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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Introduction to Ear Training
Students will be able to recognize and quickly identify notes upon hearing them.
Students will be able to recreate pitches with their voice upon hearing them.
State Standards:
Choral Music Standard 2

 NL.2.1
This is a lesson for fifth as a way for them to use the musical skills learned in elementary school
and prepare them for middle school music classes. Introducing and refining aural skills will
improve all other musical areas a student might partake in, as well as generally improving their
understanding of music itself. Coming into the lesson, students will have a basic understanding
of how to read music notes on a staff, will have sung with a group, and will have listened to
many famous musical works. This lesson will come at the end of the year as a way to have fun
with the students as well as challenging them and intriguing them to continue on a musical path.
Students will be originally all together as a class and will then be split into three groups based on
observations of their music comprehensions skills over the course of the school year. These three
groups will each have one or students who have been doing exemplary in order for them to help
or set an example for the rest of the students in the group. The ways that they respond to the
skills being asked of them in this lesson will dictate what ensembles they might be best suited for
in the future of their musical education (such as choir, band, or other ensembles).
Tenuto app
Piano keyboards
Introduction (10 minutes):
The lesson will begin by verbally reviewing what has been learned and completed over the
course of the school year, such as singing, learning about famous composers, learning how to
play songs on the piano, and learning to read music notation. This will function as a mental
review for multiple subjects and also to boost the students’ confidence and instill pride over what
they have accomplished. I will then ask the students what musical endeavors they might be
interested in pursuing in the future, ranging from music classes they want to take in the next year
in middle school to a career as a rockstar in adulthood. I will explain why aural skills are the
foundation of the majority of musical concepts, and we will begin the instruction of new
Teacher Directed (10 minutes):
I will begin actual instruction by explaining the concept of sight singing to the students, then
showing the students a lesson on “Generic Intervals” on, during which I will
allow students to respond, discuss, and ask questions. We will do a small number of example
exercises in which I will demonstrate and then allow students comfortable with the material to
volunteer to partake in an exercise.
Collaborative (15 minutes):
Students will get into their three groups, each group having a keyboard at which to play notes
and intervals. The students will take turns playing notes and generic intervals on the keyboard
while the other students attempt to identify the note. I will come around to each group to provide
guidance and check progress. If a group is doing well, I will then instruct them to begin
attempting to recreate the notes correctly with their voice as well as identifying them.
Independent Digital (10 minutes):

Closure (5 minutes):

Rationale: This website is a widely acclaimed tool for music
students of all ages and experience levels. It allows for the development and practice of a
wide variety of musical skills, especially fundamentals such as reading or aural skills. It
allows for customization of exercises for different learners. This app is
supported by the acclaimed and is a learning and practice tool for
musicians to develop fundamentals. It does not require internet access and allows for
progress reports to be sent to the teacher.

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