface that shows signs of having been tion around Jupiter and Europa would be expected to
recently deposited from liquid that rose to the surface. sterilize any accidentally “hitchhiking” terrestrial
Europa Orbiter would survey Europa for potential organisms even in the most heavily shielded parts of
landing sites, where the ice appears thin or where the spacecraft. The final orbit would be stable over
there are signs of current or recent activity. Any eval- decades, long after the spacecraft is expected to cease
uation of the detailed chemistry or potential for life in functioning because of radiation-induced degradation
Europa’s ocean, if it has one, will have to await the of electronics and other critical equipment.
arrival of a lander on Europa’s surface.
Spacecraft Design
Mission Overview Design teams have studied various options for the
The current plans are for the Europa Orbiter to Europa Orbiter craft and settled on a conceptual
launch on a Boeing Delta IV rocket, currently under design, pending NASA selection of science investiga-
development under a U.S. Air Force contract. Plans tions and completion of an environmental impact
call for the spacecraft to follow a direct trajectory to statement. The spacecraft and its instruments must be
Jupiter. designed to withstand severe radiation in Jupiter’s
system, the most intense planetary radiation environ-
The spacecraft would arrive at Jupiter’s system in
ment in the solar system. Spacecraft designers are
summer 2010, firing its engine to place the spacecraft
developing creative configurations for self-shielding
of the spacecraft, high durability of electronics, and Power sources for the spacecraft would have to
self-correcting software for radiation-induced memo- provide more than 400 watts of electrical power for
ry errors. electronics, instruments, heaters, and radio transmit-
While the Galileo spacecraft was designed to ters to send data back to Earth. The current baseline
withstand severe radiation, Europa Orbiter must be plan calls for the spacecraft to utilize radioisotope
designed to withstand nearly 10 times the radiation thermoelectric generators (RTG) of the type flown on
dose endured by Galileo because it would spend a the Galileo, Ulysses and Cassini missions. They
long time at Europa’s distance from Jupiter, within would be provided by the Department of Energy, with
the inner Jovian radiation belts. It would experience converters manufactured by Lockheed Martin in
most of this radiation dose during the final three Valley Forge, Pa.
months before arrival and during its orbital mission As another critical part of spacecraft design, engi-
around Europa. Galileo, on the other hand, was built neers must reduce the mass of the onboard propulsion
with heavier shielding and spent most of its time far subsystem as much as possible. Europa Orbiter
outside the inner Jovian system, affording only occa- would use hydrazine as fuel with nitrogen tetroxide as
sional, brief flybys of Europa and the other major the oxidizer. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver,
satellites. Colo., is under contract for the propulsion subsystem,
Several enabling technologies, including the while advanced regulator and thruster components are
X2000 electronics, are currently under development being developed by Moog Inc., in East Aurora, N.Y.,
as part of the Europa Orbiter project in the Space Primex Aerospace in Redmond, Wash., and others.
Science Flight Projects Directorate of NASA’s Jet During the course of the mission, the orbiter’s rocket
Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. The first engines would change its speed by about 2,500
X2000 engineering models and X2000 radiation-hard meters per second (5,400 miles per hour).
application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) have The spacecraft would be able to point its instru-
been received from industry contractors for testing at ments to within 5 milliradians (about 1/4 degree), or
JPL. Software is being adopted from the prior Deep half the apparent diameter of the full Moon. The
Space 1, Cassini and other missions to run on the orbiter’s precise orientation in space would be sensed
fastest computers ever planned for a planetary mis- by star cameras being designed under contract with
sion. Flight computers are being provided by BAE Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation in
Systems of Manassas, Va., using a processor based on Boulder, Colo. The rates at which the spacecraft
the commercial PowerPC architecture. Electronics to turns, which are critical during maneuvers and some
provide conditioned power and to switch equipment observations, would be determined using an inertial
on and off is under development at Lockheed Martin measurement unit, to be developed under a contract
Commercial Space Systems in Newton, Pa. with Northrop Grumman’s Guidance & Control
Other radiation-hard electronics are being pro- Systems Division in Goleta, Calif.
duced at JPL, with manufacturing specifically adapted Europa Orbiter’s telecommunications subsystem
to the high-radiation mission using ASIC production would operate on an X-band radio frequency, utilizing
lines at Honeywell Electronics Center in Plymouth, a radiation-hardened Small Deep Space Transponder
Minn. Engineering data collection assemblies are of the type first flown on JPL’s Deep Space 1 mis-
being developed at the Johns Hopkins University’s sion, and manufactured at Motorola Communications
Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md. A non- Systems Division in Scottsdale, Ariz. Science and
volatile memory assembly is being developed at engineering data would be returned from Europa to
SEAKR Engineering, Inc. in Englewood, Colo. Earth over NASA’s Deep Space Network at a rate of
Several other missions are now planning to utilize the up to 40,000 bits per second while in Europa orbit.
X2000 equipment being developed for Europa, Data is to be sent to Earth each day during “down-
including JPL’s Deep Impact comet mission, Space link” sessions, using a transmitter emitting a mere 8
Technology 3, the Space Interferometer Mission and watts of power (a cell phone typically transmits about
some future Mars missions. 0.01 to 3 watts, but Jupiter is more than 100 million

