A Supplemental Material in Art Appreciation: Disclaimer

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A Supplemental Material



Name: Laraville E. Francisco

Course and year: BSBA – 2FME
Class Schedule: Tuesday (8:00AM-9:00AM)
Instructor: Dr. Rolly G. Salvaleon


This module is a compilation of works from internet sources, manuals, and books from
different authors and will be used for educational purposes only. Due recognition is given
to the authors who are the source of some parts found in this module. The
compiler/owner does not claim copyrights to any part taken from other sources.

Art Appreciation

A Supplemental Material in Art Appreciation is an interactive and self-
instructional module designed to assist your learning in the New General Education
Course Art Appreciation in the tertiary education. It introduces and exposes you to the
different arts, such as visual, auditory, and performing arts in the Philippines and other
countries. It also includes the characters of the arts, their relationships to reality,
origins, laws of development, roles in the history of social consciousness, and
interdependences with social life and with other cultural phenomena.

This material contains comprehensible discussion of different topics about the

arts, including learning activities with critical thinking and critical literacy questions that
aid your understanding and appreciation of artworks in a higher level.

Through this, it is hoped that you would become more appreciative and
understanding of the different art forms across the world. It is further hoped you would
be equipped with a scientific world view that help foster critical and logical judgment
concerning current artistic problems, which can be useful in solving some common
problems in the real world.

Content of the Supplemental Material

Supplemental Material 1 focuses on the introduction of the arts and the

humanities. It also discusses the meaning and importance of art and humanities, the
nature of art, subjects of art, functions of art, arts grouping, assumptions of art,
methods of presenting the art subjects, reasons why we study the arts

Supplemental Material 2 deals with the functions of art. It also tackles the
philosophical import of art integrity, subject type, source of subject kinds of subject and
content in art. Part of the module talks about the artists and artisans which discusses
the production process, elements of art, mediums of the virtual arts and architectural
designs. It will also introduce Arts/Performance art, fusions and overlapping and
interrelated elements, trans-creation, principles of design and emphasis and

Supplemental Material 3 focuses on understanding arts. It discusses semiotic

analysis of an art. Also, soul-making, Narratives, appropriation, borrowing, and
ownership, acts of cultural appropriation will be given emphasis.

Supplemental Material 4 focuses on the art of literature, music, dance,

film/cinema, and theater.

Art Appreciation

Since this module is self-instructional, you need to work independently. It means

that you need to read, analyze, and reflect on everything presented in every module.
The learning tasks/activities and assessments/quizzes are intentionally provided to help
you assess your progress and understanding on the lessons as you go through the
module. Your answers to these activities and quizzes will be checked by your instructor
or mentor.

Explore, discover, and learn more about the Art Appreciation around the world at
your own pace. Have fun while learning

General Objectives:

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:


1. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of arts in general, including their

function, value, and historical significance
2. Define and demonstrate the elements and principles of design
3. Explain and evaluate different theories of art
4. Situate Philippine arts in a global context


1. Analyze and appraise works of art based on aesthetic value, historical context,
tradition, and social relevance
2. Mount an art exhibit (concept development production and postproduction,
marketing, documentation, critiquing)
3. Create their own works of art and curate their own production or exhibit
4. Utilize art for self-expression and for promoting advocacies


1. Deepen their sensitivity to self, community, and society

2. Discover and deepen their identity through art with respect to their nationality,
culture, and religion
3. Develop an appreciation of the local arts

Art Appreciation

Requirements - 20%
Class Standing - 40%
Quizzes - 20%
Oral Recitation - 10%
- Assignment - 5%
- Attendance - 5%
Major Exams - 40%

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Characterize artistic expression based on personal experiences with art;

2. Differentiate art history from art appreciation, Discuss the nature of art's
preliminary expression;
3. Characterize the assumptions of the arts
4. Clarify misconceptions about art;
5. Differentiate art from nature; and
6. Appreciate the different forms of art.

