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NAME: Angel R.


Activity 1 - Thinking Philosophically

Answer the following questions regarding yourself as fully and specifically as you can:

1. How would you describe yourself?

I have flaws and good sides. I will describe myself using my motto in life “I treat people
according on how they treat me” Why? Because I have come to the point of my life that I
treated people nicely but, in the end, they left me wondering what I did wrong. And now, I
became stronger and learned my lesson. The person I am before, that is still me, but with the
better version of myself.

2. What are the qualities that differentiate you from other selves?
Thinking of myself first before others. It may sound selfish for some, but self-love is the only
thing that I learned that I am proud of. I have my reason, even if I give my everything into
something or someone, I know that in the end, I have left something for myself.

3. In what ways has your self-changed during the course of your lifetime? In what
ways has it remained the same?
Bearing the pain that I am feeling and dealing with it alone. Unsaid feeling as what they say.
Those parts of my life? It made me numb that even those people who really cares for me didn’t
really matter for me that time. Some parts of it remained but in a good way. Which is, loving
myself more.

4. How would you describe the relationship of yourself to your body?

Very good. I can say that now, I am totally healed from all the things that had happened to me in
the past. My body and I unite with each other. Yes, sometimes they don’t but I can manage to
fix them.

5. How are you able to come to know other selves? Do you think they are similar
or different from you?
By socializing and you don’t really know if someone is different or similar from you. It depends if
you really had to get to know with others deeply.

6. What do you think happen to yourself after you die? If you believe that your
self will continue to exist in some form will you be able to recognize other
selves who have died? How?
For me, I think god will take our souls because he made us, and he will reincarnate us again.
We will be born again because every end has a start.

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