times farther away than a typical urban cell tower).

About Europa Europa Quick Facts

Europa is the smallest of Jupiter’s four major
moons, which also include Callisto, Ganymede and Discovery: January 7, 1610 by Italian
Io. Nonetheless, Europa is the sixth largest natural astronomer Galileo Galilei
satellite of any planet in the solar system. With a
diameter of 3,138 kilometers (1,950 miles), Europa is Diameter: 3,138 kilometers (1,950 miles)
slightly smaller than Earth’s Moon. Mass (Earth = 1): 0.0083021
Its surface is very bright and consists of two types Density (water = 1): 2.97 grams per cubic
of terrain. One type is mottled, brown or gray in centimeter
color, and consists mainly of chaotic terrain with
frozen, iceberg-like hills. The other type consists of Surface Gravity (Earth = 1): 0.135
large, smooth plains criss-crossed with numerous ice Mean Distance from Jupiter: 670,900
ridges, some curved and some straight. Some of kilometers (about 417,000 miles),
these ridges run thousands of kilometers (or miles) in or 9.5 Jupiter radii
length. Europa’s “crust” of ice and water may be
about 100 to 150 kilometers (about 60 to 90 miles) Mean Distance from Sun: 5.2 astronomical
thick, but it is unknown how much of this, if any, is units
liquid water. Orbital period: 3.5 days
Although Europa was the most poorly observed of Rotational period: 3.5 days
Jupiter’s moons imaged by NASA’s Voyager 1 and
Voyager 2 spacecraft when they flew past in 1979,
pictures taken by NASA’s Galileo mission in the mid-
1990s show dramatic new evidence of a possible liq-
uid ocean or oceans under the crust. Chunks of ice,
resembling icebergs seen in Earth’s Arctic Ocean, The Europa Orbiter project is managed for
appear to be frozen in place in large disrupted areas NASA’s Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C.,
on Europa’s surface. The tidal effects of Jupiter and by JPL, a division of the California Institute of
its other moons, as well as heat released by radioac- Technology, Pasadena. At NASA Headquarters, the
tive elements in Europa’s mantle and core, plausibly mission is sponsored by the Solar System Exploration
provide plausible heat sources which could maintain a Division, headed by Dr. Carl Pilcher, with Dr. Jay
liquid water ocean beneath the ice and perhaps even Bergstralh the program scientist. At JPL, Dr. John
produce volcanoes under the ice. McNamee is the project manager, with Robert Staehle
as deputy project manager and Dr. Torrence Johnson
Europa is the smoothest object in the solar sys- as project scientist.
tem, with nothing exceeding 1 kilometer (about 3,000
feet) in height. Because there are very few impact More information on Europa Orbiter is available
craters, many scientists interpret this as evidence that from the project’s home page at:
the surface may be as young as 30 million years old.
Europa’s inner core is probably made of iron-sulfur,
and its tenuous atmosphere contains oxygen. 4/01 GW

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