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Some General Criteria for Evaluating Texts

The following list of criteria and focus questions may be useful for reading the text and for preparing the critical
review. Remember to check your assignment instructions for more specific criteria and focus questions that
should form the basis of your review. The length of the review/assignment will determine how many criteria you
will address in your critique.
Criteria Possible focus questions
What is the author's aim?
To what extent has this aim been achieved?
What does this text add to the body of knowledge? This could be in
Significance and contribution to the
terms of theory, data and/or practical application
What relationship does it bear to other works in the field?
What is missing/not stated?
Is this a problem?
What approach was used for the research? For example, quantitative
or qualitative, analysis/review of theory or current practice,
Methodology or approach (this
comparative, case study, personal reflection, etc..
usually applies to more formal,
How objective/biased is the approach?
research-based texts)
Are the results valid and reliable?
What analytical framework is used to discuss the results?
Is there a clear problem, statement or hypothesis?
What claims are made?
Is the argument consistent?
What kinds of evidence does the text rely on?
Argument and use of evidence
How valid and reliable is the evidence?
How effective is the evidence in supporting the argument?
What conclusions are drawn?
Are these conclusions justified?
Does the writing style suit the intended audience? For example,
expert/non-expert, academic/non-academic, etc.
Writing style and text structure
What is the organising principle of the text? Could it be better

Activity: Applying critical reading questions to a text

You are going to practise critically analysing an academic text with the following title:
‘Nanotechnology gets down to business: new technology can make computers faster, but
business solutions and government policy is still not up to speed on nanotechnology.’

Text (pdf, 14.3 KB). You may wish to print this document.

Remember: it is important that you write your answer before looking at the commentary as this
helps you form your ideas more clearly.

Read through the text about nanotechnology and work through the critical reading
questions below.

 Answer each question by typing your ideas in the text boxes.

 Refer back to the text as many times as you want before or while you answer.
 Compare your ideas with the commentary.

1. What is the author trying to say? Answer this question by summarising the main argument in
two or three sentences.

2. Who is the text intended for (the audience)? Other people who do similar work to the author,
or anybody who has a general interest?


3. Is the author trying to persuade you or inform you in the text?


4. Can you think of anything that is left out of the text?


5. Does the author present a balanced picture of the topic?


6. Does the writer oversimplify complex ideas?


7. Are the ideas of others represented fairly and accurately?


8. Is there evidence to support the points made by the author?


9. Is there any indication of bias from the examples, tone or language used by the author?


10. Do you agree with the points made by the author?



Critiquing a Text

Let’s review:
 When we summarize a text, we capture its main points.
 When we analyze a text, we consider how it has been put
together—we dissect it, more or less, to see how it works

Here’s a new term: when we critique (crih-TEEK) a text, we

evaluate it, asking it questions. Critique shares a root with the word
“criticize.” Most of us tend to think of criticism as being negative or
mean, but in the academic sense, doing a critique is not the least bit
negative. Rather, it’s a constructive way to better explore and
understand the material we’re working with. The word’s origin
means “to evaluate,” and through our critique, we do a deep
evaluation of a text. (see the glossary of terms).
When we critique a text, we interrogate it. Imagine the text, sitting
on a stool under a bright, dangling light bulb while you ask, in a
demanding voice, “What did you mean by having Professor Mustard
wear a golden yellow fedora?”
Okay, seriously. When we critique, our own opinions and ideas
become part of our textual analysis. We question the text, we argue
with it, and we delve into it for deeper meanings.
Here are some ideas to consider when critiquing a text:
 How did you respond to the piece? Did you like it? Did it
appeal to you? Could you identify with it?
 Do you agree with the main ideas in the text?
 Did you find any errors in reasoning? Any gaps in the
 Did the organization make sense?
 Was evidence used correctly, without manipulation? Has
the writer used appropriate sources for support?
 Is the author objective? Biased? Reasonable? (Note that the
author might just as easily be subjective, unbiased, and
unreasonable! Every type of writing and tone can be used
for a specific purpose. By identifying these techniques and
considering why the author is using them, you begin to
understand more about the text.)
 Has the author left anything out? If yes, was this accidental?
 Are the text’s tone and language text appropriate?
 Are all of the author’s statements clear? Is anything
 What worked well in the text? What was lacking or failed
 What is the cultural context* of the text?

*Cultural context is a fancy way of asking who is affected by the

ideas and who stands to lose or gain if the ideas take place. When
you think about this, think of all kinds of social and cultural
variables, including age, gender, occupation, education, race,
ethnicity, religion, economic status, and so forth.
These are only a few ideas relating to critique, but they’ll get you
started. When you critique, try working with these statements,
offering explanations to support your ideas. Bring in content from
the text (textual evidence) to support your ideas.
 When we respond to a text, we explain how we feel about about a text and how we connect
to it
 When we analyze a text, we consider how it has been put together—we dissect it, more or
less, to see how it works

Here’s a new term: when we critique (crih-TEEK) a text, we evaluate it, asking it questions.
Critique shares a root with the word “criticize.” Most of us tend to think of criticism as being
negative or mean, but in the academic sense, doing a critique is not the least bit negative. Rather,
it’s a constructive way to better explore and understand the material we’re working with. When we
critique a text, we interrogate it. We question the text, we argue with it, and we delve into it for
deeper meanings.

The word’s origin means “to evaluate,” and through our critique, we do a deep evaluation of a text
(that is, we make a judgment a text). Here are some ideas to consider when critiquing a text:

 Do my assignment instructions specify the ways I should evaluate this text?

 How would different readers respond to a text? Who would agree with it? Who would not?
 Did you find any errors in reasoning? Any gaps in the discussion?
 Did the organization make sense?
 Was evidence used correctly, without manipulation? Has the writer used appropriate sources
for support?
 Is the author objective? Biased? Reasonable? (Note that the author might just as easily be
subjective, unbiased, and unreasonable! Every type of writing and tone can be used for a
specific purpose. By identifying these techniques and considering why the author is using
them, you begin to understand more about the text.)
 Has the author left anything out? If yes, was this accidental? Intentional?
 Are the text’s tone and language text appropriate?
 Are all of the author’s statements clear? Is anything confusing?
 What worked well in the text? What was lacking or failed completely?
 What is the cultural context* of the text? [*Cultural context is a fancy way of asking who is
affected by the ideas and who stands to lose or gain if the ideas take place. When you think
about this, think of all kinds of social and cultural variables, including age, gender,
occupation, education, race, ethnicity, religion, economic status, and so forth.]

