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Department of Arts and Sciences

GE 6 – Course Syllabus

1. Course Number : GE 6
2. Course Name : Life and Works of Rizal
3. Course Description : This course deals with R.A.1425 - the life, works and writings of the
Philippines’ National Hero – Dr. Jose Rizal who is an epitome of patriotism and nationalism. This also tackles
Dr. Jose Rizal’s ardent dedication and love for his people and country in the pursuit of national freedom and
democracy from the colonizers. Rizal then served as the beacon of hope and aspiration not only for the
youth but the Filipino citizens as a whole. His works and writings became the gems of Philippine Literature.
4. Pre-requisite : None
5. Co-requisite : None
6. Credit : 3.0 units
7. Class schedule : 5 hours per week
8. Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of AB English Language:
Three to five years after graduation, the AB English graduates are expected to:
A. Engage in research activities related to the English Language discipline;
B. Pursue career advancement through graduate studies, seminars/workshops, and language certifications;
C. Demonstrate deep knowledge in linguistics, language, and literature.

9. Student Outcomes (SO) of AB English Language and their links to PEO


Upon graduation, the AB English students are expected to:


 SO a Exhibit critical thinking in the analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and evaluation of

various information;   

 SO b* Demonstrate effective communication tailored for specific contexts;

  

 SO c* Apply knowledge to make sound judgment in solving problems;

  

 SO d* Manifest formation of values.

  

Note: * SO being addressed in this course

10. Course Outcomes (CO) Soc Sci 6 and their links to SO


Upon completion of the course, the AB English students are expected to:

 CO 1 Describe the childhood days of Dr. Rizal and its relevance to the youth today.

Recognize the person of Rizal – his talents, values especially intellectual E D D

 CO 2
developments and conviction, love of country and love freedom.
Exhibit appreciation of life & works of Dr. Rizal that constantly challenges the D D D
 CO 3
indifferent, passive, and lazy instance of student towards learning.
Demonstrate knowledge on the value of patriotism and nationalism in the life of Rizal, D D D
 CO 4
why he deserved to be called the National hero.

Legend: I = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have been introduced to the SO.
E = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have enabled themselves to attain the SO.

Department of Arts and Sciences
GE 6 – Course Syllabus

D = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have demonstrated partly or fully the SO.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
Vision: A leading institution of higher
learning recognized for its quality
transformative education serving the 1.Engage in research activities related to the
nation and the world English Language discipline;
UM Core 2. Pursue career advancement through
Mission: To provide a dynamic and graduate studies, seminars/workshops, and
supportive academic environment
Values language certifications;
through the highest standards of 3. Demonstrate deep knowledge in
instruction, research and extension in a linguistics, language, and literature.
non-sectarian institution committed to
democratizing access to education.

Course Outcomes (CO)

Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILO)

1. Describe the childhood days of Dr. Rizal and its

relevance to the youth today.
a. Exhibit critical thinking in the analysis, 2. Recognize the person of Rizal – his talents,
interpretation, synthesis, and evaluation of values especially intellectual developments and
various information; conviction, love of country and love freedom.
b. Demonstrate effective communication 3. Exhibit appreciation of the life & works of Dr.
tailored for specific contexts; Rizal that constantly challenges the indifferent,
c. Apply knowledge to make sound judgment passive, and lazy instance of student towards
in solving problems; learning.
d. Manifest formation of values. 4. Demonstrate knowledge on the value of
patriotism and nationalism in the life of Rizal,
why he deserved to be called the National hero.

CO and Assessment task alignment

Assessment Task Assessment
Theory-based Practice-based Schedule Coverage
1. Describe the childhood days of Dr. Rizal Multiple Choice Short essays First Exam Part1
and its relevance to the youth today Questions Chapter1: p.3-10
Chapter 2: p.23-32
2.Recognize the person of Rizal – his Multiple Choice Essay writing Second Exam Chapter3:
talents, values especially intellectual Questions sessions 3.1 –p.39-49
developments and conviction, love of 3.2 –p.50-58
country and love freedom

3. Appreciate life & works of Dr. Rizal that Multiple Choice Shorts essays Third Exam
constantly challenges the indifferent, Questions Chapter 4: p.67-74
passive, and lazy instance of student Chapter 5: p.81-84
towards learning

