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0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

(Notes in red are opinions of the lecturers,1 of authors2 on the subject, or of the reviewee.
Cited provisions are from the Rules of Court unless otherwise provided.)

R22 S1 (computation of time)
1. Apply FELI (i.e. exclude first day, include last day [date of performance])
2. If last day falls on…
(a) The weekend, or
(b) A legal holiday in the place where the court sits…
Case: Reinier Pacific vs. Guevarra – per A.M. 00-2-14-SC, when the last day falls on a
weekend or a legal holiday & the original period is extended, the extension should be
counted from the expiration of the period regardless of the fact that it is a weekend, etc.

Life of a civil action

1. Complaint
(a) Cause of action (R2)
(b) Jurisdiction (BP 129, RA 7691)
(c) Venue (R4)
(d) Parties (R3)
(e) Preparation of complaint (R6-9)
(f) Filing, payment of docket fees (R1+)
[ Provisional remedies (R57-61) ]
[ Modes of discovery (R23-29) ]
(g) Amendment (R10)
[ Dismissal by plaintiff (R17) ]
2. Summons (R14)
(a) Motion for bill of particulars (R12)
(b) Motion to dismiss (R16)
3. Answer (R6)
(a) No answer → Default (R9 S3)
(b) W/ answer:
- No specific denial(s) → no issues → Judgment on the pleadings (R34)
- W/ specific denials: i. Counterclaim // Cross-claim (R6)
ii. 3rd party complaint (Ibid.)
iii. Intervention (R19)
iv. Reply (R6)
4. Pre-trial (R18)
5. Trial (R30)
[ Demurrer to evidence (R33) ]
6. Judgment
7. Post-judgment remedies
1. Motion for new trial (R37) 1. Petition for relief (R38)
2. Motion for reconsideration (Ibid.) 2. Annulment of judgment (R47)
3. Appeal (R40-43, 45; R46-56) 3. Certiorari (R65)

1 Dean Willard Riano, Atty. Christian Villasis

2 Dean Willard Riano, Dean Ed Vincent Albano, Atty. Reynaldo Agranzamendez

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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4. Collateral attack
8. Execution (R39)

--- Let’s stretch the above list out a bit, now – but some preliminaries first… ---

0. Action (R1) – may, among others, be…

(a) Civil or criminal
One by w/c a party sues another for:
1. Enforcement/protection of a right
2. Prevention/redress of a wrong
One by w/c the State prosecutes a
1. Ordinary: governed by the rules on
person for an act/omission punishable by
ordinary civil actions (R1-61)
2. Special (SCA): governed by the
rules on ordinary civil actions,
subject to specific rules for SCAs
(b) Real or personal
1. Affects title to…
2. Recovering possession of…
3. Partition of…
4. Condemnation…
5. Foreclosure of mortgage on…
Real * [also covers accion publiciana, reivindicatoria, & the like (of course)]
Case: Heirs of Concha vs. Lumocso – actions for reconveyance of, or
cancellation/quieting of title over realty = real actions
GR: Per R.A. 7691, consider assessed value for real actions
XPN: EXPROPRIATION  RTC (see subsequent pages)
1. Recovery of –
(c) In rem, in personam, or quasi in rem
Against: Against a particular Against an individual
1. The thing itself person on the basis of although the purpose of
2. All who might be his/her personal liability; the suit is to subject
minded to make an judgment so rendered will his/her interest in a
objection of any sort bind him/her personally particular property to the
vs. the right sought to ➢ Jurisdiction over the obligation burdening the
be established person of defendant property; judgment will be
(i.e. “against the world”) = MANDATORY! conclusive between the
Case: Lucas vs. Lucas – parties only
petitions directed against
the res w/c concerns the
status of a person (e.g.
adoption, annulment of
marriage, correction of
entries in birth certificate)

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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are in rem!
Case: Banco Español Filipino case – actions in rem/quasi in rem may not always
remain that way throughout the case; when the defendant appears in the action, the
action becomes in personam as well!
➢ Thus, all interested parties are notified in the manner prescribed for in
personam actions (to comply w/ due process reqs.) (see “Summons”)

--- What is the basis of my action? ---

1. Cause of action (R2) – act/omission by w/c a party violates the right of another
[Every ordinary civil action must be based on a cause of action! (R2 S1)]
 Sources of cause of action: sources of OBLIGATION (cf. Art. 1157, CC)
 Right of action: right of plaintiff to bring action & to prosecute same to final judgment
➢ Requisites:
(a) Cause of action
- Legal right of plaintiff
- Correlative obligation of defendant
- Act/omission of defendant in violation of said right
(b) Compliance w/ all the conditions precedent for bringing the action
(c) Right to bring & maintain the action in the person instituting it
[i.e. for there to be right of action, there must be a cause of action!]
 Lack of cause of action as ground for dismissal?
Case: PNB vs. Sps. Rivera – lack of cause of action is not a ground for a motion to
dismiss (cf. R16); what is mentioned in R16 is failure to state a cause of action, w/c is
a different thing; lack of cause of action can only be gleaned after the plaintiff has
presented his/her evidence (akin to insufficiency of evidence that may warrant
 Re: splitting & joinder: one cause of action = one suit
Rules on joinder of causes of action:
1. Compliance w/ rules on joinder of parties (see “Parties” for requisites)
GR: Compliance is REQUIRED!
XPN: No need to join parties if there is only 1 P & only 1 D!
Dean Riano’s example:
- 1 P, 1 D
- 3 debts
- 3 causes of action
Here, a maximum of 3 cases can be filed, but P can go with
one case only, w/ the 3 causes of action JOINED in said
case, as there is only 1 defendant!
2. Exclude [SCAs] or [actions governed by special rules] from joinder!
Dean Riano’s example: where there are 3 debts, 2 of w/c are ordinary
civil actions, & the remaining one being covered by the Rules on
Summary Procedure, all 3 CAN BE JOINED (the 3rd debt loses its
being summary upon joinder) (cf. Sec. 1, last par., RSP)
3. Same parties, different venues/jurisdictions = joinable in the RTC, provided:
(a) One of the causes of action lies w/in the RTC’s jurisdiction; &
(b) Venue lies therein
4. All are principally money claims = aggregate amount is basis of jurisdiction
➢ Also referred to as: TOTALITY RULE!

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

Splitting can warrant DISMISSAL of actions thus split, on the ff. grounds:
1. If both are pending – litis pendentia
2. If one has been resolved – res judicata
Re: divisible obligations: each default = one separate cause of action
➢ BUT, if, for example, there are 5 defaults so far & a case has only been
filed @ the 6th default, said case should include previous defaults
 Effect of cause of action on jurisdiction: a cause of action may have main & incidental
parts; the main part determines w/c court has jurisdiction
Cases: (a) CGR Corp. vs. Dreyes
(b) Heirs of Bautista vs. Lindo

--- So, I have a right of action. To which court should I go? ---

2. Jurisdiction
 Expanded definition of jurisdiction
Case: Echegaray vs. Sec. of Justice – not only the power to hear, try, & decide a
case, but also the power to execute the judgment until the final disposition thereof, or
full & complete service of sentence by the accused
 Aspects of jurisdiction Civil? Criminal?
(a) Subject matter:* power to deal w/ the general subject
involved in the action (CrimPro: over the offense)  
(b) Parties: power over parties in a case, & to determine
their rights/liabilities (CrimPro: over the accused only)  
(c) Issues: power to try & decide issues –
- Raised in the pleadings (Reyes vs. Diaz)
- Agreed upon in a pre-trial order
- Tried by the parties’ implied consent (R18 S2)
- “Waived into existence,” i.e. conferred by failure to
 
object to the presentation of evid. on a matter not
raised in the pleadings (R10 S5)
(d) Res: over property in litigation; acquired by –
- Actual or constructive seizure by the court, thereby
placing it in custodia legis; or
- Provision of law w/c recognizes the power to deal
 
w/ property w/in its territorial jurisdiction
(e) Territory: in CrimPro – that a criminal case should be
filed in the place where the crime is committed (XPN:
Art. 2, RPC)
 
* Jurisdiction over the subject matter is SUBSTANTIVE in origin!
Implications: 1. Conferred by law
2. Not subject to agreement/waiver
3. Material allegations of the complaint determine jurisdiction
➢ i.e. primary purpose of the complaint re: relief being sought
Cases: (a) Marazona vs. RTC of Baguio, Russel vs.
Vestil, Heirs of Sebe vs. Heirs of Sevilla – the
facts in the complaint are controlling, not its title!
(b) Penta Pacific Realty vs. Ley Construction – in
real actions, the assessed value must be
assessed in the complaint (PH courts cannot
take judicial notice of assessed values of realty!)

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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(c) Gomez vs. Montalban – [re: DIALeC claims

(see subsequent pages)] include interest for
purposes of determining jurisdiction if [1] primary
& inseparable component of a cause of action,
and [2] already determinable @ time of filing the
complaint (in this case, respondent expressly
agreed to pay a specified interest)
 [B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. 7691] Civil jurisdiction of the courts
➢ (for a discussion on criminal jurisdiction, see portion on “CrimPro”)
1. Exclusive: petitions for writs of certiorari, prohibition, & mandamus vs. –
(a) CA
(b) CTA
(c) COMELEC en banc
(d) COA
(e) Sandiganbayan
2. Concurrent:
(a) W/ CA:
- Petitions for writs of certiorari, prohibition, & mandamus vs. –
i. NLRC, under the Labor Code
Case: St. Martin Funeral Home vs. CA – must follow doctrine of
hierarchy of courts; must file w/ CA first, otw. SC shall dismiss!
ii. Civil Service Commission (CSC)
iii. Quasi-judicial agencies
iv. RTCs & other lower courts (must also file w/ CA first)
- Petitions for issuance of writ of kalikasan (A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC)
(b) W/ CA & RTC: petitions for –
- Habeas corpus & quo warranto
- Certiorari, prohibition, & mandamus vs. lower courts/other bodies
(c) W/ CA, Sandiganbayan, & RTC: petitions for –
- Amparo
- Habeas data, where the action involves public data or gov’t office
(d) W/ RTC: actions affecting ambassadors/other public ministers & consuls
1. Petitions for review on certiorari vs. –
(a) CA
(b) CTA en banc
(c) Sandiganbayan
(d) RTC in cases –
- Where no question of fact is involved & the case is one involving the:
i. Constitutionality/validity of a treaty, int’l/executive agreement, law,
PD, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation
ii. Legality of taxes/imposts/assessments/tolls; penalties rel. thereto
iii. Jurisdiction of the lower court (i.e. being put at issue)
- Where only errors or questions of law are involved
2. Special civil action of certiorari filed w/in 30 days vs. COMELEC/COA
1. Exclusive: actions for annulment of judgment of RTC based on –