If you noticed that many of these questions resemble the kinds of questions you ask when you
analyze a text, you are correct. There is not a clear line separating a response from an analysis and
an analysis from a critique. It it helpful to consider these as fluid, overlapping categories that, taken
together, form the habits of mind of that will lead to you being a better reader and a better writer.

When you're writing, you cannot just jump right into a critique. Instead, you have to present the
ideas from the text first. In general, there are three ways to present the ideas from a text:

1. Summarize -- restate in your own words the general points of a text

2. Paraphrase -- restate in your own words a specific ideas from a text
3. Quote -- present the exact words from a text

You should pay attention to clues in your assignment instructions that will tell you which of these
three ways of using texts you will need to successfully complete your assignments. Sometimes
instructions will directly tell you "Quote from the story and analyze how they demonstrate the
growth of the main character." Other times, you'll have instructions like "Explain the concept of
socialization from Chapter 5 of the textbook and use it to analyze your first two weeks in college".
In this case, you could start by summarizing the general concept of socialization, and then
paraphrase the specific parts of the chapter that relate directly to what you want to write about your

Ultimately, successful writing in college will meaning being able to do all three of these things and
to recognize how they all work together to help you get to a place where you are not just restating
the ideas of a text but instead synthesizing different texts with your own ideas to present your own

Why critique?
When students read critically, they are pinning a story against their own experience.  They are examining
effectively written.  They compare the text with others of the same genre, and by the same author.  For
presented is accurately represented, and if the sources cited within the text are reputable. Most importa
they also become more aware of their views and how their views influence their interpretations of texts and
to examine social themes and issues, and determine whether or not various social groups are treated with
is to raise students’ responsiveness toward societal problems in their world and to prompt students to ask w
question who profits the most, and then to act on making the world a better place" (Soars & Wood, 2010).

Introducing the Strategy:

Use read-alouds to inspire children to think critically about text:

Critical Literacy in K-3 Classrooms

Reading Rockets presents a TON of great ideas to encourage higher-order thinking, including thinking critically: Reading Rocket

Practicing the Strategy:

Book reports can be a fun way to get students to think critically.  This lesson plan with a writing template offers some great que
accordingly: Book Report

Students could create an iMovie review for a book that they've read, highlighting ideas presented in the book, quality of the illu
choices/actions, how the events in the story could have played out differently, and the feelings that the story evoked in the read

Students could have a debate about whether a book is valued as being high quality, by looking at the organization of the book (d
graphics/illustrations, authenticity of information presented, etc.

The following resources help students to examine the emotions they experience during reading:

Literary Mood Ring

Booklists and Ideas for teaching multicultural and social perspectives:

Conflict Resolution

Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Booklists

Critiquing a text also involves evaluating characters, themes, settings, etc.  Into the Book is a great website that provides evaluati
suggested links:  Into The Book

Resources Cited:
Hall, L. A. and Piazza, S. V. (2008), Critically reading texts: What students do and how teachers can help. The Reading   

        Teacher, 62: 32–41.

Soares, L. B. and Wood, K. (2010), A critical literacy perspective for teaching and learning social studies. The Reading     

           Teacher, 63: 486–494.

How to Evaluate Essay Writing
Essays are common assignments in high school and college. If you are
a new teacher trying to evaluate student essays, then familiarizing
yourself with the basic parts of an essay can also be helpful. Essays
are usually broken into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a
conclusion. In some cases, an essay may also need to include a works
cited or reference page. If you also need to assign a grade to an essay,
develop a rubric and deduct a set number of points for items that are
missing, incomplete, or incorrect.

Part 1
Evaluating the Thesis Statement and Introduction

Look for an attempt to engage readers. The introduction is an excellent place to hook readers so that they will want to
keep reading. Authors can accomplish this by including a question, vivid description, quote, or a jarring piece of
information. Identify where the author has attempted to engage the reader and offer feedback as needed.

 For example, in an essay about the first day of classes at a new school, the author might engage readers
by providing a vivid description of what it was like for them to walk down the hallway for the first time.

See if you can tell what the essay is supposed to be about. The introduction should provide an overview of the main
subject of the essay. This overview should be brief, yet effective, so that readers will know what to expect as they
continue reading.

 For example, if the essay is supposed to be about gun control, then the introduction should provide
context for readers about this subject. This may be in the form of facts and statistics, an anecdote, or some
background information on the controversy.
 On the other hand, a narrative essay on the first day of class at a new school would need to provide a
scene from that experience or some kind of background information, such as why they had to start at a new

Identify the “so what?” part of the intro. Another key component of a good introduction is that it provides the readers
with some motivation to care about the subject. This is often called the “so what?” part of an essay. If there is no reason
for readers to be engaged with the subject, the essay will not be interesting to them. Look for an attempt to show readers
why the topic should matter to them.[1]

 For example, if the topic is declining bee populations, then the author might include something about how
this will affect the food supply to get readers to care about the subject.
 If the essay is about a memorable family vacation, then the introduction might explain how this vacation
changed the author’s perspective.

Identify the thesis statement. In many essays, the thesis is a single sentence at the end of the introduction that
communicates the main point of the essay. However, in a narrative essay, there may not be a thesis until the second
paragraph or page. Look for the thesis in the first couple of pages. If the thesis is absent, then make a note of this. A thesis
statement includes the “what” and “why” of an essay, which means that it communicates the author’s stance and why they
hold this position.

 For example, a paper about the benefits of recycling might include a thesis that reads, “Everyone should
recycle because we have limited resources and recycling helps to conserve energy.”
 A narrative essay does not need to have an argument, but there should be a sentence that describes the
main point of the essay, such as, “My family’s trip to Turkey taught me about different cultures, cuisines, and
religions, and I learned so much about myself along the way.”
Part 2
Reading the Body Paragraphs

Check that the essay includes the minimum number of body paragraphs. The assignment sheet should clearly specify
the number of body paragraphs students need to receive full credit. Count the number of paragraphs in the essay you're
evaluating to make sure it meets these expectations. If the assignment sheet doesn't specify otherwise, the minimum
number of body paragraphs in an essay is traditionally 3.
 There would only need to be 3 body paragraphs if the essay is meant to be a 5 paragraph essay. If the
essay is meant to be longer, then it should have about 2 body paragraphs per page.
 Multiply the total pages of the essay by 2 and then subtract 2 (for the intro and conclusion) to find the
approximate number of body paragraphs a paper should have. For example, a 4 page essay should have about 6
body paragraphs.