4. Analyze the value of patriotism and Multiple Choice Sharing/Singing of Fourth Exam Part I
nationalism in the life of Rizal, why he Questions National Anthem – Part II
deserved to be called the National hero. UM HYMN Chapter 6:
6.1 p. 91-108
6.2/3 p. 110-118
Part III
Chapter 7: p. 147-150

*Final assessment will be a comprehensive examination (from first topic to the last) in a Multiple Choice Questions

Assessment Task Details (Theory-based)

Assessment Coverage Assessment Task Details


First Exam Part1 Multiple Choice Lecture Discussion – Series: the teacher provides teaching strategies to the students and
Chapter 1: p.3-10 Questions are expected to demonstrate deep knowledge on:
Chapter 2: p.23-32 (70% of the exam) 1. Promote the values of openness, cooperation and honesty in sharing the life of a hero
with their expectation and learning through history-biographical study.
2. Fostering nationalism and patriotism to the youth as catalyst of change.
3. To contextualize the effects of Spanish colonization towards the Filipino people and
culture – through the socio-political and economic condition of the Philippines
4. To know the person of Rizal (family, origin, status), his talents his values especially
intellectual development and convictions, love of country and love of freedom.
5. Biography of Rizal, where Ateneo & UST studies who declared Rizal as national hero.
Second Exam Chapter 3: Multiple Choice Lecture Discussion – Series: the teacher provides teaching strategies to the students and
3.1 –p.39-49 Questions are expected to demonstrate deep knowledge on:
3.2 –p.50-58 (70% of the exam) 1. To show and provide dignity of a person, work, improving the social environment and
equality making good wise of time as student of this course.
2. To know the reason why Rizal had to go abroad and the benefits of further studies –
being specialist in ophthalmology and traveler.
3. To understand the underlying realities, oppression, discrimination and atrocities done
by the Spaniards.
4. To compare Rizal’s 1st and 2nd travel together with the published novels, literary writings
as Propagandist and Reformist.
Third Exam Chapter 4: p.67-74 Multiple Choice Lecture Discussion – Series: the teacher provides teaching strategies to the students and
Chapter 5: p.81-84 Questions are expected to demonstrate deep knowledge on:
(70% of the exam) 1. To express their sentiment, sympathy and empathy during Rizal’s exile, trial and
2. To compare the political, cultural, and social make-up of mother Spain over the colonial
Philippines, how Rizal experience the so called social cancer and inequalities.
3. Analyze Patriotism and Nationalism – love of country through Rizal’s ideals, aspiration
and actions.
Final Exam Chapter 1-7 Multiple Choice This assessment task is designed for you to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding
Questions of the course.
Assessment Task Details (Practice/Performance-based)

Assessment Assessment Task

Coverage Details
First Exam Part1 Short essay  In this task, you are required to write a short essay explaining:
Chapter 1: p.3-10 (30% of the exam) 1. Are the Filipinos civilized during the PRE-COLONIAL & ISLAMIC PERIOD in the
Chapter 2: p.23-32 Philippines, their Culture, Custom, and Issues (before the coming of Spaniards) or not?

2. Who is Jose Rizal according to the historian, biographers and researchers? His family
3. What have you learned socio-cultural, political and economic condition of the
4. What is the kind of educational system in Rizal’s time?
5. Film Analysis: Each students are tasked to submit the film analysis/ academic writing
output integrate in your essays ( 2 pages of short yellow paper)
 The Teacher will discuss through lecture series how Pre-Colonial Period, and Islamic Period
developed the Philippine per period before introducing our national hero- Jose Rizal.
 You are expected to integrate arguments in the required reading & research articles in your
essay in relation to Rizal’s family background.
 The short essay will be on-the-spot and should only be written in the front page of short bond
paper or yellow paper.
 You will be graded according to the following criteria (see rubric attached):
1. Depth of analysis/matter/content (30 points)
2. Coherence of arguments (30 points)
3. Point of View-standpoint/concluding points (30 points)
4. Academic literacy/sentence construction/ grammar (10 points)

