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Aging Characteristics of Warm-Mix Asphalt Binders

Ambika Behl 1 and Satish Chandra, A.M.ASCE 2

Abstract: Warm-mix asphalt (WMA) has gained lot of interest among researchers and highway engineers in recent years because of the
environmental and financial benefits associated with lower production temperatures. However, there are some characteristics of warm-mix
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asphalt that have not been investigated in detail. Several studies have been conducted to analyze the performance of warm asphalt mixtures,
but there is a need to investigate the physical and rheological properties of warm-mix binders. This paper presents results of a study carried out
to investigate the aging characteristics of warm-mix asphalt binders. WMA binders prepared with three different warm-mix additives were
aged in a rolling thin-film oven (RTFO) at lower temperatures to simulate warm-mix asphalt aging while control binders were aged at 163°C
only. Short-term aged binders were then aged in a pressure-aging vessel (PAV) to simulate long-term aging. Several parameters like aging
index, G =sin δ, G sin δ, m-values, and stiffness of the aged binders were evaluated and results of warm-mix binders were compared with
hot-mix asphalt binders. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy tests were also carried out on these binders to quantify aging of the
binders with and without warm-mix asphalt additives. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002013. © 2017 American Society of Civil
Author keywords: Warm-mix asphalt; Aging index; Stiffness; Bending beam rheometer; Fatigue; Rutting.

Introduction effects of these interactions on the rheological properties of the as-

phalt binder after short-term and long-term aging is necessary.
Warm-mix asphalt (WMA) was introduced in Europe in the 1990s Aging of asphalt has a significant effect on its mechanical be-
and in the United States in early 2004 (D’Angelo et al. 2008). Since havior. This aging is carried out at the mixing operation with ag-
then, a variety of different technologies and processes have helped gregates generally at 163°C in the case of pure mixtures or at higher
to achieve mixing and compaction at temperatures that are typically temperatures in the case of modification by polymers or industrial
lower than those required to mix and compact hot-mix asphalt waste. Important aging-related modes of failure are traffic and ther-
(HMA) (Chowdhury and Button 2008). Many warm-mix additives mally induced cracking and raveling that shorten the life span of
have been tested and tried and are commercially available in the pavement (Gawel and Baqinska 2004; Lu and Isacsson 2002). In
market. It is therefore necessary to formulate parameters that will aging of asphalt, two types of mechanisms are involved. The main
enable asphalt technologists to evaluate the performance of asphalt aging mechanism is an irreversible one that is characterized by
binder blended with warm-mix additives. These parameters should chemical changes of the binder, which in turn has an effect on the
be sensitive to variations in aging conditions, test temperatures, and rheological properties. The second mechanism is a reversible pro-
additive content (Hamzah et al. 2012). cess called physical hardening. Physical hardening is attributed to
WMA has gained considerable importance from an environ- molecular structuring (Lu and Isacsson 2002). Aging, which occurs
mental point of view, because of the reduction in temperature of in asphalt during construction and the service life of a pavement,
about 30°C from what is actually required for production of normal affects the rheological properties of bitumen. Aging of asphalt usu-
HMA, thus reducing the fuel cost (Behl et al. 2011). WMA has ally results in hardening of the binder and embrittlement, both in
many advantages over HMA. Notable among them are reduction application and in service, which contributes greatly to the deterio-
in energy consumption in asphalt mixture production, extended ration of pavements (Mastrofini and Scarsella 2000).
construction season, allowance for hauling mix over longer distan- Warm-mix asphalt has gained interest across the world because
ces before placing, and improved workability. Several ongoing and of the environmental and financial benefits associated with lower
past studies focus on comparing performance of HMA to a com- production temperatures. Several research studies have been con-
parable WMA (Hurley and Prowell 2006) and also on the mech- ducted in order to facilitate implementation of this technology. A
anisms by which WMA additives improve workability at reduced common theme throughout these studies is that binders used in
temperatures (Hanz et al. 2010). Considering the different technol- WMA are likely to have reduced stiffness and increased suscep-
ogies currently available to produce WMA, investigation of inter- tibility to permanent deformation because of the reduced temper-
actions between the WMA additives and asphalt binder and the atures associated with short-term aging (Arega et al. 2013). Most
of the studies also show that binders with WMA additives had sim-
ilar resistance to thermal cracking despite initial reduction in the
Scientist, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, Delhi-Mathura Rd., production temperature and concomitant oxidation. More impor-
P.O. CRRI, New Delhi 110025, India (corresponding author). E-mail: tantly, research studies have also investigated and reported that the reduced temperature for short-term aging appeared to have a
Director, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, Delhi-Mathura Rd.,
significant effect on the fatigue cracking resistance of binders and
P.O. CRRI, New Delhi 110025, India. E-mail:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 10, 2016; approved on mixtures. This effect is also reported to be dictated by the type of
March 21, 2017; published online on June 9, 2017. Discussion period open WMA additive and binder (Johnston et al. 2006).
until November 9, 2017; separate discussions must be submitted for Banerjee et al. (2012) studied the effect of long-term aging on
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil the rheological properties of WMA binders. They indicated that the
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561. Rediset WMA binder had the lowest shear modulus, followed by