Identify the topic sentence to evaluate a paragraph’s cohesiveness. A topic sentence provides the framework for the
rest of the sentences in a paragraph. The most common place for a topic sentence is at the beginning of a paragraph, but it
may turn up elsewhere in the paragraph as well. Look for the topic sentence and consider whether the rest of the
paragraph focuses on this topic.

 For example, if the topic sentence reads, “Polar bears require a large amount of food to sustain their body
weight,” then the rest of the paragraph should expound upon what and how much polar bears eat.
 For a topic sentence that reads, “The meal consisted of a hearty goat stew for the main course, and several
traditional side dishes in a variety of colors, flavors, and textures,” the paragraph should provide additional
details about the meal.

Look for evidence in each of the body paragraphs if it is required. If the essay is supposed to include sources, then
any claims the author makes should be backed up with evidence. You don’t have to cite information that is widely known,
or that is common sense, but anything that is based on research or that is not widely known information will require a

 For example, if a sentence reads, “Male polar bears weight between 775 to 1,200 pounds (352 to
544 kg),” then there should be a source for this information because this is not information that most people
 On the other hand, it would not be necessary to include a source for a sentence that reads, “Polar bears are
large, white bears.”

Note the use of descriptive language. If the essay is supposed to include descriptive language, such as vivid details and
dialogue, then be on the lookout for it in the body paragraphs. This is a common feature of narrative essays, but
descriptive language is a welcome addition to any essay. [4]

 If a paragraph is describing a person, then the author might include details about the color of their hair,
the sound of their voice, and the type of clothing they wore.
 For example, an effective descriptive paragraph might read, “Judy stood a whole head above me, but she
also had an impressive afro that added about 6 inches (15 cm) to her height. She wore black Converse, ripped
white jeans, a cherry red, v-neck t-shirt, and a silver locket that contained a picture of her father. Her voice was
deep and raspy, as if she had smoked for 20 years, but she had never even had a puff.”

Watch for transitions between sentences and paragraphs. Transitioning from one paragraph to another and from one
sentence to another is much smoother with transition words and phrases. Look for these throughout the paragraph to
determine if they are used enough. Some common transition words and phrases include: [5]

 Sequence: then, next, finally, first, second, third, last

 Cause and effect: for this reason, as a result, consequently, thus, therefore, hence
 Contrast or comparison: but, however, conversely, similarly, likewise, in the same way, also
 Example: for example, for instance, in fact, to illustrate
 Purpose: for this reason, to this end, for this purpose
 Time or place: before, after, immediately, in the meantime, below, above, to the south, nearby [6]
Part 3
Reviewing the End of the Essay

Note how the author readdresses the thesis statement. At the end of an essay, the author should restate or readdress the
thesis statement in some way. It is ideal if the thesis is not repeated word-for-word. Instead, there should be a new
discussion of the thesis in light of the information that the author presented in their body paragraphs. [7]

 For example, if the essay was about the benefits of recycling and why it is important to recycle, then the
conclusion might include a sentence that reads, “Despite all of the benefits of recycling and how easy it is to
recycle, many people still don’t do it.”
 For a narrative essay that begins with a description of how nervous the author was to walk down the hall
on the first day at a new school, the author could make a similar return to the introduction. The conclusion might
include something like, “That first day was terrifying and walking down the hall felt like walking to my doom,
but I learned that I was not the only one who felt that way.”

Consider what kind of impression the essay made on you. By the time you finish reading an essay, you should have
some sort of takeaway from it. This could be in the form of a favorite scene, a poignant argument, or a vivid description
that stuck with you. Reflect on what you have just read to determine what stood out the most. [8]

 For example, at the end of a narrative essay you might be left thinking about the vivid description of a
favorite family meal.
 An argumentative essay may leave you thinking about the moral dilemma raised by the author regarding
gun control.
 An expository essay about polar bears might leave you with a new appreciation for their size and strength.

Make sure no new information is introduced. A conclusion should not include any new information. It should only
summarize the ideas presented in the essay. Read over the conclusion to make sure it fulfills these requirements.

 If the conclusion does introduce new information, note this in your evaluation.
Part 4
Evaluating Cited Sources

Check for in-text citations if sources were required. If the assignment specified that the essay should include in-text
citations, make sure these are present and correctly formatted. Each piece of evidence cited by the writer should be
accompanied by a citation.

 Make sure the citations are formatted according to the style guide listed on the assignment sheet, such as
MLA, APA, or Chicago Style.
Verify that cited information is consistent with the original source. Compare the cited evidence used as support in the
essay to the original author's ideas. Make sure the essay author is accurately presenting the information and look for signs
of plagiarism.

 You may not have time to do this for every single piece of evidence, especially if you have a lot of
students. If this is the case, you could randomly check 1-2 pieces of evidence for each essay you grade.

Review the works cited page to make sure it's correct. First, check that all of the cited sources are included on the
works cited page. Next, make sure the citations are correctly formatted according to the specified style guide
requirements. Read over the citation information to make sure it appears appropriate for the assignment.

 If you're in doubt about a source, use the information on the works cited page to find the original source
and review it.
 Remember that the format should match the assigned style guide, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago Style.
Part 5
Grading an Essay

Consider how well the essay addresses the prompt or question. A well-written essay will respond to the prompt or
question in a clear, effective way. If the author has not responded to the prompt, or if they have done so incorrectly, then
this will have a negative impact on the entire essay.

 Some teachers and professors require students to rewrite essays that do not satisfy the basic requirements
of an assignment. If you come across an essay like this, then you might want to meet with the student to discuss
their options.

Use a rubric to structure your grading. Having a checklist to guide you as you read and grade papers is a helpful way to
ensure that you do not overlook anything and it can make grading much easier. Make a list of the criteria you are looking
for in an essay and assign a points value to each item.

 Before you assign points to the criteria, rank them in order of importance for this assignment. This will
help you create a points system that relates to the goal for this assignment.
 It's best to give your students a copy of the rubric when you make the assignment. This allows the
students to understand your grading process and expectations.
 Your checklist might include:
 Introduction
 Thesis statement
 Organization
 Development of ideas
 Clarity
 Mechanics

Deduct points if an item is missing, incorrect, or incomplete. Make sure that you assign a points value to each item on
your checklist and decide how much you will deduct if the item is missing, incorrect, or incomplete. Then, use this to help
you grade the essay as you read it.[9]

 For example, if you require students to include a thesis statement in the first paragraph to outline the
paper’s argument, then you might deduct 15 points if it is missing, or 10 points if it is incomplete or incorrect.

