Mirror Therapy For Phantom Limb Pain

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Mirror therapy for phantom limb pain

● What is phantom limb pain?

Phantom limb pain is a condition in which individuals who have had part of their

body amputated for various reasons, feel pain coming from the non existent body

part. ​“Doctors once believed this post-amputation phenomenon was a

psychological problem, but experts now recognize that these real sensations

originate in the spinal cord and brain.”1​

● What is mirror therapy?

Mirror Therapy usually consists of the patient putting on the affected limb on the

other side of the mirror and makes different movements. The goal of the therapy

is to trick the brain into thinking the reflection image is the affected limb limb. The

brain responds better to visual feedback vs sensations. You are either fixing or

creating new brain synapses.

● What can be treated with mirror therapy?

Mirror therapy has been used to help with stroke patients regain motor control

when paired with conventional rehabilitation 2​

It ​can​ be used to treat Complex regional pain syndrome with varying results


Carpal tunnel 3​

​https://www.physio-pedia.com/Mirror_Therapy​ ​“ Mirror Therapy in stroke
​ ideo above ​Graded Motor Imagery
​https://www.physio-pedia.com/Mirror_Therapy​ V
● History of Mirror therapy

The Therapy was first attempted in 1993 by a psychology professor at the

University of California named Vilayanur S. Ramachandran. His patient

had had his arm amputated below the elbow 11 years ago and ever since

had reported phantom limb pain in his missing arm. During the therapy the

patient reported not only seeing his missing limb but also being able to

feel​ his missing limb and had his pain immediately reduced.​4


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