© ASCE 04017155-1 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(10): 04017155

the Evotherm, Cecabase, and Sasobit WMA binders. They con- Table 1. Identification of Different Formulations
cluded that the reduced effect of aging on the rheology of WMA Type of Binder
binders will translate to better fracture resistance. Trujillo (2011) binder Type of additive identification (ID)
studied the long-term aging of WMA binder. FTIR results show
PMB 40 No additive (control) PP
higher oxidation levels for control than all WMA samples. Dynamic PMB 40 Evotherm PE
shear rheometer (DSR) and bending beam rheometer (BBR) results PMB 40 Rediset PR
show that Sasobit tends to behave closely to the control, while PMB 40 Sasobit PS
Cecabase, Evotherm, and Rediset exhibit lower stiffness than both VG 30 No additive (control) VP
control and Sasobit. Kim et al. (2011) performed a study to inves- VG 30 Evotherm VE
tigate the properties of WMA binders containing long-term aged VG 30 Rediset VR
binders. Aspha-min, Sasobit, and two performance grade (PG)- VG 30 Sasobit VS
64-22 binders were used in the study. The PG binders were first
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short-term and long-term aged by a rolling thin-film oven (RTFO)

and pressure-aging vessel (PAV) respectively. A DSR frequency test
was applied at 0.1–100 Hz at 25–80°C. The results showed that asphalt additives are compared to determine the aging characteris-
Sasobit had a higher complex modulus than the aged control bind- tics of warm-mix asphalt. The following section discusses the effect
ers, which meant better elastic properties. of short-term and long-term aging on the properties of binders with
This paper presents the results of a study carried out to evaluate and without the addition of warm-mix additives. Control binders,
the aging characteristics of six WMA binders and two control bind- VG-30 and PMB-40, were RTFO aged at 163°C, whereas the VG-
ers aged artificially in the laboratory using RTFO and PAV aging 30-based warm-mix binders were RTFO aged at 163°C as well as at
methods. 115°C. Similarly PMB-40-based warm-mix binders were RTFO
aged at 163°C and at 135°C. RTFO-aged binders were then PAV
aged at 100°C.
Materials and Experimental Procedures
For ease of reporting results, the nomenclature as given in
Two binders, VG-30 (viscosity grade, equivalent to PG-64-16) Table 1 is used for warm-mix binder identification. The number
and PMB-40 (polymer-modified binder), were used in the present mentioned along with the ID code in Figs. 2–9 indicates the tem-
study. Both of these binders were obtained from a refinery. The perature at which the binder was RTFO aged; e.g., VE 163 indi-
PMB40 binder contains 3.56% of styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) cates Evotherm-modified VG 30 binder aged at 163°C and VE 115
polymer. Also, binders in India are still graded based on their vis- indicates RTFO aged at 115°C.
cosities and the same is used in this research. Three commercially
available warm-mix additives, Sasobit, Rediset, and Evotherm, were
used for making warm-mix binders. These additives were used to Aging Index
prepare six types of warm-mix binders. Each additive was mixed in
the required dose by weight of the bitumen with each asphalt binder. RTFO residues were tested for viscosity in a Brookfield viscometer
Sasobit and Rediset were added in the dosage of 3% by weight of (Brookfield AMETEK, Middleborough, Massachusetts) at 135°C
bitumen while Evotherm was added at the dosage of 0.5% by weight at 20 rpm with spindle number 27. Unaged binders were also tested
of bitumen. These doses were found to be optimum in another study for viscosity under the same conditions.
(Behl et al. 2015). To prepare a warm-mix binder, asphalt binder When the asphalt mixes are prepared, a binder is exposed to heat