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

(a) Extrinsic fraud

(b) Lack of jurisdiction
2. Concurrent:
(a) W/ SC:
- Petitions for writs of certiorari, prohibition, & mandamus vs. –
ii. CSC
iii. Quasi-judicial agencies
iv. RTCs & other lower courts
- Petitions for issuance of writ of kalikasan
(b) W/ SC & RTC: petitions for –
- Habeas corpus & quo warranto
- Certiorari, prohibition, & mandamus vs. lower courts/other bodies
(c) W/ SC, Sandiganbayan, & RTC: petitions for –
- Amparo
3. Habeas data, where the action involves public data or gov’t office
1. Final judgments, decisions, resolutions, orders, awards of –
(a) RTC –
- In the exercise of both original & appellate jurisdictions
- As Family Court
- On questions of constitutionality/validity of tax, jurisdiction involving
questions of fact w/c should be appealed first w/ the CA
- Appeals from RTC in cases appealed from MTC not as matter of right
(b) MTC in the exercise of its delegated jurisdiction
2. Appeals from:
(a) CSC
(b) Quasi-judicial agencies
(c) National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP)
(d) Ombudsman (in admin. discip. cases) (Mendoza-Arce vs. Ombudsman)
1. Exclusive: cases involving violations of Eos 1, 2, 14, & 14-A (s. 1986)
2. Concurrent:
(a) W/ SC:
- Petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, habeas corpus,
injunction, & other ancillary writs in aid of its appellate jurisdiction
(including quo warranto) arising in cases falling under Eos 1, 2, 14, &
(b) W/ SC, CA, & RTC: petitions for –
- Amparo
- Habeas data, where the action involves public data or gov’t office
[D] COURT OF TAX APPEALS (see notes on Taxation)
1. Exclusive:
(a) Subject of litigation = incapable of pecuniary estimation
- [expropriation] Case: Brgy. San Roque vs. Pastor – incapable of
pecuniary estimation (regardless of the value of the subject property);
w/in the jurisdiction of the RTC

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

- [reformation of instrument; consolidation of ownership] both

incapable of pecuniary estimation! (purpose of latter = registration)
(b) Sum-of-money cases: > P300K (P400K in MMLA)
- Cases where the demand (exclusive of [DIALeC] damages, interest,
attorney’s fees, litigation expenses, & costs of suit), or the value of the
property in controversy exceeds…
- Actions in admiralty & maritime juris.  damage/claim exceeds…
- Matters of probate  gross value of estate exceeds…
(c) Real actions: assessed value > P20K (P50K in MMLA)
XPN: forcible entry & unlawful detainer = MTC (see next page)
(d) Cases not w/in the exclusive jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person, or
body exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions (RTCs are courts of
general jurisdiction!)
(e) Civil actions/special proceedings falling w/in the exc. orig. jurisdiction of:
- Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court
- Court of Agrarian Reforms
(f) Intra-corporate controversies (Sec. 5.2, SRC)
2. Concurrent:
(a) W/ SC, Sandiganbayan, & CA: writs of amparo & habeas corpus
(b) W/ SC: actions affecting ambassadors/other public ministers & consuls
(c) W/ SC & CA: petitions for –
- Habeas corpus & quo warranto
- Certiorari, prohibition, & mandamus vs. lower courts/other bodies
(d) W/ MTC – cases involving violations of envi. & other related laws, etc.
GR: All cases decided by lower courts in their resp. territorial jurisdictions
XPN: Decisions of lower courts re: delegated jurisdiction (see below)
➢ As if they have been decided by the RTC itself!
SPECIAL (Sec. 23, B.P. 129)
SC may designate certain RTC branches to try exclusively criminal, agrarian,
juvenile & domestic relations, & urban land reform cases not falling w/in the
jurisdiction of any quasi-judicial body, & other special cases in the interest of
1. Petitions for guardianship, custody of children, habeas corpus re: minor(s)
2. Petitions for adoption of children & revocation thereof
3. Complaints for annulment & declaration of nullity of marriage & those
referring to marital status & property relations of spouses or those living
together under different status/agreements, & petitions for dissolution of CPG
4. Petitions for support and/or acknowledgment
5. Summary judicial proceedings under FC
6. Petitions for declaration of status of children as abandoned, dependent, or
neglected, petitions for voluntary/involuntary commitment of children;
suspension, termination, or restoration of parental authority, & other cases
cognizable under P.D. 603 (Child & Youth Welfare Code), EO 56, s. 1986
(re: protective custody of sexually exploited children c/o DSWD), & rel. laws
7. Petitions for constitution of family home

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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1. Sum-of-money (DIALeC, admiralty, probate): ≤ P300K (P400K in MMLA)

2. Real actions: assessed value ≤ P20K (P50K in MMLA)
3. Summary procedure:
(a) Forcible entry/unlawful detainer (irrespective of damages/unpaid rentals)
(b) Other cases where total amt. of the claim ≤ P100K (P200K in MMLA)
4. Inclusion/exclusion of voters
Cadastral & land registration cases, provided –
1. No controversy/opposition; &
2. Contested lots valued > P100K
Petitions for habeas corpus (in the absence of all RTC judges)
 Jurisdiction re: ProvRem: ALL COURTS have jurisdiction over provisional remedies in
principal actions w/in their jurisdiction (being ancillary actions!)
 First opportunity to question lack of jurisdiction: MOTION TO DISMISS
➢ BUT court can motu proprio dismiss for lack of jurisdiction (among others)!
(see also discussion under “MTD,” residual prerogative under R9 S1)

--- Let’s say I’ll have to file my case w/ the RTC. Which one, though? ---

3. Venue (R4) – place/geographical area where an action is to be filed & tried

 Jurisdiction vs. venue
Conferred by law For parties’ convenience
Procedural, thus:
1. Waivable
Substantial, thus:
2. Can be subject of agreement
1. Cannot be waived
Court takes cognizance if:
2. Cannot be subject of agreement
(a) In writing; &
(b) Before institution of action
There can be no motu proprio dismissal
re: improper venue → court cannot take
the cudgels for the parties; wait for MTD
Court can motu proprio dismiss a case on
➢ Contra: SumProc – court can motu
the ground of lack of jurisdiction
proprio dismiss under any of the
grounds for MTD (w/c, of course,
includes improper venue)
 Re: personal & real actions
(a) Real – where property (or any part thereof) is located
(b) Personal – residence of plaintiff/defendant, or where a non-resident defendant
may be found, at the option of the plaintiff [same rule in culpa aquiliana cases]
Case: Samson case – re: reconveyance of real property = look @ primary purpose
(cf. material allegations) to determine if personal or real
 Re: stipulations on venue
➢ “Shall” alone ≠ restrictive; other words of exclusivity needed (e.g. “only”)
- PERMISSIVE – venue stipulated, considered in addition to the venues in the RoC
Cases: (a) Briones vs. CA – attacking a contract’s validity renders the person
attacking same unbound by its stipulation(s) on venue

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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(b) Sweet Lines case – stipulations on venue in contracts of adhesion may

not be honored by the court if inconvenient/oppressive
 Venue in civil & criminal cases
Case: Heirs of Lopez vs. de Castro – R117 S3 (venue is jurisdictional, i.e.
venue is not a matter of jurisdiction (i.e. venue & jurisdiction are one) – an
venue & jurisdiction are different things) information filed in a place other than
where the offense was committed may be
quashed for lack of jurisdiction over the
offense charged

--- Now, who should I implead? ---

4. Parties (R3)
 Who may be parties to a civil action?
- Natural persons
- Juridical persons
- Entities authorized by law (note corporations by estoppel; can only be sued)
[+] Representative parties (e.g. executors, guardians, administrators, agents, etc.)
Cases: (a) Resident Marine Mammals of Tañon Strait case – the petition
contained the phrase “represented by and joined in” – i.e. natural
persons were included among the animal “plaintiffs”
(b) Oposa vs. Factoran – representing “generations yet unborn”
[* see also: citizen’s suit (re: rules in envi. cases)]
 Real party-in-interest: [RPI] one who –
(a) Stands to be benefited/injured by the judgment; or
(b) Is entitled to the avails thereof
Kinds: 1. INDISPENSABLE PARTY: for whom joinder is compulsory, i.e. should be
impleaded for there to be final determination of the suit
➢ Case: Divinagracia vs. Padilla – in a case for partition of real
property, co-owners = indispensable (distinguish from ejectment;
only 1 party need file/is enough!)
2. NECESSARY PARTY: not indispensable; case can go on w/o him/her
(e.g. joint debtors) → BUT if a necessary party is not impleaded, an
explanation must be given to the court
* If person impleaded/pleading is not RPI, action can be dismissed
 Joinder of parties (S6)
(a) Same transaction/event/series of transactions
(b) Common question of law/fact
 Class suit (S12): there is common/general interest in the subject matter of the action
➢ No class suit if the claims/interests are individualized
Dean Riano’s “actual physical facts/bodies” test: e.g. in a plane crash scenario,
the bereaved cannot file a class suit. Why? Kanya-kanyang patay.
Cases: (a) Mathay case – lot-owners’ interest, only up to the extent of their lots
(b) Juana Complex I Homeowners Association vs. PhilEstate Land –
common inconvenience (e.g. road closure lengthening travel time to
SLEX) can be a ground to sustain a class suit
 Death of a party (S16 [see also S17?])
Q: What is the court supposed to do when it learns/is notified of a party’s death?
A: The court will have to look into the nature of the case –

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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(a) Personal between the parties: court must DISMISS!

(b) Action to recover property (whether personal or real): the case SURVIVES!
(cf. R3 S20, R87 S1)
- Re: recovery of sum of money arising from debt – implead the estate
(not the executor/administrator!) via R86 (claims against the estate)
- Re: recovery of property/ interest therein (or enforcement of lien on said
prop., or damages) – executor/administrator may be impleaded (but let
us not get too ahead of ourselves; this is SpecPro already)

--- Time to make a pleading! ---

5. Pleadings, etc. (R6-13)

Q: Should pleadings be under oath?
A: GR: NO, no need
XPN: When otherwise required by law/RoC
Dean Riano’s “rule of thumb” – lahat ng Latin!
[+prohibition, SumProc (+FE/UD) kalikasan, other envi. actions, etc.]
Effect of absence of verification: mere FORMAL defect; could be remedied
 Re: prayer/relief: SPECIFIC & GENERAL (i.e. “all such other relief just & equitable”)
(i.e. general relief = pansalo sa specific relief na nakalimutang isama)
 Certification against forum shopping (S5)
(a) Required only for INITIATORY PLEADINGS (permissive counterclaim = initiatory)
(b) Failure to include/comply, not curable by amendment
➢ Merely a cause for dismissal (i.e. motion required)
CONTRA: actual forum-shopping [if willful & deliberate (S5, par. 2):
ground for summary dismissal + constitutes direct contempt]
In other words: failure to comply w/ the certification req’t is different
from & independent of the act of forum-shopping itself!
What about false certification? (i.e. no other case filed, but there is one)
- Ground for dismissal? 
- Administrative liability? 
- Criminal liability?  PERJURY!
- Contempt?  Indirect contempt! [i.e. either show cause
order or actual petition for contempt]
Q: Who should certify?
A: 1. Plaintiff(s)
If there are multiple plaintiffs:
XPN: One can certify if plaintiffs are bound by a common cause of action
2. Re: corporations –
Who sues for the corporation: BoD (Sec. 23, CorpCode)
Who certifies: person authorized by the BoD (via board resolution) to sue
for the corporation (e.g. corporate officer, a lawyer)
Case: Cagayan Valley Drug Corp. vs. CIR [Velasco!] – if anyone below…
- President
- Chairman of BoD
- General manager (or acting general manager)
- Labor specialist (in labor cases)
… signs a certification w/o previous BoD authorization, the reso. requirement
MAY BE DISPENSED W/ (because they know if the corp. has filed the same

