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Background of the Study

K-12 curriculum was implemented last 2012 by the Department of Education, under the

administration of President Benigno Simeon Aquino III. This entails the institutionalization of

Kindergarten and the addition of two more years of high school in the basic education cycle,

which are Grade 11 and Grade 12, consisting of three tracks, Academic (GAS, HUMSS, STEM,

ABM), Technical-Vocational (HE, IA, ICT, EIM), and Sports and Design.

The K-12 basic education program is the flagship program of the Department of Education

in its desire to offer a curriculum which is attuned to 21 st century. The department seeks to create

a basic education sector that is capable of attaining the country’s education for all objectives and

millennium development goals (Hawsnetph,2016). According to President Aquino (2012),

Philippines need to add two years on the basic education where the students will have to undergo

a new system of basic education. Enable to prepare the students to be globally competitive. This

system aims to fully enhance and develop the students in order for them to be well-prepared to

join the work force right after high school and suitably prepared for a higher level of education


Senior High School (SHS) of K-12 basic education program refer to the last two years

extension in high school that covers Grade 11-12 it is an enhanced and compulsory curriculum

that gives the student the possible tool and career choices after high school. By means of Senior

High School, the students are now bridging themselves to some boarder’s career choices that they
may chose field of specialization in either vocational or collegial course - It is also equipping the

students, families, and community.

According to Republic act. no. 10533, also known as the enhanced basic education act

signed into law by President Benigno Aquino vision of Senior High School (SHS) is to establish

a system that truly provides the youth.

The skill they need to pursue their dreams. This means that the role of SHS is to build the

students completely and prepared before going to college or to work whatever necessary

This study lends to test whether the Grade 10 students of Pamukid National High School

(PNHS) is prepared in choosing a track. The K to 12 Senior High School is to believe to be the

solution of the elongated dilemma of the Philippine educational system because this prepares the

students in their entry to college and equips them with relevant and globally competitive skills

which will faster employability.

Aquino 2011 pointed out that education is the key to long term problem of the country. If

basic education will be fixed, the long term problem of country will also be fixed. And if the

country's problem will be fixed, it will build a truly strong society. This paper aimed to

determine the, preparedness of Grade 10 students in choosing a strand in Senior High School


Preparedness of Grade 10 students for Senior High School comes with different factors. A

student may be prepared academically but not financially established as others. Students choice
track may not be his/her personal interest but perhaps a choice is made by influence so he/she

may not be ready for it. It can also be possible that the student can't still, up to now, make up

his/her mind of what career / track to choice or undecided so he/she might also be ready for what

career/track problem. It can be that the student is not serious about choosing his/her career

resulting to easy giving plans and decision. Those are some factors that may possibly affect the

student preparedness of Senior High School. In fact, the student especially the Grade 10 students

must already make up their minds of what track to choose since they are already near to the

collegial level or they already have the potential to work after Senior High School.

Statement of the problem

The main problem of this research is to determine the Preparedness of Grade 10 students of

Pamukid National High School (PNHS) relative to Senior High School (SHS) for school year


Further it seeks to identify the preparedness in terms of academic financial cognitive.

1. What is the profile of the students

a. Sex

b. Age

2. What is level of preparedness of grade 10 students in choosing a track in SHS?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the Level of Preparedness Grade 10 student in

choosing a strand in Senior High School (SHS).

Objectives of the Study

● To identify the profile of the Grade 10 Students.

● To Determine the Level of Preparedness of Grade 10 Students in Choosing a track in SHS.

Significant of the study

The result of the research paper entitled " Preparedness of the Grade 10 students in choosing

a strand in Senior High School (SHS) in Pamukid National High School (PNHS) can benefit the


Senior High School students

The research study can help the student awareness and consciousness to determine the

different factors to consider in order for them to be prepared before entering Senior High School

level of education such as their income, interest, chosen course, grades and performance inside

the class. Also the result of the research study can help students to determine the role, function,

and effectivity of Senior High School program to their level of preparedness.

Parent, Guardian or Relatives

This research study can help parent's guardian, and relatives to provide support or guidance

on the career, path of the students. Also, it can give them awareness to their duties upon fulfilling

the needs of students before entering college mostly in financial aspect. Also, tie the result of the

study can provide them a clearer view of the impact and benefits of Senior High School to the

future of the students and their lives.

Senior High School Teachers

This research study can help teachers gain awareness with their essential roles of function as

an important foundation for students Preparedness before entering college. It can help them

formulate methods to ensure students learning, together with the development of skill and talent

that can be used for their later years.

Scope and Delimitation

This research is conducted in order to assets the preparedness of Grade 10 students school

year 2019-2020 in choosing a strand in Senior High School, this will be done through the use of

survey questionnaire and by gathering information from sources such as articles, websites,

academic journals and books, that are recognized as reliable, accurate and valuable. Another

purpose of the study is to determine the different factors and indications to be considered for the

student’s preparation upon entering Senior High School.

This study is composed of information mostly about determining the level of Preparedness

of Grade 10 students and about the roles and function of Senior High School with is Academic,

and Technical Vocational Strand, together with the benefits, advantage or impact of the

educational program (k to 12) to the lives of students, parents and teachers. This research only

covers knowing the preparedness of Grade 10 students in entering the Senior High School

program, in Pamukid National High School, this study will not cover students taking Alternative

Learning System or ALS. In order to gain an accurate result.

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