Art Appreciation


“Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of

- Anni Albers

Art Appreciation is about nature, function, and appreciation of the arts in

contemporary society. It also develops students' ability to appreciate, analyze, and
critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches, this course
equips students with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical, philosophical, and
social relevance of the arts in order to hone students' ability to articulate their
understanding of the arts. The course also develops students' competency in
researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating art
productions. The course aims to develop students' genuine appreciation for Philippine
arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and their
rootedness in Filipino culture.

As we face this new normal set-up brought by this pandemic, this module
attempts to address key issues in the humanities. It also offers insights of what humanity
is and how it is relevant to Art Appreciation. It contains activities and critical thinking
analysis to better understand contemporary issues surrounding art.

What makes it more exciting is the inclusions of local examples, thus, make it
more relevant to everyone. Activities are created interactively so that students would feel
that they are inside the classroom interacting with their classmates and instructor.

To our students, enjoy as you flip every page of this module – it brings your
imagination to a whole new level.


Art Appreciation

Material 1
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Characterize artistic expression based on personal experiences with art;

Differentiate art history from art appreciation;
Discuss the nature of art's preliminary expression; and
Evaluate the relevance of Art in our day-to-day living.

Learning Task

Directions: Write the word or idea of that defines the terms “art” and “humanities”
inside the box. Your answer should be based on your understanding, not influenced by
or taken from the book and other sources.


ART Words

Study of human
Complete the statements below using the words or ideas you presented above.

Art Appreciation
Art is a language that goes beyond words and tells our stories. The


Humanities is a discipline that introduces us into place and ideas

that otherwise would not have crossed our minds. To elaborate
further, humanities shows how events that took place in the past
affect the present and the future, and how a person can evolve from
the experience he has gone through and by what he has seen.


1. Did you find it easy to define the term art? Why or why not?
ANSWER: For me art is hard to define because we use it to talk about the
otherwise indescribable. The experiential reality of art is its essence. Directing and
moving through reaction, connection, and the ineffable time-aspect of our nature is art’s
real domain.

2. How did you come up with the definition of art?

ANSWER: I came up with the idea by brainstorming with my sister and reading some
articles in the internet amd ofcourse with my own perception.

3. Why do you think we need to study the arts?

Art Appreciation
ANSWER: We should study art because it provides the grounds for self-exploration
and self-expression, the opportunity to widen perspectives, build mental focus,
physical artistry, diminish stress and heighten personal enjoyment.

4. What do you think is the relationship between the art and the humanities?
ANSWER: I would say that art is related to humanities because many artists use
some type of art form to express how they’re feeling about the world around them.
Whether it’s music, painting, poetry or writing, “art” allows an artist an opportunity to
depict how they feel. Many artists are observers and can be intuitive. They often
want to inspire others.


Directions: Read and understand carefully the following quotations. Write your
personal understanding and views about these quotations.

The following quotations communicate similar meaning in relevance to arts:

1. “Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” – Albert Einstein

ANSWER: We all are creative in something. That could be known or unknown to us.
When we see creations of others, even if they created it after having several failures, we
get inspired to start creating something. So it can be said that creation creates the
demand of creating more. That means creativity is contagious. If we are creative in any
sector, we should pass it on.

2. “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” – Cesar Cruz

ANSWER: My belief is that art should not be comforting; for comfort, we have mass
entertainment and one another. Art should provoke, disturb, arouse our emotions,
expand our sympathies in directions we may not anticipate and may not even wish.

