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Royal Marines

The Royal Marines are the same as the Korps Mariniers in the Netherlands. They
have about 7000 troops. They are used as rapidly deployable with a light equipment.
The Royal Marines have on of the longest and hardest training of the world.

Training and selection

The Royal Marines have the the longest training of all the NATO-troops. If you wan to
join by the Royal Marines, you need to do some tests. In these tests they are looking
to your eyes, ears and to the procession of drugs. They do this by a urine sample.
Then they test you also on your physical performance. They do this by a three days
long, hard training.
This physical test called; Potential Royal Marine Course (PRMC).To call yourself
Royal Marine, you have to do a very hard examination. You must to do a walk off
1,5 mile in 12 minutes with one break of one minut. Above all you have to walk 1,5
mile but then in 10 minutes without any break. This all doesn´t happen outside, but
on a machine with a slope of 2 degrees.
After all these tests, you must have a mental test. Here I looked at how intelligent you
are. This is done by a kind of test to take, the computer can see how smart you are. If
that happened and it will positively complete, they check if you have no criminal
record, because they do not want anyone to have a special unit which is dangerous
for other soldiers in the army.

Basic trainig

The first week of training you learn the basics. These skills you will use later. This
you will learn in the field and on the range. Because the long history of the Royal
Marines also go to the Royal Marines Museum, Southsea in Hampshire. Later in the
training you have done a lot of stamina, flexibility and strength. They look much like
the development of your muscles that support the end of the course have enough
strength to lift heavy materials and come along. Later in the training, you still have a
swim test. If you have done this correctly, you get in a few weeks your beret.

Royal Marine sniper

A sniper is a soldier who has had a special training. This training is designed for a
soldier to an expert in long-distance shooting. This course is designed for a soldier to
an expert in long-distance shooting. The official word for a sniper is: Marksman.
They can disable vehicles and personnel. The marksman is also trained in
camouflage, observation and scout. Almost all countries have a Marksman-team. All
the snipers have also a ‘mocker’ with him. The mocker provides the distance and the
wind speed. So can the marksman his sniper rifle so adjusted, that he can make a
perfect shot on his target. You can not just do the marksman training. You must first
go into the Royal Marines. If you can shoot well, than can your commander you
choose for the Marksman course. This course is a little bit longer than the normal
course for a Marine.
Weapons and vehicles

The Royal Marines have much weapons. Not every soldier has a weapon example, a
cook. Also have the Royal Marines good vehicles. The vehicles are: Bvs 10, this is
an armored vehicle, The Land Rover Wolf, Jakhals and a pinzgauer. These vehicles
are all in an country at war.

• L85A2 Rifle - 5.56 x 45 mm (Individual Weapon)

• L86A2 LSW - 5.56 x 45 mm (Light Support Weapon)
• L110A1 Light Machine Gun 5.56 x 45 mm belt or magazine.
• L82A1 Barrett - .50 inch (12.7 mm) BMG (Browning Machine gun) anti-
materiel sniper rifle
• L96A1 Sniper Rifle - 7.62 x 51 mm Accuracy International bolt-action
sniper rifle
• L115A3 Sniper Rifle - .338 Lapua Magnum Accuracy International bolt-
action sniper rifle
• L7A2 GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun) - the FN MAG 7.62 x 51 mm
belt-fed machine gun.
• L1A1 Heavy Machine Gun .50 inch (12.7 mm) BMG (Browning Machine
• LAW 80 (Light Anti-tank Weapon)
• Javelin Anti-Tank missile
• L9A1 51 mm Mortar (High Explosive, Smoke and Illuminating ammunition)
• L16A2 81 mm Mortar (High Explosive, Smoke and Illuminating
• L9A1 Browning - 9 x 19 mm Parabellum semi-automatic pistol
• L107A1 - 9 x 19 mm Parabellum semi-automatic pistol
• L17A2 UGL (Under-slung Grenade Launcher) - Attachment to L85A2
• Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife

Specialist training

After the normal training for a Royal marine, can you do a specialized training. That
can be; head-cook, mountain leader, psychical training instructor, landing craft driver
or telecommunications technician. Some marines are trained in parachuting. These
course can you do by the RAF Brize Norton.
Royal Marines in the News

''Royal Marines descended on the Tower of London to launch a major

fundraising campaign for serving and retired Royal Marines and their families.
In an impressive display, Commandos fast-roped from a helicopter onto the Tower,
before abseiling down it to kick off the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund (RMCTF)
Campaign - a four-year drive to raise £6m by the 350th anniversary of the Corps in
The start of the event was signalled by the Royal Marines Band, followed by a
briefing from Major General Buster Howes, Commandant General Royal Marines,
and Brigadier Simon Hill, Chairman of the RMCTF Campaign Board, on the aims of
the campaign.
Serving and former Royal Marines were also on hand to watch the impressive fast-
roping and abseiling display which followed, including former Royal Marine and TV
presenter Monty Halls, members of the fundraising board, and representatives of
Hasler Company, the unit which manages the recovery of wounded and injured
Royal Marines.''

After the training

After the normal training to Royal Marine, you always have shoot exercise, sports or
a bivouac. Also, you often go abroad to train. Do this only if you go for a long time,
except that you get or did something bad bunch. Like any soldier going to broadcast
the Royal Marines. They are everywhere where Dutch troops are, including in
Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia and so on. There are also a lot of these military soldiers
killed by a roadside bomb or a gun battle.

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