How to Analyze a Short Story

Despite the fact that they’re relatively short and simple, there’s still a lot
to discover with an in-depth analysis of a short story. Start by trying to
summarize what the story is about, then look more closely at aspects of
the story such as context, setting, plot, characterization, themes, and
style. Tie it all together with a thoughtful critique and summary of what
you think the author was trying to accomplish.
Part 1
Putting the Story in Context


Gather basic information about the story. Summarizing the story will help
you organize your thoughts and ensure that you have a basic understanding of
the story.[1] Start your analysis by writing down:

 The title of the story.

 The author’s name.
 The date of publication.
 Where the story was originally published (e.g., in an anthology or a
literary magazine).
 For example, “I am analyzing ‘Jeeves Takes Charge’ by P. G.
Wodehouse, originally published in the November 18, 1916 edition
of The Saturday Evening Post.”

Identify the major characters. Most short stories are character-driven. Take a
few moments to determine who the major characters are in your story, and
write them down. For example, in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” the major characters

 A young English aristocrat, Bertie Wooster.

 Bertie’s valet (personal attendant), Jeeves.
 Bertie’s fiancée, Florence Craye.
 Bertie’s uncle Willoughby.
 Florence’s teenaged brother Edwin.

Give a brief outline of the plot. Once you’ve written down the basic details,
write a paragraph or a couple sentences summarizing what the story is about. It
doesn’t need to cover all the plot points—just try to boil it down to the
absolute basics.[2]

 For example, “‘Jeeves Takes Charge’ is about an airheaded young

aristocrat (Bertie Wooster) who tries to sabotage the publication of his
uncle’s scandalous memoirs in order to please his fiancée. Meanwhile,
Bertie’s valet, Jeeves, is scheming to break up Bertie’s engagement.”

Research the author’s personal and literary background. Understanding
the context of a short story can give you a lot of insight into why the story was
written the way it was. Learning about who the author was and what
conventions they were familiar with is a major part of putting any story in
context. Knowing something about the author’s experiences and viewpoints, as
well as any literary or philosophical school they were a part of, can shed light
on why they chose to use certain themes, plot points, and character types. [3]

 For example, P. G. Wodehouse was a Classically educated author

who grew up in late Victorian and Edwardian England. During the
1910s, he lived and worked in New York as an author, lyricist, and
playwright. His stories combine references to classic Western
literature with references to contemporary British and American pop

Learn about the time and place when/where the story was written. In
addition to learning about the author’s background, knowing the general
historical and geographical context of the story can help you understand it
better. Even if the story is set in a different time and place from when/where it
was written, the story’s context will inevitably influence the themes, language,
tone, and viewpoints presented in the story.[4]

 Take note of any major social and political issues of the time period,
and any popular artistic movements. Major cultural and political shifts
are often reflected in short stories, whether purposefully or in a more
subtle context.
 For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” is set in an English country
estate in the 1910s, but it was published in America during the early
years of WWI (before America’s involvement in the war). It plays on
humorous American stereotypes of the English aristocracy while
avoiding references to contemporary historical events.

Determine the intended audience. A story’s intended audience will affect the
choices the author makes in presenting the story. For example, a story written
for children will probably have a different tone, themes, and vocabulary level
from a story aimed at adults. As you analyze the story, consider for whom the
author was writing.

 If you’re not sure about the intended audience, the publication venue
can give you some clues.
 For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” was published in The Saturday
Evening Post, a weekly entertainment magazine for American adults.
The story was designed to appeal to an adult, middle class American

Identify the physical setting. The setting of a story provides atmosphere and
helps the action feel more grounded and real. It can also play a significant role
in how the plot of the story plays out. Try to identify where, specifically, the
story is set, and think about how the author creates the setting. Ask yourself
what the setting might mean for the story’s characters and readers, whether it
motivates the characters in any way, or what symbolic meaning it might carry.

 For example, most of “Jeeves Takes Charge” is set at Easeby Hall, a

fictional country estate in Shropshire, England. Wodehouse does not
describe the setting in great detail, but creates an impression by
offering minor details in passing (e.g., Bertie hides behind a suit of
armor in his uncle’s library while waiting to steal the manuscript).

Look at the historical setting. The time when a story is set can also be very
significant. While the author may not specify exactly when the story is taking
place, you can usually get a good idea by looking at clues like the language
that the characters use, references to historical events or popular culture, and
even descriptions of costume and technology.

 For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” is set in the summer, “about

half a dozen years ago.” If we assume this means 6 years before the
story was published, then it is set in 1910.
 There are also other clues to the general time setting, like references
to telegraphs and Bertie’s use of period-specific slang (like “rummy”
meaning “strange,” or “a frost” meaning “a failure”).
 Some stories may have historical settings that are changed or
interrupted in the narrative structure. In these instances, look at what
effect the fractured or non-linear setting might create.

Assess how the setting affects the story. One way to approach this is to think
about how the story might be different if it were in a different setting. Would
the tone of the story feel the same? Would the events and themes of the story
fit in another setting? How are the characters and their beliefs and actions
influenced by their historical, cultural, and geographical context?[6]

 For example, if “Jeeves Takes Charge” took place in 2018, how

likely would it be that a young man like Bertie would employ a
personal attendant like Jeeves? How would Bertie steal his uncle’s
manuscript in an age when most documents are written and sent
2 Part

Evaluating Plot and Characterization


List the most important event(s) in the plot. The plot is the sequence of
related events that make up a story.[7] Because of their limited length, most
short story plots focus on a relatively small number of important events. In
order to understand the short story’s plot, start by making a list of the major
events covered by the plot. For example, in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” the major
plot points are:

 Bertie’s fiancée, Florence, asks Bertie to steal and destroy the

manuscript of his uncle’s memoirs because she is worried it will cause
a scandal.
 Bertie steals the manuscript, but Florence's brother catches him in
the act and tells the uncle.
 Jeeves takes the manuscript before Bertie's uncle can find it. Bertie
thinks Jeeves is keeping the manuscript safe, but he has actually sent
it on to the publisher.
 Florence breaks off the engagement when she finds out the memoirs
have been published. Bertie is angry at first, but Jeeves convinces him
that he would have been unhappy married to Florence.

