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Damage Survey at Sreemangal
due to the 2017 Jan. 3 Tripura M=5.5 Earthquake


1. Earthquake information: ................................................................................................................. 3

2. Method: ............................................................................................................................................. 4

3. Surveyed Sites and location maps: .................................................................................................. 8

4. Result: ............................................................................................................................................. 10

5. Reference data (historical earthquakes) ....................................................................................... 27

Report on Damage Survey at Sreemangal due to the 2017 Jan. 3 Tripura M=5.5 Earthquake

Purpose: To confirm building damage and seismic intensity at Sreemangal due to the 2017 Jan. 3 Earthquake

1. Earthquake information:
Earthquake: 2017 Jan. 03 09:09:02 UTC, M=5.5 N24.02, E92.01 (Tripura, India) (by USGS)
Damage: (source: PWD Maulvibazar District Office, ADPC, and etc.)
- First investigation in Jan. by Mr. Kazi Sharif Uddin Ahmed, former EE of Maulvibazar, PWD and Mr.
Shakhawat Hossain, DPD of BSPP, and Mr. S.K. Toufiqur Rahman of PWD HQ
- One RC residential building in Sreemangal was affected with shear cracks on beam and column.
- A number of brick masonry members were cracked but not so collapsed in Kamalganj
- Maulvibazar also felt severely, but no building damage was found
- Several liquefaction were reported in Kamalganj by local authority and newspapers
- Uncertain information
Two fire stations were affected in Kamalganj and Sreemangal
a bridge by LGED in Kamalganj affected
a resort in Sreemangal was a little bit affected

Data and Course of the survey:

2017 Feb. 20 left Dhaka for Sreemangal, and whole afternoon survey at Sreemangal and Kamalganj
(Route map from Dhaka to Sreemangal and Kamalganj)

Survey Members and support:
Members: Mr. S.K. Toufiqur Rahman (PWD-HQ), Mr. S.M. Ahsanul Amin and Mr. Fumio Kaneko (BSPP-
JET) with Mr. Borun Kumar Biswas, Executive Engineer of Maulvibazar District, PWD, A.K.M. Tanvir
Ahmed, SDE of Maulvibazar District PWD and Md. Abdul Malik, SAE of Maulvibazar District PWD and
escorted by Kamalganj Thana 6 Policemen team
Supported by Mr. KM Mostafa Hasan, Superintending Engineer and Mr. Shakhawat Hossain, Executive
Engineer of PWD Headquarter, Mr. Kazi Sharif Uddin Ahmed, previous Executive Engineer of
Maulvibazar District PWD
Sponsored by: JICA Bangladesh Office

2. Method:
Survey was conducted by the Visual Survey of buildings and seismic intensity interview by surveyors. The
checklist and relating criteria on damage grade and seismic intensity are shown below.

Check sheet of visual survey

             Building Damage Assessment Sheet                          Date:                                  
Name of surveyor: Sheet No.:
Building address:
Longitude: Latitude:
No. of story: Construction Year: 1. Visual      2. Listen
1. Adobe (mud, clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint
Structure type: 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint 4. Confined masonry
5. RC frame w. brick infill wall 6. Others (wooden, steel) 1. Visual      2. Listen
Floor type: 1. Concrete 2. Wooden 1. Visual      2. Listen
1. Residence 2. Residence w shop 3. Office 4. Shop 5. School 6. Hospital
7. Public buildings 8. Historical 9. Others No. of household: Rent: 1 Yes, 2. No
Damage degree: 0. No damage 1. Slight 2. Moderate 3. Substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction
Ground failure: 0. Not found 1. Liquefaction 2. Landslide 3. Settlement
Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII
No. of death: No. of injured:
Remarks: Irregularity, overhang, etc.

Structure Type Category Usage Category

Adobe (mud, clay) 1 Residence 1
Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 2 Residence with shop 2
Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint 3 Office 3
Confined masonry 4 Shop 4
RC frame w. brick infill wall 5 School 5
Others (wooden, steel) 6 Hospital 6
Public building 7
Hitorical 8
Others 9

Damage Degree Catogory Ground Failure Category

No damage 0 Not found  0
Slight damage 1 Liquefaction 1
Modorate damage 2 Landslide 2
Substantial damage 3 Settelement 3
Heavy damage 4
Destruction 5

Criteria of damage grade (by ERS)

Explanation of MMI intensity (by NSET)
For actual use in the survey, among MMI intensities of I to XII, I to VI are translated into Bengali this

Original information of MMI explanation by NSET.

