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81 A term which describe a cofactor that is finally bound to an apoenzyme is :

(a) Prosthetic group (b) Trandferase (c) Holoenzyme (d) Coenzyme

Q.82 The following ions help in – enzymatic transfer of phosphate from ATP to
pyruvic acid ;
(a) Potassium (b) Calcium (c) Magnesium (d) Sodium

Q.83 Deficiency of urea cycle enzymes results into accumulation of citrulline arginino
succinate arginine in the liver resulting in increasing concentration of ________ in the
(a) Calcium (b) Sodium (c) Ammonia (d) Manganese

Q.84 What do you understand by the term cryoenzymology :

(a) investigate transition state of prosthetic groups, subtrates & coenzymes at high
(b) Investigate transition state of enzymes, at low temperatures.
(c) Investigate transition state of only co – factors and Isoenzymes, at low temperatures.
(d) All the above

Q.85 What is the shape of graph in which Michaelis – Menten equation is applied ?
(a)Straight line passing through origin (b)Hyperbolic shape
(c)Eliptical (d)All the above

Q.86 The urine of child becomes blackend on keeping in atmosphere . There is a

probability of
(a). Alkaptonuria (b) Maple syrup disease (C) Phenylketouria (d) Albinism

Q.87 The enzyme which keeps the iron of hemoglobin in ferrons form is :
(a) Glutothione reductase (b) Glucokinas (c) Enolas (d) Aldolase
Q.88 To overcome an energy barrier between reactants and products, energy must be
provid to get the reaction started. This energy, which is recovered as the reaction
proceeds, is called :
(a) Potential energy (b) Reaction energy (c)Activation energy (d)Kinetic energy
Q.89 In the prescence ofr alcohol dehydrogenase, the rate of reduction of
acetaldehyde to ethanol increases as you increase the concentration of
acetaldehyde.Eventually , the rate of the reaction reaches a maximum, where further
increases in the concentration of acetaldehyde have no effect. Why do enzymes reach
a maximum rate ar high substrate concentration :
(a)The enzyme is no longer specific for acetaldehyde.
(b)All of the alcohol dehydrogenase molecules . are bound to acetald ehyde molecules.
(c)At high concentrations of acetaldehyde, the change in freee energy of reaction decreases.
(d) None of the above
Q.90 The vitamin administered with isoniazed to minimise its adverse reaction is
(a) pyridoxine (b) Biotin (c) Vitamin A (d) Pantothenic
Q.91 Thiamine on treatment with sodium sulfite solution and sulphur dioxide yields.
(a)Pyrimidine and thiophen derivative (b) Pyrimidine and a thiozole derivative
(c)Pyridine and thiazole derivative (d)2, 3, 4 – Trihydropyridine and thiophen derivative
Q.92 Ascorbic acid exists in nature.
(a) Only in the oxidized form which has only biological activity
(b) Only in the reduced form which has only Biological activity
(c) In the both reduced and oxidized form in the state of reversible equilibrium which has
Biological activity
(d) All the above
Q.93 Riboflavin in alkaline solution when exposed to ultra violet light is converted
into riboflavin which in uv light has a :
(a)Bluish – yellow fluorescence (b) Light yellow fluorescence
(c)Greenish yellow fluorescence (d) Redish yellow fluorescence
Q.94 Osteomalacia can be prevented by the administration of ___________ and _______
(a)Vitamin D, Calcium (b)Vitamin E, Phospharous
(c)Vitamin C, Sodium (d)Vitamin A, Copper
Q.95 Lactose intolerance is because of the lack of:

(a) galactose 1 PO 4 -usidyl transferase (b) Amylase

(c)Lactate dehydrogenase (d)acid –phosphatase
Q.96 Glcolysis takes place mainly in the :
(a) intenstine (b) Spleen (c) pancreas (d) liver
Q.97 Ketone bodies produced in liver includes :
(a) Acetone (b) Aceto acetate (c) D -  - hydroxy butyrate (d) All of the above
Q.98 In glycolysis path way, glucose is converted to glucose 6 – PO 4 in presence of
(a) Aldolases (b) 1 – Ketoglutate dehydrogenase (c)Glucokinease (d) Phosphogluta mutase
Q.99 Adenylate kinase is a specialized
(a)Triphosphate kinase (b)Phosphate kinase (c)Diphosphate kinase (d) Monophosphate
Q.100 Name the fou soluble vitamins playing a precise role in functioning of citric
acid cycle
(a) Vit D, Vit. E, Riboflavin, Thiamine (b) Ripoflavin, pantothemic acid, vit.C, VitA
(c) Riboflavin, Naiacin, Thiamine, pautothemic acid (d) Vit. A, Vit. D, Vit. B, Vit K.
Q.101 One of the following is confirmed by DNA diagnosis tast :
(a) Cystic tibrosis (b) Hyper lipidaemia (c) Hyperuricaemia (d) Acute pancreatitis
Q.102 Isomers differing as a result of variations in configuration of the —OH and —H
on carbon atoms 2, 3 and 4 of glucose are known as
(A) Epimers (B) Anomers (C) Optical isomers (D) Steroisomers