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

suit in some other court/tribunal) [i.e. liberal interpretation]

➢ BUT ideally, per CorpCode, there should be a board resolution!
 What can be alleged?
(a) ULTIMATE FACTS – only these can be alleged (as a rule)
(b) EVIDENTIARY FACTS – to be omitted; evidence is for trial, not for pleadings
➢ XPN: 1. Small claims
req'd to make statements re: evid.
2. Environmental cases
* [CONCLUSIONS (e.g. “herein defendant maliciously committed…” → “maliciously”
is a conclusion) cannot be alleged] Why? Because the court – not any of the
parties – is the one authorized to make conclusions!
➢ Remedy: motion to strike out conclusion(s) (rarely used for some reason)
* Re: averments of: 1. FRAUD/MISTAKE – must be stated w/ particularity
➢ [Interplay w/ ObliCon & Nego – different kinds of
fraud (causante/incidente) = different remedies]
2. CONDITION(S) OF THE MIND (e.g. malice, intent,
knowledge) – may be averred generally
 Effect if pleading is unsigned: produces NO LEGAL EFFECT (R7 S3)
➢ How cured: party can ASK THE COURT to allow him/her to sign the pleading
(on the ground[s] of mere inadvertence & lack of intent to delay)
 Filing vs. service (R13)
Definition Act of presenting the pleading or Act of providing a party w/ a copy
(S2) other papers to the clerk of court of the pleading/paper concerned
1. Personal (S6)
2. By mail (S7)
1. Personal (S3): presenting
original copy of pleading w/
Modes no registry service is
the clerk of court
available in the locality
2. By registered mail (Ibid.)
of either the senders
or the addressee
3. Substituted service (S8)
GR: By its EXISTENCE IN THE 1. Personal:
RECORD OF THE CASE! (a) Written admission of the
XPN: If NOT in the record, & – party served, or
1. If filed personally: (b) Official return of server, or
written or stamped (c) Affidavit of party serving,
acknowledgment of its (containing date, place, &
filing by clerk of court manner of service)
2. If filed by registered 2. By mail:
mail: registry receipt & (a) Affidavit of mailer showing
affidavit of the person compliance w/ provisions
who did the mailing, w/ of S7 (see above!)
full statement of – (b) Registry receipt issued by
(a) Date & place of mailing officer
depositing in the [Registry return card – to be
post office in a filed immediately upon its
sealed envelope receipt by the sender, or in
addressed to the lieu thereof, the unclaimed
court letter + certified/sworn copy of
the notice given by the

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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(b) Postage fully paid postmaster to the addressee]

(c) Instructions to the
postmaster to have
the mail returned to
sender after 10
days if undelivered
Service, when deemed complete: (S8; S10)
(a) Personal: upon ACTUAL DELIVERY
(b) By ordinary mail: upon expiration of 10 DAYS after mailing
➢ XPN: When the court otherwise provides
(c) By registered mail: upon ACTUAL RECEIPT by the addressee, or 5 DAYS from
the date he/she received the 1st notice of the postmaster, whichever is earlier
(d) Substituted service: at the TIME OF SUCH DELIVERY
 Re: jurisdiction over the parties
(a) Voluntary appearance in court &
submission to its authority; or
Filing* of complaint/petition/other initiatory
(b) Service of summons (or some other
pleading + payment of docket fees**
coercive process) upon him/her (see
“Summons” in later pages)
[* material element = filing in/for his/her behalf, not actual presence of plaintiff]
** Cases: GSIS vs. Heirs of Caballero & Korea Tech vs. Lerma – for the
trial court to acquire jurisdiction over counterclaims (permissive or
compulsory) & cross-claims, payment of docket fees is also req’d
[*** non-essential in in rem/quasi in rem actions as long as juris. over res is had]
 Amendment of [any] pleading (R10)
➢ Case: Swagman Hotels & Travel, Inc. vs. CA – a premature complaint (i.e.
no cause of action) cannot be cured by amendment!
Kinds of amendment
(a) AS A MATTER OF RIGHT – before a responsive pleading is served
Reminder: MTD ≠ pleading, let alone a responsive pleading!
- If what is to be amended is a REPLY: w/in 10 days after it is served
- For whatever reason you want (kasi nga as a matter of right)
- Ministerial on the part of the court to admit, i.e. compellable by mandamus
- Can even be done to correct error[s] of jurisdiction
Case: Bautista & Rosel vs. Maya-Maya Cottages –
Q: The RTC dismissed a sum-of-money case motu proprio for lack of
jurisdiction. Upon receipt of the order of dismissal, plaintiff – right then &
there! – amended the complaint so that the sum claimed reaches the
threshold amount. Can amendment of the complaint still be made here?
A: YES. The dismissal is not yet final. An order of dismissal DOES NOT
DISMISS THE CASE; it has to become final. Plaintiff has 15 days to react.
Dean Riano’s bonus: if you are the defendant in the above case, and
you know that the court has no jurisdiction, do not file MTD; instead –
1. File an ANSWER (lack of jurisdiction = AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE)
- Why? To cut off plaintiff’s right to amend as a matter of right!
- Answer having been filed, should plaintiff ask for leave of
court to amend & be granted such, the court will then be
acting on a complaint over w/c it has NO JURISDICTION
(leaving it no recourse but to dismiss)

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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2. Ask for PRELIMINARY HEARING on your affirmative defense

➢ The court will know if there is no jurisdiction, & DISMISS!
(b) AS A MATTER OF DISCRETION (i.e. requires leave of court) – after a responsive
pleading is served (or the 10-day period re: reply expires), for substantial
amendments (Case: Buenaventura vs. Buenaventura – e.g. changing one’s
cause of action or adding a new one)
➢ Sole ground for denial: motion was made to DELAY the action (Case:
Citystate Savings Bank vs. Aguinaldo – that a proposed amendment is
substantial is not a bar to amend provided it is not meant for delay!)
(c) BY IMPLICATION (i.e. by consent; to conform to evidence) (R10 S5) – brought
about by failure to object to ISSUES NOT MENTIONED IN THE PLEADINGS
If the other party timely objects, the court will sustain; if the party who
brought up the issue not mentioned in the pleadings moves to amend, such
would be subject to the court’s discretion
CONTRA: CrimPro! (R110 S8-9, re: qualif., aggrav. circumstances) – when not
alleged, even if not objected to, will not amount to an amendment of the
complaint/information (i.e. will not be considered)
➢ Basis: Art. III, Sec. 14(2), 1987 CONST. (accused’s right to be informed)
Effect of amended pleadings (S8): 1. Supersedes amended pleading (of course)
2. Admissions in superseded pleadings may be
received in evidence against the pleader (!)
3. Claims/defenses in the superseded pleading
not included in the new one are waived
 Supplemental pleading (S6) – sets forth transactions/occurrences/events w/c have
happened since the date of the pleading sought to be supplemented
➢ As distinguished from amendments –
Refers to facts existing at the time of Refers to facts arising after the filing of
the commencement of the action the original pleading
Takes the place of the orig. pleading Taken together w/ orig. pleading
No need for leave of court if made
Always w/ leave of court
before responsive pleading is served
Filing an amended pleading = filing the Does not require the filing of a new
entire pleading all over again (this time copy of the entire pleading
w/ amendment[s]) (ang labo ng
sentence construction, but yeah)

--- What if I want to dismiss my own complaint? Can I do that? ---

6. Dismissal of complaint by plaintiff (R17)

 BY NOTICE (“notice of dismissal”) (S1) – a matter of right before service of
responsive pleading (or motion for summary judgment) → court shall (ONLY!) confirm
dismissal by issuing an order of dismissal
* Dismissal in this manner is W/O PREJUDICE! (“sin perjuicio;” i.e. should
plaintiff decide later on to refile the case, he/she could do so, & he/she could
dismiss the case again should he/she want to; by then, that’s the end of it)
➢ Two-dismissal rule: where a plaintiff previously dismissed a case, & having
filed a case on the same cause of action/claim as the previous one, had the
action dismissed again – both being by way of NOTICE OF DISMISSAL –

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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the 2nd dismissal constitutes an adjudication on the merits, & the complaint
 BY MOTION (MTD, to secure leave of court) (S2) – after service of resp. pleading
➢ No prejudice to defendant’s right to prosecute counterclaim (permissive or
compulsory); defendant can still pursue whether in the same action or a
different one
Dean Riano’s pro-tip re: dismissals/counterclaims – dismissal of the complaint
is ALWAYS w/o prejudice to the counterclaim, mapa-R17 (incl. S3 [↓]) o R16!
 DUE TO FAULT OF PLAINTIFF (S3) [upon motion, or motu proprio]
Grounds: (a) Failure to appear on date of presentation of evidence in chief
(b) Failure to prosecute for unreasonable length of time (non prosequitur)
(c) Failure to comply w/ RoC or any order of the court
Case: Shimizu Phils. vs. Magsalin – dismissals of actions under S3 not expressly
stating whether they are w/ or w/o prejudice are held to be W/ PREJUDICE!

--- How will the person I filed a case against know that I filed a case against him/her? ---

7. Summons (R14)
➢ Who issues? Clerk of court (S1)
Who serves? (a) Sheriff
(b) Deputy sheriff
(c) Other proper court officer
(d) Any suitable person auth. by the court (justifiable reasons) (S3)
 Purposes: (a) Compliance w/ procedural due process reqs.
(b) To obtain jurisdiction over:
- Person of defendant (in in personam actions)
- Res (in in rem/quasi in rem actions)
(see discussion re: in rem/quasi in rem/in personam in prev. pages)
 Modes of service of summons
(a) VOLUNTARY APPEARANCE (VA)* – equivalent to service of summons (S20)
[* amounts to a voluntary submission to the jurisdiction of the court]
GR: Case: Carballo vs. Encarnacion – appearance of defendant in whatever
form w/o expressly objecting to the jurisdiction of the court = VA
XPN: 1. Case: French Oil Machinery Co. vs. CA – filing of an answer to
object to the jurisdiction of the court over his person ≠ VA
2. MTD grounded upon lack of jurisdiction over person of defendant (on
its own, or together w/ other grounds) ≠ VA (S20, 2nd sentence)
(b) Valid service of summons –
i. Find the person specified, & give it to him/her anywhere; or
ii. Tender it to him/her if there is refusal to accept/sign
GR: STRICT INTERPRETATION of provisions on summons
➢ XPN to liberal interpretation doctrine!
XPN: When defendant him/herself prevented normal service in person
upon him/her, SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE can be considered
Case: Marcos-Manotoc vs. CA – there must be compliance w/ the ff.:
(a) exertion of honest-to-goodness efforts to serve defendant in
person w/in a reasonable time (go back to his/her house again
& again if you have to!), & (b) specifying same in the return, in
order to make use of the 2nd mode of service of summons…

