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International Conference on Transportation and Development 2016 1

10 Years of Experience Using Warm Mix Asphalt for Airside

Pavements—Boston Logan Airport
Brian Aho, P.E. and David Hein, P.Eng.
Applied Research Associates Inc.
6314 Odana Rd., Madison, WI 53719.
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Sarah Dennechuk, P.E. and Richard Bessom, P.E., CCM

Massachusetts Port Authority
1 Harborside Dr., East Boston, MA 02128
E-mail: and


Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) was the first major airport in the United States to
incorporate warm mix asphalt (WMA) into asphalt concrete specifications for both runway and
non-runway locations. With the increase in wide-body aircraft in the 1990s, rutting of the airside
pavements at BOS became a problem. From 1995 to 2003, attempts were made to address the
rutting problem by “stiffening” the asphalt mixes. This led to moisture-sensitive mixes, and in
the early 2000s, stripping of the asphalt became an issue. Several WMA projects were completed
at BOS between 2006 and 2015. Initially, non-WMA control sections were used in critical
locations to provide a baseline for evaluating the rutting performance of WMA sections. The first
WMA project, in 2006, was the placement of a WMA binder course on the Terminal C alleyway.
In 2007, a 150-mm-thick (6-inch-thick (alternating 2-75 mm (2-3 inch) and 1-150 mm (1-6 inch
lift)) WMA test strip was included as part of a mill and overlay research project on Taxiway A.
In 2008, 24,000 tonnes (26,000 tons) of WMA was used as a part of the rehabilitation of Runway
22L. This project consisted of a 200-mm (8-inch) inlay on the outboard sections of the runway.
In 2009, a larger project—50,000 tonnes (55,000 tons)—was constructed for rehabilitation of
Runway 9-27, which consisted of a WMA overlay 75 to 175 mm (3 to 7 inches) thick. The ease
of WMA compaction was demonstrated along with reduced emissions and energy savings. Also
in 2009, WMA was used in the extension of Taxiway Delta at Logan, 36,000 tonnes (40,000
tons). Additionally, new Taxiway G had 250 mm (10 inches) of WMA placed on newly
constructed portions of the taxiways, and existing Taxiway C received a 75-mm (3-inch) inlay of
WMA. All of the projects at BOS used Sasobit technology and also incorporated from 15 to 20
percent reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). The WMA was placed and compacted in maximum
100-mm (4-inch) lifts, whereas 75-mm (3-inch) lifts are typical. A PG 64-28 virgin binder with 4
percent latex modifier and 1.5 percent Sasobit by weight of binder was used for all projects. An
anti-stripping additive consisting of 1 percent lime was added to the mixture to alleviate prior
issues with moisture sensitivity. This paper describes the process used to evaluate the potential of
WMA for airside pavements, along with the lessons learned from asphalt production and
placement. The results of condition monitoring from a variety of production sections are
presented along with recommendations for the successful use of WMA.


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Warm mix asphalt (WMA) technologies allow the production and placement of asphalt mixes at
lower temperatures than conventional hot mix asphalt (HMA). This can have several advantages
related to construction, including allowing for longer haul times and extending the paving season.
WMA technologies allow for significant temperature reductions because they alter the viscosity-
temperature relationship of the asphalt binder. WMA can be produced and placed at temperatures
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that are typically 20 to 30°C (35-55°F) lower than traditional HMA for most WMA additives
(D’Angelo et al 2008). Even greater temperature reductions have been observed with some
chemical additives, such as Evotherm 3G, where temperature reductions of up to 60°C (144°F)
have been reported (Hill 2011).

The use of WMA technologies has several potential environmental and economic benefits.
Lower production temperatures require less fuel at the asphalt plant to produce WMA compared
to traditional HMA. Studies have found that fuel consumption is typically reduced by 2 to 3
percent for each 5.5°C (10°F) drop in production temperatures (Young 2007). Lower fuel
consumption has been shown to significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions. According to
Hampton, emissions control accounts for approximately 30 to 50 percent of the overhead costs at
an asphalt plant (Hampton 2013). Thus, significant savings result not only in reduced fuel costs,
but also in reduced emission control costs. In addition to these benefits, worker safety may be
enhanced throughout the production and placement chain, as lower temperatures result in a
reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions which have been associated with
adverse health consequences (D’Angelo et al 2008, Buth et al 2011).