Q.103 Compounds having the same structural formula but differing in spatial
configuration are known as
(A) Stereoisomers (B) Anomers (C) Optical isomers (D) Epimers

Q.104 The glycosaminoglycan which does not contain uronic acid is

(A) Dermatan sulphate (B) Chondroitin sulphate (C) Keratan sulphate (D) Heparan

Q.105 A positive Seliwanoff’s test is obtained with

(A) Glucose (B) Fructose (C) Lactose (D) Maltose

Q.106 Repeating units of hyaluronic acid are

(A) N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucuronic acid
(B) N-acetyl galactosamine and D-glucuronic acid
(C) N-acetyl glucosamine and galactose
(D) N-acetyl galactosamine and L- iduronic acid

Q.107 The 4 rate limiting enzymes of gluconeogenesis are

(A) Glucokinase, Pyruvate carboxylae phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-
(B) Pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase, fructose1,6 diphosphatase
and glucose-6-phosphatase
(C) Pyruvate kinase, pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase and
(D) Phospho fructokinase, pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase and
fructose 1, 6 diphosphatase

Q.108 An example of sulphur containing amino acid is

(A) 2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid (B) 2-Amino-3-methylbutanoic acid
(C) 2-Amino-3-hydroxypropanoic acid (D) Amino acetic acid

Q.109 An amino acid not found in proteins is

(A) Alanine (B) Proline (C) Lysine (D) Histidine

Q.110 The technique for purification of proteins that can be made specific for a given
protein is
(A) Gel filtration chromatography (B) Ion exchange chromatography
(C) Electrophoresis (D) Affinity chromatography

Q.111 An important reaction for the synthesis of amino acid from carbohydrate
intermediates is transamination which requires the cofactor:
(A) Thiamin (B) Riboflavin (C) Niacin (D) Pyridoxal phosphate
Q.112 A disulphide bond can be formed between
(A) Two methionine residues (B) Two cysteine residues
(C) A methionine and a cysteine residue (D) All of these

Q.113 Aromatic amino acids can be detected by

(A) Sakaguchi reaction (B) Millon-Nasse reaction
(C) Hopkins-Cole reaction (D) Xanthoproteic reaction

Q.114 Maple syrup urine diseases is an inborn error of metabolism of

(A) Sulphur-containing amino acids (B) Aromatic amino acids
(C) Branched chain amino acids (D) Dicarboxylic amino acids

Q.115 Helper T cells release all the following except

(A) Interleukins (B) Colony stimulating factors (C) Perforins (D) Tumour necrosis factor

Q.116 Bence-Jones protein is

(A) An immunoglobulin (B) A dimer of heavy chains
(C) A dimer of light chains (D) A dimer of one heavy and one light chains

Q.117 All the standard amino acids except the following have one chiral ‘c’ atom:
(A) Threonine, Isoleucine (B) Isoleucine, Alanine (C) Threonine, Alanine (D) Alanine,

Q.118 Cephalin consists of

(A) Glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid and choline
(B) Glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid and ethanolamine
(C) Glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid and inositol
(D) Glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid and serine

Q.119 The number of ml of N/10 KOH required to neutralize the fatty acids in the
distillate from 5 gm of fat is called
(A) Reichert-Meissel number (B) Polenske number (C) Acetyl number (D) Non volatile fatty
acid number

Q.120 Dietary fibre denotes

(A) Undigested proteins (B) Plant cell components that cannot be digested by own enzymes
(C) All plant cell wall components (D) All non digestible water insoluble polysaccharide

Q.121 Acylsphingosine is also known as

(A) Sphingomyelin (B) Ceramide (C) Cerebroside (D)

Q.122 The nitrogenous base in lecithin is

(A) Ethanolamine (B) Choline (C) Serine (D) Betaine

Q.123 In obstructive jaundice, urine shows

(A) Absence of bile pigments and urobilinogen (B) Presence of bile pigments and
(C) Absence of bile pigments and presence of urobilinogen (D) Presence of bile pigments and
absence of urobilinogen
Q.124 Sphingomyelins on hydrolysis yields
(A) Glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid and choline
(B) Glycerol, sphingosine, choline and fatty acids
(C) Sphingosine, phosphoric acid, Glycerol and inositol
(D) Sphingosine, fatty acids, phosphoric acid and choline

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