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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Defendant’s residence One who (a) resides therein, and
(b) is of sufficient age & discretion
Defendant’s place of business One who is (a) competent, and (b)
[apparently] is in charge
* Special instances of personal service
i. PRISONERS (S9) – effected by officer having management of the
jail/institution (deemed deputized as special sheriff for the purpose)
ii. MINORS*/INSANE/INCOMPETENTS (S10) – served upon…
1. Legal guardian, if any
The person himself + 2. If none, guardian ad litem
➢ (Applied for by plaintiff!)
[* service may also be made on either of minor’s parents]
* Service upon juridical entities (not in the syllabus but what the hell)
i. Private: 1. DOMESTIC (S11) – service may be made upon the ff.:
(a) President
(b) Managing partner
(c) General manager
(d) Corporate secretary
(e) Treasurer
(f) In-house counsel
2. FOREIGN (w/c has transacted business in PH) (S12) –
(a) Resident agent (designated in accordance w/ law for
purposes of receiving summons)
(b) If none, gov’t official designated to that effect
(c) Any of the entity’s officers/agents w/in PH
ii. Public (S13) – depends on the defendant…
(b) PROVINCE/CITY/MUNICIPALITY/ETC.: executive head or such
other officer(s) as the law or the court may direct
[* in a newspaper of gen. circ., & in such place & for such time as ordered]
i. In rem/quasi in rem – both modes are ALLOWED!
ii. In personam –
GR: NO summons by publication!
XPN: 1. Defendant’s identity/whereabouts are unknown (S14)
2. Defendant originally resides in PH; temporarily out (S16)
(a) Copy sent via reg. mail in last known address
(b) Leave of court req’d!
More on extraterritorial service (S15)
i. Modes: 1. Personal service outside PH, w/ leave of court
2. By publication (see item 2 @ XPN above)
3. Any other means the judge may consider sufficient
ii. NO extraterritorial service in in personam actions vs. non-residents
not found in PH at the time of service of summons
➢ Remedy: convert the action into one quasi in rem by attaching
the property of the defendant (i.e. preliminary attachment);
doing so allows recourse to extraterritorial service
 Proof of service of summons:
(a) Made in writing by the server

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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(b) Sets forth the manner/place/date of service

(c) Specifies any papers w/c have been served along w/ the summons
(d) If made by a person other than the sheriff/deputy – sworn to!
(a) … of [1] the PRINTER (or his/her foreman/principal clerk), or [2] the
EDITOR (or business/advertising mgr.) (w/ a copy of the publication), &
(b) … showing DEPOSIT in the POST OFFICE of: - Copy of the summons
- Order for publication

--- The other party just moved for a “bill of particulars.” The hell is that? ---

8. Motion for bill of particulars [BoP] (R12) – more definite statement of any matter not
averred w/ sufficient definiteness/particularity → Purpose: to help defendant (or plaintiff
as well, actually) prepare an intelligent responsive pleading (i.e. “para sa kalinawan”)
 Period for filing motion: 10 DAYS from service of pleading in question
 Options of court re: motion: (a) Deny outright
(b) Grant outright
(c) Set for hearing (i.e. hearing not mandatory!)
 Period for compliance w/ court’s order for BoP: 10 DAYS from notice of order
 Effect of insufficient/non-compliance: (a) STRIKING OUT OF THE PLEADING (or
portion thereof to w/c order is directed)
(b) Such order as the court may deem just

--- What if the other party wants to have the case dismissed? How’d they do it? ---

9. Motion to dismiss [MTD] (R16)

 Omnibus motion rule (R15 S8) [& XPNs]
GR: A motion attacking a pleading/order/judgment/proceeding SHALL INCLUDE
XPN: RESIDUAL PREROGATIVE:* non-waivable defenses in civil actions (R9 S1)
(a) Lack of jurisdiction (Compare these w/ residual jurisdiction!)
(b) Litis pendentia
(c) Res judicata
(d) Prescription
* “Residual” = puwede i-dismiss even if these are not raised on motion!
(for their counterparts in criminal cases, see “CrimPro”)
 Hypothetical admission rule (Case: Municipality of Hagonoy vs. Dumdum) – when
MTD is filed, material allegations of the complaint & inferences that may be fairly
 MTD vs. demurrer to evidence
Grounded on preliminary objections Based on insufficiency of evidence
May be filed by any defending party May be filed only by the defendant
against whom a claim is asserted to against the complaint of the plaintiff
Should be filed w/in the time for – but May be filed only after the plaintiff has
prior to! – the filing of the answer of the completed the presentation of his/her
defending party to the pleading asserting evidence
the claim
1. If denied, defendant answers [↓] 1. If denied, defendant may present
2. If granted, plaintiff may appeal, or, if his/her evidence

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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a subsequent case is not barred, 2. If granted, but on appeal, the order of

he/she may refile the case dismissal is reversed, defendant
loses the right to present evidence
 Grounds for MTD (S1)
(a) Lack of jurisdiction over –
- Person of the defendant
- Subject matter of the claim
(b) Improper venue
(c) Plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue
(d) Litis pendentia
(e) Res judicata
(f) Prescription
(g) Failure to state a cause of action
(h) Extinguishment of claim/demand (i.e. payment, waiver, abandonment, etc.)
(i) Unenforceability under the Statute of Frauds
(j) Non-compliance w/ condition precedent for filing the claim
 Re: refiling of a dismissed case
Q: Can the case be refiled?
A: If dismissal is w/o prejudice –
GR: Plaintiff may refile!
XPN: Where the ground for dismissal is: [PERU]
(a) Prescription
(b) Extinguishment of claim/demand
(c) Res judicata
(d) Unenforceability under the Statute of Frauds
… in w/c case, no more refiling (i.e. dismissed w/ prejudice)
 Dismissal on these grounds = adjudication on the merits!
 Recourse if MTD not granted
(a) RIGHTLY: just file an ANSWER
(b) WRONGLY: MR → R65 (certiorari)
 Order granting MTD (i.e. “dismissal order”) = final in character
➢ Remedy: APPEAL! (S5; R41 S1; Case: Gamboa vs. Teodoro)
[cf. R65 S1 – certiorari will not lie precisely because appeal is a remedy here]

--- How would the other party ans… oh. ---

10. Answer (R6 S4-5, R8, R11) – pleading in w/c defending party sets forth defenses
➢ Responsive pleading to a complaint/cross/counter/3rd party, etc.
Case: NAPOCOR vs. Lim – an answer is (now) a mandatory resp. pleading to a
complaint-in-intervention, failure to file w/c may give rise to a declaration of default
 Kinds of defenses
(a) NEGATIVE (S5[a]): where there is a SPECIFIC DENIAL of material averments
GR: A specific denial is normally enough to create an issue
➢ No specific denial = no issue; allegations are admitted; plaintiff can
move for JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS (R34) (see next page)
XPN: Specific denial alone is insufficient when RoC requires AN OATH, viz.:
[* document w/c is the basis of a cause of action/defense]
If w/o oath: constitutes adm. of genuineness & due execution of AD!
➢ XPN: Specific denial alone is enough if only a provision of
the AD (not the doc. as a whole) is contested!

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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2. Allegations of USURY (re: recovery of usurious interest**) (R8 S11)

[** if not in such comp., specific denial is enough even if w/o oath]
(b) AFFIRMATIVE (S5[b]): allegation of a new matter w/c, while HYPOTHETICALLY
ADMITTING the material allegations in the pleading of the claimant, would
nevertheless prevent/bar recovery by him/her
 Reglementary period[s] for filing an answer: [10/15/30/60] (R11)
(a) 10 DAYS re: –
- Counterclaim, cross-claim, from service (S4)
- Supplemental pleading, from notice of order admitting* (S7)
(b) [GR] 15 DAYS from –
- Service of summons* (re: complaint, 3rd party) (S1, S5)
- Service of amended complaint [+3rd party/counter/cross/in-intervention] (S3)
➢ XPN: If not as matter of right, 10 DAYS from notice of order admitting
[if no new answer is filed, the earlier answer stands!]
(c) 30 DAYS from service (defendant = foreign private juridical entity) (S2)
(d) 60 DAYS from extraterritorial service (R14 S15)
[*XPN: when the court fixes a different period]
➢ If court accepted late filing = deemed impliedly extended
EXTENSION → upon motion & on such terms as may be just (S11)
 No answer w/in reg. period → move to declare defendant in DEFAULT (R9 S3)
(a) Effects of default –
Participation in the trial AS A PARTY
 ➢ BUT defendant can still participate as witness of another party!
 Receipt of notice of subsequent proceedings
- JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT w/o receiving plaintiff’s evidence ex parte
➢ BUT court can receive plaintiff’s evid. ex parte at its discretion
(b) Is motion required?
GR: MOTION to declare defendant in default is REQUIRED* [otherwise, case
becomes stagnant; stagnation for unreasonable length of time = non
[* defending party is entitled to receive a copy of the motion]
XPN: 1. R2 S15, Rules of Procedure in Envi. Cases: motu proprio!
2. SumProc: motion to declare def. in default = prohibited pleading
➢ In case of default, court shall RENDER JUDGMENT!
(c) Remedy of party in default – motion under oath to SET ASIDE order of default
➢ Grounds: 1. FAME (fraud, accident, mistake, excusable negligence)
2. Meritorious defense
(d) Re: possibility of default setting in post-filing of the answer
- Theoretical (Dean Riano’s, Atty. Villasis’): plaintiff files motion for BoP
→ court issues order → non-compliance w/ order → plaintiff moves for
answer to be stricken out, w/c was granted → plaintiff can now move
for defendant to be DECLARED IN DEFAULT (as there is no answer!)
- Re: refusal to comply w/ modes of discovery (“special kind of default”)
➢ R25, R26 – MANDATORY!
[the others are merely discretionary] (see later pages)
(e) No default in: 1. Annulment
2. Declaration of nullity No judg. on the pleadings, too!*
3. Legal separation
4. Amparo
5. Habeas corpus

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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6. Habeas data
7. SumProc [motion to declare defendant in default =
(motu proprio or upon motion) (S6, RSS)]
8. Environmental cases (motu proprio)
* Here, the court shall order the PROSECUTING ATTORNEY to:
(a) Investigate WON there is collusion
(b) If there is no collusion, intervene for the State to see to it
that the evidence submitted is not fabricated
 What happens when an answer is filed?
- No specific denial(s) → NO ISSUES → JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS (R34)
Case: Asia Construction Dev’t case – issue re: cert. of non-forum shopping, not
an issue re: complaint that would necessitate a judgment on the pleadings
(a) Judgment on the pleadings vs. summary judgment vs. judgment on default
There is an answer, but NO GENUINE ISSUE*
it is one that fails to as to any material fact
tender an issue or (except amt. of dmgs.),
admits the material i.e. only a collateral
allegations of adverse matter is at issue
party’s pleadings, i.e. * “Genuine issue” = an NO ANSWER w/in the
NO ISSUE AT ALL! reglementary period
issue of fact requiring
presentation of evid.;
not fictitious, contrived,
false, or a sham (Smart
Comm. vs. Aldecoa)
Claimant, defendant Plaintiff
Based on pleadings,
affidavits, depo., adm. Based on the complaint
Based on pleadings (adverse party may and/or evidence w/c the
alone serve oppo. pleadings, court may require from
affidavits, etc. at least 3 plaintiff
days before hearing)
There is HEARING…
Can be either on the
merits or interlocutory
On the merits On the merits
(i.e. there can be partial
summary judgment)
- W/ specific denial(s): 1. COUNTER/CROSS-CLAIM (R6)
2. 3rd PARTY COMPLAINT (Ibid.)
When you file an answer, it could be coupled w/ a
counterclaim, a cross-claim, a 3rd party complaint, or a
combination of any two or all three of these
➢ WHY? To prevent multiplicity of suits!
4. REPLY (R6)