In 2013, the World Road Association (PIARC) conducted a survey regarding WMA
implementation (WRA 2013). A total of 17 countries indicated that they were using WMA for
pavements. It was being widely used in Sweden, Germany, France, Japan, and the United States.
All other countries indicated that its use was still “experimental.” All countries indicated a high
potential for use of WMA, but most cited that the primary barriers to its use were the lack of
long-term performance and cost-effectiveness data. There is concern that WMA’s reduced
stiffness during production could lead to increased susceptibility to rutting. Additionally, lower
production temperatures may be insufficient to remove all moisture from the aggregate, which
could increase the potential for stripping (Kim et al 2012). While these are important concerns to
the long-term performance of WMA pavements, other research has indicated that the use of
reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) can improve resistance to rutting (Aurangzeb et al 2007).

It has long been understood that the inclusion of RAP material can result in a stiffer mix due to
the oxidized age hardened binder contained within the RAP. One study showed that the
introduction of as little as 15 percent RAP was enough to significantly increase the mixture
stiffness (Xiahoela 2007). While this increased stiffness can reduce rutting, it also has the
negative effect of reducing cracking resistance at low temperatures. This property of the RAP
binder has, in large part, limited the amount of RAP that can be added to HMA mixes. However,
with the lower production temperatures of WMA, there is less hardening of the asphalt binder
during production, leading some in the asphalt industry to believe that it is possible to use a
higher percentage of RAP in WMA than in traditional HMA without sacrificing quality (Prowell
et al 2007).


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Warm mix technologies are commonly classified as those that use organic additives or waxes,
water bearing additives, chemical additives or surfactants, and foaming processes that use water.
Some of the technologies available can be classified in more than one category. In terms of
WMA mix design, waxes or other additives can be added to the asphalt binder, along with the
aggregates, or to the asphalt mixture. Foamed asphalt is achieved through the use of plant
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foaming systems where cold water is introduced with the hot asphalt cement, resulting in a
foamed asphalt which is then mixed with the aggregates.
Organic additives typically consist of organic Fischer-Tropsch and Montan waxes which are
mixed with the asphalt binder. The organic waxes have longer chemical chains than petroleum or
paraffin waxes which assist in keeping the wax in solution with the asphalt binder. This also
serves to reduce the binder viscosity, allowing mixing with the aggregates at a lower temperature.
The wax additives are typically 1 to 4 percent of the weight of the asphalt cement, depending on
the type of wax.
Water-bearing additives are typically synthetic additives that release water when subjected to the
temperatures of hot mix production. The most common additive is zeolite, which is composed of
aluminosilicates and alkali metals that contain about 20 percent water by mass. The zeolite is
added into the asphalt/aggregate mixture at the pug mill for batch plants and into the asphalt
binder stream for drum plants. As the temperature of the zeolite rises above the boiling point of
water, the water turns to steam and “foams” with the asphalt cement. This reduces the binder
viscosity and permits mixing at a lower temperature than that for conventional asphalt
Chemical additives or surfactants are injected into the asphalt binder stream. While some contain
water, many are designed to reduce the friction between the binder and aggregate during the
mixing process, allowing mixing at a lower temperature. The quantity of additives depends on
the type of chemical but is generally in the order of 0.2 to 1 percent of the weight of the asphalt
Foaming processes add water to the heated asphalt cement or by mixing water with the heated
fine aggregate fraction of the aggregates. The percentage of water addition is a function of the
bitumen type and temperature and generally ranges from about 1 to 3 percent by mass of asphalt
cement. Some of the processes pre-coat the aggregate with a harder binder to promote binder
adhesion to the aggregate and then foam softer asphalt in the mixing chamber to reduce the
viscosity and permit mixing at a lower temperature.