3. “Art speaks where words are unable to explain.” –Threadless Artist Mathiole

ANSWER: For me, art has to provide extreme reactions, and it does not. Art can impact
people in a variety of ways, and for different reasons, and it doesn't have to have the
same type of impact on everyone. Just as people declaring intentions, or speaking to a
public, some will be react, some will respond, some will be moved, some will be
annoyed, some will not hear, and some simply have no interest. Some art can simply

Art Appreciation



From the Latin word “humanus”, means “human, cultured and defined.” The
word connotes diverse meanings. Some scholars view it as the study of principle
underlying conduct, thought or a general principle about ethics, composure and
calmness which comprised a field of knowledge called philosophy. But generally,
humanities are often used to designate the non-scientific scholarly disciplines such as
the study of all languages and literatures, the arts such as drama and theatre arts,
music, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture, including history and philosophy. Thus,
humanities as directly concerned with these subject areas, takes its focus on human
beings and their appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human
spirit to express itself through the arts.

Humanities also described as the study of how people process and document the
human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy,
literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our world.
Knowledge of these records of human experience gives us the opportunity to feel a
sense of connection to those who have come before us, as well as to our

For as long as man existed in this planet, he has cultivated the land, altered the
conditions of the fauna and flora, in order to survive. Through his bare hands, man
constructed infrastructures that tended to his needs, like his house. He sharpened
swords and spears. He employed fire in order to melt gold. The initial meaning of the
word “art” has something to do with all these craft.


1. Insights into everything.

Through exploration of the humanities, we learn how to think creatively and

critically, to reason, and to ask questions. Because these skills allow us to gain new
insights into everything from poetry and painting to business models and politics,
humanistic subjects have been at the heart of a liberal arts education since the ancient
Greeks first used them to educate their citizens.

Art Appreciation

2. Understanding our world.

Research into the human experience adds to our knowledge about our world.
Through the work of humanities scholars, we learn about the values of different
cultures, about what goes into making a work of art, about how history is made. Their
efforts preserve the great accomplishments of the past; help us understand the world
we live in, and give us tools to imagine the future.

3. Bringing clarity to the future.

Today, humanistic knowledge continues to provide the ideal foundation for

exploring and understanding the human experience. Investigating a branch of
philosophy might get you thinking about ethical questions. Learning another language
might help you gain an appreciation for the similarities in different cultures.
Contemplating a sculpture might make you think about how an artist’s life affected her
creative decisions. Reading a book from another region of the world might help you
think about the meaning of democracy. Listening to a history course might help you
better understand the past, while at the same time offer you a clearer picture of the

Art Appreciation

On the space provided, write your own idea why studying humanities matter?
You can also cite an example/s to support your claim.

The study of the humanities can also be used to realize differing

interpretations of life and history. Studying facts of the past helps to
understand literature of the past. The humanities allows people of different
cultures to communicate and understand their sometimes common pasts
but present differences. The humanities shows how different disciplines
affect and complement one another.

There are son many claims why humanities matter such as the
humanities help us understand others through their languages, histories
and cultures, they foster social justice and equality, they reveal how people
have tried to make moral, spiritual and intellectual sense of the world, the
humanities teach empathy, they teach us to deal critically and logically with
subjective, complex, imperfect information, they teach us to weigh evidence
skeptically and consider more than one side of every question, humanities
students build skills in writing and critical reading, the humanities encourage
us to think creatively, they teach us to reason about being human and to
ask questions about our world and lastly, the humanities develop informed
and critical citizens. Without the humanities, democracy could not flourish.

I believe these claims and I know they are based on solid research. I
see much more, too. But for now, let me just say one more thing. The
arguments in the list above are quotes. They come from an exciting
infographic put together by some creative researchers working in a whole
new field called Digital Humanities and that leads me to my last claim if it
weren’t for the humanities, we couldn’t have the digital humanities.

