Rizal's Life and Works: Surigao Del Sur State University

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Republic of the Philippines

Surigao del Sur State University

Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Rizal’s Life and Works

Submitted by
Laraville E. Francisco

Submitted to
Emmanuel Raz Wales

Date Submitted
11 October 2020
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221


1. How much do you know the characteristics of Dr. Jose P. Rizal? Is this man truly an
exceptional person? Elaborate your answer. (10 pts.)
My knowledge about Dr. Jose P. Rizal is that he is the National hero of the Philippines
and because of his novels the Noli Me Tanģere and El filibusterismo the Philippine
achieved the freedom under the Spanish Era. Yes, I can say that Dr. Jose P. Rizal is
truly an exceptional person because without him, his knowledge, bravery and love for
our country, without of his sacrifices the Philippine is still in the hands of Spanish
colony. For me, he is like a warrior and soldier that willing to serve, protect and gain the
peace and the freedom for our country.

2. In your own opinion, what do you think of our present and future condition as a nation
or country without Dr. Jose P. Rizal? How significant is the life and works of Rizal in
shaping our destiny as a sovereign nation?
In my own opinion without Dr. Jose P. Rizal our condition as a nation or country will be
miserable because as we all know he is one of the first opponents of such regulations
and he was both outspoken and actively participating in different manifestations to
denounce the injustice. Dr. Jose Rizal mandates educational institutions in the
Philippines to offer a course about the works, and life of Rizal, particularly his books the
Noli and El Fili. Primarily, Rizal as one of the most noble and idealistic Filipino of all time
is worthy to be known. His ideals, principles and lifestyle is worthy of emulation. Every
Filipinos or any other races of the today's generation, could be well inspired about him,
and I speak he is truly a legend. His works, particularly Noli and El Fili, its his soul, this
is where he spends his life.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Evaluations / Assessments
Exercise 1: Let’s explore the Life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal.

Talents Criticism
He knew how to paint, sketch, The people who opposed about
and make sculptures. An expert Rizal’s law, they emphasized
in the field of medicine, a poet, that Rizal attacked the beliefs
and an essayist and a polyglot- and practices of the church
conversant. Also fencing and which is not true.
martial arts.

General Impression
My Impression about Dr. Jose Rizal life story is very excellent because he has
inspired the national identity of the Filipinos. His works and ideals invoke the rights of
the people to fight for freedom and nation building. Indeed, he is considered as a
national figure in the country that brings hope and aspiration particularly among the
youth to stand for justice and uphold the spirit of patriotism.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Exercise 2: Picture Analysis.

Dr. Jose P. Rizal sees that the Philippines is still in the needs to slink off from the
corruption, abusive superstition and graft of the government. That is why he adopt the
competitive government that will ensure that only qualified individuals regardless of race
could serve in the government and so also he made a way through his wring and novel
to support the Filipinos in corruption, abusive superstition and graft of the government.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Exercise II. Multiple Choices: Encircle the letter of the correct/best answer. (2 pts.

1. Which statement that best describes the martyrdom of Dr. Jose P. Rizal?
a. Many Filipinos admire him as a man of many talents.
b. He exhibit self-denial and abandon his personal interests and place his country
before any other.
c. Some sectors call him the “Tagalog Christ”
d. He is an author of numerous essays, poems and novels.
Answer: B. He exhibits self-denial and abandon his personal interests and place
his country before any other.
2. These are known to be considered as the negative personality of Dr. Jose P. Rizal,
except one;
a. He is an agitator.
b. He is an unpredictable person.
c. He is dishonest and traitor to his countrymen.
d. Rizal is a wanderlust.
Answer: C. He is dishonest and traitor to his countrymen.
3. These statements defines the true humanity of heroes, except one;
a. Heroes are made.
b. Heroes are product of their environment, society and social conditions.
c. Heroes are extraordinary people with extraordinary powers.
d. Heroes are product of their time.
Answer: C. Heroes are extraordinary people with extraordinary powers.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

4. These are significant criteria for heroes, except one;

a. The moral character of the person.
b. The family background of the person
c. The influence of the person
d. The true motives of the person
Answer: B. The family background of the person
5. How can a person become a “hero”?
a. If you will be appointed by the President
b. You should be elected by the people
c. To become a hero is a choice; you can plan ahead
d. None of the above.
Answer: D. None of the above. Prescribe the passage of 50 years before a person
is finally confirmed as hero.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Exercise 3. Explain the following statements or questions.