WMA was first developed in Europe in the mid-1990s and was introduced in the United States in
2002 (Prowell et al 2007). By 2012, the majority of state highway departments had developed
specifications and permitted the use of WMA.
A significant amount of work has been completed in evaluating and implementing WMA
through research and performance studies completed by organizations such as the Federal
Highway Administration, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials, and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (West et al 2014). Still,


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some concern has been expressed regarding the impact of the additives and use of water for the
foaming process.
The aging or “stiffening” process of asphalt concrete mixes occurs in three stages. The first is at
the asphalt plant where the heating of the asphalt binder and mixing with aggregates causes an
increase in the viscosity of the asphalt. The second occurs during transport and placement of the
asphalt concrete as the asphalt concrete is distributed by the asphalt paver and compacted in
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place. The third occurs during the pavement’s design life as it is subjected to both load and
environmental effects such as heating and cooling and oxidation due to weathering and exposure
to the sun’s radiation. The mix design and placement processes are designed to allow the asphalt
cement to be effectively mixed with the aggregate and any additives (recycled asphalt, anti-
stripping additives, etc.), transported to the project site, and compacted to achieve adequate
density. The intent of the design is to produce a product that will not rut under heavy loads and
heating in the summer and will not crack during cold weather periods throughout a design life of
some 20 to 30 years. In addition, a high modulus of elasticity is desired to improve the
pavement’s resistance to flexure under heavy vehicle loading in all climate conditions.
Since WMA is produced at lower temperatures than conventional HMA, it may be possible to
use different asphalt cement grades which may perform better during long-term exposure to
loading and the environment (Bonaquist 2011). However, if conventional asphalt cement grades
are used and asphalt concrete is produced at a lower temperature, the “aging” and stiffness of the
binder during production and placement may be lower, resulting in a mixture that is more prone
to rutting. The design of asphalt mixtures incorporating RAP and its old aged stiffened binder
may improve the resistance of the mix to premature rutting.
Conventional asphalt production is designed to eliminate virtually all water during the mixing
operation (Epps 2014). The primary source of water is typically that “absorbed” into the pores of
the aggregate during production and stockpiling. The aggregates are superheated during the
asphalt production process to drive off the water. Water that remains in the aggregate pores may
prevent the asphalt cement from entering the pores thereby decreasing the adhesion of the asphalt
to the aggregates. In addition, some HMA can be prone to moisture sensitivity problems which
are related to the properties of the asphalt binder, aggregate, climate (rain), and construction
(type of warm mix additive or process) practices. For these situations, the mix design usually
incorporates an “anti-stripping” additive such as an alkyl amine or hydrated lime. These
additives improve the asphalt mix performance in wet conditions.

WMA has more commonly been used for roadway projects than for airside pavements. Many
highway agencies are now confident enough to allow the use of WMA for all pavement
construction projects. Reported advantages of the use of WMA include:
• Reduced plant fuel costs for heating aggregates
• Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
• Improved workability during placement
• More uniform compaction due to reduced temperature variations during haul and
• Increased paving crew comfort in working with a cooler product


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• Longer haul distances possible (one of the original reasons for using WMA)
• Quicker release of pavement for operational use
Disadvantages include:
• Reduced plant production due to complexity of using additives and/or the foaming
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• Increased costs due to reduced productivity and cost of additives

• Increased potential for rutting and moisture damage depending on the type of additive or
process used to produce WMA
• Lack of long-term performance data for WMA pavements

The use of WMA for airside pavements has been limited to date. Table 1 provides a summary of
the airports that have used WMA on airside pavement that receive aircraft loading. Some
additional airports have used WMA on airside shoulder pavement not subjected to aircraft loads.

Table 1. Airside use of WMA.

Airport Year Location
Frankfurt Airport, Germany 2005 Runway
West Bend Airport, Wisconsin 2008 Runway
Anchorage Airport, Alaska 2012 Aircraft Parking Area
Steward Airport, New York 2013/2013 Runway/Taxiway
O’Hare Airport, Chicago 2012 Taxiway (low use)
Boston Logan Airport, Massachusetts 2006 to 2015* Taxiways/Runways
All airside paving projects post 2009 at BOS have used WMA.