Art Appreciation

Activity 1: Journal Entry

Instruction: Recall any poem, painting, song, movie, sculpture or architecture that has in one way or
another, moved you or has made a difference on you. Write the full description about it.
Note: Answers will be checked through the following criteria:
- Content
- Writing mechanics (Subject-Verb Agreement, spelling, tenses of verb, punctuations,

There have been thousands upon thousands of films made and millions of
people have laughed, cried, despaired and rejoiced watching them at home or in
cinemas, spell-bound, throughout the world. Watching a film can be an extremely
moving experience - perhaps even a life-changing one - and film makers are aware of
this, each trying to conjure up magic, turning themselves into dream-weavers, in order to
enthrall and enchant their audience, us.
For me the movie that moved me and made a difference impact is the
Breaking the Waves' a truly tragic tale about a young woman in a small town who,
against her family's wishes, marries a man who works on an oil rig. She only gets to see
him for a few days every three months, which is bad enough, but whenever he isn't
around, her family berates her for marrying someone who isn't there to take care of her.
While on the rig, he gets in an accident that nearly kills him and leaves him paralyzed
from the waist down. He is brought home and taken care of by the girl and her family,
but slowly becomes rather deranged from being cooped up in bed all the time. (To this
day, whenever my boyfriend goes on the road with his band for days or weeks at a time,
we refer to it as his 'being on the rig'.) If you haven't seen this movie, I advise that you
don't read any further. The ending is heart wrenching and left me in tears.
The husband tells his wife he wants her to find men to have sex with and then
tell him about it. At first she's appalled, but reluctantly agrees and sets out to seduce
whomever she can find. Months go by and finally she goes too far by boarding a fishing
boat where she is brutally raped and killed. This is tragic enough, but the real kicker is in
one of the last shots of the movie, we see her husband walking with the aid of crutches
following her funeral.

Art Appreciation



Activity 1. On the space provided below, write down at least five (5) words that start
with the letter A, R, T as definition of art.


1. Activate

2. Astonish

3. Awesome

4. Amazing

5. Adorable

1. Real

2. Rational

3. Respectful

4. Respect

5. Relaxation

1. Triumph

2. Truthful

3. Thrilling

4. Tenacious

5. Together

Art Appreciation

Activity 2. Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answer on the space
1. If you are an art, what kind of art would you be and why?

Art is to do something with one’s soul, with creativity, love, and passion; to
put a piece of yourself into your work, to incorporate a piece of your identity into
your art. I believe this “work” symbolizes the canvas of life. Some people put
great amounts of work into their image, into self-reflection, into discovering who
they are; whether it’s in writing, art, music, travel, or athletics.

I am like a painting for many reasons. I put effort into improving my life, I
have a colorful and characterful personality, I am hard to understand, I affect
people around me, and I can become memorable. I easily relate to a work of art,
no matter the artist or era.
Artists put a lot of effort into their artwork. Each piece is like a project. I relate
to this in that each chapter of my life is like a project to me. I put in full effort to
improve myself constantly and be the best version of myself I can become.
However, there are different types of paintings.
Paintings can be colorful or black and white. Depending on my mood, I can
have a lot of energy and a characterful personality, or I can be plain and strict,
with no gray area, like a black and white painting. You can tell the mood of the
painting usually by looking at the color scheme. A dark complex painting can be
very difficult to understand, but a cheerful and simple painting can be

2. What do you think is the importance of Art in our daily living?

Art plays a vital role in our daily live because it encourages us approve and
perceive our feeling. Regardless of whether it's a memory or a believing, a bit of
art can inspire amazing feelings when we take a gander at it. Art can brighten us
up following a terrible day, cause us to recollect, or motivate us to accomplish
more throughout everyday life. It can give comfort that we are by all account not
the only ones inclination a specific way.

What is Art?

The word “art” comes from the ancient Latin, ars which means a “craft or
specialized form of skill, like carpentry or smithying or surgery”
Ars in Medieval Latin came to mean something different. It meant “any special
form of book-learning, such as grammar or logic, magic or astrology”.
It was during the 17th century when the problem and idea of aesthetics, the
study of beauty, began to unfold distinctly from the notion of technical workmanship,

Art Appreciation

which was the original conception of the word “art.” It was in 18 th century when the
word has evolved to distinguish between the fine arts and the useful arts. The fine arts
would come to mean “not delicate or highly skilled arts, but ‘beautiful’ arts.”