was heated up to a temperature of 140–150°C and the required dose and because of this exposure to high temperatures the binder under-
of additive was added and mixed for 15 min with a high-shear goes maximum hardening. As a result of this hardening, there is a
blender. significant increase in the viscosity of the binder and the extent of
The binders were then aged in the RTFO as per AASHTO T240 the hardening can be quantified in terms of viscosity as per Eq. (1)
(AASHTO 2013) to simulate short-term aging and in PAV as per (Roberts et al. 1996)
AASHTO R28 (AASHTO 2016) to simulate long-term aging. Viscosity of aged binder
Since warm-mix asphalt is produced at lower temperatures, RTFO Aging index ¼ ð1Þ
Viscosity of unaged binder
aging of warm-mix binders was conducted at lower temperature as
well as at 163°C, and control binders (VG-30 and PMB-40) were Tables 2 and 3 show the viscosity of the unaged binders and of
aged at 163°C only. The lower temperatures for RTFO were selected binders aged at 163°C and at lower temperatures. The aging indices
in accordance with the temperatures at which warm asphalt mixes are also given in Tables 2 and 3.
were prepared in another study (Behl 2016). Since WMA and It is observed that the aging indices of RTFO-aged binders
HMA are subjected to similar conditions in the field, PAV aging con- at lower temperatures were significantly lower than the control
ditions were not altered and were kept the same for both WMA and RTFO-aged binders at 163°C. Tables 2 and 3 also show that warm
HMA binders. Aging index and G =sin δ were found for short term binders aged at 163°C also gave lower aging indices in comparison
aged binders. Long term aged binders were tested for stiffness, to control binders aged at the same temperatures. These values
m-value and G sin δ. The bending beam rheometer (BBR) was used indicate that the addition of warm-mix additive to bituminous
to measure stiffness and m-value of the binders with and without binder makes the binder resistant to aging. To substantiate this fur-
warm-mix additive. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy ther, warm asphalt mixes were prepared in the laboratory along
was performed on the binders to quantify the difference in aging with hot asphalt mixes. The VG-30 hot asphalt mixtures were pre-
indices of binders with and without the warm asphalt additives. pared at 150°C and VG-30-based warm mixtures were prepared at
115°C, whereas PMB-40 hot mixtures were prepared at 165°C and
Results and Discussions PMB-40-based warm mixtures were prepared at 135°C. These
mixes were then compacted to Marshall specimens. Binders were
In this paper, G =sin δ, aging index, G sin δ, stiffness, and recovered from these mixes, and the recovered binders were tested
m-values of VG-30 and PMB-40 binders with and without warm for their aging indices. Binders from mixes were extracted using a

© ASCE 04017155-2 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(10): 04017155

Table 2. Viscosity of Aged and Unaged VG-30-Based Warm-Mix Binders
Viscosity (Pa·s) Aging index
Unaged binder Aged at 163°C Aged at 115°C
Average Standard Average Standard Average Standard
Binder value deviation value deviation value deviation 163°C 115°C
VP 620 26.4 1050 22.4 — — 1.69 —
VS 500 23.5 750 31.2 600 26.4 1.50 1.20
VE 675 22.9 980 26.8 875 30 1.45 1.30
VR 515 27.3 800 30 650 30.4 1.55 1.26
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Table 3. Viscosity of Aged and Unaged PMB-40-Based Warm-Mix Binders

Viscosity (Pa·s) Aging index
Unaged binder Aged at 163°C Aged at 135°C
Average Standard Average Standard Average Standard
Binder value deviation value deviation value deviation 163°C 135°C
PP 1402 27.5 2250 25.3 — — 1.60 —
PS 1050 26.4 1550 26.4 1350 26.4 1.48 1.29
PE 1075 31.2 1450 30 1225 25 1.35 1.14
PR 1150 30 1725 30.4 1400 27.8 1.50 1.24