WMA was used for a major runway rehabilitation in Frankfurt, Germany, in 2005, primarily
because of the benefits it provided in construction staging.11 The project required the
replacement of the 600 mm (24 in.) thick asphalt courses for a 4,000-m (12,800-ft) long runway
during an 8-hour nighttime construction window and to permit normal aircraft operations on the
runway each day. Lufthansa required that the temperature of the asphalt surface had to be less
than 85°C (185°F) at the start of aircraft operations. By placing the asphalt at a cooler
temperature than that for conventional asphalt, the paving crews were able to rebuild all of the
asphalt layers each night. Over 425,000 tonnes (468,000 tons) of asphalt were placed. The
performance of the runway pavement to date has been good.


Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) was the first major airport in the United States to
incorporate WMA into asphalt concrete specifications for both runway and non-runway locations.
With the increase in wide-body aircraft in the 1990s, rutting of the airside pavements at BOS
became a problem. From 1995 to 2003, attempts were made to address the rutting problem by
“stiffening” the asphalt mixes with different additives. This led to moisture-sensitive mixes, and
in the early 2000s, stripping of the asphalt became an issue (see Figures 1 and 2). While
investigating treatment measures to address the stripping concerns, the benefits of WMA use in
European countries were revealed. Due to the small size of Logan Airport and the diverse
runway layout, many taxiways are used with different runway configurations; so working on


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taxiways requires that they be opened back up for operations quickly. WMA seemed to offer this
benefit, as well as the environmental benefits discussed above.
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Figure 1. Stripping, rutting, and failure of Trinidad Lake asphalt mix (traditional HMA).

Figure 2. Significant stripping and deterioration of core sample (traditional HMA).

However, before allowing WMA on the airfield, testing was completed to identify moisture-
susceptible mixes under traffic at high temperatures. A Model Mobile Load Simulator (MMLS3)
(Figure 3) from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and a Hamburg Wheel Tracking device (Figure
4) from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth were used.


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Figure 3. Model Mobile Load Simulator with asphalt core samples.

Figure 4. Hamburg Wheel Tracking device.

The testing revealed that the tensile strength ratio (TSR) test alone was not a good indicator of
stripping resistance. It was also found that the use of hydrated lime at 1 percent by aggregate
weight was an effective anti-stripping agent. Finally, the addition of 18 percent RAP was
effective in mitigating the rutting problem of the airside pavements. This successful mix (the
“November” mix named after the need for a high stability required for Taxiway November) was
used for several years as Massport’s P401 asphalt mix. After the successful testing of the warm
mix asphalt using the MMLS and the Hamburg Wheel Tracking device, the “November” mix
was then modified further by the addition of 1.4 percent Sasobit for use as Logan’s WMA.


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Several WMA projects were completed at BOS between 2006 and 2015. Initially, non-WMA
control sections were used in critical locations to provide a baseline for evaluating the rutting
performance of WMA sections. The first WMA project, in 2006, was the placement of a WMA
binder course on the Terminal C alleyway. In 2007, a 150-mm-thick (6-inch-thick (alternating 2-
75 mm (2-3 inch) and 1-150 mm (1-6 inch lift)) WMA test strip was included as part of a mill
and overlay research project on Taxiway A. In 2008, 24,000 tonnes (26,000 tons) of WMA was
used as a part of the rehabilitation of Runway 22L. This project consisted of a 200-mm (8-inch)
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inlay on the outboard sections of the runway. In 2009, a larger project—50,000 tonnes (55,000
tons)—was constructed for rehabilitation of Runway 9-27, which consisted of WMA 75 to 175
mm (3 to 7 inches) thick due to stripping of the existing asphalt. The ease of WMA compaction
was demonstrated along with reduced emissions and energy savings. Also in 2009, WMA was
used in the extension of Taxiway Delta at Logan (Figure 5), 36,000 tonnes (40,000 tons).
Additionally, Taxiway G had 250 mm (10 inches) of WMA placed on newly constructed
portions of the taxiways, and Taxiway C received a 75-mm (3-inch) inlay of WMA.