Art is everywhere.

The popular feeling about art is that is exists only in concert halls, museums, and
art galleries in a world by itself, accessible only to those who can afford to pay for its
enjoyment or to the critics and scholars who take time to study the art objects. On the
contrary, art is found everywhere. It is very much a part of our lives. We cannot ignore
its presence even if we try to.
We find art in the clothes and accessories we wear, in the design of our furniture
and furnishings, in the style of the houses we build and the vehicles we use. We find art
objects in the home and in the community, in religion, in trade, and in industry.
Almost every week we read notices about theatrical performances at theatres and
auditoriums. We also have occasional plays and other stage presentations even in our
Art exists in all forms of human society and in every generation because it serves
some fundamental human needs.


1. Art is universal.

Art has always been timeless and universal, spanning generations and continents
through and through. Age is not a factor in determining art. An “…art is not good
because it is old, but old because it is good.”

2. Art is not nature.

Art is man’s expression of his reception of nature. Art is man’s way of interpreting
nature. Art is made by man, whereas nature is given around us.

3. Art involves experience.

By experience, we mean the “actual doing of something.” Art depends on
experience, and if one is to know art, he must know it not as fact or information but as
experience. Unlike fields of knowledge that involved data, art is known by experiencing.

Art Appreciation

Art Appreciation as a Way of Life

Jean-Paul Sartre – a famous French philosopher of

the 20th century described the role of art as a creative
work that depicts the world in a completely different
light and perspective, and the source is due to human
Learning to appreciate art, no matter what
vocation or profession you have, will lead to a fuller
and more meaningful life.

The Role of Creativity in Art Making

Creativity requires thinking outside the box. In art, creativity is what sets apart
one artwork from another.

Art Appreciation

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now
know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever
will be to know and understand.”
- Albert Einstein
Art as Expression

Finally, you try to release yourself from this tormenting and disabling state by
doing something which is called expressing oneself.
Collingwood further illustrated that expressing emotion is something different
from describing emotions.
There are countless ways of expressing oneself through art. The following list
includes, but is not limited to, popular art expressions.

1. Visual Arts

Creations that fall under this category are those that appeal to the sense of sight
and are mainly visual in nature. Visual arts are the kind of art form that the population
is most likely more exposed to.


a. Sculptures b. Movies

Rizal Monument Hello, Love, Goodbye

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rizal_Monument Source: https://starcinema.abs-

Art Appreciation

c. Paintings d. Drawings

Spolarium by Juan Luna Source: https://rapidfireart.com/free-drawing-tutorials/

Source: https://www.bayaniart.com/juan-luna/juan-luna-

e. Letterings
f. Paintings, etc.

2. Film refers to the art of

putting together successions of
still images in order to create
an illusion of movement.

Source: https://mbrellafilms.com/film-production-services-

3. Performance Art is a live art

and the artist’s medium is mainly
the human body which he or she
uses to perform, but also employs
other kind of art such as visual
art, props, or sound.

Art Appreciation https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2017/08/29/1734131/peta-


4. Poetry Performance

Poetry is an art form where

the artist expresses his emotions
not by using paint, charcoal or
camera, but expresses them
through words.
Source: https://www.hamilton.edu/news/story/students-

5. Dance

A series of movements that

follows the rhythm of the music

Source: https://www.dancemagazine.com/

6. Architecture

The making of beautiful

buildings while art is the pursuit and
beautiful buildings. However, not all
buildings are beautiful. Some
buildings only embody the
functionality they need, but the
structure, lines, forms, and colors
are not beautifully expressed. Thus, Source:
not all buildings can be considered

Buildings should embody these three important elements if you wish to merit the

title architecture:

 Plan

 Construction

Art Appreciation

 Design

7. Literary Art focuses on writing

using a unique style, not following a
specific format or norm. It may
include both fiction and non-fiction.