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

1. Counterclaim (R6)
Arising out of or necessarily
connected w/ the transaction or
One not so arising/connected
occurrence that is the subject
matter of opposing party’s claim
Does not require for its
adjudication the presence of 3rd May require the presence of
parties of whom the court cannot such 3rd persons
acquire jurisdiction
Barred if not invoked (R9 S2) Not so barred if not invoked
Does not bring risk of default if Must be answered lest the party
not answered be held in default
Not an initiatory pleading Initiatory pleading
Need not be accompanied by a Must be accompanied by a cert.
cert. vs. forum-shopping, etc. vs. forum-shopping [+cert. to file
action by Lupon, if req’d]
Add’l rules re: monetary counterclaims:
(a) Re: MTC – if the amount of the counterclaim is beyond the
P400K (or P300K) threshold, even if the counterclaim is related
to the subject matter of the complaint – deemed PERMISSIVE
(b) Re: RTC – even if the amount of counterclaim does not exceed
the above-stated threshold, the counterclaim is COMPULSORY
as long as it is related to the subject matter of the complaint
Dean Riano’s basis: coverage over the larger amount
carries w/ it coverage over the smaller one (of course, this
does not apply re: MTC as provided above)
(c) When cognizable not by the regular courts but by other
courts/bodies (e.g. NLRC) – deemed PERMISSIVE!
Re: docket fees – (a) PERMISSIVE (always!)
(b) COMPULSORY  (docket fee req’t = suspended)
2. Cross-claim – claim vs. a co-party
3. 3rd party complaint
4. Intervention (R19) – a procedure by w/c 3rd persons, not originally parties to
the suit but claiming an interest in the subject matter, come into the case to
protect their right or interpose their claim
Reqs.: > Movant has a legal interest in the matter in litigation
> Intervention must not unduly prejudice adjud. of parties’ rights
> Claim = incapable of being properly decided in sepa. proceeding
Cases: (a) Heirs of Restrivera vs. De Guzman – allowance/disallowance
of a motion to intervene is discretionary upon the court
(b) Ombudsman vs. Sison – a motion for intervention can be filed
any time before rendition of judgment by the trial court (XPN:
where interventions have been allowed even beyond the period,
[& in at least one time even when the order has already become
final] @ the discretion of the court, e.g. when demanded by the
higher interests of justice, to afford indispensable parties the right
to be heard, etc. [cf. Case: Rodriguez vs. CA])
(c) Ombudsman vs. Quimbo – even if the Ombudsman was not
impleaded as a party in the proceedings, part of its broad powers

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
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include defending its decisions before the CA; Ombudsman may

intervene pursuant to R19 S1 (Quimbo is a 2015 case; in 2010,
the SC, in Ombudsman vs. Sison [a J. Velasco ponencia!],
ruled that the Ombudsman has no right to intervene in the
appeal of its own decision… I think I’ll go w/ Quimbo)
5. Reply (R6 S10)
GR: DISPENSABLE! (Dean Riano’s take: useless pleading, as even
when a reply is not filed, all new matters/allegations in the
answer are deemed controverted anyway)
XPN: When a reply is advisable: when the answer has/is based on an
ACTIONABLE DOCUMENT & you want to deny its genuineness &
due execution, you file a reply UNDER OATH!
Period of filing (R11 S10): 10 DAYS from service of answer
➢ Pleading stage ends w/ PLAINTIFF moving to set case for pre-trial –
(a) Where answer has been filed & served; or
(b) W/in 5 DAYS from date of filing of reply
[If plaintiff doesn’t seasonably move, the branch clerk of court shall
issue a notice of pre-trial (R18 S1; A.M. 03-1-09)]

--- Once the motion to set the case for pre-trial is granted, there’s but one way to go… ---

11. Pre-trial (R18, cf. A.M. 03-1-09)

➢ MANDATORY (in both civil [R18 S2] & criminal [R118 S1] cases)
 Matters considered in pre-trial (S2)
(a) Possibility of amicable settlement (compromise!) or submission to ADR
(b) Simplification of issues
(c) Necessity/desirability of amendments to the pleadings
(d) Possibility of obtaining stipu./adm. of facts/docs. to avoid unnecessary proof
(e) Limitations of no. of witnesses
(f) Advisability of a particular reference of issues to a commissioner
(g) Propriety of rendering judgment on the pleadings, or summary judgment, or
dismissing the action (should a valid ground therefor be found to exist)
(h) Advisability/necessity of suspending the proceedings
(i) Such other matters as may aid in the prompt disposition of the action
 Who are req’d to appear @ the pre-trial? (S4) – the parties & their counsel
➢ NOTICE OF PRE-TRIAL (S3) – served on:
- Counsel (notice to counsel = notice to client); or
- The party him/herself, if he/she has no counsel
 Pre-trial brief (PTB) (S6) filed w/ court, served on adv. party ≥3 DAYS before pre-trial
➢ Non-submission of PTB = deemed FAILURE TO APPEAR (see below)
 Effect of failure to appear (S5)
Plaintiff can present evid. ex parte; court
can render judgment on basis thereof
GR: Dismissal W/ PREJUDICE! Case: Aguilar vs. Lightbringers – “non-
XPN: When otw. allowed by the court suit” → similar to default (previous to the
1997 amendment to the RoC, the term
used was “as in default”) but not default!
EXCUSED, if – (S4)
(a) For VALID CAUSE shown; or
(b) There is a REPRESENTATIVE (w/ SPA to enter into amicable settlement,

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

submit to ADR, enter into stipulations/admissions of facts/documents)

 Mediation (cf. A.M. No. 03-1-09-SC)
(a) In mediatable cases, the judge refers the parties to the PMC3 for mediation
(b) The ff. are cases w/in the mandatory coverage of CAM4 & JDR:5
- All civil cases (& the liability of criminal cases) covered by RSP, incl. civil liab.
for violation of BP 22 (XPN: those w/c by law may not be compromised)
- Special proceedings for settlement of estates
- All civil & criminal cases filed w/ a certificate to file action issued by the
Punong Barangay/Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo under the Revised KPL
- Civil aspects of quasi-offenses (Title XIV, RPC)
- Civil aspects of less grave felonies punishable by correctional penalties not
exceeding 6 yrs., where offended party = private person
- Civil aspects of estafa, theft, & libel
- All civil cases & probate proceedings brought on appeal from the exclusive &
original jurisdiction of the 1st level courts (cf. Sec. 33, par. 1, BP 129)
- All FE/UD cases brought on appeal from the exclusive & original jurisdiction
of the 1st level courts (cf. Sec. 33, par. 2, BP 129)
- All civil cases involving title to/possession of real property/an interest therein
brought on appeal from the exclusive & original jurisdiction of the 1st level
courts (cf. Sec. 33, par. 3, BP 129)
- All habeas corpus cases decided by the 1st level courts in the absence of the
RTC judge brought up on appeal from the special jurisdiction granted to the
1st level courts under Sec. 33 of BP 129 (A.M. No. 11-1-6-SC-PHILJA)
 Pre-trial (or its “counterparts”) on appeal
(a) CA – PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE (R48) → not mandatory!
Basis: Sec. 9, BP 129 – the CA is the only appellate court that has the power to
conduct hearings/trial, receive evidence re: resolution of factual issues, JUST
➢ Compare: RTC’s appellate juris. → NO TRIAL ON APPEAL!
[i.e. RTC decides on the basis of record on appeal (R40)]
(b) SC – can also conduct preliminary conference (R56, cf. R45)
➢ BUT still not a trier of fact; the SC is a trier of law!
XPN: 1. Where SC knows findings of fact of RTC & CA are different
2. Amparo
3. Habeas data
4. Kalikasan (via R45)
5. R7 S16, Rules of Procedure in Environmental Cases
6. Other jurisprudential circumstances

12. Modes of discovery

➢ R23: Depositions pending action
R24: Depositions before action/pending appeal
R25: Interrogatories to parties
R26: Admission by adverse party
R27: Production/inspection of documents/things
R28: Physical & mental examination of persons

3 Philippine Mediation Center

4 Court-assisted mediation
5 Judicial dispute resolution

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

 Discovery, defined: device employed by a party to obtain information about relevant

matters on the case from the adverse party in preparation for the trial
➢ Case: Hyatt Industrial vs. Ley Construction – trial courts are directed to
issue orders requiring parties to avail of discovery procedures!
 Purpose of discovery
(a) To serve as add’l device, aside from pre-trial
(b) To narrow & clarify the basic issues between the parties
(c) To ascertain the facts relative to the issues
(d) To enable parties to obtain the fullest possible knowledge of the issues & facts
(e) To ensure all issues necessary to the disposition of the case are properly raised
 Effect(s) of failure to comply w/ modes (R29)
(a) Pleading of disobedient party may be ordered stricken out
(b) Dismissal of action (if disobedient party = plaintiff)
(c) Judgment by default (if disobedient party = defendant)
(d) Contempt (re: refusal to be sworn or to answer at/during taking of deposition)
(e) Arrest of the disobedient party (XPN: order disobeyed = phys./ment. exam.) (S3)
 Depositions (R23-24)
(a) Deposition, defined: taking of the testimony of any person, whether he/she be a
party or not, done out of court, at the instance of a party to the action, may be by:
- ORAL EXAMINATION (see below)
> Direct interrogatories? Served upon any other party
[the ff. are optional]
> Cross-interrogatories: served upon the party proposing to take the
(direct) deposition w/in 10 DAYS from service of written interrogatories
> Re-direct interrogatories: served w/in 5 DAYS from service of cross
> Re-cross interrogatories: served w/in 3 DAYS from service of re-cross
To whom delivered: officer before whom depo. is taken (see below)
(b) When depositions may be sought for:
- BENE ESSE, i.e. during a pending action (R23)
- IN PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM, i.e. before action/pending appeal (R24)
Cases: (a) San Luis vs. Rojas – there is no distinction/restriction as to who can
avail of depo. (e.g. even if respondent is a non-resident foreign corp.!)
(b) Pajarillaga vs. CA – nothing objectionable per se w/ petitioner
(defendant) availing of depo. after private respondent (plaintiff) has
rested his case & prior to petitioner’s presentation of evidence;
depositions may be taken @ any time after the institution of any action,
whenever necessary or convenient!
Leave of court –
Q: Is leave of court required?
A: 1. NO, if after the answer has been served
2. YES, if before the answer is served, but after jurisdiction over the person of
the defendant/property subject of the action is acquired
Before whom taken –
1. Judge (S10)
2. Notary public (Ibid.)
W/in PH
3. Any person authorized to administer oaths, provided the
parties so stipulate in writing (S10, cf. S14)
1. Secretary of an embassy/legation, consul-general, consul,
Outside PH
vice-consul, or consular agent of PH