Figure 5. Runway 9-27 and Taxiway Delta Extension (2009).

All of the projects at Logan used Sasobit (Fischer-Tropsch wax) technology and also
incorporated from 15 to 20 percent RAP. The WMA was placed and compacted in maximum
100 mm (4 in) thick lifts (75 mm (3 in lifts are typical)). Testing during construction indicated
that adequate compaction and grade control of the asphalt could be achieved with thicker lifts. A
PG 64-28 virgin binder with 4 percent latex modifier and 1.5 percent Sasobit by weight of binder
was used for all projects. An anti-stripping additive consisting of 1 percent lime was added to the
mixture to alleviate any issues with moisture sensitivity.


The following list summarizes the key components of the asphalt mix specification for WMA at


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International Conference on Transportation and Development 2016 9

• The specifications define the requirement for the contractor to select from a pre-approved
list of WMA products/technologies (wax based additives only).
• RAP is required to be included in the asphalt mix design.
• If the contractor intends to use >20 percent RAP in the mix, the proposed RAP
percentage and proposed performance grading (PG) must be selected to meet the final
project specifications.
• For WMA technologies that cannot be replicated in the laboratory, the contractor is
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required to identify the steps taken to verify that the mix will be suitable and not
susceptible to moisture damage for the proposed application.
• A minimum tensile strength ratio of 80 is required after five freeze/thaw cycles
(AASHTO T 283).
• The use of a hydrated lime anti-stripping additive at a minimum of 1 percent by
aggregate weight is required for all mixes.
• The top size aggregate is specified to be 19 mm (3/4 inch) (12 mm (1/2 inch nominal
maximum size)).
• A minimum asphalt cement content of 5 percent is required.
• A material transfer vehicle (MTV) is recommended for the placement of all WMA.
Massport has an ongoing pavement management program in which Pavement Condition Index
(PCI) surveys are performed on a 3-year cycle. This program has provided several years of data
on the performance of the WMA sections and has enabled a direct comparison to the
performance of the HMA mixes. Taxiways C, D, and G and Runway 9-27 were inspected 4 years
after construction (2013). PCI surveys of the WMA sections occurred on Runway 22L at 2 and 5
years of age (2010 and 2013). Performance data from later WMA taxiway inlays constructed in
2010 were also surveyed at either 2 or 3 years of age (2012 or 2013).
Similar to the HMA data set, the WMA PCI data shows significant variations in pavement
condition at a given age. This is shown graphically in Figure 6 where it can be seen that the
WMA PCI values four years after construction ranged from 98 to 72. Because data points at a
given pavement age are from different locations subjected to different traffic levels and are often
from different construction projects, it is easier to identify overall trends by comparing the area
weighted average PCI values by age and by facility.
After four years, the area-weighted average PCI for Runway 9-27 was 87, and the area-weighted
average for the WMA taxiway sections was 86. The area-weighted average PCI for the WMA
portions of Runway 22L at 2 and 5 years was 96 and 83.
Figure 7 provides a 10-year comparison of the WMA and HMA performance by section and as
an overall area-weighted average by year. On average, the WMA sections are performing as well
as, or in some cases slightly better than, the HMA sections.
Figure 8 provides an overview of the pavement condition on Runway 9-27 four years after
construction. The most prevalent distress type was longitudinal and transverse cracking. The
majority of cracking occurred at the paving lane joints, but random cracking was also present.
Rutting and alligator cracking were recorded in isolated locations, typically in the vicinity of
high-speed turn-offs. The extrapolated quantity of rutting over the entire runway was 6.1 m2 (66
ft2), less than 0.0001 percent of the total runway area.


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International Conference on Transportation and Development 2016 10

PCI Performance of WMA Compared to All HMA Inlays


Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Age of Pavement Surface (Years)
Figure 6. Comparison of WMA and HMA Performance.