Second Exam Part1 Essay Writing  In this task, you are required to write a short essay explaining:
Chapter 1: p.3-10 Series (30% of the 1. What have you learned about the issues and controversy in relation to the social
Chapter 2: p.23-32 exam) cancer and the Spanish mis-rule in the country?
2. Distinguish the First Travel with the Second Travel, what is the nature and reasons of
Rizal’s travel?
3. Describe and distinguish patriotism and nationalism, together with the factors of
Filipino nationalism.
4. Film Analysis: Each students are tasked to submit the film analysis/ academic writing
output integrate in your essays ( 2 pages of short bond paper or yellow paper)
 The Teacher will discuss through lecture series how Pre-Colonial Period, and Islamic Period
developed the Philippine per period.
 You are expected to integrate arguments in the required reading research articles in your
 The short essay will be on-the-spot and should only be written in the front page of bond paper
or yellow paper.
 You will be graded according to the following criteria (see rubric attached):
1. Depth of analysis/matter/content (30 points)
2. Coherence of arguments (30 points)

3. Point of View-standpoint/concluding points (30 points)
4. Academic literacy/sentence construction/ grammar (10 points)
Third Exam Part II Essay writing  In this task, you are required to write a short essay explaining:
Chapter 4: p.67-74 sessions (Lecture- 1. Why is it Rizal wanted to reform and make social movement- La Liga Filipina in the
Chapter 5: p.81-84 Film Analysis) country? How it fails a natural death?
(30% of the exam) 2. What have you learned about the trial and execution of Rizal? Is it Rizal willing and
prepare to die for his country or not?
3. Describe the social environment and maladministration of justice in the country thru
Rizal’s trial and execution.
4. Film Analysis: Each students are tasked to submit the film analysis/ academic writing
output integrate in your essays ( 2 pages of short yellow paper)
 The Teacher-Student discuss through lecture/reporting series Chapter 4 and 5.
 You are expected to integrate arguments in the required reading research articles in your
 The short essay will be on-the-spot and should only be written in the front page of bond paper
or yellow paper.
 You will be graded according to the following criteria (see rubric attached):
1. Depth of analysis/matter/content (30 points)
2. Coherence of arguments (30 points)
3. Point of View-standpoint/concluding points (30 points)
4. Academic literacy/sentence construction/ grammar (10 points)
Final Exam Part I Drawing/Speeches  Draw-out the best in you- You are going to draw the life and experience of Rizal during his
Chapter1-5: p.3-84 /Singing of exile in Dapitan- it includes basic elements: houses, fruit trees, boats, animals, and rural town
Part II (National Anthem settings. You are graded according to:
Chapter 6: – UM HYMN) 1. Content of basic elements (40 points)
6.1 p. 91-108 (30% of the exam) 2. Balance and proportion- shades/blending of colors (30 points)
6.2/3 p. 110-118 3. Message of the Drawing (30 points)
Part III  The students (group together according to the chapter of report) are task to recite the
Chapter 7: p. 147- different poems and literary writings of Rizal according to chapter 6.
150  In a group of 5, your task is to sing in the classroom the Philippine National Anthem and the
UM- Hymn- a nationalistic feeling and took proud as Filipinos.
 All members of the group are required to present their group singing and present in front of
the class.
 Each group will only be given 10 minutes to present and answer the questions from the
teacher and the class.
 You will be graded according to the following criteria (see rubric attached):
1. Voice Quality/Blending (40 points)

2. Organization of presentation (30 points)
3. Posture, Projection, Emotion, Respect to the Flag (30 points)

12. TIME
Week 1  ORIENTATION (UMDC – PEO, Grading  Lecture Bagolong, Saidamen et. Al. (2014). Jose
System) Rizal Life, Works and writings.
to  Group dynamics
Valenzuela City: Mutya Publishing House,
Week 3  VMG of UM  Oral presentation Inc
 UM Rules and Regulation  Write-shop on
 Self- Introduction essay writing Guerrero, Leon Ma. (2012) Jose Rizal’s El
 Classroom Policies and Requirements  Research article Fili. Makati City: All Nations Publishing
reading/discourse Co. Inc.
 RIZAL’S LIFE  Film viewing/
Pasigui, R. E. (2014) Jose Rizal: the Man
 Rizal’s Birth video-clip analysis and the Hero. Quezon City: C & E
 Rizal’s Parents  Oral recitation Publishing, Inc.
 The Rizal’s Children  Chapter Quiz
 Rizal’s Ancestors Purino, A (2014). Rizal’s life, works, and
writings. Philippines:Rex Book Store..
 Rizal’s Childhood and Early Studies
 Rizal’s Childhood Zaide, G &Sonia Z. (2014) Jose Rizal life,
works, & writings of a genius, writer,
 Rizal’s Early Education in Laguna
scientist & national hero. 2 nd Edition.
 Jose at Binan
Quezon City: All- Nations Publishing Co.,
 The GOMBURZA Execution Inc.
Dona Teodora’s Imprisonment
Zaide, G Sonia Z. (2015). Jose Rizal: Life,
 Rizal’s Education in Manila Works & Writings. Mandaluyong City:
 Rizal’s Four Years of Studies in Ateneo de National Bookstore.