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

2. Such person/officer as may be appointed by commission

(authorizes the person who receives it to conduct a
deposition & take oaths in a certain foreign state) or
letters rogatory (a request from a PH court addressed to
the deponent's state court asking the latter to issue a
3. Same as #3 above! (S17, cf. S14)
1. Person who is a relative w/in the 6th civil degree
2. Employees of any of the parties; or
No depositions to 3. Counsel who is a rel. w/in the same (6th!) degree
be taken before…
➢ OR an EE of such counsel!
4. Person financially interested in the action (S13)
Use of depositions pending action (S4) –
1. Any party who was present/represented @ the taking thereof
Against whom
2. One who had due notice of the deposition
1. Contradicting/impeaching testimony of deponent as witness
2. Any purpose –
(a) By the adverse party where deponent = party
(b) By any party where deponent = witness, if the court finds:
- The witness is dead
- The witness resides more than 100km from the place
of trial/hearing, or is out of PH (XPN: where it
appears that his/her absence was procured by the
party offering the deposition)
- The witness is unable to attend/testify because of
age, sickness, infirmity, or imprisonment
- The party offering the deposition has been unable to
procure the attendance of witnesses by subpoena
- Exceptional circumstances
How made – via verified petition // court issues order for taking of deposition if it is
satisfied that the perpetuation may prevent a failure/delay of justice!
➢ Re: depositions pending appeal: these may be availed of under the same rules
as those followed re: depositions pending action!
By whom – any person desiring to perpetuate one’s own or another’s testimony
About what – any matter that may be cognizable in any court in PH via
When admissible – in any action subsequently brought re: same subject matter
 Interrogatories to parties (R25)
(a) Purpose – to elicit material & relevant facts from any adverse party
(b) Availed by whom? – a party to the action
(c) Procedure –
- Party availing files & serves upon adverse party to be answered (if party =
jur. entity, answered by any of its officers competent to testify in its behalf)
- One set of interrogatories max. for each party (XPN: when w/ leave of court)
- Adverse party has 2 options:
i. Answer fully in writing + signed & sworn by the person making them
➢ Party who answered files & serves a copy on the party availing
w/in 15 DAYS from service thereof (extendible upon motion)
ii. Make objections thereto (presented to the court w/in 10 DAYS after
service thereof) // defers the filing & service of the answer (see above)

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

(d) Effect of failure to serve – party not served may not be compelled by the adverse
party to give testimony in open court or give deposition pending appeal (XPN:
when allowed by the court for good cause shown & to prevent a failure of justice)
(e) Distinguished from:
- Bill of particulars
Not directed to a particular pleading; Designed to clarify ambiguities, or
instead seeks to disclose all material state w/ sufficient definiteness the
& relevant facts from a party allegations in a pleading
- Written interrogatories in a deposition
Served directly upon adverse party Not served upon adverse party
directly; delivered to officer before
whom the deposition is to be taken
 Admission by adverse party (R26)
➢ … where, before trial, a party may request the other to admit the:
Genuineness of any material doc. described in & exhibited w/ the
Truth & relevant* matter of fact set forth in request**
[*w/c are, or ought to be, w/in the personal knowledge of the other/adverse party]
** party who fails to file & serve such request = not permitted to present
evidence on such facts! (XPN: when allowed by the court for good cause
shown & to prevent a failure of justice)
(a) Purpose – to allow one party to request the adverse party in writing to admit
certain material & relevant matters w/c most likely will not be disputed during trial;
to avoid unnecessary inconvenience to parties in going through rigors of proof!
(b) Filing & service of a sworn statement of admission/denial (S2-3) –
- To be filed & served upon the party requesting the admission [1] w/in the
PERIOD DESIGNATED in the request (≥15 DAYS!), or [2] w/in SUCH
FURTHER TIME as the court may allow (upon motion)
- Either [1] specifically denying the matters of w/c admission is requested, or
[2] if he/she does not deny the same, setting forth in detail the reason why
he/she cannot truthfully admit/deny those matters
➢ Case: Concrete Aggregates vs. CA – when a party to whom a
request for admission is served had already controverted the matters
subject thereof in an earlier pleading, he/she cannot be compelled
to admit/deny them anew!
- Failure to file & serve seasonably = implied admission, i.e. each of the
matters of w/c an admission is requested shall be deemed admitted (BUT for
the purpose of the pending action only)
➢ Deferment of compliance: to avoid implied admission, the party may
defer compliance by filing objections to the request for admission;
compliance is deferred until such objections are resolved by the court
(c) Withdrawal of admission (S4) – allowed upon such terms as may be just
 Production/inspection of documents/things (R27) – any party may avail of this, by
way of motion showing good cause therefor [+notice to adverse party]
Case: Air Phils. vs. Pennswell – subject to the req. that the docs/things ≠ privileged
 Physical & mental examination of persons (R28) – may be ordered by the court in an
action where the physical/mental condition of a party is in controversy (S1)

--- We go to trial! ---

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

13. Trial (R30)

Instances where there is judgment w/o trial:
(a) Judgment on the pleadings (R34)
(b) Summary judgment (R35)
(c) Judgment by compromise (see subsequent pages)
(d) Grant of MTD amounting to an adjudication on the merits; e.g.:
- Non-suit (R17 S3)
(e) Judgment upon confession (cognovit actionem) (Case: Natividad vs.
Natividad) – rendered where a party expressly agrees to the other party’s
claim or acknowledges the validity of the claim against him
(f) Cases governed by RSP (see discussion on SumProc)
 Purpose of trial: to resolve ISSUES OF FACT!
➢ Cross-over w/ Evid (see also section on “Evidence”) – no issues of fact as
defendant made no specific denial, i.e. admitted everything → judicial
admission (if admitted during the course of judicial proceedings) → no more
factum probandum (i.e. nothing more to be proved) → no more trial, apply R34
 Order of trial (S5)
GR: NORMAL – 1. Plaintiff
2. Defendant
3. 3rd party defendant, 4th party, etc.
4. Parties against whom counter/cross has been pleaded
XPN: MODIFIED (“reverse trial” [“reverse” is actually inaccurate]) (cf. R31 S2) –
1. Where there are SEVERAL CLAIMS (e.g. the claim itself, counter/cross,
3rd party, etc.) & the court grants SEPARATE TRIALS for them
2. When, for SPECIAL REASONS, the court otherwise directs
* The court may allow the defendant to present evidence on his/her defense,
counterclaim, etc., first! (applying R119 by analogy, says Dean Riano)
 What happens during trial? 1. Presentation of witnesses
2. Formal offer of exhibits [+objections, if any]
 3. Resting one’s case
After plaintiff rests his/her case, defendant may file MTD by way of DEMURRER TO
EVIDENCE (R33) → Ground: that upon the facts & the law, plaintiff has shown no
right to relief (i.e. lack of cause of action, insufficiency of evidence! [cf. R119 S29])
(a) MTD = GRANTED – case is DISMISSED (deemed adjudication on the merits)
➢ Plaintiff’s remedy: APPEAL! → if appellate court grants the appeal:
- Defendant loses his/her right to present evidence
- Case: Radiowealth Finance Corp. vs. Del Rosario – court should
not remand the case to the trial court & instead RENDER
JUDGMENT based on the evidence submitted by plaintiff
(b) MTD = DENIED – defendant can present his/her evidence!
➢ Order denying MTD = interlocutory, i.e. unappealable!
Case: Katigbak vs. Sandiganbayan – order denying demurrer can be
subject to certiorari (R65) in case of grave abuse of discretion or
oppressive exercise of judicial authority
Demurrer to evidence in criminal & civil cases, distinguished
Ground Insufficiency of evidence
Who initiates? Defendant, by motion 1. Accused, by motion; or

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

2. The court, motu proprio,

after giving the prosecution
the opportunity to be heard
No (can be filed w/ or w/o
leave) – BUT if w/ leave & the
court denied the motion,
accused CAN STILL
Is leave of court
➢ i.e. if w/o leave & the
court denies, accused’s
right to present evidence
Case: Arroyo case – per RoC,
denial of motion for demurrer
in criminal cases are not
Remedy of
reviewable by appeal or Certiorari (R65)
plaintiff if granted
certiorari; however, here, there
has been a suspension of the
RoC w/c allowed review in a
manner otherwise prohibited

--- Litigation must end at some point, right? ---

14. Judgment (R36) – final consideration & determination by a court of competent

jurisdiction upon matters submitted to it in an action/proceeding
 Req’s of valid judgment: (a) Authority of the court to hear & determine the case
(b) Jurisdiction over the parties & the subject matter
(c) Opportunity given to the parties to adduce evidence
(d) Evidence must have been considered by the court
(e) In writing, personally & directly prepared by the judge
(f) States clearly the facts & the law upon w/c it is based
(g) Signed by the judge & filed w/ the clerk of court
 Final & interlocutory orders, distinguished: Case: Pahila-Garrido vs. Tortogo –
Disposes of the subject matter in its Made during the pendency of the action,
entirety or terminates a particular w/c does not completely dispose of the
proceeding or action, leaving nothing case but leaves something else to be
more to be done except to enforce by decided upon in order to settle &
execution what the court has determined determine the entire controversy
Appealable Not appealable
Atty. Agranzamendez points out one more distinction:
GR: Not enforceable by execution
Enforceable by execution!
XPN: Order for support pendente lite
 Immutability of judgment; exceptions
[a.k.a. conclusiveness of judgment; preclusion of issues; collateral estoppel]
GR: A final & executory judgment can no longer be disturbed/altered/modified
➢ Q: When does a judgment become final?
A: Upon the lapse of the period for filing an appeal/MR/NT
∟ Re: entry of judgment – date of finality = date of entry!