Identify the main conflict. Most plots revolve around a major conflict.
Conflict in a story is a dramatic struggle between 2 opposing forces. This
could take the form of a dispute between 2 characters (external conflict), or a
struggle between opposing desires within a single character (internal conflict).
[8] A short story may have multiple conflicts, but there is usually 1 primary
conflict that defines the story.

 In “Jeeves Takes Charge,” the major conflict is between Bertie and

Jeeves. The 2 characters engage in a power struggle that starts out
small (e.g., disagreements over what Bertie should wear) and comes
to a head when Jeeves breaks up Bertie’s engagement to Florence.

Look for exposition. Many plots incorporate exposition, or background
information that helps set the scene and allows the reader to more easily
understand what is happening. While exposition may be scattered throughout
the story, the bulk of it is likely to appear at the beginning, before the “rising
action” that begins the main part of the story.[9]
 For example, at the beginning of “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Bertie’s
narration starts with a brief explanation of his relationship with
Jeeves. This sets the stage for the rest of the story.

Divide the plot into its main parts. Traditional plots can be divided into a
clear beginning, middle, and end, also known as “rising action,” “climax,” and
“falling action.” Keep in mind, though, that these 3 parts may not be balanced,
especially in a short story, where the text might be mostly rising action. Short
stories often end on their climaxes, giving readers a sudden insight. [10] A
more traditional structure, as seen in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” might be divided
up as follows:

 Rising action: Bertie visits his uncle, hires Jeeves, and steals his
uncle’s manuscript.
 Climax: Jeeves intercepts the manuscript and secretly sends it to the
publisher, causing Florence to break the engagement.
 Falling action: Bertie is ready to fire Jeeves, but Jeeves convinces
him that Florence was not a good match for him.

Pinpoint the resolution. While not all plots have a clear resolution, this is a
common element of many short stories. The resolution may be a brief
explanation of what happened after the main events of the story, or it may tie
up any loose ends left over after the “falling action.”[11] A resolution may also
tie back into the beginning of the story in some way.

 For example, in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” the conflict is resolved

when Bertie decides that he trusts Jeeves’s judgment—not just in the
matter the engagement, but in all of his personal affairs. This ties in
with the opening paragraph, where Bertie explains that he has come to
rely on Jeeves’s wisdom.

Analyze the structure of the plot. Once you’ve identified the major plot
points, consider how the plot is structured. Is it presented in chronological
order, or does it jump around in time? Does the story begin before the main
action starts, or does it open in the middle of the action (in media res)? Is it left
open-ended, or is there a tidy resolution to the story? Then, think about why
the author structured their plot that way, and what effect or meaning could be
derived from the structure.

 For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” has a straightforward, linear

plot that moves from 1 event to the next in chronological order.

Evaluate the point of view of the story. Point of view is an important aspect
of a story, since it provides the lens through which you interpret the events,
characters, and themes of the story. While examining point of view, always ask
yourself why the author made certain choices, and how they’re significant.
You could even imagine what the story would be like with a different point of
view, and what effect that would have on your reading experience. When
reading the story, consider:

 From whose point of view is the story told? Is it one of the

characters in the story, or an unnamed observer?
 Is the story narrated in the first person (the narrator refers to
themselves as “I” and “me”) or third person?
 Does the narrator present a clear, straightforward account of the
events of the story, or do they misunderstand what’s happening or
deliberately mislead the reader (an unreliable narrator)?
 Is the narrator’s perspective limited, or do they understand
everything that is happening in the story?

Identify the major characters’ defining traits. The characters are the
lifeblood of most short stories. The plot develops from their actions. As you
read the story, think about what defines each of the characters for you, and
why you think the author gave them these traits. Character traits could include
things like:[12]

 Physical appearance (e.g., height, hair color, attractiveness, style of

 Personality traits (such as kindness, creativity, cowardice, sense of
 Speaking style (slangy, formal, terse, poetic).
 Other traits, such as age, profession, or social status.
Determine what role each character plays in the story. Each character
should play some part in moving the story along. You might define their role
in terms of how they relate to other characters, or how their actions set the
events of the plot in motion.[13] For example:

 Bertie Wooster is the protagonist and narrator of “Jeeves Takes

Charge.” He is a comedic figure rather than a classic literary hero, and
he consistently fails to accomplish his goals throughout the story. He
is a stereotype designed to appeal to American audiences of the time.

Assess the motivations of each character. For the characters’ actions in a
story to make sense, they must have clearly defined motivations. Motivations
determine the way a character thinks, acts, and speaks. Sometimes, these
motivations are explicitly spelled out. In other cases, they may be hidden
between the lines. Think about why each character behaves as they do, and
what they are trying to accomplish.[14]

 For example, in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Jeeves tells Bertie that he

sabotaged the engagement because he thinks Bertie would be unhappy
married to Florence. He also hints indirectly at a more self-serving
motivation—he worked for Florence’s family in the past, and doesn’t
want to have to work for her again.
Examine how the characters change during the story, if at all. In some
short stories, the characters experience some type of development as the plot
progresses, such as discovering something new about themselves or
undergoing a change in their beliefs or attitudes. However, many other short
stories show their characters remaining the same, with the author simply
providing a picture of the character rather than showing their full development,
which is more common in novels.

 For example, at the beginning of “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Bertie

views Jeeves as a competent servant, but resists Jeeves’s efforts to
advise and guide him. After realizing on reflection that he agrees with
Jeeves about Florence, Bertie decides that he is better off with Jeeves
“doing the thinking for me.”
 When looking at character development, consider not only the
nature of the change, but how and why the change occurs. If you don’t
think the characters have changed or developed, think about why that
might be as well.
3 Part

Exploring Themes, Tone, and Style


Determine what the major themes are in the story. Themes are the major
ideas that the author attempts to convey or reflect on in the story through the
events of the plot or the actions of the characters. Themes might include things
like moral or ethical issues or ideas relating to society or human nature.
Themes in a short story may be obvious or subtle, and a story may deal with
multiple themes.[15]

 For example, a major theme in “Jeeves Takes Charge” is the nature

of power and authority in a master-servant relationship. Bertie is
Jeeves’s employer, but Jeeves has the upper hand in the relationship
because of his intelligence and relatively forceful personality.

Examine the story for references and allusions. References and allusions
help create powerful associations by linking events, characters, or objects in
the story to other works or ideas that are familiar to the reader. References may
be explicit (e.g., “As Shakespeare said . . .”) or more indirect (e.g., the story
might make an allusion to Dickens’s A Christmas Carol by having a character
say “Bah, humbug!”).[16]

 For example, “Jeeves Takes Charge” contains a reference to

Thomas Hood’s ballad, The Dream of Eugene Aram (1831), in the
form of a misremembered quote by Bertie. The ballad deals with the
theme of murder, to which Bertie compares his crime of stealing and
destroying his uncle’s manuscript.