1. According to various Philippine presidents, the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) are
the present day heroes? Using the criteria presented in this reading, are they worthy of
being called heroes? Justify your answers.
Absolutely No. When we use the criteria in this reading, a person will be called or finally
confirmed hero if he/she prescribe the passage of 50 years. While OFW's is a natural
working human in different countries. OFW’s is also worthy to be called as a hero of
their perspective family because they are working for their families to survive and give
sacrifices just for the stability of their own family.

2. Compost your own criteria of a “HERO”.

If given a chance to compose my own criteria of a HERO it would be, first, he is a man
that is responsible enough to handle big challenges. Second, he is a man who as word
of wisdom. Third, he has dedication. Fourth, he is devoted and lastly he will offer his/her
life to commit the Peace and freedom of the Philippines.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221


1. In your own opinion, do you think that the Rizal course is still a relevant subject in our
present time? And Why?
In my own opinion I think Rizal course is very relevant subject in our present time
because in this way we can know and get information how this hero contributed in our
country and because of his input towards the independence of Philippine. He chose to
fight for his country through his knowledge and the power of letters. By studying the
lives of our heroes such Dr. Jose Rizal we are supposed to become more aware of the
ideals that our country is founded upon.

2. What is your reaction about this - “Rizal is an American made Hero”.

For me, it is disrespectful for us Filipinos because we all know that Dr. Jose P. Rizal is a
Filipino hero and he fought from freedom in a quiet and powerful way and obviously he
expressed his love for the Philippines through his novels, essay, articles and poetry
rather than power of invasion.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Exercise 1: Explicate the following statements/questions:

1. Analyze the issues and interests that were upheld to push the Rizal Law. Are
these issues still valuable at present?
The issuance of the bill was not welcomed by various quarters. The
Catholic Church assailed the Rizal Bill as anti- Church because it forces the students
to read Rizal's works like Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which contain
passages that were anti-Church.

2. What is your personal stand regarding the approval of the “Rizal Law”? What is
the relevance of this law in our nation building?
The full name of the law is An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public
and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities Courses On the Life, Works and
Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Exercise 2: What is your JUDGEMENT?

Where will you stand on the following issues? Church or Government

1. Death Penalty
Governments have lots of different things to think about when they're deciding
whether or not to sentence a person to death - or whether to even have the death
penalty in their country at all. And one of those things is money. 
If someone has killed another person, you might think it’s fair that they suffer the
same punishment. After all, we shouldn’t forget the old-fashioned principle lex
talionis, a Latin phrase which loosely translated means ‘an eye for an eye’. It
might also help the victim’s family get closure. If someone in your family had
been murdered, you might feel that it’s only right that they die too (this is known
as retribution). It might help you grieve and move on from their death if you knew
the person who had killed them was gone too.
The death penalty makes it impossible for criminals to do bad things over and
over again. Executing someone permanently stops the worst criminals and
means we can all feel safer, as they can’t commit any more crimes. It also scares
other people who might be thinking about committing a crime and so it serves as
a 'deterrence'. If you knew you would be put to death if you killed someone, you’d
probably be less inclined to do it. It’s the ultimate warning and hopes to put other
offenders off. Therefore, I stand for GOVERNMENT.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

2. Divorce
Divorce is for people that make mistakes and should be used by more people
rather than live in pain and agony for twenty or thirty years. I strongly believe that
divorce should be legal in this country. Marriage is not just a religious concept
okay? There are two ways to look at marriage. You either get married because
you want it to become legal and official in order to get the benefits or you want to
declare your love in the eyes of your God. For short there is civil marriage and
church marriage. Divorce should be legal in the first place. Anyone who said
otherwise is probably not married and never experienced bad marriages
themselves. Therefore, I stand for GOVERNMENT.

3. Legality of Same Sex Marriage

Yes, I do support same-sex marriage because people should be allowed
to marry no matter what race, gender, or sexuality they are. Marriage is defined
as ‘the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a
personal relationship’, even if they are the same sex it is still united, two people.
So, therefore, two females, two males, a male and a female, any genders should
be allowed to marry.
Simply put, there should be no stigma attached to sexual orientation and
no social/legal barriers that disadvantage anyone on that basis. If someone
stands on a soapbox and declares there should be, run that person out of town,
not the innocent victim of their malice.
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Tandag City , Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

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