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

[no need to look @ the date of physical entry]

XPN: (a) Re: correction of clerical errors
(b) Nunc pro tunc judgment (Case: Briones-Vasquez vs. CA) – one placing
in proper form on the record, the judgment that had been previously
rendered, to make it speak the truth, so as to make it show what the
judicial action really was
(c) Void judgment
(d) Special & exceptional cases – where facts & circumstances transpire after
finality of the decision w/c render execution impossible/unjust
“Final” for purposes of appeal/execution, distinguished
Disposes of a case in a manner that
No longer appealable; final & executory!
leaves nothing more to be done by the
(see discussion on “Execution”)
court in respect thereto
 Several judgment (S4) – one rendered against 1+ defendants, but NOT ALL of them,
leaving the action to proceed against the remainder
 Separate judgment (S5) – one rendered disposing one claim out of many presented
in an action, w/c terminates the action w/ respect to the claim so disposed of, leaving
the action to proceed as to those remaining
➢ The court may (a) stay enforcement until rendition of subsequent
judgment(s), and/or (b) prescribe such conditions as may be necessary to
secure the benefit thereof to the party in whose favor it is rendered
 Judgment upon compromise
(a) COMPROMISE AGREEMENT (Art. 2028, CC) – whereby the parties, by making
reciprocal concessions, avoid litigation or put an end to one already commenced
Species of compromise (Case: Salazar vs. Jarabe [J. Feria’s dissent])
One made in & submitted to the court
for approval in order to terminate a Contract to avoid provocation of a suit
case already filed in court
Art. 2037, CC (res judicata re: compromise) –
- A compromise has upon the parties the effect and authority of res judicata
- No execution needed re: compromise (XPN: re: judicial compromise)
Case: Gadrinab vs. Salamanca – a judicial compromise has the effect of res
judicata & is immediately executory & not appealable (unless set aside by
mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation, undue influence, or falsity of documents
that vitiated the compromise agreement)

15. Post-judgment remedies (R37+)

1. Motion for new trial (R37 [R52]) 1. Petition for relief (R38)
2. Motion for reconsideration (Ibid. [R53]) 2. Annulment of judgment (R47)
3. Appeal (R40-43, 45; R46-56) 3. Certiorari (R65)
NOTES: 4. Collateral attack
(a) CA counterparts in brackets
(b) SC = MR only; trier of law, not fact
(c) NT/MR/app. = independent remedies,
BUT if NT/MR is denied, one can still
appeal (the judgment/FO itself, not the

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

denial of the NT/MR)

 Motion for new trial (R37; R53) + motion for reconsideration (R37; R52)
1. Excessive damage award
2. Insufficiency of evidence
2. Newly-discovered evidence
3. Decision/FO = contrary to law
Grounds for NT are those w/c occurred
OUTSIDE THE COURT; had nothing to
Grounds for MR = errors in judgment;
do w/ it; never errors of judgment & thus
can be grounds for appeal!
never grounds for appeal (e.g. “extrinsic
fraud” – fraud outside the court!)
Should be filed w/in the period for filing an appeal
x No motion for extension of time allowed
Single motion rule – no 2nd MR allowed
[This holds true even in appellate courts!]
Re: MRs filed w/ the SC –
Can move twice (provided that the newly GR: Single motion rule applies!
discovered evidence raised as ground for XPN: When allowed by the SC en banc
a 2nd motion for NT has yet to be in the HIGHER INTEREST OF
discovered the 1st time) JUSTICE upon a vote of AT
MEMBERSHIP (R15 S3, Internal
Rules of the Supreme Court)
Partial NT/R = ALLOWED (where the grounds appear to the court to affect the
issues [w/c should be severable!] as to only a part, or less than all of the matter(s) in
controversy) → w/o interfering w/ the judgment/FO upon the rest (S7)
➢ The court may either (a) enter a
judg./FO as to the rest, or (b) stay x
enforcement until after the NT (S8)
Fresh period rule (Cases: Neypes vs. CA, Yu vs. Samson-Tatad) – fresh period of
15 DAYS (from rcpt. of the order dismissing MR/NT) w/in w/c to file notice of appeal
Purposes: - To standardize the appeal periods provided in the RoC
- To afford litigants fair opportunity to appeal their cases
Applies in: - Civil cases (R40, 41, 42, 43, 45)
- Criminal cases (notwithstanding R122 S6)
- R65 (Case: Docena vs. Lapesura) – predates Neypes by 4 years!
➢ Here, a fresh period of 60 DAYS is given
[* NO fresh period in R64 petitions (Case: Pates vs. COMELEC)]
 Appeal (R40-43; 45; 46-56) – only from an order finally disposing of a case
➢ STATUTORY – not constitutional – right! (Case: Stolt-Nielsen vs. NLRC)
Appeal timely perfected stays execution of judgment! (see XPNs in “Execution”)
Re: issues raised on appeal – Case: Del Rosario vs. Bonga –
GR: No question may be raised for the first time on appeal
XPN: 1. Lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter
➢ Case: Boston Equity vs. CA – subject to estoppel or laches!
2. Plain error
3. Jurisprudential developments
“Theory of the case” – Case: Bote vs. Sps. Veloso [Velasco!] –
➢ Comprehensive & orderly mental arrangement of principle &

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

facts, conceived and constructed for the purpose of securing a

judgment/decree of a court in favor of a litigant (cf. Black’s)
GR: A party cannot change its theory of the case on appeal (cf.
R44 S15 – only questions of law/fact that have been raised in
the court below & w/in the issues can be raised on appeal)
XPN: If no need to present add’l evid. to support the new theory
4. Public policy
Case: Villanueva vs. Sps. Salvador – unappealable cases:
(a) Order denying petition for relief
(b) Interlocutory order
(c) Order disallowing/dismissing an appeal
(d) Order denying a motion to set aside judgment by consent, confession, or
compromise (on the ground of fraud, mistake, or duress, or any other ground
vitiating consent)
(e) Order of execution
(f) Judgment/FO for/against 1+ of several parties (several judgment) or in separate
claims (or counter/cross/3rd party, etc.) (separate judgment) while the main case
is pending (XPN: Where the court allows appeal therefrom)
(g) Order dismissing an action w/o prejudice
Remedy = R65! (certiorari/prohibition/mandamus – depende sa gusto mong
mangyari) → Why? Because the RoC provides that, for R65 to lie, there should be
no appeal or other plain, speedy, & adequate remedy, etc.)
Modes of appeal (R41 S2+)
(a) ORDINARY APPEAL (R41 [+R40]*) – file notice of appeal w/ court of origin
➢ + record on appeal in: - SpecPro (R40 S3)
- Other cases of multi.*/separate appeals (Ibid.)
*Ex.: 1. EXPROPRIATION (R67 S4&8)
> Order of expropriation
> Judgment fixing just comp.
> Judgment of foreclosure
> Order confirming sale
3. PARTITION (R69 S2&11)
> Order of partition
> Judgment of partition
- Several judgments (R36 S4)
- Order of expropriation (R67 S4)
- Judgment for recovery of property or partition
+ accounting (Case: Roman Catholic
Archbishop of Manila vs. CA)
- Foreclosure of mortgage (Ibid.)
i. MTC → RTC (R40)
➢ RTC may: (a) AFFIRM – GR: Declaration on merits of dismissal
XPN: If dismissal was for lack of juris.
over the subject matter:** affirm
dismissal + try case on the merits
as if originally filed w/ the RTC!
(b) REVERSE – remand to MTC!
[** regardless of whether by MTD or after trial on the merits! (S8)]
ii. RTC (original juris.) → CA (R41)
Questions of: (a) Fact

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

(b) Mixed (fact + law)

[+MTC (delegated juris.) → CA (it’s just as if an RTC rendered judgment)]
Prescriptive period:
GR: 15 DAYS from notice of decision
XPN: Where a record of appeal is req’d: 30 DAYS
i. RTC (appellate juris.) → CA (R42)
Questions of: (a) Fact
(b) Law
(c) Mixed (fact + law)
GR: Does not stay execution of award/judgment/etc. of QJBs
XPN: Where CA directs otherwise upon such terms it may deem just (S12)
1. Re: CSC, ERB, NTC, OP, LRA, CIAC, & voluntary arbitrators authorized
by law (among many others!) – apply R43; re: COA & COMELEC, apply
R64; re: NLRC, apply R65, filed w/ CA per doctrine of hierarchy of courts
(Case: St. Martin’s Funeral Home vs. NLRC)
2. Re: Ombudsman – (Case: Francisco, Jr. vs. Desierto)
> Administrative disciplinary cases: R43
> Criminal/non-admin. cases: R65 (see also portion on “CrimPro”)
Prescriptive period: 15 DAYS from notice of decision/denial of MR
➢ EXTENDIBLE: +15 DAYS, upon motion (& payment of docket fees)
Further extension? GR: NO
XPN: Most compelling reasons; +15 DAYS MAX
(So… one can potentially get an extension of 30 days max?)
i. RTC → SC (for pure questions of law)
ii. SB → SC (same)
iii. CTA en banc → SC (same) (R.A. 9282, Sec. 11)
iv. CA → SC (same [XPN: amparo, habeas data, kalikasan])
GR: Only questions of law (as gleaned above)
➢ [SC = not a trier of fact] + [findings of trial court as affirmed by
CA are final & conclusive, & may not be reviewed on appeal]
XPN: (Other than amparo, habeas data, & kalikasan, anyway…)
Case: Safeguard Security vs. Tangco –
1. CA’s conclusion, grounded entirely on speculation/conjecture
2. Inference made, manifestly mistaken/absurd/impossible
3. Grave abuse of discretion
4. Judgment was based on misapprehension of facts
5. Findings of fact are conflicting
6. CA’s findings go beyond the issues; contrary to parties’ admissions
7. CA’s findings = contrary to those of the trial court
8. No citation of specific evidence on w/c findings are based
9. Facts set forth in petition, etc., not disputed by respondents
10. CA’s findings = premised on supposed lack of evidence, but are
actually contradicted by evidence on record
(Shortcut: [MENG-C(alle)-S(erye)] (a) misapprehension of facts; (b)
not based on/contrary to evidence; (c) facts not disputed; (d)
GAoD; (e) conflicting findings; (f) speculation/impossibility)
Prescriptive period: 15 DAYS from notice of decision/denial of MR

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

➢ EXTENDIBLE: +30 DAYS, upon motion (& payment of docket fees)

R45 & R65, distinguished
R45 R65
Petition for review on certiorari Petition for certiorari
Findings of fact by CA = conclusive Not so in R65 actions
Involves questions of law Involves questions of jurisdiction
Either (a) vs. interlocutory orders; or
Review of judgments/FOs/resolutions
(b) when these is no appeal or any
of CA/CTA/SB/RTC/other courts
other plain/speedy/adequate remedy
15-day period 60-day period (XPN: R64 – 30 days)
The appellant & the appellee remain Judge, court, etc. shall be public
the original parties to the action respondents impleaded in the action
MR/NT = condition sine qua non (see
MR/NT = not condition sine qua non
XPNs in portion on “SCAPR”)
SC exercises appellate jurisdiction
exercises original jurisdiction
* Bakit ‘di kasama sa codal provision on modes of appeal (ang R40 at R43)?
Kasi R41 S2 talks about appeals from the RTC, thus excluding R40 (from the
MTC) & R43 (from quasi-judicial bodies) kahit swak sa designation under RoC
Question of law vs. question of fact (Case: Marcos-Araneta vs. CA)
Doubt concerns correct application of
Doubt arises re: truth/falsehood of facts
law/jurisprudence re: given set of facts
RESIDUAL JURISDICTION (cf. R40-42): where appeal has been filed (i.e. trial court
has lost jurisdiction over the subject matter) BUT prior to transmittal of original
record/record on appeal, the court below may – [WAPXC!]
(a) Allow withdrawal of the appeal
(b) Permit appeals of indigent litigants
(c) Issue orders for the protection & preservation of the rights of the parties w/c do
not involve any matter litigated by the appeal (e.g. appointment of receiver,
preliminary attachment/injunction)
(d) Order execution pending appeal (cf. R39 S2)
(e) Approve compromises
 Petition for relief from judgment (R38) → not mode of appeal; filed w/ SAME COURT
Case: Purcon, Jr. vs. MRM Philippines – not an available remedy in CA or SC!
- Ground: FAME
- Prescriptive period: 60 DAYS from notice of judgment/FO/proceeding…
➢ BUT ≤ 6 MONTHS after same was entered/taken!
 Annulment of judgment [of RTC by CA] (R47) → if appeal/NT/petition for relief/other
- Grounds & prescriptive periods
(a) Extrinsic fraud → 4 YEARS from discovery
(b) Lack of juris. over subj. matter/def. → before LACHES/ESTOPPEL sets in
(c) Case: Gochan vs. Mancao – denial of due process → 4 years din?
- Effect(s): sets aside judgment/FO/etc., renders it VOID (w/o prejudice)
➢ If ground is extrinsic fraud: CA may, on motion, order RTC to TRY THE
CASE as if a timely motion for NT had been granted!
 Certiorari (R65) (see portion on “SCAPR”)
 Collateral attack

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

Distinguished from direct attack –

Made through an action/proceeding the Made when, in another action to obtain a
main object of w/c is to annul/set different relief, an attack on the judgment
aside/enjoin the enforcement of such is made as an incident in said action;
judgment if not yet carried into effect; or proper only when the judgment, on its
if the property has been disposed of, the face, is null & void (e.g. the court had no
aggrieved party may sue for recovery jurisdiction)
Examples: Motion to dismiss a collection suit filed by
1. R65 a corporation on the ground of lack of
2. Petition for annulment of judgment legal capacity = collateral atk. on corp.!