3. Surveyed Sites and location maps:
1A-1E : affected building in Sreemangal (Sarkari Shishu Paribar Social Welfare)
2 - 5 : surrounding buildings of affected one in Sreemangal
6 : Fire Station at Sreemangal
7 : Labor Welfare Division building at Sreemangal (Kolkarkhana)
8 : Kamalganj Thana bldg. at Kamalganj
9 : Fire Station at Kamalganj
Map 1

Saghot Digi


Map 2


Map 3


Map 4

4. Result:
Visited sites are summarized as a list below.
1. List of Visited Building
lD.  Name of Building  Story  Location  Construction    Affected  Seismic  Comments 
No  Year  Status  intensity 

1  Sarkari Shishu     Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal,             
Paribar Social  Maulvibazar. 
1.A  Child Residence  5  Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal,  2001  Moderate  IV  Lots of cracks & heavy 
Maulvibazar.  damage were found in 
structural elements. 
1.B  Class Room  2  Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal,  1961  No Damage  IV  Lots of deficiencies were 
Maulvibazar.  found, but maybe before 
1.C  Office Building  2  Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal,  2001  No Damage  IV    
1.D  Officer Residence  1  Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal,  2001  No Damage IV    
1.E  Office    Cum  2  Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal,  2001  Slight  IV  Cracks were found in 
school building  Maulvibazar.  structural elements 
(beam & column) 
2  Sreemongal  2  Puran Bazar Road,  20+ years old No Damage  IV    
Upzilla Post Office  Sreemongal,Maulvibazar. Post 

3  Jabel Mansion  3  Puran Bazar Road,  30+ years old No Damage  IV   Upper stories are under 

Sreemongal,Maulvibazar. Post  construction. A crack was 
Code‐3210  found at slab bottom, but 
local person said it was 
before earthquake 
4  Hotel Sondha  4  Notun Bazar,  1995  No Damage  III    
Sreemongal,Maulvibazar. Post 

5  Haque Mansion  2  Puran Bazar Road,  2008  No Damage III  Only Cracks were found 

Sreemongal,Maulvibazar. Post  in infill brick wall and at 
Code‐3210  slab bottom, but local 
person said they are 
before earthquake 
6  Fire Service & Civil  2 (B‐ Habiganj Road, Ruposhpur,  1982  Slight  III  Only cracks (diagonal 
Defense Station  Type)  Sreemongal,Maulvibazar.  cracks) were found in 
Sreemangal  infill brick wall & no 
damage found in 
structural elements. 
7  Labor Welfare  3  Sreemongal,Maulvibazar.  1962  No Damage  III    
Division For Tea 

8  Police Station,  2  Kamalganj  2009  Moderate  V  Lots of cracks in infill wall 

Kamalganj  (horizontal cracks) & 
heavy damage found in 
duct wall made of brick 
9  Fire Service & Civil  2 (B‐ Kamalganj  2012  Moderate  IV  Lots of cracks & heavy 
Defense Station  Type)  damage were found in 
Kamalganj  infill wall and structural 
elements. Settlement 
occurred & water supply 
off after earthquake. 

1) Seismic intensity
Seismic intensity at Sarkari Shishu Paribar building of Social Welfare in Sreemangal would be MMI
Intensity IV, and surrounding area, where affected were very less, would be IV or III to IV. This might be
maximum 40-50gals in PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration). One specific issue would be a “seiche” (tidal
wave) in the Saghot Digi (pond) behind the Shishu Paribar building.
On the contrary, in Kamalganj at Thana building, MMI was V, and at Fire station MMI was IV, therefore
a little bit stronger ground shaking than at Sreemangal. Considering the liquefaction occurrence, PGA there
would be 50-80gals maximum.

Note: Seismic intensity data by USGS

2) Damage to buildings

1: Affected building in Sreemangal (Sarkari Shishu Paribar Social Welfare):

Under the Sarkari Shishu Paribar Social Welfare area, there are five buildings were surveyed as shown
1A: Children residence: This is a five storied building, constructed in 2001, and approximately 100 children
have been living there. During survey, we found lots of cracks, heavy damage in structural elements (beam &
column joint), fall of brittle plaster at beam-column joints & one column affected very badly. This column
concrete cover fell down & main re-bar exposed. The cracked columns were mainly in the west and north sides
at the irregularity structure portions. The foundation and hooting seemed not so bad as far as we could look.
Water level at the time of survey was a little bit high. The inhabitants/residences, who were present at that

