Grade - 8 Math 1Q

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Grading Examination

Name: _____________________________ Section:_____________Date: _______________ Score:

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE- Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
_____1. It is an algebraic expression that represents a sum of one or more terms containing whole number exponent on the variables.
a. Polynomials b. Binomial c. Trinomial d. Rational
_____2. Which is true about the denominator Q in the symbol ?
a. Q ≠1 b. Q=1 c. Q=0 d. Q ≠ 0
_____3. Is the concept of reducing a fraction to its simplest form.
a. Simplifying b. Factoring c. Evaluating d. All of the above
_____4. Which of the following is the square of (3d + 2e + f)²
a. 9d +4e + f + 12de +6df +4ef c. 9d² +4e² + f² + 12d +6f +4e
b. 9d² +4e² + f² + 12de +6df +4ef d. 6d² +2e² + f² + 12de +6df +4ef
_____5. Which of the following statement about product rule is correct?
a.(a m)(a n) = a m+n b.a m)(a n) =a (m )(n) c. (a m)(a n) = a m/ n( d. (a m)(a n) =a m−n
_____6. What is the simplest form of ?
1 16 2 4
a. 2 b. c. d.
2 40 5 10
_____7. Which of the following is correct about raising power to a power?
a. (a m)❑n = a m+n b.(a m)❑n = a (m )n c. (a m)❑n = a m/ n d. (a m)❑n = a m−n
_____8. What do we called the square of a binomial?
a. Difference of two squares c. Perfect square trinomial
b. General Trinomial d. Common Monomial Factor
_____9. It is the product of the sum and difference of two squares.
a. Difference of two squares c. Perfect square trinomial
b. General Trinomial d. Common Monomial Factor
_____10. It is a process of finding the factors of an expression.
b. Simplifying b. Factoring c. Evaluating d. All of the above
_____11. What is the value of the exponent (0) in the expression x⁸y˚z²
a. 3 b. 2 c.0 d. 1
_____12. What is the factored form of 4x²- 36?
a. (2x- 6)(2x-6) b. (2x+6)(2x-6) c. (4x+6)(1-6) d. (2x+6)(2x+6)
_____13. What is the simplest form of 12x²+3+8x² using distributive property?
a. 20x² - 3 b. 20x² + 3 c. 12x² + 3 d. 8x² + 3
_____14. Find the missing terms: (x+__)(x- __)= x² + x – 12
a. (6, 2) b. (6, 6) c. (4,3) d. (3, 3)
_____15. It is a ratio of two polynomials provided that the denominator is not equal to zero.
a. Rational algebraic expressions c. Evaluate algebraic expressions
b. Simplify algebraic expressions d. None of these
_____16. Which of the following does not belong to the group of rational algebraic expressions?
c k c² a
a. b. c. d.
a−2 3 k ²−6 k m−m y ²−x ³
_____17. Which of the following is the square of (x + y + z)²?
a. x² + y² + z² +2xy + 2yz + 2xz c. x² + y² + z²
b. x² + y² + z² + xy +yz + xz d. 2x² +2 y² +2 z²
_____18. What is the product of the sum and difference of (m+3)(m-3)?
a. m² -6 b. m²+ 9 c. m²- 9 d. m² + 6
_____19. Factor 4r² - 12r + 9
a. (4r + 3)² b. (4r – 3)² c. (2r+3)² d. (2r – 3)²
_____20. Which of the following expressions is a rational algebraic expression?
x 3c
a. b. c. 4y² + z³ d. All of the above
√3 y √ a+1
_____21. Which of the following is the square of (x-3)²?
a. x- 6x +9 b. x² + 6x +9 c. x² - 6x +9 d. x²- 6x - 9
_____22. Find the cube of a binomial of the form of (x+y)³
a. x³ +3x²y +3xy²+y³ b. x³ +3x²y +3xy+y c. x³ +3x²y d. 3xy²+y³
_____23. The following are example of rational algebraic expressions, EXCEPT.
a. 3x²y b. 2y² c. d. 4y² + z³
√3 y
_____24. What is the value of a 2 + b 3if a=2 and b= 3?
a. 31 b. 32 c. 32 d. 33
4 a+8 b
_____25. Simplify:
4 (a+2 b) a+2 b a+b 2 a+2 b
a. b. c. d.
4(3) 3 3 3
_____26. Rewrite de−5 f with positive exponents.
1 df e5
a. de 5 f b. 5 c. 5 d.
de f e df
_____27. One of the factors of 2 a +5 a−12 is a + 4. What is the other factor?
a. 2a-3 b. 2a+3 c. 2a-8 d. 2a+8
_____28. Factor 6 z 2−5 z−6 by Sum and Difference of two cubes factoring method.
a. (2z – 3)(3z + 2) b. (2z - 3)(3z – 2) c. (2z + 3)(3z + 2) d. (2z + 3)(3z – 2)
_____29. Factor 7sm + 35om + 9se + 45oe by grouping factoring method.
a. ( m + 5o)(7s + 9e) b. (s +5o)(7m + 9e) c. (s +4o)(7m + 9e) d. (s +5o)(8m + 9e)
_____30. Factor n² +16n +64
a. (n + 6)² b. (n+8)² c. (n+7)²d. (n+5)2
_____31. Find the factored form of r +5 r +6 by Factoring General Trinomial.
a. (r - 2)(r + 3) b. (r + 2)(r - 3) c. (r + 2)(r + 3) d. (r - 2)(r - 3)
_____32. Find the value of −3 if a= -2 and b= 3.
3 27 20 9
a. b. c. d.
4 4 3 3
x +3 x +2
_____33. Simplify:
x 2−1
x+2 x−2 x−2 x+ 2
a. b. c. d.
x+1 x−1 x−1 x−1
_____34. Rewrite with positive exponents.
(a−b+ c)°
2 a−b+c
a. O b. c. 2 d.
a−b+c 2
_____35. Rewrite n2 m−2 owith positive exponents.
m2 n2 o m2 o n2 m2
a. b. c. d.
n2 o m2 n2 n2 o
3 2
_____36. What is the factor of 3 x −18 x +27 x ?
a. 3x(x-3)² b. 3x(x+3)² c. 3x(x-2)² d. 2x(x-3)²
____37. Evaluate: ,,X= 2
( x +1).−2
a. 10 b. 8 c. 9 d. 11
_____38. Which of the following is NOT true about square of trinomial?
a. The sum of the squares of the first, second and last terms
b. Twice the product of the first and second terms
c. Twice the product of the first and last terms
d. Twice the product of the first, second and last terms
_____39. What is the cube of a binomial of the form (x-y)³?
a. x³-3y+3x-y b. x³-3x²+3y² c. x³-3x²y+3xy²-y d. x³-3x²y+3xy²
_____40. Change to mathematical expression (The cube root of nine less than a number w)
3 3
a. √ 9+ w b. √ 9−w c. 93−w √ d. 93 +w √
_____41. Factor hv +av+he+ae using graphing factoring method.
a. (h+a)(v+e) b. (h-a)(v+e) c. (h+a)(v-e) d. (h-a)(v-e)
_____42. Find the sum and difference of two cubes of 6z²-5z-6.
a. (2z+3)(3-z) b. (2z-3)(3+z) c. (3z+2)(2-z) d. (3z-2)(2+z)
_____43. What is the perfect square trinomial of x²+8x+16?
a. (x-4)² b. (x-2)² c. (x+4)² d. (x+2)²
_____44. Factor p²+5p+6 using general trinomial method.
a. (p+2)(p-3) b. (p-2)(p+3) c. (p+2)(p+3) d. (p-2)(p-3)
_____45. Factor 2k²-11k +12 by finding the sum and difference of two cubes.
a. (k-4)(2k+3) b. (k-4)(2k-3) c. (k+4)(2k+3) d. (k+4)(2k-3)