16. Execution (R39)

 When execution shall issue
(a) AS A MATTER OF RIGHT (S1) – where: [FLOW]
- Judgment has become final & executory;
- Period to appeal has lapsed (w/o appeal having been filed);
- Appeal filed has been resolved [+ records, returned to court of origin]; or
- Judgment debtor waived/renounced his/her right to appeal!
Q: Which court issues the writ of execution?
➢ The APPELLATE COURT can direct the court a quo to issue
a writ of execution (S1, par. 3) Justice Regalado notes: the
appellate court can do so where the trial court unduly
delays/unjustifiable refuses to act on the motion for
execution/issue the writ!
Re: appeal staying execution; exceptions (S4) –
GR: Appeal timely perfected stays execution of judgment!
XPN: The ff. are immediately executory, & not stayed by appeal: [IRAS-FEUD2]
1. Judgment for injunction
2. Judgment for receivership
3. Judgment for accounting
4. Judgment for support
XPN to XPN: When the trial court orders otherwise!
[+on appeal, the appellate court may suspend/modify/restore/grant]
5. FE/UD (R70)
➢ XPN to XPN: Case: Acbang vs. Judge Luczon, Jr. – to stay
immediate execution in an ejectment case, defendant must:
- Perfect an appeal
- File a supersedeas bond
- Periodically deposit rentals becoming due pending appeal
Otherwise, writ of execution issues upon motion (see below)
Case: Lou vs. Siapno – ALL these judgments require motion (& hearing)
6. Discretionary execution (‘cause that’s the whole point behind it –
execution pending appeal nga e, ‘di ba) (see below)
Case: Intramuros Club vs. CA – per its nature, discretionary execution does not
require a final & executory judgment, simply a final one for purposes of appeal!
Where to file: i. TRIAL COURT, cf. residual jurisdiction (see prev. pages)
ii. APPELLATE COURT (i.e. after trial court loses jurisdiction)

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before


➢ Cases: (a) Florendo vs. Paramount Insurance – “good reasons” =
compelling circumstances that justify immediate execution
lest the judgment become illusory; outweighing
injury/damages that might result should the losing party
secure a reversal of the judgment (i.e. subject to the court’s
sound discretion!)
(b) Intramuros Tennis Club vs. CA – mere allegation that the
appeal is dilatory/frivolous is not a good reason re:
discretionary execution; neither is the fact that the prevailing
party is in financial distress!
➢ Compare: Lao vs. Mencias – the judgment debtor’s
proven insolvency = good reason!
(c) International School vs. CA – certiorari (R65) will lie vs. an
order granting disc. exec. not founded upon good reasons
- Filed by party against whom execution is directed
- Conditioned upon performance (wholly/partly) shld. judgment be sustained
- May be proceeded against on motion!
Remedy if judgment subject to discretionary execution is reversed (S5): motion
for issuance of order of restitution/reparation of damages (filed w/ trial court)
➢ Case: Salas vs. Quinga –
GR: No need for appellate court’s judgment to specify that there
should be restitution/reparation (since already provided in RoC)
XPN: Judgment of appellate court contains disposition to the contrary
 How enforced (S9-10)
(a) MOTION – w/in 5 DAYS from date of entry
➢ Case: Lt. Col. Boac vs. Cadapan – no motion for execution needed in
amparo & HC; decision is immediately executory!
(b) ACTION – AFTER 5 YEARS from date of entry, & BEFORE PRESCRIPTION!
Effect: judgment is REVIVED; likewise enforceable by motion/action (cyclical!)
Pay to… GR: Judgment creditor [JC] (or authorized representative)
XPN: Executing sheriff
ii. LEVY → if judgment debtor [JD] cannot pay all/part of his/her obli. in cash!
Case: Fiestan vs. CA – “levy” = act whereby the sheriff sets apart or
appropriates a part of the whole of the properties of the judgment debtor [JD]
to satisfy the command of the writ
GR: JD may choose w/c of his/her prop. are to be levied
XPN: If JD does not choose, SHERIFF levies in the ff. order –
1. Personal property (if any)
2. Real property (if personalty = insufficient)
Effect of levy on 3rd persons (S12) – levy creates a lien in favor of JC
over the right/title/interest of JD in the property @ time of levy, subject to
liens/encumbrances then existing (see also discussion on “terceria”)
1. Who may redeem: > JD
> Successor-in-interest
> Redemptioner, i.e. a creditor having a lien on

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

the property sold (by virtue of attachment,

judgment, or mortgage) subsequent to the lien
under w/c the property is sold
2. Prescriptive period:
GR: W/in 1 YEAR from the date of registration of the cert. of sale
XPN: If there are other creditors having a lien on the property,
prop. so redeemed MAY AGAIN BE REDEEMED w/in 60
forth, i.e. can be done by other redemptioners)
NOTE: Pending redemption, all rent/income/etc. from prop. = JD’s!
3. Effect if no redemption is made w/in the prescriptive period(s):
purchaser/last redemptioner is entitled to conveyance & possession
of the property [+substitution to & acquisition of all rights to the
property as of the time of the levy!]
- GARNISHMENT OF DEBTS/CREDITS (that is, those due the JD)
1. Serve notice to 3P (garnishee) in possession/control of debts, etc.
2. Garnishee → make written report to the court w/in 5 DAYS from
service, re: WON JD has sufficient funds to satisfy judgment
➢ DELIVER AMOUNT (in cash or certified
Sufficient! check) to JD, w/in 10 DAYS from service of
notice to garnishee [see 1.]
MAKE A REPORT (or, perhaps more
Insufficient! properly, include in the above-mentioned
report? [see 2.]) re: amount held for JD
Property exempt from execution (S13) – this enumeration is exclusive!
- JD's family home
- Tools/implements used in trade/employment
- 3 beasts of burden (horses/carabaos/cows, etc.) used in JD’s occupation
- Necessaries (XPN: jewelry)
- Housekeeping articles
≤ P100K
- 1 fishing boat [+accessories] owned/used by fisherman
- Provisions for individual/family use sufficient for 4 months
- Professional libraries/equipment ≤ P300K
- Salaries/wages/earnings of JD for personal services w/in 4 MONTHS
preceding the levy, as are necessary for the support of his/her family
- Lettered gravestones
- Money/benefits/etc. accruing or in any manner growing out of any life insu.
- Right to receive legal support; money received as such; gov’t pension
- Properties specially exempted by law
… or that it be done by another @ the
[+contempt re: failure to comply]
adverse party’s cost!
 Execution in case of death of a party (S7)
(a) JC dies – execution may issue upon application of:
- Executor
- Administrator
- Successor-in-interest
(b) JD dies – If re: recovery of personal/real property – execution issues vs.:

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

- Executor
- Administrator
If JD dies after execution is levied upon any of his/her property –
same may be SOLD for the satisfaction of the judgment!
➢ In event of surplus: officer making the sale shall account such
surplus to the executor/administrator
 Proceedings where property is claimed by 3rd persons (S16)
TERCERIA (i.e. 3rd PARTY AFFIDAVIT) – affidavit of title/right of possession over
property levied upon, executed by a 3rd person claiming such property
(a) Served upon officer making levy & JC
(b) JC may, upon demand of officer, file a bond approved by the court
➢ Amount: not less than the value of prop. levied upon
(c) Case: Ching vs. CA – terceria, cumulative w/ the ff. remedies:
i. Motion contesting the attachment (in the same case)
ii. Action to nullify levy w/ damages (in a separate case)
[+re: terceria in attachment & replevin (see “SCAPR”)]
 Re: variance in the terms of the judgment & the writ of execution
Case: KKK Foundation vs. Calderon-Bargas – if the writ of execution varied the
terms of the judgment & exceeded them, it has no validity (i.e. vulnerable to quashal)
 Remedy when judgment is unsatisfied – EXAMINATION OF JD, etc. (S36- 37)
(a) Court w/c rendered judgment orders the examination
(b) Examination as to what? → JD’s property & income
(c) Before whom? → the court (or a commissioner appointed by the court)
(d) Persons/entities that may be examined: > JD him/herself
> Person/jur. entity indebted to JD
(e) Limitation: JD, etc. can only be required to appear & be examined @ a time &
 Enforcement & effect of foreign judgments/FOs (S48)
(a) Upon a specific thing: conclusive upon the title to that thing
(b) Against a person: presumptive evidence of a right as between –
- The parties, &
- Their successors-in-interest by a subsequent title
Foreign judgments/FOs may be repelled by evidence of:
(a) Want of jurisdiction
(b) Want of notice to the party
(c) Collusion
(d) Fraud
(e) Clear mistake of law/fact
Recognition of foreign judgment
> No judicial notice of foreign laws/judgments (see “Evid”)
> Must be alleged & proven (as fact; see also “Evid”)
Cases: (a) Fujiki vs. Marinay –
- “Recognition of foreign judgment” – action for PH courts to
recognize the effectivity of a foreign judgment, w/c presupposes
a case w/c was already tried & decided under foreign law
- The recognition of a foreign judgment only requires proof of fact
of the judgment (e.g. foreign divorce decree obtained abroad by
alien spouse may be recognized via correction/cancellation of
entries in the civil registry [cf. R103 (see “SpecPro”)] – petition
for correction/cancellation of entry in the civil registry w/ prayer
for recognition of foreign judgment)

[DEJA ENTENDU NOTES] [CivPro] [v.1.0, 2016]
deja [already] + entendu [heard] = you’ve heard all of this before

(b) EDI-Staffbuilders Int’l, Inc. vs. NLRC [Velasco!] – processual

presumption (i.e. presumed identity approach) = where a foreign law
is not pleaded or, even if pleaded, is not proved, the presumption is
that foreign law is the same as ours


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