building in the time of the earthquake, heard a loud sound and felt heavy shake.
Some of the causes of the damage might be considered possible as below, taking into account that the
surrounding buildings were not affected mostly.
- Soft story: In the ground floor, there are mostly columns except only 2 or 3 infill-brick walls. This might
provide the stiffness of ground floor lower compared to other stories of the building. This means top heavy
as well.
- Strong beam and weak column: According to BNBC, another cause for beam column joint failure
could be strong beam and weak column. In the affected building floor of ground floor, the beam size is
250mm x 600mm & column size is 250mm x 500mm.
- Beam column joint with insufficient stirrup placing: This is very important issue. However, similar to most
of the construction sites in this country, we observed lack of stirrup at beam column joint in this building.
May be it could be one of the causes of failure.
- Soil effect: Behind the building, there is pond, and the water level would be relatively high. Filled soils
looked sandy, then some soil effect could be considered. However, it was not clear, because we could not
observe the deeper portion of the foundation.
1B: Class Room: This is a two storied very old building, constructed in 1961. During survey, we found
that re-bar were exposed at some portion of slab & beam. However, local people said that these
deficiencies/problems have existed in the prior period of the incidence of the earthquake.
1C: Office Building: This is a two storied building which was constructed in 2001.We didn’t find any
damage there.
1D: Officer Residence: This is a one storied building which was constructed in 2001.We didn’t find any
damage there.
1E: Office Cum School Building: This is a two storied building which was constructed in 2001. We
found some small cracks at beam & brick wall joint and one crack found at ground floor column.

2 to 5: Buildings surrounding the affected one in Sreemangal:

We visited several buildings surrounding the affected one at Sreemangal.
2: Sreemangal Upzilla Post Office: This is a two storied building, which is over 20+ years old. We didn’t
find any damage during the survey. Who were present at that building in the time of the earthquake, they
heard a loud sound and felt heavy shake.
3: Jabel Mansion: This is a three storied over 30+ years old building and upper stories are under
construction. We found some small cracks at the bottom of ground floor roof slab during the survey. But
peoples said, these cracks were before earthquake. And they heard loud sound and felt heavy shake in
the time of the earthquake.
4: Hotel Sondha: This is a four storied hotel cum shop building which was constructed in 1995. No
damage was found during the survey, but people heard loud sound and heavy shaking in the time of the
5: Haque Mansion: This is a two storied shop cum office (bank) building which was constructed in 2008.

We found some cracks at infill brick wall but local representative said that the cracks were before the

6: Sreemangal Fire Station: This is a two storied (B-type) office cum residence building which was
constructed in 1982. We found a few diagonal cracks in infill brick wall, but no damage found in
structural elements

7: Labor Welfare Division for Tea Industry: This is a three storied building which was constructed in
1962. Who were present at that building told that they heard a loud sound and felt heavy shaking in the
time of the earthquake, but no damage found in the building.

8: Kamalganj Thana bldg.: This is a two storied building which was constructed in 2009. We found lots
of cracks (horizontal cracks) and heavy damage in infill brick walls & duct walls. Who were present at
that building they heard a loud sound and felt very severe shaking during the time of the earthquake.

9: Kamalganj Fire Station: This is a two storied (B-type) office cum residence building which was
constructed in 2012. We found lots of diagonal cracks in infill brick walls, as well as cracks and heavy
damage in structural elements around the base of the building. We observed the soil settlement occurred
around the building, but any evidence of liquefaction was found by us. And because of the settlement,
water supply was damaged. Who were present at that building they heard a loud sound and felt heavy
shake in the time of earthquake.

3) Liquefaction
Near Kamalganj Thana building, there were liquefaction traces in the playground, which was filled by
sand and with high water level. According to the information by newspapers liquefied places are something
like above, namely, filled by sand with high water level. This is one of the most likely to liquefy. Instead,
in Sreemangol, we could not find liquefaction traces.

Liquefaction traces on the playground near Kamalgonj Thana building

1. Building Damage Assessment
Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: S.M. Ahsanul Amin Sheet No: 1.A

Building Name: Sarkari Shishu Paribar Social Welfare (Children’s Residence).

Address: Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal, Maulvibazar.

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 5 (Visual) Construction Year 2001 (Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others No of house hold: 100 child Rent:1.Yes,

2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Remarks: Lots of Cracks & heavy damage found in structural elements (Beam & column joint).
Ground floor has only columns and a stair, which might provide soft story effect. Basement looked
relatively sound

Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: S.M. Ahsanul Amin Sheet No: 1.B

Building Name: Sarkari Shishu Paribar Social Welfare, School.

Address: Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal, Maulvibazar.

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 2 (Visual) Construction Year 1961 (Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Stone chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others No of house hold: Rent:1.Yes,

2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front View

Slab reinforcement exposed

Remarks: Deficiencies were before EQ

Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: S.M. Ahsanul Amin Sheet No: 1.C

Building Name: Sarkari Shishu Paribar Social Welfare, Office Building.

Address: Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal, Maulvibazar.

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 2 (Visual) Construction Year 2001 (Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others No of house hold: Rent:1.Yes,

2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front View


Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: S.M. Ahsanul Amin Sheet No: 1.D

Building Name: Sarkari Shishu Paribar Social Welfare, Officer Residence.