TEST II. MATCHING TYPE- Match Column A to Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
before the number.
Column A Column B
_____1. The ratio of a number x and four added to two A. z³- 9
_____2. The product of the square root of three and the number y B. (2x+6y)(2x-6y)
_____3. The cube of the number z decreased by nine C. +2
_____4. The cube root of nine less than a number w D.
_____5. The product of p and q divided by three E. √ 3 y
_____6.Factor of 4x²-36y² F. (x+y)²
_____7.Factor of (x²+2xy +y²) G. (2x+3)²
_____8.Factor by grouping (15te-12he +10ty-8hy) H. (3e+2y)(5t-4h)
_____9. Factor 4x²-36 I. (2x+6)(2x-6)
_____10. Perfect square of (4x²+12x+9) J. √ 9−w .

TEST III. SOLVING WORK PROBLEM-(Show your solution) (5 points each)

1.Mr. Hugot can paint a wall in 10 hours. What part of the wall is painted in four hours?

2. Pipe A can fill a tank in 50 minutes. Pipe B can fill a tank in z minutes. What part of the tank is filled if either of the pipes is opened in 5
3. Solve 2a(a²-3a-18)using General trinomial

4. Find the sum and difference of two cubes of 6h²-h-2

5. Solve by grouping 10ti-8ti-8ts+12hs

Please retake your Mathematics examination as
soon as possible.. All Mendel students have failed to
pass the examination except the following:

Gardonia, Kierve
Leonero, Justin
Tayros, Rogedio
Trecero, Samdy
Badol, Jaira
Carnazo, Jenifer
Epefanio, Joerylyn
Gerasol, Shairah Mae
Robles, Jessa

Note: Taking your examination is not the assurance

that you will pass the first quarter. If your score is
high, then you will pass the first quarter.

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