Lesson Plan - Edu 214

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Lesson Plan Title:

Resume and References

Concept/Topic to Teach:
Creating & leveraging a resume and reference sheet to secure employment

General Goal(s):
(1) To understand the purpose of resumes & reference sheets
(2) To understand how best to leverage resumes & reference sheets to secure employment
(3) How to create your own resume & reference sheet using basic templates

Specific Objectives:
(1) Influence students to think about what information they would include in their resume
(2) Influence students to think about which contacts they would include in their reference sheet
(3) Influence students to think outside-the-box about the information they may include in their
resume to showcase their unique abilities, outside of regular job-related experiences or tasks
(4) Influence students to personalize their resume in a way that is both professional but also
reflects their individuality
(5) Provide students with the resources and tools they will need to be successful creating their
own resume and reference sheet

Required Materials:
Computer, Microsoft Word, Lesson in PowerPoint deck for additional reference as students are
completing activity

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

Good afternoon, Class. What if I told you that as of today, you are all required to find a job?
Would you know where to look? How to apply? Well, you won’t be required to find a job
today, but we are going to talk about two important documents that will help you land a job.
We will be talking about how to create a resume and a list of references.

Step-By-Step Procedures:
1. Launch and Open Microsoft Word application
2. Open the file titled: “Mr. O’Neil’s Basic Resume”
3. Update the existing text throughout the Resume template by replacing with your
own information (refer to Slides 6-12 in the PowerPoint deck from today’s lesson
for additional help)
4. Feel free to be creative with your format (i.e. changing the font, adding shapes,
etc.) to really make your template stand out (but remember, keep it professional
at the same time)
5. When complete, Save and Title your Resume template: “Your Name Resume –
EDU 214” (i.e. “Mr. O’Neil’s Resume – EDU 214“)
6. Upload final Resume template to Canvas for grading and Save a Copy on your
Google Drive for safe keeping
7. After you complete the Resume activity, go back into Microsoft Word and open
the file titled: “Mr. O’Neil’s Basic Reference List”
8. Update the existing text throughout the Reference template by replacing with
your own information (refer to Slides 14-19 in the PowerPoint deck from today’s
lesson for additional help)
9. When complete, Save and Title your References template as: “Your Name and
References – EDU 214” (i.e. “Mr. O’Neil’s References – EDU 124”)
10. Upload final References template to Canvas for grading and Save a Copy on your
Google Drive for safe keeping

Plan for Independent Practice:

Allow students one hour to get acquainted with templates and start brainstorming what they
want to include. Assign complete resume and references to be due by end of the week.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

Well students, we didn’t have to look for jobs today, however I hope you all at least feel more
confident about your ability to prepare a successful resume and reference sheet that will land
you your dream job when the time is right!

Assessment Based on Objectives:

I will grade the students’ resume and reference sheet based on the rubric provided.

Possible Connections to Other Subjects:

Spelling, Word Processing/Technology

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