Address: Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal, Maulvibazar.

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 1 (Visual) Construction Year 2001 (Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others No of house hold: Rent:1.Yes,

2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front View


Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: S.M. Ahsanul Amin Sheet No: 1.E

Building Name: Sarkari Shishu Paribar Social Welfare, Office Cum School building.

Address: Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal, Maulvibazar.

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 2 (Visual) Construction Year 2001 (Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others No of house hold: Rent:1.Yes,

2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Some crack found at column & beam.

Remarks: Same Cracks found in structural elements (Beam & column).

Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: Toufiq Sheet No: 2

Building Name: Sreemongal Upzilla Post Office.

Address: , Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal, Maulvibazar. Post Code-3210

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 2 (Visual) Construction Year 20+ years old (Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others No of house hold: Rent:1.Yes,

2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front view

Investigation on progress


Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: Toufiq Sheet No: 3

Building Name: Jabel Mansion.

Address: Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal, Maulvibazar. Post Code-3210

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 3 (Visual) Construction Year 30+ years old (Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others No of house hold: Rent:1.Yes,

2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front view Investigation on progress

Crack found at slab bottom

Remarks: Upper storied are under construction. Crack found at slab bottom but local person said this is before earthquake.

Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: Toufiq Sheet No: 4

Building Name: Hotel Sondha.

Address: Notun Bazar, Sreemangal, Maulvibazar. Post Code-3210

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 4 (Visual) Construction Year 1995 (Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others (Hotel) No of house hold: Rent:1.Yes,

2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front view Investigation on progress

Remarks: People said the building inclined a bit, but not so clear.

Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: Toufiq Sheet No: 5

Building Name: Haque Manson.

Address: Puran Bazar Road, Sreemangal, Maulvibazar. Post Code-3210

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 2 (Visual) Construction Year 2008(Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others (Hotel) No of house hold: Rent:1.Yes,

2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front view Investigation on progress

Crack found at outside brick wall

Remarks: Only Cracks found in infill brick wall but local person said this is before earthquake.

Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: Toufiq Sheet No: 6

Building Name: Fire Service & Civil Defence Station B-Type.

Address: Hobigonj Road, Ruposhpur., Sreemangal, Maulvibazar.

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 2 (Visual) Construction Year 1982(Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office cum residence 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others (Hotel) No of house Rent:1.Yes,

hold: 2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front view

Crack found at infill brick wall

Remarks: Only Cracks (Diagonal cracks) found in infill brick wall & no damage found in structural elements.

Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: Toufiq Sheet No: 7

Building Name: Labor Welfare Division For Tea Industry

Address: Sreemangal, Maulvibazar.

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 3 (Visual) Construction Year 1962(Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others (Hotel) No of house Rent:1.Yes,

hold: 2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front view Building back view


Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: Toufiq Sheet No: 8

Building Name: Police Station

Address: Kamalganj

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 2 (Visual) Construction Year 2009(Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others (Hotel) No of house Rent:1.Yes,

hold: 2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front view

Crack found at infill brick wall

Remarks: Lots of Cracks in infill wall (horizontal cracks) & heavy damage found in duct wall.

Date: 20.02.17

Name of Surveyor: Toufiq Sheet No: 9

Building Name: Fire Service & Civil Defense Station (B-Type).

Address: Kamalganj

Longitude: Latitude:

No. of Story: 2 (Visual) Construction Year 2012(Listen)

1.Adobe (mud & clay) 2. Brick/Stone masonry w. mud joint 3. Brick/Stone masonry w. cement mortar joint

Structural type: 4.Confined masonry 5.RC frame w. brick infill wall & Brick chips 6.Others (wood, Steel)

Visual Listen

Floor type: 1.Concrete 2.Wooden

Visual Listen

Usage: 1.Residence 2. Residence w. Shop 3.Office cum residence 4.Shop 5.School 6.Hospital

7.Public building 8.Historical 9.others (Hotel) No of house Rent:1.Yes,

hold: 2. No

Damage Degree: 0.No damage 1.Slight 2.Moderate 3. substantial 4. Heavy 5. Destruction

Ground Failure: 0.Not found 1.Liquefrction slide 3.Settlement

Intensity (MMI): II III IV V VI VII

No. of death: No No. of Injured No


Building front view

Cracks & heavy damage found in infill wall and structural elements

Remarks: Lots of Cracks & heavy damage found in infill wall and structural elements. Settlement occurred & water supply off after


5. Reference data (historical earthquakes)

We would like to express our great gratitude for PWD and JICA who provided us to have a chance to survey,
and many thanks for related people and local residents, especially for Kamalgonj Policemen.


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