1.94 25
2.00 VG 30 binders PMB 40 binders 19.9
1.53 20
G*/sinδ, KPa

1.50 1.35 1.26 1.22

Aging Index

15 12.3
1.09 1.07
8.79 9.2 8.96 8.89
1.00 10 7.17

0.00 VP 163 VE 163 VR 163 VS 163 VE 115 VR 115 VS 115
Control Sasobit Evotherm Rediset
Fig. 2. Effect of additives on rutting parameter of VG 30 binder
Fig. 1. Aging indices of binders recovered from mixes

rotovapor as per ASTM D2172 (ASTM 2011) and ASTM D5404
20 17.4
(ASTM 2012) and were then recovered using the Abson recovery
G*/sinδ, KPa

method. Fig. 1 shows the aging indices of the recovered binders. It 15

11.5 11.2 10.6 10.9 9.8
was observed that aging indices for binders recovered from warm 10
mixes were significantly lower than those of binders recovered
from conventional hot mixes. It suggests that warm-mix asphalt
prepared at lower temperatures will undergo reduced hardening 0
as compared to hot-mix asphalt. PP 163 PE 163 PR 163 PS 163 PE 135 PR 135 PS 135

Fig. 3. Effect of additives on rutting parameter of PMB 40 binder

Effect of Warm-Mix Additives on Rutting Parameter

Rutting behavior of a pavement is related to both binder properties

and aggregate properties. The G =sin δ value is considered as a It was observed that binders containing Sasobit had the highest
numerical indicator of rutting resistance, while higher G =sin δ val- G =sin δ value. The binders that were RTFO aged at lower temper-
ues are favorable for permanent deformation resistance (Anderson atures showed lower values of G =sin δ, in comparison to those
and Kennedy 1993; Airey 2004). Rutting parameters at 60°C for all RTFO aged at 163°C. Rediset-modified binders showed a slight
RTFO-aged binders were found using a dynamic shear rheometer reduction in G =sin δ values, which indicates that the addition
and results are presented in Figs. 2 and 3. Fig. 2 shows the rutting of Rediset makes the binder susceptible to rutting. Evotherm-
parameter value of VG-30-based warm-mix binders aged at 163 based warm binders aged at 163°C and at a lower temperature
and 115°C, while Fig. 3 shows these values for PMB-40-based showed comparable values of G =sin δ to that of the control binder
warm-mix binders aged at 163 and 135°C. aged at 163°C. This shows that Evotherm warm mixes prepared and

© ASCE 04017155-3 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(10): 04017155

compacted at lower temperatures will have comparable resistance Sasobit-modified warm-mix binder becomes stiffer. However, it
to rutting to that of the control hot mix. Sasobit-modified binders should be considered that aged asphalts are more brittle and sus-
show significantly higher values of G =sin δ at both the aging tem- ceptible to fatigue cracking in cold weather. This is expected also
peratures in comparison to control binders. This increase in rutting and is in harmony with the literature as stated by Gandhi (2008) that
resistance of binders containing Sasobit is attributed to the presence some binders produced at lower mixing and compaction temper-
of wax crystals in the binders, which cause an increase in the com- atures than usual show better fatigue cracking performance. Super-
plex modulus of the binders, and not to the increased aging of the pave mix design has a specification requirement for G sin δ, to be
binders. less than 5,000 kPa. All the warm-mix binders RTFO aged at
163°C, as well as at lower temperatures, satisfy this criterion.

Effect of Warm-Mix Additives on Fatigue Parameter

Effect of Warm-Mix Additives on Stiffness and
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In the situation of lack of flexibility, repeated traffic loads cause m-Value

