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Anti-Bullying Seminar
According to McCallion and Feder, School-based bullying prevention programs decrease
bullying by up to 25% (McCallion & Feder, 2013). That is why we created a classroom Anti-
Bullying activity to have a bully-proof classroom. Based on the research of NCES, the reasons
for being bullied reported most often by students include physical appearance, race/ethnicity,
gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2016).
The best way to solve bullying is to start from ourselves. That is why our activities are centered
to self-acceptance and friendships. It’s because if we accept and love ourselves, both flaws and
strengths, we won’t be easily get affected with what other people might say. Also, if we know
how to handle the weaknesses and insecurities we have, we won’t be pouring out our anger to
other people. Both the bully and bullied are victims of bullying. The activities below will show
them what friendships are and how to love yourself.

Participants: Ages 13 – 17 Venue: Classroom

Timeline: 7 – 12 pm

Time Activity
7-7:30 am Assembly Time
7:30 – 8 am Flag Ceremony
Opening Remarks
Ice Breaker
8 am Seminar Proper
8 – 8: 40 am Be-U-ty Paper Tears
8:50 – 9: 30 Wrinkled Worth
9:40 – 10 am Snacks
10- 10: 40 Look Back Shirt
10:40 – 11: 30 Reflection/ Sharing each student
11:30 – 12 pm Snacks
Closing Remarks

1. Be-U-ty Paper tears


1. Paper 2. Coloring materials

3. Tape 4. Scissors


2. Give everyone a piece of paper

3. Give them 5 minutes to analyze and observe the paper.

4. Then have them tear the paper into medium sized pieces.

5. From those pieces, try putting it together again. Use masking taper to put the pieces of paper

6. After that, put art on the paper. You may use coloring materials.

7. Give them 5 mins to absorb and reflect on the activity


In life, we are like the pieces of paper. We were pure, innocent, and naive about what we will
encounter when we leave our homes. Just like the paper being torn, it symbolizes that we too
can be torn apart and that life makes you want to destroy yourself. But what we dont know is
that when we start to pick up the pieces of ourselves may it be the positive or the negative side
of us, we can still be whole again. The tape symbolizes Our God and our loved ones helping us
to be whole again. Yes, even if the paper becomes whole again or we become whole again,
there are still marks that we cant hide. These marks are a symbol of how far you’ve gone and
how strong you’ve become. Instead of worrying about what will people say about your marks,
You can start a new life by painting yourself with happiness. You can live a life full of colors and
wonders. Accept yourself and you’ll realize that you can be better than you were yesterday. You
can turn a dilemma to a magical transformation of a better version of yourself. Now, compare
the original paper from the teared one. Which is better? Which is more beautiful? Compare
yourself 5 years ago from now. Which version of yourself are you happier?

Lesson of the activity: self-acceptance, loving yourself, and perseverance

2. Wrinkled Worth


1. 100 pesos paper bill (real money and 2. 200 pesos paper bill (real money and
fake money) fake money)
3. 500 pesos paper bill (real money and 4. Music
fake money)


1. Crumple, fold, and trample on the real money.

2. Give everyone paper bills. Everyone should have one.

3. Game 1: When the music starts, they will pass around the 100 peso bill fake and the real one
they are holding. When the music stops, whoever’s the person who’s holding it will have it.

4. Do the same with game 2 and 3 but with different money. When the music starts, they will
pass around the paper bills (fake and the real one) they are holding. When the music stops,
whoever’s the person who’s holding it will have it.

5. Give them 5 mins to absorb and reflect on the activity.

Explanation: The money symbolizes you. If you are real to yourself, people will see worth and
they will try to get you as their friend. Even if you are crumpled and dirty on the outside if you
are kind and honest, you still have your worth. This activity shows us that everyone of us has
our own worth in this world. We just choose to see the bad side of ourselves. And that
sometimes what we need is a friend who will show you that your worth is not defined by what
you look on the outside rather what you are in the inside.

Lesson of the activity: self- Acceptance and friendships

3. Look back


1. White shirt (preferably old ones) 2. Tape

3. Coloring materials


1. Have them wear the shirts.

2. Each person have to write positive things or cheering words about the person wearing the
shirt. They can take turns or just randomly write on someone’s back.

3. Give them 20-30 mins to do this.

4. Give them 5 mins to absorb and reflect on the activity.


There are hardships in life that we can’t possibly overcome. We then start to doubt our ability to
solve that problem. Some even takes this experience negatively and do bad things to others.
These people are afraid and they tend to pour out their anger on other people. These hardships
turned them to a worst version of themselves. As friends, what we need to do is to remind them
of how good they used to be. And that they still have a chance to change.

Lesson of the activity: self- Acceptance, building friendships, Giving second chances

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