Identify symbolism and imagery. Many authors use symbolism and imagery
to convey ideas. Symbolism involves using a physical object or even a person
to represent an abstract idea (e.g., a white rose symbolizing purity or
innocence). Imagery refers to using words to create a mental picture, which
may be literal or metaphorical.

 For example, at the end of “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Bertie tells

Jeeves that he can get rid of a checked suit that Jeeves dislikes. Jeeves
remarks that he has already gotten rid of it. The suit is symbolic of
Bertie’s agency—when he gives up the suit, he also hands over
control of his life to Jeeves (who was really already in charge).

Check for other literary devices. A story may also use a variety of other
literary devices to convey its major themes and ideas. Consider whether the
story you are analyzing uses devices such as:[17]

 Foreshadowing, in which clues are given early in the story that

suggest later plot developments.
 Irony, in which there is a discrepancy between what a character says
and what they actually mean, or between what they intend to achieve
and what they actually accomplish.
 Allegory, in which the events, characters, or setting of the story are
meant to reflect some more general truth or idea.

Assess the tone of the story. Tone refers to the attitude that the author
expresses toward the story and its characters. Tone is expressed through a
variety of means, including word choices, imagery, point-of-view, and content.
As you read, think about the tone that the author is trying to convey.[18]

 The tone of “Jeeves Takes Charge” is light and humorous.

Wodehouse (the author) views the events of the story as trivial and
silly. He highlights the humor of the characters and situations by using
heightened, dramatic language and imagery.
 For example, while trying to decide how to dispose of his uncle’s
manuscript, Bertie compares himself to a murderer trying to hide a

Define the mood of the story. Mood refers to the feelings that the story
invokes in you, the reader. The mood of the story is largely determined by the
tone of the piece, but it can also be created by the setting, themes, and
language of the story.[19] Think about how the story made you feel as you read
it. Did you laugh? Did you feel sad, upset, or disgusted at any point?

Look at the style of the story. Style refers largely to the way the author uses
language. For example, a story might be written in a style that is slangy and
informal or flowery and poetic. It might be wordy or concise. Style can affect
the tone and mood of the story, and can play a part in how you perceive the
characters and plot.[20]
 In “Jeeves Takes Charge,” Wodehouse combines formal, poetic
Edwardian language with contemporary slang to create a unique,
humorous style.
 For example: “The sun was sinking over the hills and the gnats were
fooling about all over the place, and everything smelled rather topping
—what with the falling dew, and so on . . .”
Part 4
Writing Up Your Analysis

Start with a thesis statement. This is a brief summary of the main argument
you will be making about the story. Write a sentence or 2 clearly explaining
what your essay will be about. Place this statement at the end of a brief
introductory paragraph, which might include basic information about the story
and/or a summary of the nature of the assignment.[21]

 For example, “‘Jeeves Takes Charge,’ by P. G. Wodehouse, is one

of the earliest short stories to feature Bertie Wooster and his valet,
Jeeves, who would eventually become iconic figures in the canon of
comedic English literature. This story utilizes humor and dramatic
irony to explore themes of agency, authority, and the nature of
interpersonal relationships.”
 The form and content of the thesis may depend on the assignment.
For example, if you are supposed to answer a specific question about
the story, make sure your thesis addresses that question.
Describe your overall impressions of the story. Once you’ve analyzed the
component parts of the story, you may have a stronger impression of what it is
about and how you feel about it. Briefly reflect on the story, and consider what
aspects of it left the greatest impression on you.[22] For example:

 Which turns of phrase or word choices stood out to you the most?
 Which character(s) did you like the best or least, and why?
 Which moment in the plot made the greatest impression on you?
Were you surprised by anything that happened?
 How do you feel about the story? Do you like it or dislike it? Did
you feel like you learned something from it, or did it evoke any
particularly strong feelings in you?

Discuss whether you feel the story is successful. Think about the story
critically. There are a lot of different criteria that you might use to decide
whether the story is good or effective. For example, you might ask yourself:

 Did this story evoke the kinds of emotions that the author intended?
Why or why not?
 Is the style distinctive and interesting?
 Did the story feel original?
 Were the characters and plot sufficiently developed? Did the
characters’ actions make sense?
Support your arguments with evidence. If you make an argument about the
story, it’s important to back it up with specific examples. You could draw
evidence from within the story itself (e.g., you could quote or paraphrase a
passage that supports your point) or from the external context of the story
(such as information about the author or parallels from contemporary

 If you wished to argue that Wodehouse drew intentional parallels

between Jeeves and Florence in “Jeeves Takes Charge,” you could
support this by quoting passages that highlight these parallels.
 For example, "Bertie says of Jeeves early on that '. . . unless I was
jolly careful and nipped this lad in the bud, he would be starting to
boss me. He had the aspect of a distinctly resolute blighter.' Later, he
agrees with Jeeves’s assessment that Florence 'is of a highly
determined and arbitrary temperament, quite opposed to your own.'”

Summarize your interpretation of what the author was trying to say. A
basic summary of your interpretation of the story is a good way to round out
your analysis. Consider what the story was about beyond the basic plot. Think
about how the author used setting, plot, language, tone, symbolism, allusions,
and other literary devices to convey the major themes or ideas of the story.
How did these elements combine to create the meaning in the story?[24]

 For example, you might say, “‘Jeeves Takes Charge’ is a story about
a young man struggling to maintain his agency and autonomy as he
becomes caught up in parallel conflicts with 2 other major players in
his life: his fiancée and his valet. In the end, Bertie decides that
Florence is too controlling and manipulative. Ironically, he ultimately
embraces those same qualities in Jeeves.”

How to Analyze Poetry

Do you feel like reading and analyzing poetry is like trying to decipher
an ancient, lost art? Well, never fear! Whether you're trying to write
about poetry for an assignment or just critiquing it for fun, the process
of analyzing poetry is all about delving into form and meter, as well as
theme, setting, and character. You should also consider the language,
imagery, style, and context of the poem to better understand it. With
enough patience and attention, you can learn how to analyze poetry on
a deeper level.