fatigue (alligator) cracking, which is counted as an important de-
terioration mode for HMA pavements (Abo-Qudais and Shatnawi The BBR test was conducted on PAV-aged samples to evaluate the
2007). The G sin δ value of long-term aged binder is considered a stiffness and m-value of the control and modified binders. The
numerical indicator of fatigue resistance. Lower G sin δ values are minimum temperature of the pavements in very cold regions of
favorable for better fatigue performance (Anderson and Kennedy India is around −20°C, and hence BBR tests were conducted at this
1993; Airey 2004; Al-Khateeb et al. 2009). temperature. Figs. 6 and 7 show stiffness values for VG-30 and
The effect of the warm asphalt additives was studied on the PMB-40 control and WMA binders respectively. Figs. 8 and 9
fatigue parameter (G sin δ) of binders with and without additives. show m-values for VG-30 and PMB-40 binders, respectively.
PAV residues were tested to determine the G sin δ values. The In the case of VG-30 binder, Evotherm-based warm-mix binder
fatigue parameter was calculated for all the binders at 25°C, and showed the lowest stiffness values for samples RTFO aged at 163°C,
results are presented in Figs. 4 and 5 for VG-30-based and PMB- as well as at 115°C, whereas Sasobit and Rediset warm-mix binders
40-based binders respectively. showed higher stiffness values in comparison to the control VG-30
Control VG-30 and PMB-40 binders have higher G sin δ val- binder. Also, Sasobit- and Rediset-modified VG-30 binders had
ues than the Evotherm and Rediset warm-mix binders. Evotherm lower m-values in comparison to the control VG-30 binder (Fig. 8).
and Rediset warm-mix binders aged at 163°C, as well as at lower In the case of PMB-40 binders, Sasobit-modified binders showed
temperatures in RTFO, showed lower values for the fatigue param- higher stiffness values and lower m-values in comparison to the
eter, which indicates that these warm-mix binders will have better control PMB-40 binder. A lower m-value indicates a lesser ability
fatigue cracking resistance. Sasobit-modified binders showed sig- to relax stresses. This shows that Sasobit and Rediset WMA bind-
nificantly higher values of G sin δ as compared to control binders. ers will have more tendency toward cracking at low temperatures.
This increase in G sin δ may not be because of increased aging, However the reason for the increase in stiffness of binders contain-
because the Sasobit-modified binders had lower aging indices. ing Sasobit and reduction in m-values is again attributable to wax
Therefore this increase in G sin δ values may be attributable to the crystallization, which caused an increase in resistance to plastic
fact that at low temperature Sasobit is present in binder in the form
of solid wax and forms wax crystals within the binder. Hence the 300 280 270
264 266
3500 3140 210
3050 192
Stiffness, MPa

3000 200
2500 2291
G*sinδ, KPa

2100 2009 150

2000 1820 1807
1000 50
0 VP 163 VS 163 VE 163 VR 163 VS 115 VE 115 VR 115
VP 163 VE 163 VR 163 VS 163 VE 115 VR 115 VS 115
Fig. 6. Stiffness of VG 30 warm-mix binders
Fig. 4. Effect of the additives on fatigue parameter of VG 30 binder

3500 245
2930 250
3000 218 208
2570 205
Stiffness, Mpa

2500 2320 200 181 172

G*sinδ, KPa

2090 162
1900 1880
2000 1720 150
0 0
PP 163 PE 163 PR 163 PS 163 PE 135 PR 135 PS 135 PP 163 PS 163 PE 163 PR 163 PS 135 PE 135 PR 135

Fig. 5. Effect of the additives on fatigue parameter of PMB 40 binder Fig. 7. Stiffness of PMB 40 warm-mix binders

© ASCE 04017155-4 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(10): 04017155

deformation in the binder (Edwards et al. 2005). For PMB-40 bind- aging was done at 115°C. This shows that when warm mixes
ers, the Rediset-modified WMA binders showed comparable stiff- are prepared with PMB-40 binders at lower temperatures, they will
ness values to control binders when short-term aging was done at have improved resistance to low temperature cracking.
163°C, but showed reduced stiffness and higher m-values when Further, Evotherm-modified warm-mix binders have a signifi-
cantly lower stiffness value than the control VG-30 binders and they
0.4 0.36 have significantly higher m-values when aged at 163°C, as well as
0.35 at lower temperatures, than the control binder. This indicates that
0.3 0.277 Evotherm warm-mix binders will have improved resistance to low
0.256 0.26
0.25 0.226 0.231 temperature cracking.