Week 4  Rizal’s First Travel Abroad  Lecture Bagolong, Saidamen et. Al. (2014). Jose
Rizal Life, Works and writings.
to  Rizal’s Departure  Group dynamics
Valenzuela City: Mutya Publishing House,
Week 5  Arrival in Barcelona  Oral presentation Inc
 Rizal’s Studies in Madrid  Write-shop on
 Rizal’s Join in Masonry essay writing Guerrero, Leon Ma. (2012) Jose Rizal’s El
 Luna and Hidalgo’s Triumph  Research article Fili. Makati City: All Nations Publishing
 Completion of Rizal’s Studies reading/discourse Co. Inc.
 Rizal in Germany and His Practice in  Film viewing/
Pasigui, R. E. (2014) Jose Rizal: the Man
Ophthalmology video-clip analysis and the Hero. Quezon City: C & E
 Oral recitation Publishing, Inc.
 The Noli Me Tangere and the Tour  Chapter Quiz
with its Savior Purino, A (2014). Rizal’s life, works, and
 Writing the Noli writings. Philippines:Rex Book Store..
 Publication of Noli
Zaide, G &Sonia Z. (2014) Jose Rizal life,
 Rizal Travels with Dr. Viola works, & writings of a genius, writer,
scientist & national hero. 2 nd Edition.
 Rizal’s First Homecoming (1887-1888) Quezon City: All- Nations Publishing Co.,
 Arrival in Manila Inc.
 Rizal and Governor General Terero
Zaide, G Sonia Z. (2015). Jose Rizal: Life,
 Defense of Rizal’s Novel
Works & Writings. Mandaluyong City:
National Bookstore.
 Rizal Visits Japan, The US and Other

European Countries
 Rizal Visits Japan
 Rizal’s Love in Japan
 Rizal Leaves Japan
 Rizal’s Arrival in the United States
 Rizal’s in London
 Annotation of Dr. Morga’s Work
 Rizal’sTravel to Paris, Madrid and
 Associacion La Solidaridad
 La Solidaridad
 Sad News From Home
 Rizal Leaves London for Paris and Later to
 Rizal’s Family Evicted to Calamba Estate
Rizal Moved to Madrid

 The El Filibusterismo Published in

Ghent, His Second Homecoming, and
the La Liga Filipina
 Brussels, Belgium
 El Filibusterismo and Rizal’s Financial
 El Fili Published in Ghent
 El Filibusterismo
 Rizal Bound For Hongkong
 Family Reunion in Hongkong
 Opposition to Rizal’s Return in the
 Rizal’s Second Homecoming
 Arrival in Manila
 Meetings with Governor General Despujol
La Liga Filipina


Week 6  Entrapment, His Exile, and Love with  Lecture

Josephine Bracken  Group dynamics
To Bagolong, Saidamen et. Al. (2014). Jose
 Rizal’s Arrest  Oral presentation
Rizal Life, Works and writings.
 Decree of Deportation  Write-shop on Valenzuela City: Mutya Publishing House,
Week 7
 Rizal in FortSantiago essay writing Inc
 Rizal Bound for Dapitan  Research article
 Rizal and Ricardo Carnicero reading/discourse Guerrero, Leon Ma. (2012) Jose Rizal’s El
 Rizal’s Sadness while in Exile  Film viewing/ Fili. Makati City: All Nations Publishing
Co. Inc.
 Rizal in Dapitan video-clip analysis
 Rizal Met Josephine Bracken  Oral recitation
Pasigui, R. E. (2014) Jose Rizal: the Man
 Changes in the Philippines  Chapter Quiz and the Hero. Quezon City: C & E
Publishing, Inc.