1 Part

Identifying the Form and Meter


Read the poem out loud. Start by reading the poem aloud several times. Take
your time and pronounce each word slowly. Be careful not to skip any words
or rush through any lines. Each word and line of the poem is important, so
spend time listening to how each one sounds.[1]

 Have a pencil or pen on hand when you read the poem aloud.
Underline or circle any words that stand out to you as you read.
 Sometimes it can also help to listen to the poet read their own work
aloud. Check online to see if you can find an audio clip of the poet
reading their poem.
Listen to the rhythm of the poem. As you read the poem aloud, notice if it
has a certain rhythm to it. The rhythm will be part of the overall meaning of
the poem. Think about how the rhythm makes you feel as a listener.

 For example, you may notice that there are a lot of short, clipped
lines in the poem, creating a jumpy rhythm. Or you may notice there
are a lot of long lines that flow on into the other, creating a more fluid

Notice how the poem is separated or broken up. Poems are broken into
sections called stanzas. Stanzas can range from four lines to ten lines or more.
Some poems have just one stanza and others have multiple stanzas. Look at the
poem and count how many stanzas there are. Consider how the stanzas relate
to each other or transition into one another.

 Ask yourself, “Why would the poet organize the stanzas this way?”
“What does the structure of the poem have to do with the meaning of
the poem?”
 Poems can also be divided into numbered sections instead of
 Some poems are not broken into stanzas and appear as words
scattered on the page. In this case, think about why the poet would
divide the poem into words or phrases, rather than lines and stanzas.
Determine the rhyme scheme, if there is one. Notice if certain words rhyme
in each line of the poem. Look for a pattern where certain lines contain a
rhyme, usually at the end of the lines. Write down the rhyme scheme using the
letters “A” and “B” to notate rhyming lines.[2]

 For example, if you notice the first line and the third line rhyme, you
will represent them as “A” in the rhyme scheme. If you notice the
second and fourth lines also rhyme, you will represent them as “B.”
This means the rhyme scheme will be “ABAB” for the poem.
 If you notice there are different rhymes in the fifth, sixth, seventh, or
eighth lines of the poem, you will use "C" and "D" to note them. For
example, you may have a poem with a rhyme scheme like

Look at the meter. The meter in the poem is the number of beats, or stressed
syllables, in each line. Stressed syllables will sound louder or more
pronounced when you read them aloud. Unstressed syllables will sound softer.
Listen for the stressed syllables in each line of the poem.

 For example, you may notice that the first line in the poem has three
stressed syllables and the second line has two stressed syllables. This
will give the poem a certain meter.
 Another way you can determine the meter is by scanning the poem.
This technique can help you better understand the rhythm and
structure of the poem. You will need to double space the poem and
have a physical copy of it on hand to scan it.

Identify the form of the poem. Once you have determined the rhyme scheme
and meter of the poem, determine its form. The form is the type of poem it is,
such as haiku, sonnet, sestina, free-verse, or limerick. Review different forms
to find the one that fits the poem.[3]

 For example, if you have a poem that is three lines and that follows
a 5-7-5 syllable pattern, it is likely a haiku. You may talk about how a
haiku is meant to be a snapshot of a moment in time. You can also
discuss the history of the haiku and how it has been used by Japanese
poets, as well as Western poets, to describe moments in nature.
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Part 1 Quiz
What is the meter of a poem?
The sections the poem is broken into
The rhyming lines within the poem
The number of stressed syllables in each line
The type of poem

2 Part

Discussing Theme, Character, and Setting

Analyze the title. Read the title and consider it carefully. Consider what it tells
you about the poem's subject, tone, and form. What does it suggest to you as a
reader? What does it conjure up in your mind?[4]

 For example, if you are reading a poem called “Sonnet 47,” you can
determine that the poem is in the sonnet form and is part of a series of
numbered sonnets written by the same poet.
 If you are reading a poem called “One Art,” you can deduce that the
poem is about an art form, perhaps writing.
 You should return to the title once you have finished reading the
poem to determine its context and to see if you understand it more

Identify the speaker. Determine if the poem is in the first, second or third
person. Consider if the speaker is addressing someone else in the poem. Notice
if there is only one speaker or multiple people speaking. Count how many
characters are mentioned in the poem.[5]

 For example, if you were analyzing the poem “Digging” by Seamus

Heaney, you may notice the poem is in first person and the speaker is
the only person talking in the poem. However, there are three
characters in the poem: the speaker, his father, and his grandfather. [6]
 You may then talk about how Heaney discusses themes like family
and individual expression through the inclusion of these three
characters in the poem.

Discuss the situation presented in the poem. Outline what is happening in
the poem. Describe what the speaker is doing. Discuss what the speaker is
observing. Write a short synopsis of what you think happens in the poem.[7]

 For example, for the poem “Digging” by Seamus Heaney, you may
write a synopsis about the speaker sitting at his writing desk with his
pen and observing his father digging up potatoes in the backyard.

Discuss the setting of the poem. Note where and when the events in the poem
are taking place. Check if a time period is mentioned in the poem or a time of
day. Look for details on where the speaker is in the poem.[8]

 For example, if you were looking at the poem “Saturday, Sunday,

Monday, Tuesday” by Rachel Zucker, you might notice the poem
describes neighborhood details like a soccer field, a daycare, and a
flea market. You may also notice that the poem mentions Saturday
morning and Sunday morning so it covers a set of days in a row.[9]
 You may then discuss how the poem is neighborhood-focused and
very of the moment, allowing the poet to address ideas like routine,
neighbourhood life, and belonging in a community.

Determine the theme. The theme focuses on what the purpose of the poem is.
Consider what the poet is trying to express or explore in the poem. There may
be one central theme in the poem or several themes. [10]

 For example, in Heaney's poem “Digging,” the speaker looks at the

different ways his family works. The speaker works with a pen and
paper to dig for the truth and for survival, while his family dug the
earth for potatoes to eat and live. The poem explores themes like
“family,” “survival,” and “individual expression.”
0 / 4

Part 2 Quiz
True or False: A poem can have more than one theme.

3 Part

Looking at the Language and Imagery


Circle words that appear more than once in the poem. Repeated words are
often important and speak to the larger meaning of the poem. Consider what
the repeated words have to do with the poem as a whole.[11]
 For example, you may notice in the poem “Daddy” by Sylvia Plath,
the words “daddy,” “Jew,” and “you” appear multiple times. They are
used in different ways each time they are mentioned, giving the words
many different meanings in the context of the poem.[12]

Circle words you do not recognize and look them up. Go through the poem
and circle any words that are unfamiliar to you. Then, use a dictionary to look
up the definition of each word. Consider the definition of the word in the
context of the poem. This will help you better understand the poem as a whole.