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
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0.05 The values of aging indices of various warm-mix and control
0 binders reported in this study indicated that warm-mix asphalt ex-
VP 163 VS 163 VE 163 VR 163 VS 115 VE 115 VR 115 periences less aging from exposure to lower temperatures in com-
parison to hot-mix asphalt. FTIR spectroscopy was used to quantify
Fig. 8. m-values for VG 30 warm-mix binders the aging in the binders with and without warm-mix additives.
FTIR for asphalt binders is used as an indicator of oxidation
0.35 (i.e., aging), as it allows identification of the formation of two
0.293 chemical entities resulting from oxidation: the carbonyl (C═O) and
0.3 0.271 0.267
0.262 0.258 sulfoxide (S═O) groups. The relative increase of C═O and S═O
0.25 functional groups reflects asphalt aging. Functional characteristics

0.2 were determined by measuring infrared absorption bands corre-

sponding to CO and SO functionality. They are represented re-
spectively by absorption bands around wave numbers 1,700 and
1,030 cm−1 . IR absorbance peaks at these wave numbers represent
0.05 the amount of carbonyl and sulfoxide bonds in the binders
0 respectively, which are the indication of aging in the binder
PP 163 PS 163 PE 163 PR 163 PS 135 PE 135 PR 135

Fig. 9. m-values for PMB 40 warm-mix binders 1030 cm-1

0.50 0.44

1700 cm-1 0.28 0.29

0.30 0.23 0.23 0.25
0.29 0.20

0.30 0.24
0.20 0.22 0.22
0.19 0.18 0.10
0.20 0.16

0.10 0.00
(a) 1030 cm-1
0.50 0.47
1700 cm-1 0.40 0.40 0.38
0.40 0.34 0.34

0.50 0.32 0.33


0.34 0.33
0.29 0.29 0.30 0.20
0.30 0.22
0.10 0.00
(b) 1030 cm-1
1.60 1.37
1700 cm-1 1.40 1.30
1.20 1.13 1.09

0.40 1.01
0.33 1.00 0.89 0.87
0.35 0.30 0.30
0.28 0.29 0.69

0.30 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.80

0.25 0.60
0.20 0.40
0.15 0.20
0.10 0.00
Fig. 11. FTIR absorbance of the binders at 1,030 cm−1 : (a) RTFO-
Fig. 10. FTIR absorbance of the binders at 1,700 (a) RTFO re- cm−1 : aged binders; (b) PAV-aged binders; (c) recovered binders from the
sidue; (b) PAV aged; (c) recovered binders from the Marshall specimen Marshall specimen

© ASCE 04017155-5 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2017, 29(10): 04017155

(Edwards 2005). RTFO-aged binders, PAV-aged binders, and re- • The FTIR analysis confirmed that the absorbance of warm-mix
covered binders from the mixes were tested for absorbance peaks. binders was less compared to the control binders. It confirmed
Absorbances of the binders at 1,700 and 1,030 cm−1 are shown in that binders containing warm-mix additives age less compared
Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. to the control binders.
Fig. 10 shows a decrease in absorbance of warm-mix binders
at 1,700 cm−1 in all three cases, i.e., for RTFO-aged, PAV-aged,
and recovered binders. This indicates a reduction in the amount References
of carbonyl bonds present in the warm-mix binders. Similarly,
Fig. 11 shows a reduction in absorbance of warm-mix binders at AASHTO. (2013). “Standard method of test for effect of heat and air on a
1,030 cm−1 in all three cases, i.e., for RTFO-aged, PAV-aged, and moving film of asphalt (rolling thin-film oven test).” AASHTO T240,
recovered binders, which indicates that warm-mix binders have a Washington, DC.
AASHTO. (2016). “Standard practice for accelerated aging of asphalt
lower amount of sulfoxide bonds present in comparison to control
Downloaded from by Universidad Militar Nueva Granada on 05/11/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

binder using a pressurized aging vessel (PAV).” AASHTO R28,

VG-30 and PMB-40 binders.
Washington, DC.
The results given previously indicate that warm-mix binders Abo-Qudais, S. A., and Shatnawi, I. (2007). “Prediction of bituminous mix-
have oxidized/aged less than the control VG-30 and PMB-40 bind- ture fatigue life based on accumulated strain.” Constr. Build. Mater.,
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indices. This also confirms that higher values of G =sin δ and Airey, G. D. (2004). “Fundamental binder and practical mixture evaluation
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On the basis of results presented in this paper, the following con- bitumen from bituminous paving mixtures.” ASTM D2172, West
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• RTFO-aged Rediset-modified binders showed a slight reduction Ph.D. thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India.
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