Area Weighted Average PCI by Age -

Performance of WMA Compared to All HMA Inlays

Pavement Condition Index (PCI)







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Age of Pavement Surface (Years)
Figure 7. Comparison of Area-weighted PCI of WMA and HMA.


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Figure 8. Overview of Runway 9-27 Pavement Condition 4 Years after Construction.


The WMA airside pavements at BOS have performed very well, to date. Warm mix technology
in conjunction with the use of RAP and a thorough evaluation of the moisture and rut sensitivity
have led to the development of an asphalt mix that addressed a specific pavement problem.
Lessons learned during the implementation of WMA include requiring the field density testing of
the mat and joint air voids with both upper and lower limits to prevent over-compaction of the
mix, specification of a minimum tensile strength ratio of 80 after five freeze/thaw cycles to
ensure stability in the wet Boston environment, and the effective use of RAP in the mix.

Periodic pavement condition inspections indicate that the WMA sections are performing as well
as the conventional asphalt pavements. BOS has also seen savings in fuel at the asphalt plant
with its associated reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and an ability to open the airside
pavements to traffic sooner than would be possible with conventional asphalt paving. The asphalt
mix design used for the WMA appears to have solved the asphalt stripping and rutting problems
previously experienced at BOS.


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Aurangzeb, Q., Al-Qadi, I.L., Carpenter, S., Pine, B., and Trepanier, J. (2007). Mix Design and
Laboratory Performance of Asphalt Mixtures with High RAP Content. RAP-ETG Metting,
Irvine CA.

Bonaquist, R., (2011). Mix Design Practices for Warm Mix Asphalt, National Cooperative
Downloaded from by Universidad Militar Nueva Granada on 07/03/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Highway Research Program Report 691, National Academy of Sciences.

Button, J.W., Estakhri, C., and Wimsatt, A. (2007). A Synthesis of Warm-Mix Asphalt. Texas
Transportation Institute, Report No. SWUTC/07/0-5597-1, 94P.

D’Angelo, J., Harm E., Bartoszek, J., Baumgardner, G. (2008) Corrigan, M., Cowsert, J.,
Harman, T., Jamshidi, M., Jones, W., Newcomb, D., Prowell, B., Sines, R., and Yeaton, B.,
Warm –Mix Asphalt: European Practice. FHWA Report No. FHWA-PL-08-007.

Epps Martin, A., et al. (2014). Evaluation of the Moisture Susceptibility of WMA Technologies,
National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 763, National Academy of

Hampton, T. (2003). U.S. Studies Warm-Mix Asphalt Methods: NAPA, European Producers to
Sponsor Laboratory Research Effort. Engineering News-Record, Available at:

Hill, B. (2011). Performance Evaluation of Warm Mix Asphalt Mixtures Incorporating

Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. M.S. Thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Kim, Y.H., Zhang, J., and Ban, H. (2012). Moisture Damage Characterization of Warm-Mix
Asphalt Mixtures. 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington,

Prowell Brian D., and Hurley Graham, C. (2007). Warm-Mix Asphalt: Best Practices Quality
Improvement Series 125, National Asphalt Pavement Association.

West, R., et al., (2014). Field Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies. National
Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 779, National Academy of Sciences.

World Road Association (WRA), (2013), Technical Committee D.2 – Road Pavements.
Monitoring of Innovation in Road Pavements. Technical Report 2013R09EN, ISBN 978-2-
840960-3625-2, World Road Association, La Grande Arche, Paroi nord, Niveau 2, 922055
La Défense cedex, France.

Xiaho, F., Amirkhanian, S., Juang, C.H. (2007). Rutting Resistance of Rubberized Asphalt
Concrete Pavements Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures. Journal of
Materials in Civil Engineering Volume 19, No. 6, pp. 475-483.

Young, T.J. (2007). Energy Conservation in Hot-Mix Asphalt Production. Quality Improvement
Series 126, National Asphalt Pavement Association.


International Conference on Transportation and Development 2016

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