Identify concrete images. Concrete images are images that feel tangible and
clear. They are often described used the five senses: taste, touch, smell,
hearing, and sight. Look for concrete images in the poem and consider why
they are used.[14]

 For example, in Heaney's poem “Digging,” there are many concrete

images, such as “the gravelly ground,” “his straining rump,” “the
coarse boot,” and “milk in a bottle/Corked sloppily with paper.”[15]
 You may then discuss how these concrete images add to the themes
or main ideas in the poem. They may also move you emotionally as a
reader and give you a clear sense of the speaker's point of view.
Look for metaphors and similes. A metaphor compares one thing to another.
A simile compares one thing to another using “like” or “as.” Scan the poem for
metaphors and similes, as they are often used to create detailed images. [16]

 For example, in Plath's “Daddy,” she uses similes like “Ghastly

statue with one gray toe/Big as a Frisco seal” and “The boot in the
face, the brute/Brute heart of a brute like you.”[17]
 You can then talk about how these similes add to the
characterization of the "daddy" character in the poem. You may note
that the similes often refer to themes like violence and death, as well
as love and desire.

Check for other literary devices. Look for other literary devices like
personification, where an inanimate object is given human qualities, or
alliteration, where the same syllable sounds are used in a row. Consider why
the poet used certain literary devices in the poem, and how the literary devices
affect the meaning of the poem.

 You can find a comprehensive list of literary devices

0 / 4

Part 3 Quiz
Which of these is an example of a concrete image?
"Her nervous thoughts."
"The crooked stairs."
"The gift of freedom."
"Their happy marriage."

4 Part

Determining the Context and Style


Determine when the poem was written. See if you can find out when the
poem was composed. Determine the time period or date the poem was written
or published. Look online for this information and check to see if the publish
date is noted on the poem.[18]

 You should also find out more about where the poem was written,
such as the city or country. This can help you learn more about why
the poem is structured the way it is as well as what the poem might be

Check if the poem is part of a cycle or series. Note if the poem is a stand
alone piece or part of a series of poems written by the poet. Maybe the poem is
a sonnet that is part of a series of sonnets or a crown of sonnets. Perhaps the
poem is part of a cycle of poems on the same subject or theme. [19]
 Some poems will note that they are part of a cycle or a series. Do
research online or visit your local library to find out more on the
context of the poem.
 You can then discuss how the other poems in the cycle or series
relate to the poem you are analyzing. You may notice differences or
similarities between the poems in the cycle or series.

Read more about the poet's life and work. Look into the biography of the
poet. Consider their other published works, as well as their professional and
personal life. Notice if there are common themes or a common style to the
poet's work. You can then reference these aspects in your discussion of certain
poems by them.[20]

 Check online for a biography of the poet. Read more of the poet's
other works online or at your local library to get a better sense of their
style and interests. You can then discuss how the poem you are
analyzing reflects or contradicts the poet's style or interests.
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Part 4 Quiz
Why should you research the time period in which the poem was written?
It can help you understand words you don't know.
It can help you discover why the author wrote the poem.
It can help you learn more about the poet.
It can help you determine events that may have influenced the author.
1. What is the author trying to say? Answer this question by summarising
the main argument in two or three sentences.


The text gives an account of the potential of nanotechnology in

computer technology research. It also warns against the risk of not
effectively coordinating the technology when it is developed. In this
case, the title itself provides a good summary of the content.

2. Who is the text intended for (the audience)? Other people who do similar
work to the author, or anybody who has a general interest?


The text is essentially a review of some of the current scientific

political and business aspects of the topic and would be of most
interest to people who would want to know what kind of research
was being conducted into the technology, and who was conducting
it. This is supported by the technical elements of the text and the
references to specialist organisations.

3. Is the author trying to persuade you or inform you in the text?


The aim would appear to be to inform the reader of the current

situation regarding the topic.

4. Can you think of anything that is left out of the text?


On the surface, the article would appear to cover a good range of

research questions related to the topic as well as issues related to
the policy decision of its use. However, a reader who is familiar with
the field may identify missing elements or themes.

5. Does the author present a balanced picture of the topic?


Balance would appear to be achieved between reporting the

situation regarding research on the one hand, and political and
business issues related to its development on the other. There is
only a very brief reference to the concerns that some have over the
development of this technology, although the title suggests that this
is not an aspect that the article would be covering.

6. Does the writer oversimplify complex ideas?


Clearly there are very complex ideas associated with

nanotechnology. Aspects of the technology are referred to for the
purpose of the text, and many of these are in the form of quotations
from researchers. For the purpose of this article, they appear to
respond with sufficient detail to illustrate the points that are made.

7. Are the ideas of others represented fairly and accurately?


This article is largely composed of the views of others. Extensive use

of quotation is used to represent the views of those involved in
research with paraphrase often used to introduce the direct
quotations. Clearly the emphasis is on the views of those who
regard nanotechnology as having a significant impact on computer
technology through its application. Although “most experts agree
that the real world application of nanotechnology is at least a
decade away”, it is possible that some of these experts would argue
that the setting up of groups or organisations to coordinate the use
of this technology is a little premature. These views are not

8. Is there evidence to support the points made by the author?


There are extensive and fully referenced quotations and

paraphrases of those working in the area. Greater use of quotation
and paraphrase is a feature of writing reviews in academic writing,
such as a Literature Review in a thesis.

9. Is there any indication of bias from the examples, tone or language used
by the author?

The general message coming from the article is positive concerning

the potential of nanotechnology, but there is concern over the ability
of authorities to coordinate its effective utilisation. The author uses
a neutral tone. In other words, it is difficult to determine the
author's opinion because language that can express feelings about
the topic is not used, unless one accepts that positive views were
deliberately chosen because they reflected the author’s bias.
However, there is no direct evidence of this.

10. Do you agree with the points made by the author?


Your personal response depends on your position towards

nanotechnolgy research and its use. However, it is important to
recognise what the writer has tried to do. The neutral tone,
extensive use of carefully referenced quotation and paraphrase,
balance of content with respect to the title, together with the
academic register of the language, have all combined to create the
academic ‘feel’ of the text. It does not contain examples of
emotional or sensational language to persuade the reader, and
given its length, it appears to cover a reasonably wide range of
points related to the title. These are all features of effective
academic writing.

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