Noli Me Tangere by Jose Rizal


8. Theatre uses live performers to

present accounts or imaginary
events before a live audience.

9. Applied Arts

Source: https://primer.com.ph/blog/2019/10/19/repertory-

9. Applied Arts

Incorporating elements of
style and design to everyday items
with the aim of increasing their
aesthetical value

Source: https://www.rit.edu/ritonline/program/APPLAS-DP

Art Appreciation

Watch the videos cited below. Write your own idea about the
topics discussed by the speakers. Click the links for references.

TED talks

1. “Art in the age of machine intelligence” by Refik Anadol

Link: https://www.ted.com/talks/refik_anadol_art_in_the_age_of_machine_intelligence


As I've watched the video I realized that art has always existed in a complex,
symbiotic and continually evolving relationship with the technological capabilities of a
culture. Those capabilities constrain the art that is produced, and inform the way art is
perceived and understood by its audience. Like the invention of applied pigments, the
printing press, photography, and computers, we believe machine intelligence is an
innovation that will profoundly affect art. As with these earlier innovations, it will
ultimately transform society in ways that are hard to imagine from today’s vantage point;
in the nearer term, it will expand our understanding of both external reality and our
perceptual and cognitive processes. As with earlier technologies (Figure 1), some artists
will embrace machine intelligence as a new medium or a partner, while others will
continue using today’s media and modes of production. In the future, even the act of
rejecting it may be a conscious statement, just as photorealistic painting is a statement
today. Any artistic gesture toward machine intelligence whether negative, positive, both,
or neither—seems likelier to withstand the test of time if it is historically grounded and
technically well informed.

In overall, I think this requires that we apply ourselves rigorously and imaginatively
across disciplines. The work cannot be done by technophobic humanists, any more than
it can be done by in human technologists. Luckily, we are neither of the above. Both
categories are stereotypes, if occasionally self-fulfilling ones, perpetuated by an
unhelpful cultural narrative: the philistines again, claiming that artists are elves, and
technical people dwarves, when of course the reality is that we are all (at least) human.
There is also no shortage of engineers and scientists who are thoughtful and eager to
engage with artists and other humanists. We are lucky to have several of such among
our group of collaborators.

Art Appreciation
2. “The transformative role of art during the pandemic” by Anne Pasternak
Link: https://www.ted.com/talks/anne_pasternak_the_transformative_role_of_art_during_the_pandemic


Today, given our pandemic reality, the discourse surrounding the value of art has
become even more pertinent.

We shouldn’t feel too hopeless, though. There are simple tasks — like maintaining a
regular schedule, getting a good night’s sleep and eating healthy — that help fight
feelings of depression, stress and vulnerability. A growing number of people are getting
even more creative with their coping methods: They’re making art. Photography, music,
painting and drawing are keeping people busy and distracted from the stresses of

Music, in particular, has always brought people together, especially in difficult times.

Songs are helping neighbors in Italy and students from Berklee stay connected during
this pandemic.viewing art causes joy, similar to the sensation of falling in love. Viewing
art also relieves mental exhaustion in the same way the outdoors does — walking in
nature, losing oneself in music and admiring art directly influence health and life

So, even without our daily dose of nature — art can help.


Adajar, Cathelyn C, et al. (2018) Art Appreciation. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
Aquino, Eliza D. and Santillan, Priscilla Mizpah P. (2015) A practical Approach to Aesthetics:
Going Beyond Art Appreciation. Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
Cabasaan, William Jr. J. (2016) Humanities: Philosophy and History of Art. Jimczyville
Marcos, Lucivilla L. (2006) Introduction to the Humanities, Visual and Performing Arts.
Mindshapers Co., Inc.
Pagay, Jenalyn B., et al (2012) The Aesthetic Experience: An Introduction to Humanities.
Grandbooks Publishing, Inc.

Art Appreciation

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