Purino, A (2014). Rizal’s life, works, and

 Rizal’s Last Trip Abroad, His Trial, and writings. Philippines:Rex Book Store..
Martyrdom at Bagumbayan
Zaide, G &Sonia Z. (2014) Jose Rizal life,
 Rizal’s Volunteered as Military Doctor in works, & writings of a genius, writer,
Cuba scientist & national hero. 2 nd Edition.
 Rizal Leaves Dapitan Quezon City: All- Nations Publishing Co.,
 Arrival in Manila Inc.
 On his way to Cuba
Zaide, G Sonia Z. (2015). Jose Rizal: Life,
 Rizal Arrived in Spain
Works & Writings. Mandaluyong City:
 Rizal Back at FortSantiago National Bookstore.
 The Trial of Rizal
 Rizal’s Sentence to Death
 Rizal’s Last Moments
 The Execution of Rizal
Week 8  Drawing
Bagolong, Saidamen et. Al. (2014). Jose
 Group dynamics
Rizal Life, Works and writings.
to  Rizal’s Writings  Oral presentation Valenzuela City: Mutya Publishing House,
 Rizal Poems, Essays, and Memoirs, Letters,  Research article Inc
Week 9 and Speeches reading/discourse
 Film viewing/ Guerrero, Leon Ma. (2012) Jose Rizal’s El
Fili. Makati City: All Nations Publishing
video-clip analysis
 His Novels  Oral recitation
Co. Inc.

 Synopsis of the NOLI ME TANGERE  Sharing/Singing of Pasigui, R. E. (2014) Jose Rizal: the Man
 Synopsis of the EL FILIBUSTERISMO Philippine National and the Hero. Quezon City: C & E
Anthem & UM Publishing, Inc.
 Women Hymn
 SegundaKatigbak Purino, A (2014). Rizal’s life, works, and
 Jacinta IbardoLaza writings. Philippines:Rex Book Store..
 Leonor Valenzuela
Zaide, G &Sonia Z. (2014) Jose Rizal life,
 Leonor Rivera works, & writings of a genius, writer,
 Consuelo Ortega Y Perez scientist & national hero. 2 nd Edition.
 O-Sei-San Quezon City: All- Nations Publishing Co.,
 Gertrude Becket Inc.
 Nelly Bousted
 Suzanne Jacoby Zaide, G Sonia Z. (2015). Jose Rizal: Life,
Works & Writings. Mandaluyong City:
 Josephine Bracken
National Bookstore.

***Comprehensive Coverage from Chapter



Bagolong, Saidamen et. Al. (2014). Jose Rizal Life, Works and writings. Valenzuela City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc
Maghuyop, Rico et. Al. (2018). The Life and Works of Jose Rizal. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc

14. References:

1. Guerrero, Leon Ma. (2012) Jose Rizal’s El Fili. Makati City: All Nations Publishing Co. Inc.
2. Pasigui, R. E. (2014) Jose Rizal: the Man and the Hero. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
3. Purino, A (2014). Rizal’s life, works, and writings. Philippines:Rex Book Store.
4. Zaide, G &Sonia Z. (2014) Jose Rizal life, works, & writings of a genius, writer, scientist & national hero. 2 nd
Edition. Quezon City: All- Nations Publishing Co., Inc.
5. Zaide, G Sonia Z. (2015). Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore.


Assessment Methods

A. Exam 1 – 3 30%

B. Final Exam
- MCQ and Performance-based 30%

15. Policies and guidelinesCLASS PARTICIPATIONS

a. Attendance is counted from the first regular class meeting.
b. A validatedC. student
Quizzes identification card must always by worn be all students 10%
while attending classes.
c. Cheating is strictly prohibited. Any form of dishonesty shall be dealt with accordingly. Honesty is called for at
D. Research
all times. 15%
d. Valid examination permits are necessary in taking the examinations as scheduled. CELLULAR PHONES or any
E. Oral recitation 10%
e. Base-15F.grading policy should be observed. Students who obtained failing scores
Assignments 5% in major exams are
recommended to attend the tutorial class.
Total 100%

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Faculty DAS, Program Head

References reviewed by:


Head Librarian, UM Digos

Recommending approval: Approved by:

Dean, UM Digos College SVP – Academic Planning and Services


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